In Madeleine L’Engle’s “a Wrinkle In Time”, from 1962, Charles Wallace’s possession by "IT" describes schizophrenia. The term "information technology" was first published in the Harvard Business review in 1958

“Now the red eyes and the light above seemed to bore into Charles, and again the pupils of the little boy’s eyes contracted. When the final point of black was lost in blue he turned away from the red eyes, looked at Meg, and smiled sweetly, but the smile was not Charles Wallaces smile.”

― From “A Wrinkle in Time”, by Madeleine L’Engle, 1962

(IT, from the cover of “A Wrinkle In Time”, by Madeleine L’Engle, 1962)



The correlations between microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia are extensive.

Studies of microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia show congruent short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiologic changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histologic change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease.

Accidental and/or occupational 1-10GHz excess radar exposure exhibits frontal lobe neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Microwave exposed rats exhibited changes in emotion and integrative function from which parallels to schizophrenia can be drawn.

Thus, microwave radiation drives schizophrenia in both humans and rats.

So, how, specifically, does microwave radiation drive schizophrenia?


One of the plethora of ways in which low-wavelength microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by damaging the mitochondria.

Cytochrome c oxidase, an agent of the mitochondria’s oxidative phorylation system, is 30% to 63% lower in the brains of schizophrenics.

Mitochondria are deformed and reduced in size and number in the brains of twenty to thirty three percent of those with schizophrenia.

Mouse hippocampus mitochondrial activity is decreased on microwave exposure.

Several lines of evidence suggest that Bipolar Disorder may be associated with abnormalities in mitochondrial function.

If microwave radiation damages the mitochondria, and schizophrenics have damaged mitochondria, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Low wavelength microwave radiation damages the mitochondria and drives schizophrenia by creating mitochondrial membrane breaks in neuroblastoma cells and decreasing mitochondria matrix density.

Further, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP) levels depend on oxidative phosphorylation, which requires electron transport components of mitochondria cristae.

Acute microwave radiation exposure causes cristae degeneration in vitro for liver cells.

Very brief (5 minute) whole body exposure to microwave radiation significantly decreased rat brain ATP and CP levels.

Three hour microwave exposure decreases mitochondrial marker enzymes of succinate dehydrogenase and monoamine oxidase in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of the mouse.

Mitochondrial dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder suggests that the condition is associated with decreased energy production and a shift towards anaerobic glycolysis, which decreases cell plasticity and ultimately disrupt brain circuits associated with mood and cognitive control.

In Madeleine L’Engle’s beloved children’s book “A Wind in the Door”, from 1973, cosmic evil is (per Wikipedia) “connected with evil on a cellular level, and Meg, Calvin and the disagreeable school principal Mr. Jenkins have to travel inside one of Charles Wallace’s mitochondria to save him from a deadly disease. That mitochondrial disease is being driven by the Echthroi (the Ancient Greek word for “enemies”). The Echthroi are powerful, evil creatures whose desire is to X (i.e. extinguish, unname) creation. For a time, Mr. Jenkins is invaded by his Echthros doubles.”

Patient readers will recall that X is the symbol of Nimrod of Babylon, and that Nimrod of Babylon was Chinese.

The Chinese are running the con, and have been, all the way back.

In Madeleine L’Engle’s “a Wrinkle In Time”, written in 1962, (again per Wikipedia) “Meg and Charles Wallace Murry and their new friend Calvin O’Keefe learn about the “Black Thing”, a cloud of evil that shadows many planets, including Earth. They encounter a Brain named IT, which controls the minds of people. At one point in the story, IT possesses Charles Wallace into evil (who is redeemed through Meg’s love after she comes back to the planet).”

Charles Wallace has blue eyes. Calvin O’Keefe is tall, has orange hair, freckles and blue eyes.

The red hair and blue eyes of the protagonists clearly identify them as members of the distinct and separate species of human which we know as Homo neanderthalensis.

In 2008, said “Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor*”.

A current article on eupdia says “Neanderthals are believed to have had blue or green eyes, as well as fair skin and light hair.”

Given that the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA (40%) is found in the O haplogroup Eastern Chinese, this half-truth by eupedia hides the basic Asiatic nature of the Neanderthal behind the latecomer the R1b haplogroup of that race, namely the Caucasians, from the Caucasus.

In April 2001, the U.K.'s Daily Mail said “The ginger gene revealed”, and goes on to say “They say their discovery points to the (ginger) gene (for red hair - ed) having originated in Neanderthal man.”

It’s true. The mutation for red hair and blue eyes took place just ten thousand years ago, in a Caucasian subgroup of an Asiatic Neanderthal race whose existence goes back at least 60,000 years.

In 8,000 B.C., the Homo sapiens Adam and the Homo neanderthalensis/she-demon hybrid Lilith produced the red-haired, blue-eyed R1b haplogroup “Line of Cain”.

The maternal lineage controls the bloodline.

The Homo sapiens Adam and the Homo sapiens Eve also had a son named Abel, who was, obviously, Homo sapiens.

When the Neanderthal Cain killed and ate his Homo sapiens half-brother, Abel, he became the namesake of the Neanderthal rituals of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Schizophrenia is, unsurprisingly, an inherited condition of the distinct and separate species of human which we know as Homo neanderthalensis.

As proven by the fact that the 40%-greater preponderance of Neanderthal DNA among the O-haplogroup Chinese vs. R1b haplogroup Europeans is statistically identical to the 40.7%-greater rate of schizophrenia in East Asia, or China vs. high income North America.

Charles Wallace’s possession by IT describes schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a modern cover-meme to obscure what used to be plainspokenly known in the old days as “demonic possession”.

The fact that the just-barely-hidden “I.T.” of Information Technology is the driver of Charles Wallace’s possession is signal. says “The term IT was first published in the 1958 Harvard Business Review when authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas C. Whisler said “The new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology.”

1958, right at the time Madeleine L’Engle was writing “A Wrinkle In Time”, published in 1962.

Author Calvin Miller writes that the Echthroi are "demonic spirits”.

Quite clearly, the red-haired, blue-eyed Homo neanderthalensis protagonists are fighting against Charles Wallace being possessed by the demons that are the Echtroi. Both Charles Wallace and Mr. Jenkins are afflicted by the inherited condition known by the West under the cover-meme “schizophrenia”.

Charles Wallace was also telepathic. I believe that telepathy is also an inherited predisposition of the Neanderthal, however that is merely a guess, as I have not done any research on the subject.

C.S. Lewis alludes to it in the passage that follows, taking care, however, to veil “telepathy” behind “dreaming”. While Stephen King hid it behind the term “shining”:

“What was your maiden name?” asked Miss Ironwood.

“Tudor,” said Jane. At any other moment she would have said it rather self-consciously, for she was very anxious not to be supposed vain of her ancient ancestry.

“The Warwickshire branch of the family?”


“Did you ever read a little book–it is only forty pages long–written by an ancestor of yours about the battle of Worcester?”

“No. Father had a copy–the only copy, I think he said. But I never read it. It was lost when the house was broken up after his death.”

“Your father was mistaken in thinking it the only copy. There are at least two others: one is in America, and the other is in this house.”


“Your ancestor gave a full and, on the whole, correct account of the battle, which he says he completed on the same day on which it was fought. But he was not at it. He was in York at the time.”

Jane, who had not really been following this, looked at Miss Ironwood.

“If he was speaking the truth,” said Miss Ironwood, “and we believe that he was, he dreamed it. Do you understand?”

“Dreamed about the battle?”

“Yes. But dreamed it right. He saw the real battle in his dream.”

“I don’t see the connection.”

“Vision–the power of dreaming realities–is sometimes hereditary,” said Miss Ironwood.

From “That Hideous Strength”, by C.S. Lewis, 1945


Rats exposed to pulsed and continuous microwave radiation had decreased startle response.

Pre-natal exposure to microwave radiation decreases startle response in female rats.

Some schizophrenics have little or no startle response.

If microwave radiation impairs startle response, and startle response is impaired in schizophrenics, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Occupational exposure to microwave radiation inhibits galvanic skin response.

Some schizophrenics are hypo- or non-responders to orienting responses and normally evoked electrodermal activity.

If microwave radiation inhibits galvanic skin response, and schizophrenics have impaired galvanic skin response, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Rats exposed to microwave radiation took longer to complete tasks and had an increased rate of non-response.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation exhibit analogous sequencing deficits.

Schizophrenics have deficits in memory for temporal order.

Time estimation is altered in schizophrenics.

If microwave radiation alters time estimation, and time estimation is altered among schizophrenics, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Multiple human case reports exist of memory difficulty on excess microwave exposure.

Pulsed radar exposed Latvian children are deficient in short term memory compared to unexposed children.

The hippocampus has general importance to memory, specifically spatial, temporal and sequence memory.

In rodents, the hippocampus is one of the most responsive brain regions to microwave exposure.

Mouse hippocampus mitochondrial activity is decreased on microwave exposure.

Cell phones affect a magnetoencephelographic component of verbal memory encoding, suggesting interference.

Schizophrenia deficits are in multiple areas of working memory, specifically in spatial working memory.

If microwave radiation impairs memory, and schizophrenics have impaired memory, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Latvian children exposed to pulsed radar have less motor competence than unexposed children.

Contingent negative variation is an electrophysiologic indicator of working memory.

Cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation in humans.

If decreased contingent negative variation decreases working memory, and cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation, then cell phone radiation decreases working memory in humans.

Contingent negative variation is decreased in schizophrenics.

If cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation in humans, and contingent negative variation is decreased in schizophrenics, then cell phone radiation drives schizophrenia.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation show degradation of motor coordination and/or balance.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation are deficient in performance in a water maze.

Pulsed microwaves damaged the cerebellum in rats and inhibited their ability to balance.

Schizophrenics have decreased ability in coordination tasks, and more instability in balance.

If microwave radiation impairs coordination and balance, and schizophrenics have impaired coordination and balance, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

High peak power pulsed microwave 25 minute exposures decreased rat treadmill running about about one-third.

Schizophrenics have an aerobic-anaerobic threshold one third that of non-schizophrenics.

If microwave radiation decreases aerobic-anaerobic threshold, and aerobic-anaerobic threshold is impaired in schizophrenics, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


One of the way that microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by lowering brain serotonin levels.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation from birth to 15 days had decreased brain serotonin levels for the rest of their lives.

Seratonin levels in the human brain decrease on prolonged exposure to microwave radiation.

Decreased serotonin in schizophrenics is documented by brain postmortem tissue analysis, cerebrospinal fluid and drug studies.

If microwave radiation lowers brain serotonin levels, and schizophrenics have lowered brain serotonin levels, then microwave radiations drives schizophrenia.


The list of ways in which microwave radiation drives schizophrenia continues with decreasing GABA receptor binding.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation had decreases in GABA receptor binding (by 3H-muscimol) and in cellular GABA content in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.

Schizophrenics have decreased uptake and release of Cortical synaptosome γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

If microwave radiation decreases GABA receptor binding, and schizophrenics have decreased GABA receptor binding, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

A variant of demonic possession which Western medicine has hidden under the cover-meme Lewy body Syndrome features a decrease in the α 7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in schizophrenia hippocampal and frontal areas, which indicates decreased acetylcholine levels.

The hippocampus is a limbic structure prominent in schizophrenia pathogenesis.

Rats whose hippocampuses were exposed to purportedly-harmless microwave radiation had decreased releases of acetylcholine.

Rats whose hippocampuses were exposed to an extreme amount of microwave radiation had decreases in sodium dependent choline uptake, the rate limiting step in hippocampal choline uptake, especially in frontal cortex followed by the striatum on either pulsed or continuous wave, but only pulsation decreased hippocampal choline uptake.

If microwave radiation decreases acetylcholine and damages your hippocampus, and psychotic schizophrenics have decreases in acetylcholine and damaged hippocampuses, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


It beggars the imagination, but the list goes on. The next way in which microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by decreasing dopamine levels in the brain.

Behavioral changes, drug study results and enzyme alterations all document that microwave radiation exposure causes brain dopamine alternations.

Schizophrenics have brain dopamine alterations.

If microwave radiation causes brain dopamine alterations and schizophrenics have brain dopamine alterations then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Findings in schizophrenics with negative symptoms for dopamine metabolites and dopamine receptors and drug studies all indicated decreased dopamine.


The next way in which microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by increasing cortisol levels in the blood.

Cell phone exposure transiently increases blood cortisol levels.

Schizophrenics have increased blood cortisol levels, which causes them to lack sleep inhibition, be paranoid, and hallucinate.

If cell phone exposure transiently increase blood cortisol levels, and schizophrenics have increased blood cortisol levels, then cell phone exposure transiently increases schizophrenia.


Microwave radiation drives schizophrenia by decreasing melatonin.

Electromagnetic fields diminish melatonin in animals.

Microwave radiation decreases melatonin in humans in both lower frequency exposure and in cell phone use.

Decreased melatonin is consistently reported in schizophrenia.

If microwave radiation decreases melatonin, and schizophrenics have decreased melatonin, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Abnormal EEG and decreased melatonin are associated with pineal calcification.

(Pineal calcification, closing down the connection to the higher self, expand)

Pineal calcification has a lower incidence in undeveloped societies.


Microwave radiation also drives schizophrenia by causing alternations in the immune system.

Microwave radiation exposure causes increases in anti-brain antibodies.

Microwave radiation exposure causes increases in reaction to brain antigens.

Schizophrenics have abnormally high antibodies against brain and somatic antigens.

Schizophrenics have higher rates of autoimmune disease.

If microwave radiation causes increases in anti-brain antibodies, and schizophrenics have increased levels of anti-brain antibodies, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Autoimmune diseases feature increased levels of cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6).

In humans, monocytes are the most important producer of these cytokines.

Cytokine production in human monocytes exposed to electromagnetic fields was dramatically increased. (Find this percentage)

Cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels are 66% higher in schizophrenics.

If microwave radiation increases cytokine production, and cytokine production is increased in schizophrenics, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Very low intensity microwave whole body exposure increases Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) production in peritoneal macrophages and spleen T cells.

Schizophrenics have high Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) levels.

If microwave radiation increases Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) production, and schizophrenics have high levels of TNF, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Whole body microwave exposure increases B lymphocyte production in mouse spleens.

Microwaves induce human lymphocyte lymphoblastic transformation in vitro.

B lymphocyte levels in schizophrenics are 66.6% higher in schizophrenics.

If microwave exposure increases B lymphocyte production, and schizophrenics have higher levels of B lymphocytes, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Microwave exposed rabbits have decreased P32 incorporation into brain lipids.

Phosphomonesters, or lipid building blocks, are decreased in schizophrenics.

Phosphodiesters, or lipid degradation products, are increased in schizophrenics.

Here we can see how the fats that comprise the brain are broken down by microwave radiation, leading inexorably to the condition which we define as schizophrenia.

If microwave radiation degrades brain lipid production, and schizophrenics have degraded brain lipids, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Microwave exposure causes lipid peroxidation, which leads to receptor shedding, decreases in membrane fluidity and readily increased reactive oxygen species.

Lipid peroxidation is increased in schizophrenics.

Magnetic field stabilization of electron triplet increases free radical formation, which drives lipid peroxidation, which react with mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are required for maintaining membrane fluidity and permeability characteristics.

If microwave radiation creates free radicals and degrades brain lipids, and brain lipid degradation is increased in schizophrenics, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Cell phone irradiation causes brain atrophy in rats.

Microwave radiation causes brain atrophy mice in vivo in thymocytes.

Hamster 15 day microwave exposure shrinks neurons in the hippocampus, hypothalamus and cortex.

Rat GSM cell phone exposures shrinks neurons in the hippocampus, basal ganglia and cortex.

High power microwave radiation causes atrophy in the rat hippocampus.

In 74% of schizophrenics, the hippocampal-amygdala complex is shrunken, reduced in size.

If microwave exposure shrinks the hippocampus, and schizophrenics have shrunken hippocampuses, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Hamster 22 day microwave exposure caused neuron degradation in the thalamus.

42% of schizophrenics have shrunken hypothalamuses with lower numbers of neurons.

If microwave radiation destroys neurons in the thalamus, and schizophrenics have shrunken hypothalamuses containing fewer neurons, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Rat and quail pre-natal prolonged microwave exposure produces purkinje cell loss and damage at the cellular level.

Rat post-natal microwave exposure produces purkinje cell decrease and damage at the cellular level.

31% of neuroimaging studies show shrinkage of and damage to the cerebellum, notably Purkinje cell loss.

Pulsed microwaves damaged the cerebellum in rats and inhibited their ability to balance.

Extended microwave exposure produces myelin degeneration in quinea pig and rabbit cortexes.

Microwave radiation causes brain atrophy in the human by apoptosis via the Fas pathway in Jarkat T cells.

60% of schizophrenics have shrunken prefrontal and parietal lobes.

If extended microwave radiation exposure degenerates nerve cells, and schizophrenics have degenerated nerve cells, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.

Microwave radiation decreases frontal lobe choline uptake, degrades memory, and generates neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Schizophrenics exhibit lower glucose utilization in the frontal lobes relative to either occipital lobe or whole brain.

In schizophrenics, prefrontal blood flow in the frontal lobe is particularly deficient while performing tasks specific to this region, which include higher-order decision making and to plan and organize for the future, and orchestrating the brain’s activity for intelligent regulation of behavior, thought and emotion.

If microwave radiation damages the frontal lobe, and schizophrenics have damaged frontal lobes, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Electromagnetic field exposure is linked to neurodegenerative diseases which include Parkinsonism, Alzheimers and amyotrophic lateral sclerocis, or ALS.

Oxidative stress plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases which include Parkinsonism, Alzheimers and amyotrophic lateral sclerocis, or ALS.

Electromagnetic field exposure is strongly associated with Alzheimers disease.

Psychosis is frequently a component of neurodegenerative diseases which include Parkinsonism, Alzheimers and amyotrophic lateral sclerocis, or ALS.

Schizophrenia is consistently coexistent in patients developing ALS, with both these syndromes linked to chromosome 21q22.

Chromosome linkage 6q25 is linked to both ALS and schizophrenia.

Chromosome linkage 6q25 is linked to tardive dyskinesia. Notably, this is not consistent for populations from less developed countries. That’s because those populations in less developed countries have lower exposures to purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation, and also because they have lower proportions of the Homo neanderthalensis DNA which is required for the manifestation of the inherited syndrome.

Chromosome linkage 9q25 is linked to familial ALS, frontotemporal dementia and schizophrenia.

It is crucial to note here that ALS is familial. It is genetic, it is hereditary, it is passed down through the generations

If ALS is familial, and ALS and schizophrenia are linked to chromosome linkage 9q25, then schizophrenia is genetic, it is hereditary, it is passed down through the generations.

They are afflictions of the distinct and separate human species known as Homo neanderthalensis.

If electromagnetic field exposure drives neurodegenerative diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases drive schizophrenia, then electromagnetic field exposure drives schizophrenia.


Rat microwave exposures increase brain blood flow.

Brief human cell phone exposure increases brain blood flow.

Schizophrenics have globally increased brain blood flow.

Acute psychosis and delusion are accompanied by increased global brain blood flow.

If microwave exposure increases brain blood flow, and acute psychosis, delusion and schizophrenia are accompanied by increased brain blood flow, then microwave radiation delusion, acute psychosis and schizophrenia.


Microwave radiation’s impairment of the blood-brain barrier is consistently observed.

Increased brain temperature increases blood-brain barrier permeability.

Studies which have not showed that microwave radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak have utilized short exposures.

Microwave radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak through a heat shock protein phosphorylation process known as pinocytosis.

Heat shock protein antibodies in schizophrenics provide evidence for blood-brain impairment in schizophrenia.

18% to 29% of schizophrenics have blood-brain barrier impairment.

If microwave radiation causes the blood-brain barrier to leak, and schizophrenics have leaky blood-brain barriers, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Now we’re going to leave the world of changed brain chemistry, and move into the realm of action-at-a-distance, literal brain entrainment via microwave radiation.

Another way that microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by inducing delta waves, or slow brain waves.

Microwave radiation increases delta or slow brain waves in rabbits.

Magnetic fields increase delta or slow brain waves in humans.

Microwave radiation exposure increases delta or slow brain waves in humans.

Cell phones increase delta or slow brain waves in adults and children.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation at 1/3 the strength of the US population exposure standard for seven hours per day had increased delta waves after ten to fifteen days.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation at 1/30th of the strength of the US population exposure standard took one month to begin to produce increased delta waves.

Continuous wave microwave radiation in rats induces delta or slow brain waves in the left hemisphere of their brains.

Modulated microwave radiation in rats induces delta or slow brain waves in the right hemisphere of their brains.

Increased delta brainwave power correlates with psychomotor poverty.

Schizophrenics have increased delta or slow brain waves.

The corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

Microwave radiation increases delta waves by a mechanism known as corpus callous tract fatigue, which takes this vital pathway offline, leading to the corticospinal and spinocortical tract to revert to its predominant delta rhythm. This decreased brain activity leads, in turn, to “abnormal brain area activation”, which is a cover-meme for what was known correctly in the old days as demonic possession.

If microwave radiation increases delta wave generation, and schizophrenics have increased delta waves, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Yet another way that microwave radiation drives schizophrenia is by increasing beta frequencies in the brain.

Microwave exposure increases beta frequencies in the rat.

Intermittent long-term occupational exposure to microwaves increases EEG beta frequencies.

Schizophrenics have increased beta frequencies.

The increased beta frequencies in schizophrenics are more anterior and superficial than controls.

Superficial brain tissue absorbs more microwave energy than the deep tissues of the brain.

Superficial brain tissue is on the surface, just under the skull. It’s easier for the penetrating microwaves to reach.

If microwave radiation increases beta frequencies, and schizophrenics have increased beta frequencies, then microwave radiation drives schizophrenia.


Intermittent long-term occupational exposure to microwave radiation increases beta frequencies.

Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenics are accompanied by MEG frequencies in the beta band.

If intermittent long-term occupational exposure to microwave radiation increases beta frequencies, and hallucinations in schizophrenia occupy the beta band, then microwave radiation drives hallucinations in schizophrenics.

Pulsed microwaves are utilized to make subjects “hear sounds in their heads”. These sounds are referred to as “auditory brain stem responses” or “the hearing effect”.

When reported, these sounds are dismissed as the ravings of a crazy person.

Auditory brain stem responses in schizophrenics having hallucinations have latent peaks or missing peaks.

Cell phones increase latency in auditory brain stem responses.

If cell phones increase latency in auditory brain stem responses, and brain stem responses in schizophrenics have latent peaks, then cell phones drive schizophrenia.

Acute microwave exposure in rats pulsed for the hearing effect increased brain glucose metabolism, with particular prominence in auditory related structures of the inferior colliculus, and medial geniculate body, as well as the cochlear nucleus and the superior olivary complex within the brain stem or associated structures.

The inferior colliculus is a part of the midbrain that serves as a main auditory (sound) center for the body.

The medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) or medial geniculate body (MGB) is part of the auditory thalamus and represents the thalamic relay between the inferior colliculus (IC) and the auditory cortex (AC).

The cochlear nuclear (CN) complex comprises two cranial nerve nuclei in the human brainstem.

The superior olivary complex (SOC) or superior olive is a collection of brainstem nuclei that is located in pons, functions in multiple aspects of hearing and is an important component of the ascending and descending auditory pathways of the auditory system.

Continuous microwave radiation activates auditory brain structures and elevates hearing threshold.

Perceptual processing is usually lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain, the dominant hemisphere.

Schizophrenics have fewer increases in blood flow in dominant areas of the brain than controls.

The right hemisphere of the brain, the less-dominant hemisphere, is normally activated for pitch discrimination, non-verbal, and degenerate sounds.

Microwave radiation pulsed for hearing effect is akin to degenerate or non-verbal sound.

Schizophrenics have more increases in blood flow in non-dominant areas of the brain than controls.

Delta waves in schizophrenics increase immediately prior to auditory hallucinations.

Hallucinations in schizophrenics show temporal lobe activation in 85% of cases. The temporal lobe sits above the cerebellum.

Hallucinations and paranoia in schizophrenics are accompanied by higher left temporal delta wave dipole density.

Hallucinations in schizophrenics are accompanied by thalamic activity.

If acute microwave exposure in rats pulsed for the hearing effect increased brain glucose metabolism in the auditory thalamus, and hallucinations in schizophrenics are accompanied by thalamic activity, then acute microwave exposure pulsed for the hearing effect drives hallucinations in schizophrenics.


The entrainment of brain function by microwave radiation occurs within physiologic brain frequencies of one to forty Hertz.

Because internal voice is similar to thought, microwave radiation pulsed for the “hearing effect” is capable of altering ongoing behavior, and thought itself.

Remote EEG entrainment by low wavelength microwave radiation is observed in rabbits, monkeys and humans.

Microwave manipulation is the primary driver of hallucination, delusion, attention deficit and thought disorders.

EEG abnormalities are more frequent among paranoid schizophrenics than they are among their garden variety cousins.

That is because those EEG abnormalities in paranoid schizophrenics are being effected by technologic assault via microwave radiation.

Paranoid schizophrenics are most likely to believe in technologic assault.

That is because they know that they are the victims of technologic assault via microwave radiation pulsed for the “hearing effect”.

Paranoid schizophrenia is preponderantly sporadic.

It is sporadic, versus systemic, because it is generated, piecemeal, by technologic assault via microwave radiation pulsed for the “hearing effect”.

Studies of paranoid schizophrenia show less genetic association, a later onset, and an increase of the paranoid subtype within the past century.

That is because it is not genetics that is driving the condition, but rather technologic assault via microwave radiation.

Brainwave entrainment via low wavelength microwave radiation in the range of 1-40 Hz is utilized to increase both delta waves and beta waves in the general populace, which produces, in turn, increased psychomotor poverty, auditory hallucinations and schizophrenia, the latter which is a cover-meme for what used to correctly be known in the old days as “demonic possession”.


In those diagnosed with schizophrenia, wheat, corn and milk were the immediate cause of schizophrenia symptoms in 92.2% of cases. Once these foods were removed from the schizophrenic’s diet, they rapidly recovered and were able to function normally.

“I eat eggs, dairy, wheat and sugar” has a causal relationship with depression, manic depression, mania, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

“I eat eggs, dairy, wheat and sugar” has a significant positive correlation with mania, bipolar disorder, and manic depression.

“I never eat wheat products” is significantly negatively correlated with mania, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia.

In the three examples immediately above, in the Journal of Affective Disorders in November 2023, first author Zhiqiang Du omitted any an all specific data related to these findings.



In 1973, H. L. Newbold, M.D., William H. Philpott, M.D. and Marshall Mandell, M.D. published “Psychiatric Syndromes Produced by Allergies: Ecologic Mental Illness”.

In it, we read “the finding of 92.2 % of reactions…in the schizophrenic group reveal[ed] such reactions” to wheat, corn and milk “to hold the position of being the immediate cause of symptoms in most cases.” (p. 92, emphasis added). It was also found that once these foods were removed from the schizophrenic’s diet, they rapidly recovered and were able to function normally.”

In those diagnosed with schizophrenia, wheat, corn and milk were the immediate cause of symptoms in 92.2% of cases. Once these foods were removed from the schizophrenic’s diet, they rapidly recovered and were able to function normally.


In 1976, the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the United States Senate published “Surveillance Technology - Policy and Implications: an Analysis and Compendium of Materials”, by James O. Eastland, Chairman.

In it, he said “In commissioning a study of surveillance technology, I reasoned as follows: If knowledge is power, then certainly the secret and unlimited acquisition of the most detailed knowledge of about the most intimate aspects of a person’s thoughts and actions conveys extraordinary power over that person’s life and reputation to the snooper’s eyes, ears and brains, the new technology facilitates, and magnifies the acquisition and use of such information. Moreover, as long as surveillance technology remains unregulated and continues to grow at an accellerating rate, the free and enriching exercise of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will inevitably be chilled to the point of immobility by the general awareness that Big Brother commands the tools of omniscience.”

This is one of two quotes that opens the introduction:

“And if you consider that they listen around the clock to telephone conversations in my home, they analyze recording tapes and and all correspondence, and then collect and compare all these data in some vast premises (and these people are not underlings), you cannot but be amazed that so many idlers in the prime of life and strength , who could be better occupied with productive work for the benefit of the fatherland, are busy with my friends and me, and keep inventing enemies.”

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, from “The Washington Post”, April 3, 1972

APRIL 2005

On April 10, 2005, John J. McMurtrey M. S. published “Microwave Bioeffect Congruence with Schizophrenia”.

In it, he said “The substantiation for microwave voice transmission development, which can be isolated to an individual, prompts review of the correlation between microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia. These correlations are extensive.”

The correlations between microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia are extensive.

The study goes on to say “Studies of both conditions report short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiologic changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histologic change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease. Schizophrenia findings correlate with microwave bioeffects so extensively as to indicate a congruence, and appear to implicate a microwave involvement with enough patients to be remarkable in study results. The development of methods to exclude microwave means in psychosis is imperative, and research is proposed.”

The correlations between microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia are extensive.

Studies of microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia show congruent short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiologic changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histologic change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say “Remote microwave induced sound [1] [2] [3] and internal voice technology has long been discovered, [4] developed, [5] [6] detailed in patents, [7] [8] [9] [10] with weapons applications described. [11] [12] [13] [14]� That such technology can be applied remotely and coupled to target tracking technology [15] has implications for patients who, by virtue of voice transmission complaint and other symptoms, are diagnosed with various mental disorders. [16]� Auditory hallucination is most prevalent in schizophrenia, which features in 60% of cases. [17] [18]� A frequent patient understanding of the origin of voices is by remote transmission, though the very concept is considered delusional, [19] and often the diagnosis is psychosis of varying severity depending on functional ability, [20] without any investigation of described internal voice capabilities.

The substantiation of microwave voice transmission development suggests examination of any microwave bioeffect correlation with schizophrenia findings.� The hypothesis tested was that perhaps some discrepant schizophrenia study results could differentiate patients subjected to technological assault.� Unfortunately, little differentiation was evident, because the correlations appear too extensive, as presented in overview Table I.� Unless otherwise noted, the microwave exposure effects examined are at low intensity, and are expressed in text parenthesis in terms of existing exposure standards. [21] [b]� Since most of the observed correlations are close to microwave exposure standards, the possibility of an environmental microwave association with schizophrenia is considered.”

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say “Cognitive Function - Schizophrenics are particularly impaired in memory. [22], [23] Pulsed radar exposed Latvian children are deficient in short term memory compared to unexposed children. [24] Rats exposed to microwaves during gestation exhibit conditioned avoidance acquisition deficit as adults (at 1.61 X US occup. std.). [25] Adult rat microwave exposure yields avoidance conditioning deficits (at 31% of US occup. std. & 1.75 X ICNIRP [c] pop. std.),[26] [27] and there is some mention of retrograde amnesia with such conditioning (at 63% of US pop. std.). [28] [29]� Schizophrenic working memory is considered central to many schizophrenic symptoms. [30] Schizophrenia deficits are in multiple areas of working memory, and the disorder exhibits deficits specifically in spatial working memory. [31] [32] [33] [34] Rat spatial working memory on microwave exposure is deficient for performance in a water maze, (1.2 X US pop. std.) [35] [36] and in the 12 arm radial maze (60% of US pop. std.), [37] [38] but apparently not when distal cues are present for radial mazes, [39] [40] which are preferred in rodents. [41] [42]

Schizophrenia time estimation is altered with overestimation of short time intervals. [43] [44] [45] [46] Microwave exposed rats, when trained on inter-response time reinforcements reflect the same direction of deficit by increased total lever presses (at 31% of US occup. std. & 1.75 X ICNIRP pop. std.), 25 26 shorter inter-response times (62% of US occup. std.), [47] which are even greater for pulsed microwaves (1.1 X US occup. std.). [48]� A rat time estimation task on microwave pulsation indicated change in discriminating stimulus duration, increased time to complete tasks, and increased the amount of non-response (at 90% of ICNIRP pop. std.). [49] The authors suggest an effect on the animals internal clock.

Schizophrenia patients exhibit deficits in memory for temporal order. [50] [51] [52] [53] Microwave exposed rats with simple response sequence conditioning ( to 1.6 X US occup. std.) [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] exhibit analogous sequencing deficits. In humans, the order threshold of discriminating the ear of first tone presentation as succeeded by a tone separated by decreasing intervals to the other ear, increases after 50 minutes cell phone exposure, while the threshold decreases with no exposure rest. [59] “

Schizophrenics are particularly impaired in memory.

Pulsed radar exposed Latvian children are deficient in short term memory compared to unexposed children.

Schizophrenia deficits are in multiple areas of working memory, specifically in spatial working memory.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation are deficient in performance in a water maze.

Time estimation is altered in schizophrenics.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation took longer to complete tasks and had an increased rate of non-response.

Schizophrenics have deficits in memory for temporal order.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation exhibit analogous sequencing deficits.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say:

The hippocampus has general importance to memory, [60] while sub serving spatial, temporal, and sequence memory. [61] In rodents the hippocampus is one of the most responsive brain regions to microwave exposure (at US pop. std. to US occup. std.), [62] [63] and microwave induced histologic damage is observed (at ICNIRP pop. std. to 1.8 X US occup. std.). [64] [65] [66] Some schizophrenics have anti-hippocampal antibodies, [67] andthe same hippocampus CA1 region that is volume decreased in schizophrenia, [68] on microwave exposure shows altered neuronal activity in vitro slices from rats, [69] as well as decreased acetylcholine release in vivo rats (1/2 US occup. std.). [70] Mouse hippocampus mitochondrial activity is indicated decreased on microwave exposure (1/4 US pop. std.).[71] Although not actually affecting performance, cell phones are reported to affect a magnetoencephalographic (MEG) component of verbal memory encoding, suggesting interference. [72] Multiple human case reports of memory difficulty, with other neurasthenic complaints exist on excess microwave exposure. [73] [74] [75] Microwave exposed rats with avoidance conditioning, exhibit changes in emotion and integrative function [76] from which parallels to schizophrenia can be drawn. Accidental and/or occupational 1-10 GHz excess radar exposure exhibits frontal lobe neuropsychiatric symptoms. [77].”

The hippocampus has general importance to memory, specifically spatial, temporal and sequence memory.

Multiple human case reports exist of memory difficulty on excess microwave exposure.

In rodents, the hippocampus is one of the most responsive brain regions to microwave exposure.

Mouse hippocampus mitochondrial activity is decreased on microwave exposure.

Cell phones affect a magnetoencephelographic component of verbal memory encoding, suggesting interference.

Accidental and/or occupational 1-10GHz excess radar exposure exhibits frontal lobe neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Microwave exposed rates exhibited changes in emotion and integrative function from which parallels to schizophrenia can be drawn.

McMurtrey’s article goes on to say:

“Startle Response - Some schizophrenics have little or no startle response. [78] Microwave exposed rats exhibit decreased startle under both continuous wave [79] and pulsed [80] [81] conditions (1.2 X US occup. std.) with the latter decreasing startle in mice. [82] Pre-natal rat exposure decreases startle in females (1.2 X US occup. std.). [83] Some schizophrenics are hypo- or non-responders to orienting responses [84] and normally evoked electrodermal activity. [85] Microwave occupational exposure inhibits galvanic skin response. [86] Rats also fight less on microwave exposure (6% & 23% of US pop. std.), [87] [88] will avoid hearing effect pulsed microwaves, [89] and mice decrease exposure by their orientation in a field. [90]

Some schizophrenics have little or no startle response.

Rats exposed to pulsed and continuous microwave radiation had decreased startle response.

Pre-natal exposure to microwave radiation decreases startle response in female rats.

Some schizophrenics are hypo- or non-responders to orienting responses and normally evoked electrodermal activity.

Occupational exposure to microwave radiation inhibits galvanic skin response.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation fight less.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say:

Coordination, Balance, and Exercise Tolerance - Schizophrenics have decreased ability in coordination tasks, and more instability in balance. [91] [92] [93] [94] Latvian children exposed to pulsed radar have less motor competence than unexposed children. 24 Microwave exposed rats show degradation of motor coordination and/or balance (at 21% of US pop. std.). [95]

High peak power pulsed microwave 25 minute exposures decreased rat treadmill running by about one-third. [96] A German abstract states schizophrenics could only achieve one-third of the aerobic-anaerobic threshold for untrained controls. [97] Schizophrenics have shown abnormal thermoregulation on exercise with greater increases in core temperature. [98] [99]

Latvian children exposed to pulsed radar have less motor competence than unexposed children.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation show degradation of motor coordination and/or balance.

Schizophrenics have decreased ability in coordination tasks, and more instability in balance.

High peak power pulsed microwave 25 minute exposures decreased rat treadmill running about about one-third.

Schizophrenics have an aerobic-anaerobic threshold one third that of non-schizophrenics.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say: “An electrophysiologic indicator of working memory, contingent negative variation (CNV) [100] is decreased in schizophrenia, [101] [102] [103] which is reported to correlate to ratings for negative symptoms of affective flattening and avolition-apathy. [104] Cell phone radiation also decreases human CNV. [105] [106] The test involves a warning stimulus and an imperative stimulus with the intervening evoked waveform representative of sensory and motor adjustment prior to expected action.”

Contingent negative variation is an electrophysiologic indicator of working memory.

Cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation in humans.

Contingent negative variation is decreased in schizophrenics.

If decreased contingent negative variation decreases working memory, and cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation, then cell phone radiation decreases working memory in humans.

If cell phone radiation decreases contingent negative variation in humans, and contingent negative variation is decreased in schizophrenics, then cell phone radiation drives schizophrenia.

McMurtry’s study goes on to say:

“Electrophysiologic auditory event related P300 and antecedents are reduced in some schizophrenics, [107] [108] with increased latency indicated. [109] [110] Decreased auditory event response is observed during hallucination in magnetoencephalographic (MEG) [111] and functional magnetic resonance imaging [112] studies, which resembles the interfering sound response. [113] Like hallucination or outside sound, microwave hearing exposure decreases cortical auditory evoked potential amplitudes with increased latency in rats, rabbits, (less than US occup. std.) [114] and cats. [115] Schizophrenia auditory P300 reduction is related to deleterious signs and poor prognosis. [116] The human N100 amplitude is decreased on GSM cell phone exposure, [117] [118] which is also decreased in schizophrenia [119] [120] [121] with the reduction correlating to withdrawal-retardation scores, [122] and paranoid diagnosis. [123]

Hearing effect pulsed microwaves evoke brain responses similar to auditory stimuli. [124] [125] [126] Radio frequency exposure increases human hearing threshold for auditory tones. [127] Sound also decreases the brain stem microwave hearing response. [128]”

Microwaves can be deliberately created and delivered to make you hear sounds in your head.

These sounds are referred to as “auditory brain stem responses”.

External sounds decrease the ability of microwaves to create sounds in our head.

McMurtrey’s article continues:

“Auditory brain stem responses (ABR) in schizophrenics having hallucination, [129] [130] [131] never medicated hospitalization, [132] marked personality deterioration, [133] and negative symptoms [134] involve abnormalities of increased peak latency and missing peaks. Since microwave hearing produces an ABR, [135] [136] interference is expected, which would complicate ABR topographic appearance. Increased ABR latency is reported from a cell phone study, [137] though this is not replicated by all cell phone studies. [138] [139]

Soviet and American microwave exposure of humans report EEG increases in delta or slow waves, abnormal to adult alertness in quantity. Acute human exposure to continuous or pulsed microwaves, exhibit increased electroencephalogram (EEG) delta waves (less than US pop. std.). [140]� Soviet and East European microwave occupational exposure review observes increased EEG delta waves. [141] Cell phones also increase human delta waves in adults [142] and children. [143]”

Cell phones increase latency in auditory brain stem responses.

Auditory brain stem responses in schizophrenics having hallucinations have latent peaks or missing peaks.

If cell phones increase latency in auditory brain stem responses, and hallucinating schizophrenics have auditory brain stem responses with latent peaks, then cell phones drive schizophrenia.

Microwave radiation exposure increases delta or slow brain waves in humans.

Cell phones increase delta or slow brain waves in adults and children.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say “Rabbit and rat microwave irradiation yield delta waves as well. Daily 3 hour rabbit exposures produces delta wave increases at 1 month to pulsed microwaves and at 2 months to continuous wave exposure (1/2 US occup. std.). [144] Daily 7 hours of microwave exposure produced delta waves after 10-15 days in rabbits at 1/3rd the US population exposure standard, but took 1 month for delta wave increase at 1/30th this standard. [145]� Rat microwave irradiation induces delta waves in the left hemisphere by continuous wave, but in the right hemisphere when modulated. [146] Delta waves are also produced by extra low frequency radiation in rabbits [147] or magnetic fields in humans. [148]”.

Microwave radiation induces delta waves in rabbits.

Magnetic fields induce delta waves in humans.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation at 1/3 the strength of the US population exposure standard for seven hours per day had increased delta waves after ten to fifteen days.

Rats exposed to microwave radiation at 1/30th of the strength of the US population exposure standard took one month to begin to produce increased delta waves.

Continuous wave microwave radiation in rats induces delta waves in the left hemisphere of their brains.

Modulated microwave radiation in rats induces delta waves in the right hemisphere of their brains.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say “Microwave delta wave increases correspond to delta wave increases widely noted in untreated, [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160] [161] and medicated [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] schizophrenia EEGs. [170] Delta waves particularly correspond to psychotic episodes, [171] [172] and occur immediately prior to auditory hallucination. [173] Higher delta power correlates with negative schizophrenia symptoms, [174] [175] and psychomotor poverty, [176] [177] while higher left temporal delta wave dipole density correlates to ratings for hallucination and paranoia. [178]”.

Schizophrenics have increased delta or slow brain waves.

Delta waves in schizophrenics increase immediately prior to auditory hallucinations.

Increased delta brainwave power correlates with psychomotor poverty.

Increased delta brainwave power correlates with schizophrenia.

Hallucinations and paranoia in schizophrenics are accompanied by higher left temporal delta wave dipole density.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say:

“Intermittent long-term occupational exposure to microwaves increases EEG beta frequencies. [179] A therapeutic microwave instrument immediately increased beta wave power in humans, and cell phones increase these frequencies after a 15 minute delay. 142. Cell phones also increase human beta waves during tasks. [180]. Microwave exposure increases beta frequencies in the rat (at � pop. std. to 1.2 X occup. std.). [181] [182] [183]”.

Microwave exposure increases beta frequencies in the rat.

Intermittent long-term occupational exposure to microwaves increases EEG beta frequencies.

McMurtrey’s study goes on to say:

“Though some anti-psychotic drugs decrease beta frequencies, schizophrenia EEG studies exhibit increased beta frequencies. 150 151 152 154 155 156 160 161 162 167 175 [184] [185] [186] [187] [188] [189] [190] MEG frequencies in the beta band are observed on auditory hallucination. [191] Treatment-resistant patients have greater increases in beta frequencies above 18 Hz, [192] [193] with dipole location sources of beta frequencies varying on auditory stimulation according to symptom severity. [194]� Greater increase in beta frequencies is associated with decreased mismatch negativity amplitudes, [195] and �psychomotor poverty�. 174 176 177� The sources of increased schizophrenia beta frequencies are also more anterior and superficial than controls. [196] [197]� Superficial tissue absorbs more microwave energy than deep tissues. [198]”.

Auditory hallucinations are accompanied by MEG frequencies in the beta band.

Schizophrenics have increased beta frequencies.

The increased beta frequencies in schizophrenics are more anterior and superficial than controls.

Superficial brain tissue absorbs more microwave energy than the deep tissues of the brain.

McMurtrey’s study concludes:

“Electromagnetic field EEG entrainment occurs especially within physiologic brain frequencies (1-40 Hz.), either with a so modulated carrier wave or at these extra low frequencies. Microwave EEG entrainment (or change to exposure frequency) is demonstrated in cats, [199] and rats. [200] Lower frequency radiation or magnetic EEG entrainment is observed in rabbits, [201] monkeys, [202] and humans. [203] In addition to the capacity of entrainment to produce delta or beta waves, the effect forms a basis for schizophrenic thought interference complaints, and is of non-lethal weapon concern. [204]”.

The deliberate, remote entrainment of brain function by microwave radiation occurs within physiologic brain frequencies of one to forty Hertz.

Remote EEG entrainment by low wavelength microwave radiation is observed in rabbits, monkeys and humans.

EEG entrainment by low wavelength microwave radiation is utilized to increase both delta waves and beta waves in humans, which produce, in turn, psychomotor poverty, auditory hallucinations and schizophrenia, the latter which is a modern code-meme created to cover up “demonic possession”.

JUNE 2005

In June 2005, the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry questioned “Whether ionizing radiation is a risk factor for schizophrenia spectrum disorders?” Where first author Konstantin N. Loganovsky cast doubt on the conclusion of his study, which was “Exposure to ionizing radiation causes brain damage with limbic (cortical-limbic) system dysfunction and impairment of informative processes at the molecular level that can trigger schizophrenia in predisposed individuals or cause schizophrenia-like disorders. It is supposed that ionizing radiation can be proposed as a risk factor for schizophrenia spectrum disorders.”

Ionizing radiation is a risk factor for schizophrenia.


On November 1, 2023, the Journal of Affective Disorders published “Causal relationships between dietary habits and five major mental disorders: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study”.

In it, we learn that there is a causal relationship between “Never eat Wheat products” and all five types of mental disorders (mania, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia), demonstrating a significant negative correlation (P < 0.05). However, no significant causal relationship was observed between “Never eat Sugar or foods/drinks containing sugar” and any of the five mental disorders (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the study found that the statement “Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: I eat all of the above” had a causal relationship with mania, bipolar disorder, and manic depression, showing a significant positive correlation (P < 0.05). However, this statement did not exhibit a significant causal relationship with depression and schizophrenia (P > 0.05).

Conclusion: There was a negative correlation between never eating wheat products and the five mental disorders (mania, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia), indicating that never eating wheat products may reduce the risk of mental disorders.”

“I eat eggs, dairy, wheat and sugar” has a causal relationship with depression, manic depression, mania, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

“I eat eggs, dairy, wheat and sugar” significant positive correlation with mania, bipolar disorder, and manic depression,

“Never eat wheat products” is significantly negatively correlated with mania, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, May 15, 2024

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