On February 18, 2024, myfishingcapecod.com's Lauren Collins said “I Never Liked Jack Crevalle, Until I Tried This Simple Recipe”, and that they made her angler husband "go crazy". When, in fact, there is no Massachusetts state record crevalle jack

"Good is always getting better and bad is always getting worse: the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing. The whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder.”

From “That Hideous Strength”, by C.S. Lewis, 1945


In 2014, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina for the first time in history, in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi in 2015, in Florida in 2022, and in Georgia in 2024, as the health of the ether improved to the point where the species could manifest within it in those locations.

In April 2014, Frank Dalli of Wake Forest caught the first-ever North Carolina state record crevalle jack. It weighed 49 pounds, 1.6 ounces.

There are no North Carolina state records for the crevalle jack prior to 2014 for which independent media accounts or photographs exist.

In 2014, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina for the first time in history, as the etheric environment improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.

In June 2015, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi for the first time in history. It was caught by Wil Permenter, and weighed 27 pounds, 6 ounces.

The Mississippi state record jack crevalle from 2005 is not corroborated by any independent media accounts or photographs.

In January 2022, Nicholas Fano of Palm City, Florida caught the first-ever Florida state record and IGFA world record crevalle jack. It weighed 58 pounds, 8 ounces.

There are no independent media accounts or photographs of the purported world record crevalle jack from Angola, Africa in 2010.

In January 2022, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida for the first time in history, as the etheric environment improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.

On February 18, 2024, myfishingcapcod.com said “I Never Liked Jack Crevalle, Until I Tried This Simple Recipe”.

Where author Lauren Collins clearly states that there are crevalle jacks off Cape Cod, and that she and her friends eat them all the time.

The article goes on to say “Most fisherman fishing for jack crevalle are doing it for sport. After all, jack crevalles do produce violent topwater bites and drag blistering runs, which make anglers like my husband Ryan go crazy”.

Clearly, there are crevalle jack’s a-plenty off Cape Cod, and Lauren’s husband, Ryan, catches them all time time.

Well, if that’s true, then why is there no Massachusetts state record for the crevalle jack?

Lauren Collins is a propagandist. Her hit-piece is preparing for the imminent first-appearance of the crevalle jack in the Atlantic Ocean off Massachusetts.

I have exposed her duplicity, and that of her employer, myfishingcapecod.com, by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

A current, undated article on comekitewithus.org. plays the same ruse (regardless of geography) with “The Best Jack Crevalle Recipe Ever!!!”, which falsely implies that people everywhere have been eating them, well, forever.

The three exclamation points, or “bangs”, dazzle the readers in the Punch and Judy tent.

On June 5, 2024, Lauren Harden caught the first-ever Georgia state record crevalle jack. It weighed 33 pounds, 10.72 ounces.

There are no Georgia state records for the crevalle jack prior to 2024 for which media accounts or photographs exist.

In June 2024, the crevalle jack winked into existence off Georgia for the first time in history, as the etheric environment improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.

A current, undated article on carolinasportsman.com says “In 1993, J.J. Benich of Mount Pleasant, a business professor at the College of Charleston, caught a 40-pound, 1-ounce jack crevalle that is the South Carolina”.

However, there are no independent media accounts of this catch, and no photographs of this fish.

It is a fabricated record, put in place so that, when the crevalle jack winks into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off South Carolina, everyone can say “oh, they’ve been around this whole time, albeit at smaller sizes. It says so right here in Carolina Sportsman!”

A current, undated article on delaware.gov says “Crevalle Jack - Delaware Fish Facts for The Recreational Angler”.

When, in fact, there is no Delaware state record crevalle jack.

The article is a propaganda hit-piece, put in place to forestall the imminent winking into existence of the crevalle jack in Delaware.

I have exposed the duplicity of the government of the state of Delaware by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

A current, undated article on takemefishing.org says “Crevalle Jack · Where to catch Crevalle Jack. Occurs only in the western Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia, Canada to Uruguay, including the Gulf of Mexico”.

Given that the crevalle jack occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to Uruguay, every U.S. state from Maine to Florida, and every Gulf of Mexico state should have crevalle jack state records.

There is no Maine state record crevalle jack.

There is no New Hampshire state record crevalle jack.

There is no Massachusetts state record crevalle jack.

There is no Connecticut state record crevalle jack.

There is no Rhode Island state record crevalle jack.

There is no New York state record crevalle jack.

There is no New Jersey state record crevalle jack.

There is no Delaware state record crevalle jack.

There is no Maryland state record crevalle jack.

There is no Virginia state record crevalle jack.

The 1989 North Carolina state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina in 2014.

The 1993 South Carolina state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

Neither the 1981 nor the 2001 Georgia state record crevalle jack are corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of either of these fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off Georgia in 2024.

The 1993 Florida state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in Bessey Creek in the St. Lucie River Florida in 2022.

The 1994 Alabama state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The 2005 Mississippi state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi in 2015.

The 1976 Texas state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

I have exposed the duplicity of the State propaganda organ known as takemefishing.org by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.



On December 4, 2010, fishwithjd.com said “Going BIG with topwater: A pending IGFA World Record Jack Crevalle”.

Where the Intelligence operative known only-generally as “JD” walked the biggest crevalle jack in the history of the world back to merely “BIG”. JD used block capitals to distract the rubes in the Punch and Judy tent from the sleight-of-hand.

The article goes on to say “The 66-pound, 2 ouncer smashed a Willamson Jet Popper tossed by Carlos Alberto Leal Simoes, of Luanda, who was fishing Barra Do Dande, near Angola, Africa with guide Marcio de Oliveira Inocencio. The beast took 15 minutes to subdue and weighed nearly 8 pounds more than the current IGFA record, a fish that was also caught in Africa 10 years back.”

Can you see how the Intelligence operative known as “JD” carefully omitted the weight of the previous record holder, along with who caught it, and where, and when?

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

It is a bold, brazen claim, however it is on a private fishing forum. There are no independent media accounts documenting Luanda, Africa’s Carolos Alberto Leal Simoes catching the 2010 World Record crevalle jack. Nor is there any documentation of the record which JD blithely mentions from 2000.

Both records are made up out of whole cloth, fabrications.

I have exposed the duplicity of JD and fishwithjd.com by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Here, four years prior to the crevalle jack winking into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off the East Coast of the United States for the first time in history, off North Carolina, the preemptive false story of the 2000 and 2010 world record holders is put in place by this one, single operative.

APRIL 2014

On April 23, 2014, islandfreepress.org said “State certifies new state record jack crevalle”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the North Carolina Saltwater Fishing Tournament’s Carole Willis omitted the name of the state, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For the record, it is North Carolina.

The article goes on to say “Frank Dalli of Wake Forest reeled in the 49-pound, 1.6-ounce fish April 2 at the Gulf Stream ledge, 65 miles off Wrightsville Beach. It measured 43 inches fork length and had a 30-inch girth.

Frank Dalli's Jack Crevalle
(Frank Dalli’s first-ever North Carolina state record jack crevalle, 2014)

Dalli’s catch tops the former state record of 47 pounds, caught in 1989 off Cape Hatteras. The world record jack crevalle weighed 66 pounds, 2 ounces, and was caught in 2010 in Angola.”

Islandfreepress.org omitted the percentage, and said “Dalli’s catch tops the former state record”.

Carole didn’t mention anything else about the former state record. Not when that prior North Carolina state record was set, or who caught it, or where it was caught, or its weight.

That’s because the former North Carolina state record crevalle jack that the North Carolina Saltwater Fishing Tournament’s Carole Willis is bluffing about does not, in fact, exist.

I found another article, from Carolinasportsman.com, which omitted the percentage, and said “Dalli’s catch will eclipse Kenneth McArthur’s 25-year-old record by 2.1 pounds.”

Can you see how Carolina Sportsman did not state who caught the previous record, or what it weighed, or when it was caught?

That’s because the former record that the Carolina Sportsman is bluffing about does not, in fact, exist.

In April 2014, Frank Dalli of Wake Forest caught the North Carolina state record crevalle jack. It weighed 49 pounds, 1.6 ounces.

In yet another article, Carolinasportsman.com’s Jerry Dilsaver said “Dalli’s catch will eclipse Kenneth McArthur’s 25-year-old record by 2.1 pounds. McArthur’s fish, which weighed 47 pounds, was caught off Cape Hatteras in 1989.”

There are no media accounts documenting the 1989 record which Jerry so earnestly describes. That is because it is fabricated, made up out of whole cloth. The only place that there is a record of it is from accounts about the 2014 record.

The media accounts from 2014 made up the 1989 record to obscure the fact that, in 2014, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina for the first time in history.

JUNE 2015

On June 25, 2015, ms-sportsman.com said “Teenager just misses record jack

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Bobby Cleveland omitted the name of the state, and omitted “crevalle” from “crevalle jack”, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say "Wil Permenter was determined to beat the fish, a presumed giant jack crevalle, which kept his 9-weight fly rod arced so horribly that its tip stayed well below the reel for the entire fight south of Horn Island on June 14.

The 10th-grader’s goal was a Mississippi record jack on a fly, a feat that would require a 29-pounder (current listing is a 28 lb., 15.36 oz. caught in 2005 by Dwayne Armes)."

There are no independent media accounts documenting this 2005 catch, nor are there any photographs of this fish. The record is fabricated, and yet tirelessly repeated as truth.

In journalistic parlance, this is “buried” twenty three paragraphs down in the article:

““Much to my wife’s happiness, we raced north,” Eddie Permenter said. “We had several sets of hand-held scales on the boat and we weighed it on all three and they all said about 27-6. When we got close, I called some friends who looked up the current record and found it was 28-15 and we knew we had missed.”

In June 2015, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi for the first time in history. It was caught by Wil Permenter, and weighed 27 pounds, 6 ounces.

(Wil Permenter with the first crevalle jack ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi, 2015)

The 2005 Mississippi state record crevalle jack is not substantiated by any independent media accounts or photographs.

JUNE 2018

On July 1, 2018, Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine published “Jack Crevalle”, which goes on to say “The best angling for crevalle in Texas waters is from May to August.”

While a current article from tpwd.texas.gov says “Jack, Crevalle 50.25 52.25 Jun 26, 1976 Gulf of Mexico Francis Lyon”.

There are no independent media accounts of this catch, and no photographs exist of this fish.

Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine is playing like there are tons of crevalle jacks out there in the Gulf of Mexico off Texas, when, in fact, there are none, zip, zilch, zero, nada.

It is an example of the “Big Lie” so favored by Hitler, Goebbels, and small-town Mayors the world over.


On September 28, 2021, pensacolafishingforum.com said “Crevalle jack, Gerald John Washburn, 5/18/1993, 57.00 lbs., Jupiter”.

This purported Florida state record is repeated ad nauseum by numerous fishing forums, however there are no media accounts verifying it, and there are no photographs of the fish.

In January 2022, Nicholas Fano of Palm City, Florida caught the first-ever Florida state record and IGFA world record crevalle jack. It weighed 58 pounds, 8 ounces.

In January 2022, the crevalle jack winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida, when the etheric environment improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.


On January 11, 2022, tcpalm.com said “Palm City kid hauls in world record jack crevalle”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, tcpalm.com’s Leah Voss omitted the name of the state, to make the subject less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Leah did what little else she could to hedge by Satanically inverting “crevalle jack” to “jack crevalle”, to make the subject less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Leah bravely said “hauls in” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger crevasse jacks had been out there in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article does not make any mention of the previous record. Not who caught it, or when, or where, or what it weighed, or the margin between the records.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

Tcpalm.com’s Leah Voss “buried” this eighteen paragraphs down in the article:

“The huge jack nearly bottomed the scale at 58 pounds, 8 ounces.”

Where Leah diabolically said “bottomed” to mitigate.

In January 2022, Nicholas Fano of Palm City, Florida caught the first-ever Florida state record and IGFA world record crevalle jack. It weighed 58 pounds, 8 ounces.

Nicholas Fano
(Nicholas Fano, right, with the first-ever Florida state record and world record crevalle jack, January 2022)

There are no media accounts or photographs of the claimed 2010 world record from Angola, Africa from 2010.

There are no images of tcpalm.com’s Leah Voss online.

Leah Voss is a pseudonym under which multiple Intelligence operatives post their material.


On February 18, 2024, myfishingcapecod.com said “I Never Liked Jack Crevalle, Until I Tried This Simple Recipe”.

Where author Lauren Collins clearly implies that there are crevalle jacks off Cape Cod, and that she and her friends eat them all the time.

The article goes on to say “Most fisherman fishing for jack crevalle are doing it for sport. After all, jack crevalles do produce violent topwater bites and drag blistering runs, which make anglers like my husband Ryan go crazy”.

Clearly, there are crevasse’s a-plenty off Cape Cod, and Lauren’s husband, Ryan, catches them all time time.

Well, if that’s true, then why is there no Massachusetts state record crevalle jack?

Lauren Collins is a propagandist. She works for the State propaganda organ known as myfishingcapecod.com. Her hit-piece is preparing for the imminent appearance of the crevasse jack in the Atlantic Ocean off Massachusetts.

I have exposed her duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

I’m guessing that many or most of these shills are handed their press releases, which they then personalize, and publish under their name.

Wikipedia - A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization, or have been paid to do so.

Here’s Lauren Collins’ picture, in a Satanic purple top, and where the image is constructed to focus attention on her left eye:

Lauren Collins
(Myfishingcapcod’s Lauren Collins)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like myfishingcapecod.com’s Lauren Collins, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to **the Left-Hand-Path-**Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Lauren’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemasons of marginal influence looks like.

She figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

JUNE 2024

On June 13, 2024, cbsnews.com said “21-year-old Georgia woman breaks fishing record that had been untouched for nearly half a century”.

Where author Li Cohen said “breaks” and “fishing” because they are general.

As a propagandist, Li knows that 70% of readers only read the headlines, and that their technique goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the sudden, exponential increase in size of the crevalle jack which they are attempting to obfuscate.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Li also bravely said “fishing”, versus the correct “fish”, or the even-more-correct “crevalle jack”, to reinforce the false meme that far-larger crevasse jacks had been out there in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article goes on to say “A 21-year-old woman in Georgia just broke a nearly half-century-old fishing record. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources announced the new saltwater fish record on June 5.”

Where cbsnews.com’s Li Cohen omitted the name of the fish, and omitted the word “state” from “state record”, to make the subject virtually unsearchable.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say “According to the department, St. Mary’s resident Lauren Harden caught a crevalle jack that weighed a whopping 33 pounds, 10.72 ounces. She caught the fish on May 24 on Cumberland Island, the largest and southernmost of the state’s barrier islands. According to Georgia Aquarium, crevalle jack are large, silvery fish that are often found in large schools in open water, usually over the continental shelf.

The article goes on to say “The fish Harden captured, however, was not even half the weight the animals can grow to. The aquarium says that the fish, which are known for their steep foreheads and tendency to “grunt or croak when caught by fishermen,” can reach up to 70 pounds.”

On June 5, 2024, Lauren Harden caught the Georgia state record crevasse jack. It weighed 33 pounds, 10.72 ounces.

Georgia State Record Crevalle Jack
(Lauren Harden with the first-ever Georgia state record crevalle jack, 2024)

Cbsnews.com’s Li Cohen said ““The fish Harden captured, however, was not even half the weight the animals can grow to.”

Li is doing their level best to downplay the sudden, exponential increase in size of the crevalle jack in Georgia.

For those keeping score, fish are “caught”, not “captured”, and fish are “fish”, not animals, as falsely described in both cases by cbsnews.com’s Li Cohen. Li redacted “caught” and “fish” to make the subject less searchable.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say “The previous record for catching the fish was set in 1981 by Ann Allen. Her fish weighed 30 pounds and 6 ounces. The current record for males is a 38-pound, 8-ounce crevalle jack that was caught by Lex Bazemore in August 2001.”

However, there are no media accounts documenting either the 1981 catch, or the 2001 catch, and no photographs exist of either of the fish. Each and every last reference to Ann Allen and Lex Bazemore’s jack crevalles are from articles on the 2024 record.

They are fabricated, made up out of whole cloth, put forward to blunt the understanding of the fact that that the jack crevalle winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off Georgia in June 2024 for the first time in history, as the health of the ether improved to the point where the species could manifest within it.

Here’s Li Cohen’s picture, with a Satanic green background, and where the image is constructed to focus attention on her left eye:

Li Cohen
(Li Cohen)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like cbsnews.com’s Li Cohen, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to **the Left-Hand-Path-**Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Li’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemasons of marginal influence looks like.

She figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

JULY 2024

A current, undated article on carolinasportsman.com says “In 1993, J.J. Benich of Mount Pleasant, a business professor at the College of Charleston, caught a 40-pound, 1-ounce jack crevalle that is the South Carolina”.

However, there are no media accounts of this catch, and no photographs of this fish.

It is a fabricated record, put in place so that, if and when the crevalle jack ever winks into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off South Carolina, everyone can say “oh, they’ve been around this whole time, albeit at smaller sizes. It says so right here in Carolina Sportsman!”.

MAY 2024

On May 28, 2024, gulfshores.com published “Jack Crevalle Fishing”, and went on to say “When & Where to Find Jack Crevalle on Alabama Beaches.”

While, on September 28, 2010, gameandfishingmagazine.com said “Tommey III of Mobile caught the Alabama state-record jack crevalle while fishing on Aug. 20, 1994. The jack weighed 39 pounds, 4 ounces.”

There are no independent media accounts of this catch, or are there any photographs of this fish. Remember, this is 2010, in the digital era.

Sorry folks, this is yet another fake record, put in place to forestall the later arrival of the crevalle jack in Alabama. The gulfshores.com article plays along, and pretend that crevalle jacks are all over the place in Alabama, however, you just need to know where to look for them.

Patient readers will recall that 2010 is the also the year of the fake World Record crevalle jack purportedly caught in Angola, Africa.

JULY 2024

A current article on twb.texas.gov says “Jack, Crevalle 50.25 52.25 Jun 26, 1976 Gulf of Mexico Francis Lyon”.

This record is mentioned in a Texas Parks and Wildlife article from 1981, as part of a list.

There are no indepdendent media accounts of this catch, and no photographs of this fish.

It is a fabrication, made up out of whole cloth, to hedge against the time that the crevalle jack winks into existence in Texas. Then everyone can say “oh, they’ve been around this whole time, albeit at smaller sizes. It says so right here in this Texas Parks and Wildlife article from forty years ago!”.

JULY 2024

A current article on delaware.gov says “Crevalle Jack - Delaware Fish Facts for The Recreational Angler”.

When, in fact, there is no Delaware state record crevalle jack.

The article is in place to forestall the crevalle jack’s imminent winking into existence in Delaware.

I have exposed the duplicity of the government of the state of Delaware by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

JULY 2024

A current, undated article on takemefishing.org says “Crevalle Jack · Where to catch Crevalle Jack. Occurs only in the western Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia, Canada to Uruguay, including the Gulf of Mexico”.

Given that the crevalle jack occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to Uruguay, every U.S. state from Maine to Florida, and every Gulf of Mexico state should have crevalle jack state records.

There is no Maine state record crevalle jack.

There is no New Hampshire state record crevalle jack.

There is no Massachusetts state record crevalle jack.

There is no Connecticut state record crevalle jack.

There is no Rhode Island state record crevalle jack.

There is no New York state record crevalle jack.

There is no New Jersey state record crevalle jack.

There is no Delaware state record crevalle jack.

There is no Maryland state record crevalle jack.

There is no Virginia state record crevalle jack.

The 1989 North Carolina state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina in 2014.

The 1993 South Carolina state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

Neither the 1981 nor the 2001 Georgia state record crevalle jack are corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of either of these fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in Georgia in 2024.

The 1993 Florida state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in Florida in 2022.

The 1994 Alabama state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The 2005 Mississippi state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

The jack crevalle first winked into existence in Mississippi in 2015.

The 1976 Texas state record crevalle jack is not corroborated by any independent media account, and there are no photographs of this fish.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, July 2, 2024

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