Small 108-a little over a square meter

Some more 108 observations:

Don brought us a Super 108 a few weeks ago to help with our ongoing forest fire. I call it a Super 108 because it’s big (6ft. x 6ft.) and he made it with larger orgonite cones that have a coil and crystal point inside. He brought it over because the fire we had thought was out flared up dramatically during a windstorm and we were under an evacuation alert. Don showed up at our house at about 2am and we immediately set up the 108. Before we had even assembled the orgonite and glued it on the boards I was feeling a strong energy. After all the orgonite was in place, it just kept getting stronger and stronger. We stayed up talking with Don for about another hour and each time I checked on the energy of the Super 108 it was stronger. The next day, Stevo and I tilted it up and pointed it at the fire. By this time, there were three big areas of fire, one of which was within a mile of our home. Less than one week later, we got a rainstorm and cold temps that diminished the fire to the point that it is not a worry. In fact, it snowed on the very top of the mountains where the fire is located. All of a sudden, we are now in almost winter temperatures and snow is expected on the ground this week. In the ten years we have lived there, we’ve never had snow before November 1st.

So, I feel the Super 108 changed our weather dramatically, as we had been having 70’s and 80’s temps just the week before it was set up. The elementals seem to really like the Super 108, and the two 108’s on our property seem to be working together now. The other really helpful thing that happened is that Carol pointed out that we had some of those nasty graveling entities on our property (these are the ones that were skulking around their hanger right before Don crashed his airplane). Once Carol brought our attention to this, we were able to get rid of their energy with simple boosting. Both Stevo and I were kind of overwhelmed, so it’s been really helpful to have Carol and Don getting into emergency chats with us to resolve this. The weekend chatters also spent a lot of time boosting for us. Thanks Friends!

I think it’s important for everyone to have their own experience with the 108, or any other orgonite device. We’re all in different stages of energetic development and some people are more sensitive than others. I like the idea that we can consult with each other and help each other along, as I have personally experienced how getting information from another psychic, like Carol, has helped me become more aware of the energy around me. I try not to be too invested in being right about something because I realize that everyone has their own experience of the world. Don and Carol have taught me to be more open-minded about stuff and think less in terms of “good” or “bad”. It’s a challenge to be neutral and I’m not always successful, but I keep trying! It’s all just energy in different stages of development, and different people are comfortable with different energy frequencies.

I look forward to reading about other people’s continuing experiments.


my 108 … it feels good …

I want to advertise at this point using the principle of the 108/114 in gifting cities etc. A few stars of david here and there forming a vast energy grid of POR does make a difference. Would be nice to show the map of Moscow in Russia as inspiration, but may those devices lay where they are–

No need to hunt down all the transmitters.

Grid it. We are talking about taking use of advanced strategies, as you who have experimented with 108/114 device understand, and also proved by the effect of cloud buster. That is no small principle. Make use of it.

Good idea. Just posted small 108 to Brighton, cut into 3 bits so it will fit into loft, but seems a good idea posting wise anyway. Must do some into water in London like I did some 18s.

Wouldn’t mind some mould suggestions. What is the new improved Croft moulds? Maybe some small glasses used for spirits? Needs to be pointed, narrow at base but enough to take crystal pointing up. The mould above looks the ticket but not sure of it’s size, a 108 at 4ft square is ideal.

The 114 doesn’t work if crystal is put in flat, from what Kelly saw here.

Hello John,

The 108 showed in the picture is 1,20 m in diameter.
I took a normal champangne glass, that I filed up only to the half. You can easily put a pointing up crystal into it.
This seems to me very good. I only used may be 20 pointed up crystals, because that were all I had. for the most of the orgonites i used normal quartz pieces.

Near the glass there is a normal TB mufffin.

thanks, that looks ideal, and 1.2 is half a bit of ply board which is 4x8 ft. That looks like my IKEA small glass
45mm diameter base) . Want something that will last longer than my small TBs. Going in centre of labyrinth. And the shape looks better, will use charged STs pointing up.

Addition: That IKEA glass has a lip on the inside, so useless!

you were right about the champagne glass, it is ideal (and easily available), you can adjust the base diameter easily by how much you put in, from 45mm about half way up. And the height gives you more leeway with crystal sizes, and you can easily cover the charged crystal (so it keeps its charge) and keep it pointing upright. 45mm is about 1.5 fl oz but I don’t think amount matters as Kelly says he uses mini TBs to open vortices (and on 15mm pipe peacemakers), it only makes them last longer, I would have thought.

on page 2 of this long thread
Dooney said “So, I feel the Super 108 changed our weather dramatically,”

posting this to confirm that the 2 large 108’s WE’ve built, so far, have also changed northern thailands weather dramatically…
cooler and wetter especially at night…
working on the 3rd 108 this week glued onto 2 sheets of – 4’ x 8’ of galvanized put together making a 8’ x 8’

the first one was 6’ x 6’ on plywood and the second 8’ x 8’ on plywood