The Creation of Covid-19 - In which Harvard's Dr. Charles Lieber calls the injectable, neuron-mimicking brain probes which he developed in 2015 "exciting", and refers to them as “stealth technology” - by Jeff Miller

“As my sufferings mounted, I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation – either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”

― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

(Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.”

Major General George S. Patton, Jr.

(Major General George S. Patton, 1943?)

Jeff and Belle
(Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, 2020)

Hans Gruber: Do you really think you have a chance against us Mr. cowboy?

John McClane: Yippie Ki Yay Motherfucker.

From the movie “Die Hard”, written by Steven E. de Souza and Jeb Stuart, 1988

The Creation of Covid-19, which means “Fraud, Deception, Conspiracy”

By Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, January 10, 2023

In 1981, Dean Koontz published a novel called “The Eyes of Darkness”. It features a weaponized virus called “Wuhan-400”.

Here’s a passage from it: "The Chinese tested it on God knows how many political prisoners. They were never able to find an antibody or an antibiotic that was effective against it. The virus migrates to the brain stem, and there it begins secreting a toxin that literally eats away brain tissue like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth.”

That is an example of what is known in criminal parlance as “the set-up”.

Eyes of Darkness
(The cover of the book “The Eyes of Darkness”, by Dean Koontz, 1981. The book’s cover features the left eye because, to Illuminists, the left eye is known as “the eye of Will” or “the eye of Horus”. The publishers figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.)

Just over thirty years ago, in 1991, Dr. Charles Lieber joined Harvard University. Early on, he pioneered a variety of techniques for growing nanowires from the bottom up in a chemical flask.

At that time, the technology to etch large chunks of semiconductors, metals, and other materials to make wirelike structures was well established. But that top-down approach typically requires the use of expensive clean room facilities, the sorts used by computer chip–makers. Lieber’s strategy opened the door to making pristine nanostructures with simple and inexpensive chemical techniques.

You know, the kind of inexpensive and simple chemical techniques that you can replicate on an industrial scale for use in vaccines?

The precocious Lieber went on to show that he could use these nanowire mind control implants to serve as “transistors, complex logic circuits, data storage devices, and even sensors”. Where the author carefully omitted “communication interfaces” to hide the primary purpose of the malefic technology.

Between 1998 and 2007, the late financier and serial sex offender Jeffrey Epstein gave Harvard University $9.2 million. In 2003, the largest share of that $9.2 million was a $6.5 million donation to help establish Martin Nowak’s program.

Here’s a photo of Martin Nowalk from his current profile on

Martin Nowak
(Martin Nowak, Harvard University’s Professor of Biology and Mathematics, in a Satanic purple shirt, and where his image is off-center to the left to give prominence to his left eye. That’s because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Martin, the left eye is the eye of Will, or the Eye of Horus. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery)

His bio says “Martin Nowak is fascinated by all questions of biology and regrets that he can work only on some. He initiated the field of virus dynamics which led to a quantitative understanding of HIV infection”.

Where “a quantitative understanding of HIV infection” is Mil-speak for “helped to weaponize the AIDS virus.”

During this time period, in meeting with prominent geneticist Martin Now and George Church, yet another Harvard professor, Epstein expressed his interest in “… the science of life’s origins and mathematically modeling the evolution of viruses, cancer cells, and life itself.” Epstein contributed $6.5 million to the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics to fund Nowak to study virus dynamics among many other things.”

Church is also well known geneticist and has been involved in synthetic biology, a field concerned with the creation of new life forms by engineering them using technologies such as DNA synthesis.

In 2005, financier and soon-to-be convicted serial sexual felon Jeffrey Epstein was given the title of “Visiting Fellow” in Harvard’s psychology department. Visiting fellows are independent researchers. Epstein was recommended for the role by Harvard Professor Stephen Kosslyn, who had known Epstein for many years and had previously received research funding from Epstein through Harvard.

Epstein lacked any of the academic qualifications that Visiting Fellows typically possess, and his application proposed a course of study which he was unqualified in any way to pursue. He did nothing whatsoever to pursue these studies at Harvard, and there is no record of his ever having engaged with any Harvard students.

Epstein Dershowitz
(Visiting Harvard University Fellow and serial sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in 2004, left, in a Satanic purple Harvard sweatshirt, with fellow generational Satanist Alan Dershowitz, right. Dershowitz would later serve on Epstein’s defense team. They both figured that no one would ever notice the coded visual imagery.)

Epstein was often at the program’s offices in Harvard Square. Office 610 was known as “Jeffrey’s Office”, and Epstein decorated it with his own rug and photographs. For a time, Epstein even had personal Harvard phone line.

He visited there more than 40 times after he was released from jail in 2010 up until 2018, routinely with young women who acted as his assistants. Despite no official connection with Harvard, Epstein was given key cards to enter the building and office.

In 2010, the Monitor Group, a prominent international management consulting partnership, predicted that China would, within a decade, become the world leader in discovery and innovation in life sciences. Some research is seen as less controversial in China than elsewhere, such as research regarding the genetic causes of intelligence, which is just one example…Fundamentally, it is assumed that China would not miss, skip, or give up any highly advanced technology, especially when it is military oriented. This postulation refers to Bioweapons, among other disciplines. And it seems that once targeted, the upgrading of Bioweapons by Chinese military scientists will persist for long.

[China’s Bioweapons arsenal presumably] comprises a first generation of BWA [biological warfare agents] (for example, plague and brucellosis germs) in an operational state; a second generation of BWA (for example, Hantan and Japanese Encephalitis viruses) in an operational state; plus a third generation of BWA (for example, SARS, Ebola and Influenza viruses) still under development, in part or entirely.

Notably, some of the mentioned [Chinese] facilities have frequent and systematic interactions with American scientists, often aiming to absorb—ostensibly academically—advanced know-how from the concerned scientists. Those interactions appear to represent an inherent line within China’s scientific international interfaces.

In 2011, Harvard University’s Chair of Chemistry and Microbiology, Dr. Charles Lieber was recruited and employed by the Chinese at a salary of $50,000 per month to “conduct scientific research, publish articles in the name of Wuhan University, and recruit top international scientists to work for them as visiting scholars”. This while he was still working at Harvard and receiving millions of dollars in taxpayer funded grants for his research there.

Lieber even went as far as signing a five-year agreement to set up a joint nanoscience research lab between Wuhan University and Harvard—without Harvard’s knowledge or consent. And when Harvard finally confronted him about it— he lied to them. But more on that in a bit.

In 2011, Francis Collins, then director of the National Institute of Health and Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in the Washington Post “Important information and insights can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.

In 2012, Fauci said “In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic ? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario — however remote — should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision ?"

He went on to say “Scientists working in this field might say — as indeed I have said — that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.Within the research community, many have expressed concern that important research progress could come to a halt just because of the fear that someone, somewhere, might attempt to replicate these experiments sloppily. This is a valid concern,” he wrote.

Here, roughly a decade prior to the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans, Anthony Fauci is blowing a lot of smoke to protect the “important research” that Harvard’s Dr. Charles Lieber was directing in Wuhan, China at that very moment.

In 2014, despite the protestations of Dr. Anthony Fauci, a moratorium was placed upon gain-of-function research. That same year, not at all deterred by the moratorium, the National Institute of Health’s Director and longtime Fauci BFF Francis Collins awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and a non-profit in New York City with the Orwellian name of “EcoHealth”. The grant was called “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

Where “emergence” is Mil-speak for “engineering and releasing a weaponized bat Coronavirus.”

I say that because the 2014 collaboration between EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology involved an experiment in which they created a hybrid virus from a bat coronavirus.

EcoHealth had gotten the Confidence game rolling decades earlier with a front organization with the equally-Orwellian name of “Wildlife Trust”. At that time, they were purporting to be trying to “help save manatees and pygmy elephants”.

For those struggling to understand, it’s similar to how the fictitious professional killer James Bond professed to work for “Universal Exports”.

“Ecohealth” did and does not have any actual scientists doing experiments. Rather, they collaborate with other scientists and organizations around the world with a heavy focus on virus hunting. And then, they do what is known as “gain-of-function” research, in which they try to increase the transmissibility or severity of infection of those pathogens.

One of the viruses they hunted down and found - in, wait for it, China! - was called WIV1. They combined human genetic material with WIV1 and injected this new chimeric virus or hybrid virus into genetically altered “human” mice, and found to their delight that it reproduced far more quickly and was far more pathogenic than the original. They had succeeded in their “gain of function” research - where the function is “to kill humans”.

“Ecohealth” also performed an experiment on the extremely-deadly MERS virus in which they created infectious clones of MERS and swapped out the virus’ receptor binding domain, which is a part of this spike protein, which enables it to infect humans.

In 2014, Francis Collins, then director of the National Institute of Health, and Dr. Anthony Fauci began supporting a program of manipulating SARS-related viruses in Wuhan. Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance of New York, managed the program, using $3.7 million in NIH money to fund Shi Zhengli, the chief expert on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Shi collected many types of coronaviruses from wild bats and took them back to her lab. There she manipulated the viruses to make them capable of attacking humans, principally by taking the gene for the spike protein of one virus and inserting it into the genome of another.

She tested the novel viruses in humanized mice—animals genetically engineered to carry in their airways the proteins that the virus targets. The process adapts the virus to be capable of attacking live humans.

You’ve been conditioned to think that this is what an evil scientist looks like:

Dr. No
(Charles Wiseman as Dr. Julius No, from the film “Dr. No”, 1962. Can you see how the image is constructed to give prominence to the left eyes of the Evil Scientist and his henchman?)

While this is, in fact, what an actual evil scientist actually looks like:

Shi Zhengli
(Shi Zhengli, the chief expert on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Shi used U.S. taxpayer dollars to collect many types of coronaviruses from wild bats and took them back to her lab. There she manipulated the viruses to make them capable of attacking humans, principally by taking the gene for the spike protein of one virus and inserting it into the genome of another.)

The resemblance is pretty close. Except that Zhengli is twisting her evil face into something that’s trying to approximate a smile.

Can you see how the image is constructed to focus attention on her left eye? That’s because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Shi Zhengli, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or “the eye of Horus”.

I’ve included her photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

“Coronaviruses can be artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before. These engineered viruses will lead to a new era of genetic weapons and can be used to cause the enemy’s medical system to collapse.”

From “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons”, by 18 Chinese military scientists and weapons experts, 2015

The chances that an outstanding state like China would ignore new avenues of Bioweapon designing and deployment are a priori slim, if any. China, in all likelihood, is and will persist as a paramount Bioweapon possessor.

(At this writing in 2015, Harvard University’s Dr. Charles Lieber was in his fourth year of being paid $50,000 per month by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. When he got caught, he said he was “helping them develop electric car batteries”. In 2015, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was a year into their $3.7 million National Institute of Health grant entitled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” - ed)

It is directed primarily by COSTIND [Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense] and by the PLA Military Intelligence Department.

Uniquely, across China…officially…the Wuhan Institute of Virology is…equipped with [a maximal level biohazard facility (BSL-4)], furnished by a French supplier.

(Where, with “a French supplier” the author covers up the fact that Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab. - ed)

The Wuhan Institute of Virology investigates highly virulent viruses, such as SARS, influenza H5N1, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue. Besides this, the germ causing anthrax is studied in the institute, too (which is beyond the discipline of virology).

From a 2015 article on Chinese Bioweapons Capabilities

In June 2015, said “A Flexible Circuit Has Been Injected Into Living Brains”.

Where author Devin Powell went on to say “Tested on mice, the rolled mesh fits inside a syringe and unfurls to monitor brain activity”. Ah, it unfurls, like a blood-red Communist Chinese flag. My heart swells.

It’s injectable. It fits inside a syringe. You know, the kind used to deliver vaccines? Now, that’s the kind of knowledge you pay fifty grand a month for!

With “monitor brain activity”, Author Devin Powell used what is a half-truth to play the cruel ruse that it was injected in there merely to monitor brain activity, versus the truth: that it was placed in their to control it. That’s why a Harvard University article from September 2019 which features Dr. Lieber is more forthcomingly-entitled “The future of mind control”.

The 2015 Smithsonian article continues: “We’re trying to blur the distinction between electronic circuits and neural circuits,” says Charles Lieber, a nanotechnologist at Harvard University and co-author of a study describing the device this week in Nature Nanotechnology."

By the time that the glowing Smithsonian article was published, Lieber had been working for the Godless Communist Red Chinese for four years, at $50K per month, so he’d banked over two million bucks developing mind control implants for them.

Just a few years later, in 2021, in the affidavit attached to his felony conviction, Lieber would widened his eyes to simulate honesty and claimed that they were paying him six million dollars per year to help them work on batteries for electric cars.

In the Smithsonian article, the earnest Lieber goes on to say "What makes the new approach different is the circuit’s exceptional pliability. Made from strands of metal and plastic woven together like fishing net, the circuit is a “hundred thousand times more flexible than other implantable electronics,” says Lieber. The net can be rolled up so that it can easily pass through a syringe needle. Once inside the body, the net unfurls of its own accord and becomes embedded in the brain.

But don’t worry, I’m sure there were no injectable circuits inside the syringe containing your Covid vaccine.

The Smithsonian article goes on to say “Autopsies of injected mice revealed that the wires had woven themselves into the tangled fabric of neurons over the course of weeks. Tight connections formed as plastic and brain matter knitted together with seemingly little negative impact.”

Lieber Mesh
(A 3-D microscope image in Satanic purple and green showing the mesh injected into a region of the brain called the lateral ventricle. Lieber Research Group, Harvard University).

The Smithsonian article goes on to say “The neurons’ activities could be monitored using microscopic sensors wired into the circuit. Voltage detectors picked up currents generated by individual brain cells firing. Those electrical signals were relayed along a wire running out of the head to a computer.”

Where “a wire running out of the head into a computer” is an hilarious ruse to cover the wireless communication between the computer and the mouse’s now-hijacked brain. A wire thinner than a hypodermic needle? Attached via what method, through what surgical procedure? What machinery does that beyond-hair-thin wire attach to, and by what mechanism?

You’re going to need to put your critical thinking hat on if we’re going to get out of this alive, I’m afraid.

The Smithsonian article goes on to say “To be useful for humans, though, Lieber’s team will need to prove that the nets have even greater longevity. Previous neural electronics have suffered from stability problems; they tend to lose signal over time as cells near the rigid intruders die or migrate away. But the team is optimistic that Lieber’s mesh will prove to be more brain-friendly, since cells encountering it so far seem to cuddle up and grow into its gaps.”

Say what you will about them, no one but a literally-blood-drinking generational Satanist could come up with the terms “brain-friendly” and “cuddle up” as references to a surreptitiously-injected mind control implant.

In 2017, just two years after the Smithsonian article we’re reviewing, the National Institute of Health granted a U.S. front organization with the Orwellian name of “EcoHealth” and the Wuhan Institute of Virology $3.7 million U.S. taxpayer dollars to develop a novel virus from a Chinese bat virus. The Covid-19 virus, whose name means “fraud, deception, conspiracy.”

COVID-19 - noun - A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

-id - suffix

of or pertaining to; appended to words to make an English adjective or noun form. Forming nouns from Latin or Greek roots, being suffixed to the name of their progenitors and meaning “descendant(s) of

Covin - noun - from Old French, from medieval Latin convenium, from Latin convenire (see convene).

collusive agreement between two or more persons to the detriment of a third : conspiracy. b archaic : fraud, trickery

-īnus (feminine -īna, neuter -īnum); first/second-declension suffix

Of or pertaining to; -ine; usually indicates a relationship of position, possession, or origin.

Coven - noun - mid 17th century: variant of covin.

a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly.

often derogatory

a secret or close-knit group of associates.

“covens of militants within the party”


Suffix meaning “of or pertaining to"

In 2017, the NIH resumed gain-of-function research, but with a set of guidelines called P3CO, which were supposed to closely scrutinize the work and protect the populace from any dangers that might emerge. Peter Daszak, who is the head of EcoHealth Alliance, actually crafted language that allowed the National Institute of Health bypass its own rules.

Here’s Peter Daszak’s picture, wearing a Satanic purple tie, with his arms folded in a Masonic “sign of recognition”:

Peter Daszak
(EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak, wearing a Satanic purple tie, with his arms folded in a Masonic “gesture of recognition”. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery. Peter was given $3.7 million U.S. tax dollars by the National Institute of Health to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to create a hybrid virus from a bat coronavirus, to make sure that it would kill more humans than the original.)

I’ve included his photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

EcoHealth’s Director, Peter Daszak crafted the language and handed it over to NIH, who inserted in the final agreement with no alteration.

The work was being done at the Wuhan lab in China, and the National Institute of Health was relying on the word of the grantee, Ecolab, to tell them that it was going well. Peter Daszak never revealed the exact nature of these experiments. He had not talked about how risky they, in fact, were.

In 2017, the Smithsonian Magazine widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Is China Ground Zero for a Future Pandemic?

Here, three years prior to the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for the improved transmissibility to humans, we have an example of what is known in criminal parlance as “the set-up”.

In late 2017 and early 2018, EcoHealth Alliance applied for another grant, this one from a subagency in the United States Department of Defense called DARPA. In it, they proposed to go to China’s bat caves, and sample bats for coronaviruses, and take those back to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In the grant, they proposed to insert cleavage sites, similar to the “mystifying” furin cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence, and to insert those into their coronavirus sequences to see if it would make them more infectious.

In 2018, EcoHealth applied for a grant from the National Institute of Health for research that proposed to “introduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sites” into SARS-like coronaviruses. The grant was turned down, but the team went right on ahead and did it anyway. The grant materials, which have since been obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, say very clearly that the work had been conducted.

When the National Institute of Health initially released the documents, one progress report had been filed two years later, and the other one was missing entirely. Those are the two years immediately leading up to the start of the pandemic.

Besides adding novel spike proteins, Shi’s manipulations included insertion of a furin cleavage site. The artificially-installed cleavage sites are “appropriate” to someone whose mission is to modify a bat virus to kill humans.

In 2018, the AMA introduced three new CPT codes to incentivize the adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring, or RPM.

Here, two years prior to the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for the improved transmissibility to humans, we have yet another example of what is known in criminal parlance as “the set-up”.

In 2018 and 2019, Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, lied to federal authorities about his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology.

In April 2019, said “Team led by Dr. Charles Lieber, 2009 Vannevar Bush Fellow, designs neuron-mimicking probes with increased viability for long-term use.”

The article goes on to say "In work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the NIH, among others, Dr. Charles Lieber has created neural probes that approximate the size, shape, and flexibility of real neurons. In mouse studies, this allows the probes to integrate into the brain and record the functions of adjacent neurons over 90 days without an immune response that damages and disrupts nearby tissue. Not only did the probes each pick up the signals from multiple distinct neurons, but unexpectedly the number of signals they were tracking increased over time, suggesting that additional neurons were connecting to the probes. Dr. Lieber is optimistic about future applications: “frankly, this is the most exciting research I have been involved in. My lab members, collaborators and I all have a plethora of ideas for practical applications of this new ‘stealth’ technology. Ideas range from understanding brain development over time to targeting specific neurons involved in diseases like addiction, depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s to assess disease progression, while simultaneously accelerating recovery with electric stimulation in the damaged area.

I’m guessing you noticed that Dr. Charles Lieber called the injectable, neuron-mimicking nueron probes that he developed just prior to the release of all the Covid-19 vaccines “stealth technology”.

In 2019, and article from Harvard University said "During his postdoctoral studies, Shaun Patel saw how just a short pulse of electricity – no more than 500 milliseconds of stimulation – could control a person’s ability to make a safe or impulsive decision. After a little zap, subjects who almost always chose the risky bet, instead went with the safe option. “You would have no idea that it’s happened,” Patel said. “You’re unaware of it. It’s beyond your conscious awareness.”

On July 23, 2019, a first false suicide attempt was ascribed to Jeffrey Epstein. His cellmate, former Westchester County, New York police officer Nicholas Tartaglione “claims he helped save the life of the wealthy investor Epstein. Two days after Epstein’s suicide attempt, Tartaglione’s lawyers requested the surveillance footage at the jail from July 22 through July 23 for possible use in the sentencing phase of his case. If the tape shows Tartaglione helping save Epstein, as he claims he did, it could bolster arguments that the ex-cop deserves to be spared the death penalty. On Wednesday, during a hearing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, a prosecutor said that the video could not be found.”

This is elegant, in that it sets up ex-cop Tartaglione as a hero, and a victim of some cruel purported obfuscation at the hands of the New York Feds who were jailing him. When, in fact, Tartaglione hanged his roommate, Jeffrey Epstein, and then cut him down, as a chain-jerk or final warning prior to his actual murder a couple weeks later.

On August 10, 2019, guards found Jeffrey Epstein unresponsive in his Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York, jail cell, where he was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

The guard who found Epstein said that he cut him down before trying to revive him.

At least two nooses were photographed lying on the floor of the cell. Here’s a picture of the noose taken in as evidence, showing both ends of the noose folded and hemmed, not cut.

Epstein Noose
(a picture of the noose taken in as evidence, showing both ends of the noose folded and hemmed, not cut.)

Federal prosecutors have charged Michael Thomas, who was alone when he found Epstein’s body, and his fellow guard Nova Toel making false records, conspiring to make false records, and conspiring to defraud the United States. Both have pleaded not guilty.

No photo exists of Epstein’s body as it was found in his cell.

He had an injury to the back of his neck, fractures of the left and right thyroid cartilage (which sits at the front of the neck), a fracture of the left hyoid bone (a u-shaped bone that sits under the jaw and acts as an anchor for the tongue), a cut on his lip, an injection mark on his arm, contusions on both wrists, and deep muscle hemorrhaging in his left shoulder muscle.

In December 2019, said "Federal prosecutors have found surveillance video of the area around the cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein on the day of his first jailhouse suicide attempt, according to a new court filing. Earlier this week, they said the footage was missing.”

Et, voila. With Epstein out of the way, and the video miraculously “found”, Tartaglione will be released, a hero.

A private pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, observed the autopsy done and said “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case.”

The mainstream nature of this reportage is intentional. It lets the audience know just how large and strong the Great Big Conspiracy is, and what happens to people who step out of line.

And, every time someone assimilates such things without pushing back, the more cowed and docile they become. It’s called “Social Engineering”.

“Resistance is futile - we are the great and powerful Borg.”

When the truth is, they are a parasitic twenty to thirty percent of the populace, ruling through subterfuge. They are the fat little turd in the Wizard of Oz saying “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.

December 12th, 2019, the University of Chapel HIll’s Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and the NIH. It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours.

Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab.

(Stephane Bancel, in a Satanic purple tie, making a purportedly-secret Masonic “gesture of recognition” with his left hand. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery. Can you see how the images is off-center to the left, to focus attention on his left eye? That’s because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Stephane, the left eye is the “eye of Will”, or the “eye of Horus”).

Here’s an historical depiction of purportedly-secret Masonic “gestures of recognition”:

Masonic Gestures
(Historical depiction of purportedly-secret Masonic “gestures of recognition”)

Here’s a picture of Alain Merieux, making purportedly-secret Masonic “gestures of recognition”:

(BioMerieux founder Alain Merieux. Alain was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and mentored Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel)

From 2020 to 2023, the percentage of Americans who said that Covid was developed intentionally in a lab increased by 187%, or nearly tripled, from 23% to 66%.

From 2020 to 2023, confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest decreased by 16%, from 87% to 73%. But, then, that’s what weaponizing a Chinese bat virus and at U.S. taxpayer expense will do to one’s reputation.

U.S. News’ Cecilia Smith-Schoenwalter described the gigantic decrease in trust as a “far drop”, and offered no suggestion whatsoever as to what might have caused it. The latter is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

From 2020 to 2022, the percentage of the US public who distrusted scientists increased by 91.6%, from 12% to 23%. But, then, that’s what the barely-covert international release of a weaponized Chinese bat virus will do to one’s reputation.

From 2020 to 2022, the American public’s trust of their state health departments decreased by 19%, from 68% to 55%.

From 2020 to 2022, confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest decreased by 11.5%, from 87% to 77%.

From 2020 to 2022, Americans trust in nonprofits decreased by 3%.

From 2020 to 2021, Americans’ confidence in medical scientists decreased by 28%. In 2022, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said in comment that it was due to “lack of representation in the scientific field.”

From 2020 to 2021, longevity in the United States decreased by .7%, from 76.98 years to 76.44 years.

From 2020 to 2021, during the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans, longevity in nations outside the U.S. increased by .26%.

The .7% decrease in longevity in the U.S. from 2020 to 2021 was 369% greater than the .26% increase in longevity documented in nations outside the U.S. during that same time period.

Wait, what? The distribution of purportedly protective Covid vaccines was way higher in the U.S. than elsewhere. And, yet, the virus purportedly did exponentially more damage in the U.S., than elsewhere. What gives?

It’s scientific proof that the purportedly-helpful vaccines are in fact driving exponential increases in mortality.

In 2020 60% of the U.S. populace distrusted medical scientists.

In January 2020, Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was arrested and charged with lying to the Department of Defense about secret monthly payments of $50,000.00 paid by China, and receipt of millions more to help set up the chemical/biological “Research” laboratory in Wuhan, China.

In January 2020, Yanqing Ye, 29, a Chinese national, “was charged in an indictment with one count each of visa fraud, making false statements, acting as an agent of a foreign government and conspiracy.

A lieutenant in China’s People’s Liberation Army, she was acting as an agent for the Chinese government without registering as a foreign power as required by law. She lied about her military service in order to enter the United States, then Boston University allowed her to conduct research there, despite that fact that she was coming from a school that was on the Department of Commerce’s denied entity list. That school where she studied just so happens to be a top military academy.

Ye is currently in China.

Can you see how, despite being arrested, he was allowed to walk, and flee the U.S.? How they must laugh.

Zheng Zaosong, another Chinese national here on a visa sponsored by Harvard University, was being paid a stipend by the Chinese Scholarship Council while also working at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center conducting cancer research. In January 2020, he was arrested and charged with trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological material and research back to Beijing.

That was U.S. citizen biological material, to be used to tune the virus, and the purportedly-helpful vaccines developed and deployed in response to it.

Or, if you are a practicing Coincidence theorist, you can go with Zheng Zaosong’s explanation: “ he admitted that he stole the vials so he could take them back to China to conduct further research and publish the results of that research under his own name.

I’m afraid you are going to have to use your own personal discernment to come to your own conclusions on the matter.

On January 31, 2020, the Andersen group elucidated the artificial furin cleavage site of the weaponized Chinese bat virus. Garry of Tulane University noted that the inserted furin cleavage site, a string of 12 units of RNA, the virus’s genetic material, was exactly the required length, a precision simply not found in nature: “I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature . . . it’s stunning. Of course, in the lab it would be easy to generate the perfect 12 base insert that you wanted.”

Four days later, on February 4, 2020, the Anderson group ruled out the possibility of an artificial origin.

Someone let them know what was going to happen to their families if they didn’t retract the statement.

Garry, now having turned back 180 degrees, widened his eyes to simulate honesty and said that a principal factor was “extremely important and compelling” data posted on January 23 about a coronavirus found in pangolins. The pangolin virus’s receptor-binding domain, a critical feature that recognizes a target protein on the cell surface, was almost identical to that of SARS-CoV-2. This was “a big deal,” Garry said, because “if this feature was natural then very likely the whole virus was natural including the furin cleavage site.”

Just because one part of the virus is natural, why does that show that someone had not inserted a genetically engineered furin cleavage site in another part?

Garry replied that engineering such a site would be a “very expensive, labor intensive, multiple month” process, and that in any case the Chinese researchers wouldn’t have used a virus so different from SARS1, the cause of a 2003 epidemic and their primary known focus of interest."

You know that the Chinese had been paying Harvard University’s Dr. Charles Lieber FIFTY GRAND A MONTH, right? For, at that point, wait for it, one hundred and eight months.

To maintain current programming levels, stop reading immediately, breathe through your mouth and affirm “yeah, but that was to help them develop electric car batteries.”

In regard to picking a new Bat virus, vs. SARS1, the esteemed and literally-blood-drinking Dr. Shi assured everyone it would be even deadlier.

In February 2020, National Taiwan University professor Fang Chi-Tai said that the Wuhan coronavirus was likely man-made, that COVID-19 is 96 percent similar to the bat virus RaTG13, which is known to be housed at the Wuhan lab. Fang said that a French team investigating COVID-19 had found that the key difference between RaTG13 and COVID-19 was that the latter has four additional amino acids not found in any other coronaviruses. Fang said that these four amino acids make the disease easier to transmit to humans.

In February 2020, a patent for a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 was filed by principal investigator Yusen Zhou, a PLA scientist who worked on it with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the WIBP. WIV and WIBP. Zhou died three months later under undisclosed circumstances.

On February 24, 2020, just 55 days after the initial pandemic notification by China, the article ‘Establishment and Validation of a Pseudovirus Neutralization Assay for SARS-CoV-2’, by Nie et al., about the genomic origin and direct source of the Covid pandemic virus, was submitted for for publication.

On February 25 2020, Sinopharm’s Chief Executive Officer, Yu Qingming, disclosed in an interview how China had approved ‘conditional sales’ of his firm’s vaccine (developed foremost in WIBP), with senior managers given the jab in March of that year.

Also, in February 2020, Major General Professor Wei Chen, a prominent Chinese biological warfare expert affiliated with the military’s Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, was appointed head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology dealing with coronaviruses. In Wuhan, she collaborated with the WIBP and Wuhan-based academic institutions. Her objectives were to oversee their activities and to develop/complete vaccines, anti-sera and other countermeasures to guard against the spreading SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In February of 2020, as the coronavirus is spreading around the country, scientists in the U.S. were starting to ask where it was coming from.

On February 1, 2020, 11 scientists got together to talk about the possibility that Covid-19 may have originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that it might have been due to the manipulation of one of the viruses that they had there.

A number of top scientists who are on this call — Robert Garry, Edward Holmes, Kristian Andersen, Jeremy Farrar — discussed this possibility and recognized that there were real reasons to be concerned. They all knew the nature of the work that was underway at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where of course is where the pandemic began, and that it might have led to the pandemic.

One of the scientists on the call, the Scripps Research Institute’s Mike Farazan, sent an email to Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, then-head of NIH, and Lawrence Tabak, also of NIH, kind of summarizing the concerns of the scientists.

Bob Garry, a virologist at the Tulane School of Medicine, said “I lined n-CoV” — so, the new coronavirus — “with the 96 percent bat Coronavirus, sequenced at the WIV. Except for the RBD” — and that means receptor-binding domain — “the S proteins are essentially identical at the amino-acid level, while all but the perfect insertion of 12 nucleotides, that adds the furin site, as to is over its whole length, essentially identical. I really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario where you get from the bat virus or one very similar to it to [SARS-CoV-2] where you insert exactly 4 amino acids 12 nucleotide[s] that all have to be added at the exact same time to gain this function….I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.”

A number of other scientists on the call said very similar things. Some of them are putting percentages, 70/30 lab, 60/40 lab.

Bob Garry said “The major feedback we got from the Feb 1 teleconference was: 1.Don’t try to write a paper at all — it’s unnecessary or 2. If you do write it don’t mention a lab origin as that will just add fuel to the conspiracists.”

In a tirelessly-utilized technique, the people involved in the conspiracy directed attention outward to only generally-referenced “conspiracists”.

At the time, Bob Redfield, then Director of the CDC, had private communications with Fauci, Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust, and Dr. Tedros of the WHO, and basically said: “We have to take a lab leak possibility with utmost seriousness, we need to look into this”.

Then, just a couple days later, the “proximal origins” letter was released, in which a criminal subset of these very same scientists said that, actually, the lab leak is just a giant conspiracy.

The “proximal origins” letter had five authors. Four of them were in the February 1 meeting. CDC Director Bob Redfield was not included. In it, they wrote that “there is no scenario by which the Coronavirus could have had a lab origin”.

Once that letter got into pre-publication, Fauci is at the White House and asked by a reporter at one of the White House Covid briefings, could this have come from a lab?

He points to the proximal origins letter and says: “There was a study recently that we can make available to you where a group of highly qualified evolutionary biologist looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as they evolve, and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”

It was disseminated from the White House podium with no reference to the previous February meeting.

CDC Director Bob Refield felt that the exercise was to come up with a single narrative that they could then communicate. And that strategy was very effective. They did come up with a single narrative, and took the possibility of a lab origin off the table — publicly — for many, many months.

EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak, who had previously received the $3.7 million in U.S. taxpayer grant money to develop the novel Covid-19 virus from a Chinese bat coronavirus, participated in this effort to organize scientists to push the media away from looking at the lab leak. He drafted a letter to be published in The Lancet, which basically says: We scientists support our colleagues in China — and that is certainly commendable. But then it goes on to say: Anybody who is talking about the possibility of a lab origin is peddling conspiracy theories."

At that same moment, in late February, 2020, there was a whole cache of emails (discovered via the Freedom of Information Act), in which he, Ralph Baric and others were saying: We need to conceal our role in organizing this letter, because it’ll have much more power and authority if our role is concealed". Jeremy Farrar was a co-signatory of that letter, and a number of people who were on that letter — among them Christian Drosten — basically came out later and said: “If I had known all this research that was going on at the WIV, I wouldn’t have signed that letter, because I consider the research that was being done to be quite risky and I didn’t really understand Daszak’s role in all of this.”

Here we see conspirators caught red-handed and disavowing knowledge of their fellow conspirator once the operations’s cover has been blown.

On February 4, 2020, widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research?

The subhead - which Science knows that seventy percent of the populace will never read - says “That’s never been a focus of the Harvard University nanoscientist’s work”.

From March 2020 to December 2021, the percentage of Americans who thought that Covid was engineered in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory at U.S. taxpayer expense increased by 172%, or close to tripled, from 29% to 79%.

From March 2020 to May 2021, the percentage of Americans who thought that Covid, whose name means “conspiracy, fraud, deception”, was made in a lab increased by 38%, from 29% to 40%.

On March 17, 2020, the journal Nature Medicine declared flatly, “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

On March 19, 2020, Forbes said “29% Of Americans Think Coronavirus Was Made In A Lab”.

In March 2020, Nature said “But the scientific consensus is clear— humans could not have possibly bio-engineered or mutated a virus to create the novel coronavirus.”

You’ve been conditioned to think that this is what an evil scientist looks like:

(Telly Savalas, as “Ernst Stavro Blofeld”, from “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, 1968. Can you see how the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye?)

While this is, in fact, what a generational Satanist actor playing an evil scientist looks like:

Brad Fauci
(Self-described Satanist Brad Pitt, in a Satanic purple tie, playing Dr. Anthony Fauci on Saturday Night Live, 2020. As a bonus, he’s making a purportedly-secret Masonic ”gesture of recognition”. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery. Can you see how both images are off-center to the left to focus attention on their left eyes?)

Here’s an image of Masons from 1734 greeting one another with what is known as the Mason Word, or purportedly-secret “gestures of recognition”:

(Detail from frontispiece of The Builder’s Dictionary, 1734 ©Museum of Freemasonry, London)

In the image immediately above, the Scottish Rite Freemason on the right is using a gesture of recognition that means that he wants to “rock on”, or “Hail, Satan!”, depending upon one’s perspective. I’m afraid that, given the historical context, we’re going to have to throw out “support for the Texas Lonhorns football team” or saying “I love you” in American Sign Language.

They’re using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

From April 2020 to January 2024, American adults with a lot of trust for physicians and hospitals decreased by 43.9%, from 71.5% to 40.1%.

But, then, that’s what distributing a weaponized Chinese bat virus will do for one’s reputation.

From April 2020 to September 2022, the percentage of the US public who had a great deal of trust in scientists decreased by 28% , from 39% to 28%.

From April 2020 to November 2020, confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest decreased by 3.5%, from 87% to 84%. U.S. News’ Cecilia Smith-Schoenwalter said it was because “the pandemic worsened”.

From April 2020 to November 2020, the average monthly decrease in confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest was .5%.

In April 2020, the FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19.

In April 2020, the FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for “fraudulent COVID-19 cures”. The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik.

In April 2020, the FDA attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront.

On April 16, 2020, six years after he approving the $3.7 million NIH grant to create the Covid virus, NIH Director Francis Collins e-mailed Anthony Fauci, saying “Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy.”

On April 17, 2020. Fauci replied “I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away in times.”

On April 17, 2020, ABC News’ Kate Holland assured “Scientists have strong evidence coronavirus originated naturally”.

The article goes on to say “ ‘There’s no reason to believe this was made in a lab,’ Dr. Robert Shafer, professor of Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medical School.”

(Dr. Robert Shafer, professor of Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medical School, in a Satanic purple tie in front of a green Kabbalist “tree of life” background. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery. Dr. Schafer said that “There’s no reason to believe this was made in a lab.”)

I have included Dr. Robert Shafer’s photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On May 4, 2020, National Geographic said “Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a lab”.

On April 27, 2020, the Washington Post assured “No, the coronavirus is not a biological weapon”

In July 2020, Brad Pitt was nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal of Dr. Fauci on Saturday Night Live.

“I related it more to my upbringing, I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things…That was satanism, it works really well, I made a pact and the movie came out, so… No, you’re really dealing with certain things as you grow up and you’ve got to try things on for yourself and really figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. I just relate to that time, it’s a very personal time, it’s a comfort system and you cut the tether and find yourself very on your own with nothing to hold on to.”

- Brad Pitt

The quote immediately above is what is referred to in the Intelligence trade as a “limited hangout”. It contains a kernel of truth, and then a breadcrumb trail of lies to lead you away from the whole truth. Brad says he “made a pact”, but that’s to trick you into thinking that he wasn’t from a bloodline generational Satanist family which went to human sacrifices on Saturday night and to church on Sunday morning.

On November 12, 2020, Forbes proudly said “MIT Scientist “Bob” Robert Samuel Langer Becomes A Billionaire Thanks To Moderna Stock Rally”.

In the photo below, that’s Charles Lieber on the left. Reddit 2020: “On the right, in the tan shirt, is Robert Langer, of Moderna, a.k.a. ModeRNA. All of this has been worked on for decades by Charles Lieber with DARPA money, as well as funding from China’s PLA. The entire virus scare, the Great Reset, everything is a pretext for complete mind control.”

Lieber Langer
(Dr. Charles Lieber, left, in a Satanic green shirt. On the right, in tan, Moderna’s Robert Langer. They’re laughing and chatting about putting Lieber’s injectable neural implants into the Moderna vaccine)

From April 2020 to December 2021, the percentage of U.S. adults who have not too much trust/no confidence at all in Medical scientists to act in the best interest of the public increased by 100%, or doubled, from 11% to 22%.

From April 2020 to December 2021, the percentage of U.S. adults who have not too much trust/no confidence at all in Scientists to act in the best interest of the public increased by 83%, from 12% to 22%.

In May 2021, said “British PM Boris Johnson says he doesn’t believe COVID-19 escaped from a lab.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has walked the cold truth of “was deliberately created and released from a lab” back to merely “escaped from a lab” - a ridiculous assertion - as if it had a mind or mobility of its own. The propagandist puts the claptrap forward because they know that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels

On May 8, 2020, Vanity Fair commanded “The Discussion Is Basically Over”: Why Scientists Believe the Wuhan-Lab Coronavirus Origin Theory Is Highly Unlikely”.

From 2021 to 2022, public trust in public health officials, like those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, decreased by 20% , from 43 percent to 54 percent — much lower than during the early stages of the pandemic.

From 2021 to 2022, Americans’ trust in their government decreased by 13% , from 24 percent to 21 percent.

The chart that follows is from Reddit from 2021:

(Hyper-exponential increase in vaccine deaths documented in the VAERS system in 2021)

In 2021, the racial group in the U.S. that experienced the greatest decrease in life expectancy was whites. said it was due to “high rates of vaccine hesitancy”.

That is a bald-faced lie, in that, in 2021, the vaccination rate among whites was 19% higher than blacks, and 3.2% higher than hispanics.

Thus, vaccination against Covid-19 is a driver of increased mortality. is using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. I have exposed their duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In 2021, a Pfizer sub-contractor ‘falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events’ while managing three sites of Pfizer’s pivotal Covidvaccine trial.

In 2021, the United States ranked last out of 46 countries in trust in media, at just 29%.

Put another way, in 2021, 71% of the U.S. public distrusted the media.

The statistic is instructive, in that it helps us to accurately document the percentage of the U.S. populace who are generational Satanists voting party-line is 29%. Which maps against the twenty to thirty percent figure which I’ve previously estimated.

In the spring of 2021, there was a series of open letters by some very prominent scientists. One of those letters was actually published in Science, the preeminent journal in the fielf. Those letters said that the possibility of a lab origin needed to be taken very seriously, that it had been preemptively dismissed.

In response, the World Health Organization came out with a report on the origins of the coronavirus that described lab origin as “extremely unlikely”. We now know that the WHO’s investigation was extremely limited. They were not given full access to labs and to other areas that they wanted to see.

During this time, a scientist named Dr. Jesse Bloom wrote a paper tracking some of the early SARS-CoV-2 sequences from China. He quickly realized that some of the sequences that were published in Chinese journals had disappeared from the NIH database of sequences. And he was able to determine that the NIH had deleted the sequences at the request of their fellow conspirators in Wuhan.

Bloom sent a copy of the paper it to Fauci and Collins, who invited him onto a call and they tell him he could “bring a second”. For those unaware, that’s dueling parlance.

The conference call included Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry. Bloom invited scientists Rasmus Nielsen, and Sergei Pond. Almost immediately, it devolved into a furious set of accusations with Anderson accusing Bloom of bringing scrutiny to this that will lead to more harassment of scientists. And then Anderson proposes something that just stuns Bloom.

He says: Look, the preprint is not public yet. So I can go in there and basically with no fingerprints, I can either revise it, or delete it. And Bloom is aghast, and he says: I don’t think that that is appropriate, given the circumstances.

Then, preprints of Bloom’s paper came out, revised precisely as Kristian Anderson had said - claiming that Covid-19 was introduced into the wider environment in Wuhan by “some spillover event from an infected animal at this wholesale seafood market”.

From April 2021 to January 2022, Americans’ trust in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci decreased by 8%, from 71 percent to 65 percent. The University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center described the see-the-needle-moving decrease lovingly as “statistically meaningful”.

From April 2021 to December 2021, the percentage of the U.K. public who distrusted Boris Johnson on the pandemic increased by 100%, or doubled, from 31% to 62%

The awareness of the Confidence game is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

From May 2021 to December 2021, the 14% average monthly increase in the percentage of Americans who thought that a Chinese bat virus was engineered to kill humans in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory at U.S. taxpayer expense was 418% greater, or more than five times greater than its 2.7% average increase from March 2020 to May 2021.

The awareness of the Confidence game is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

From May 2021 to December 2021, the percentage of Americans who believed that a Chinese bat virus was engineered to kill humans in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory at U.S. taxpayer expense increased by 97.5%, or basically doubled, from 40% to 79%.

In May 2021, British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr Birger Sørensen authored a 22-page paper, published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery, which documented how Chinese bioweapons scientists took a natural coronavirus ‘backbone’ found in Chinese cave bats and spliced a new ‘spike’ onto it.

The study also documented how Chinese scientists tried to cover their tracks by reverse-engineering the viruses to make it look like they naturally arose from bats.

The pair had prima facie evidence of retro-engineering in China for a year, but was ignored by academics and major journals.

On May 26, 2021, as the mob began to gather torches, tar and feathers,’s Chrisiano Lima said “Facebook no longer treating ‘man-made’ Covid as a crackpot idea”.

The subhead reads “Facebook’s policy tweak arrives as support surges in Washington for a fuller investigation into the origins of Covid-19.”

Can you see how Christiano bravely did what little he could to hedge by putting “man made” into single quotes, to call it into question?

On May 27, 2021, NiemenLab took a pinch of snuff, threw itself on a fainting couch and wailed “Nearly 40% of Americans already believe Covid-19 leaked from a lab. What happens if they turn out to be right ?

In the summer of 2021, the EMA, the European Medicines Agency, admitted that they did not know the full composition of the COVID-19 vaccines, and, despite that fact, they authorized them, anyway.

In a New York Times interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s admitted that his estimation of what percentage of Americans would need to receive the vaccine to induce herd immunity was not based upon epidemiological reasoning, but rather was chosen with the intention of encouraging vaccination.

Likewise, his suggestion that the U.S. would soon consider vaccine requirements for air travel was, once again, not based on factual data regarding the transmission of the virus on airplanes, but on the notion that making life further inconvenient for the unvaccinated might produce his preferred social outcome.

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”. That’s why a article from October 2021 is headlined “US intel doesn’t expect to determine origins of COVID-19”.

On June 2, 2021, Today said “Most Americans (58%) now put the origins of COVID-19 in a Chinese laboratory”.

On June 6, 2021, the Wall Street Journal said “The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak”.

The article goes on to say “The Covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus.”

On June 16, 2021, Forbes said “Fauci on Wednesday argued it’s a “bit of a distortion” to claim he “deliberately suppressed” the lab leak theory”.

On June 24, 2021, said “US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media, Reuters Institute report finds - Just 29% of people surveyed in the U.S. said they trust the news, compared to 45% in Canada and 54% in Brazil.”

On July 2, 2021 explained “Why people believe in UFOs and lab leaks”.

The article goes on to say “From UFOs to Covid-19 conspiracy theories, we all struggle with the “truth out there.”

On January 11, 2022, the Washington Examiner said “Fauci shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, emails show”.

Where the Washington Examiner walked scientists giving it credence back to their merely lending it.

(Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a Satanic purple tie, making a purportedly-secret Illuminist “gesture of recognition”. He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery. Dr. Fauci “shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, e-mails show”.)

I have included Dr. Anthony Fauci’s photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of previously significant influence looks like.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

But let’s talk about “UFO’s” for a moment…on January 19, 2012,’s Liz Armstrong said "When Aleister Crowley was living in New York, doing various magickal experiments in a place on West 9th, he did what’s called the Amalantrah Working. It’s theorized this process created a deliberate channel in ephemeral cosmic influences so that extra-dimensional entities could enter our universe. In short, he likely created a portal for what we know as gray aliens to come visit us.

Where “grey aliens” is a code meme for “demons”.

The article goes on to say “Eventually Crowley made contact with an entity known as Lam and drew its portrait, and damn if it doesn’t look like the pictures we see of Grays now. (Incidentally, “lam” is the mantra linked to the root chakra, which is associated with survival.) This was around 1917. While there are possibly ancient accounts of extra-terrestrial visitations in other parts of the world, this was one of the first-known Grays to have popped into Western consciousness, although Crowley didn’t explicitly say this."

Here’s the portrait:

(Aleister Crowley’s portrait of “Lam”, 1912)

(“Grey alien” from the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, 1977, against a Satanic purple background, using a purportedly-secret Masonic “gesture of recognition”. Stephen Spielberg figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.)

n August 2021, The Washington Post said “Coronavirus vaccines work. But this statistical illusion makes people think they don’t.” The article goes on to say “In Israel, nearly 60% of people hospitalized with severe covid-19 were fully vaccinated".

From Fall 2021 to January 2022, the percentage of Covid deaths who were vaccinated against the virus increased by 33%, from 30% to 40%.

From September 2021 to April 2022, the percentage of people who died from Covid who were vaccinated against the virus increased by 100%, or doubled, from 30% to 60%.

In September 2021, Pfizer made the Brazilian government sign a liability waiver for any possible side-effects of the vaccine, exempting Pfizer from any civil liability for serious side-effects arising from the use of the vaccine, indefinitely.

In October 2021, after achieving 115% vaccine coverage (vaccination was extended to many Spanish visitors), the number of Covid deaths in Gibraltar increased by 1,840%. Autopsies of people who died shortly after vaccination suggests that 50% of these deaths were caused by the vaccine, which is also believed to be behind an unprecedented accumulation of lymphocytes found in the hearts, kidneys, livers and spleens of the deceased.

On October 28, 2021, put its hand over its heart and pledged “Why I Still Believe COVID-19 Could Not Have Originated in a Lab”

In November 2021, Anthony Fauci testified before Congress that if any gain-of-function research was being conducted, it was being conducted in North Carolina. That was a lie. A felony.

Fauci was referring to Ralph Baric, a virologist and SARS expert at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina. Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli are colleagues and have co-written papers together. Ralph Baric mentored Shi Zhengli in his gain-of-function manipulation techniques, particularly serial passage, which results in a virus that appears as if it originated naturally. In other words, deniable bioweapons.

Ralph mentored the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s She Zhengli. His specialty is gain-of-function manipulation techniques, particularly serial passage, which results in a virus that appears as if it originated naturally. In other words, deniable bioweapons.

Ralph is a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of significant influence.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

In November 2021, Kyle Beattie, a doctoral student in international relations and comparative politics at the University of Alberta, Canada, published a study entitled “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries”.

Here’s a link to it:

Kyle compared data from a control group of four countries with low vaccination rates – Burkina Faso, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan – to others where vaccine rollouts were far more widespread. His research showed that the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout had “a strong and significant propensity” to increase deaths and cases of the disease.

89.84% of statistically significant countries showed an increase in total deaths per million associated with COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of treatment initiation.

86.78% of statistically significant countries showed an increase in total cases per million of COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of treatment initiation.

On average, vaccination against Covid increased deaths from Covid by 463.13%, and increased cases of Covid by 261% .

The study says “As noted by other authors (Pacheco-Barrios et al. 2020Pacheco-Barrios, Kevin, Alejandra Cardenas-Rojas, Stefano Giannoni-Luza, and Felipe Fregni. 2020. “COVID-19 Pandemic and Farr’s Law: A Global Comparison and Prediction of Outbreak Acceleration and Deceleration Rates.” PloS One 15 (9): e0239175., many countries that reported high cases and deaths associated with COVID-19 during 2020 and early 2021 showed a standard example of Farr’s Law and/or the Gompertz Function when viewed cumulatively per capita as an inverse Gompertz function (Haynes and Kulkarni 2021Haynes, Kingsley E, and Rajendra Kulkarni. 2021. “Modeling Region Based Regimes for COVID-19 Mitigation: An Inverse Gompertz Approach to Coronavirus Infections in the USA, New York, and New Jersey.” Regional Science Policy & Practice.) or when predicted as a “best straight line” (Levitt, Scaiewicz, and Zonta 2020Levitt, Michael, Andrea Scaiewicz, and Francesco Zonta. 2020. “Predicting the Trajectory of Any Covid19 Epidemic from the Best Straight Line.” medRxiv.

In other words, these countries appeared to have largely achieved natural immunity by late spring of 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere, which is why many of their trend lines go flat for a time.

Unfortunately, once the vaccine administration started for the general population, or shortly thereafter, those trend lines began to increase again in many countries, and unnaturally so in the middle or towards the end of summer in the Northern hemisphere or in countries where previously there had been very few if any cases or deaths. Normally, seasonal die off from pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 is in the winter, so this spike that appears in many countries after vaccine administration at this time of the year or in countries with no previous outbreaks is highly suspect as not being a natural trend, but rather vaccine-induced.”

As an aside, I would note that, in 2021, more than 90% of COVID-19 patients in intensive care were double and triple vaccinated.

In December 2021, Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was convicted of making false statements, concealing his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology and his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program, and tax offenses. WUT paid Lieber a salary of up to $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to $150,000 and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT. In 2018 and 2019, Lieber lied to federal authorities about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan and his affiliation with Wuhan University of Technology.

Lieber’s research was focused on using nanotechnology to probe the brain toward the future of brain-machine interfaces.

Below is a selected list of Lieber’s publications (title and year) with connection to the brain or central nervous system.

Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces, 2019

Single-cell profiles of retinal ganglion cells differing in resilience to injury reveal neuroprotective genes, 2019

Precision electronic medicine in the brain, 2019

Nano-enabled direct contact interfacing of syringe-injectable mesh electronics, 2019

Scalable ultrasmall three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording, 2019

Lieber’s work was featured in a Science Daily’s article on the future of mind control. At this writing, Charles Lieber’s Google’s Scholar page points to someone else’s publications.

Mind control, pure and simple. Here’s how it works:

The COVID-19 vaccine contains both genetic material coding for SARS-CoV-2 Spike and mind control nanotransducers.

The genetic material for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike becomes integrated into the subject’s genome via LINE-1 reverse transcription, and the subject now constantly produces spike.

The SARS-CoV-2 Spike injures and permeabilizes the blood-brain barrier, allowing the nanotransducers to cross the BBB and enter the brain (this endothelial toxicity also causes a great deal of blood clotting abnormalities in many people). As an aside, let’s not forget that low-wavelength microwave radiation also causes the blood-brain barrier to leak.

Dr. Charle’s Lieber’s injectable nanotechnology crosses cell membranes and takes up residence in, or alongside, the neurons. Some of the nanotransducers self-assemble into larger antennae, electrodes, and nanoelectronic components capable of receiving RF in frequency ranges that can deeply penetrate brain tissue.

5G base stations use beamforming and MIMO to focus directed beams of RF into the subjects’ heads.

The RF energizes the nanotransducers by wireless harvested power.

An external encoder/decoder unit begins sending signals to stimulate specific brain regions, with the nanotransducers acting as an interface.

The subject is now under the effects of precision mind control.

We previously discussed Dean Koontz’s 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness”, which features a weaponized virus named “Wuhan-400”:

The main character of the ‘Eyes of Darkness’, is a young boy named “Danny”, who has psychic powers.

Just four years earlier, in 1977, Stephen King published “the Shining”. The main Character in “The Shining” is a young boy named “Danny”, who has psychic powers.

The title “the Shining” is an only-general reference to Danny’s psychic powers. The source of the Evil in the novel “the Shining” isn’t the Overlook Hotel, as we are led to believe…rather, it is presumed-victim Danny.

As an aside, I’ll note that “Danny” is an insider-wink reference to the apostate Israelite “Tribe of Dan”, which was one of eleven other “lost tribes” of Israel that were, in fact, not “lost”, at all, but rather booted from the known world for their unprepentant human sacrifice, cannibalism and pedophelia. They went on to become what we know as “the Irish” and “the Celts”.

The Covid-19 virus is not about destroying your brain…rather, it is about making you a zombie. It’s about remotely taking control of your brain. And perhaps also destroying your innate psychic abilities (see: “Zombie”, previous). Or both.

The Covid-19 vaccine contains graphene, which becomes magnetic in contact with the hydrogen in the body. Graphene is used to engineer three-dimensional scaffolds to drive neuronal growth and regeneration in vivo, and is a component of hybrid composites/multi-layer organic electronics devices.

The mRNA in the vaccine is really to encapsulate the graphene so that it gets to the brain neurocortex undetected by the immune system.

In December 2021,’s Marina Ziemnick said "While sentencing will take place at a later date, Lieber could face over 25 years in prison and a fine of more than one million dollars for his crimes. But this won’t even come close to the amount that Dr. Lieber raked in during his time working for the Chinese government. Lieber was first recruited as a “Strategic Scientist” by the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), where he was paid more than $1.5 million to establish a “shadow lab”—that is, a lab in which he would essentially duplicate the research he was conducting in America.”

Wait, what? Paid “more than 1.5 million?” He was making fifty grand a month, and his first contract was in 2011. He was busted in 2020. Six hundred grand a year times 9 years is $5.4 million. Which the Illuminist propagandist walked back to “more than 1.5 million”.

While Lieber gets to retire, use the (tax-free!) $3 million-plus that no one is asking him to return. How they must laugh.

It is what is known in criminal parlance as a “Confidence game”. Harvard’s Dr. Charles Lieber and’s Magna Ziemnick proudly describe themselves as “Con artists”.

Here’s Marina Ziemnick’s picture. Note the Satanic purple and green which has been carefully photoshopped into the background:

Marina Ziemnick
(’s Marina Ziemnick, who walked the $5.4 million that Dr. Charles Lieber was paid by the Godless Communist Red Chinese back to “more than 1.5 million”. Note the Satanic purple and green which has been carefully photoshopped into the background. Marina figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.)

I have included Marina Ziemnick’s photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of significant influence looks like.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

In December 2021, the 79% of Americans polled who said “yes, Covid was man made” shows us that the remaining 21% of the populace whose believed that it had mutated naturally to be far more transmissible to humans are, in fact, bloodline-linked generational Satanists voting “party line” in a united bloc, regardless of their stated political status.

Which maps against the twenty to thirty percent estimate of their number which I have put forward previously.

On December 1, 2021, right after Fauci lied to Congress about gain-of-function engineering which he’d authorized in Wuhan, averred “Fauci Was ‘Untruthful’ to Congress About Wuhan Lab Research, New Documents Appear To Show”.

Can you see how the author put it into quotes, to call it into question?

On December 1, 2021, the National Review said “A majority of Americans — 72 percent — believe the COVID-19 pandemic originated with a lab leak in Wuhan”. Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the National Review carefully omitted the word “China”.

On December 15, 2021, the U.K.’s Daily Mail said “Wuhan lab leak ‘now the most likely origin of Covid’, MPs told”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the Daily Mail carefully omitted the word “China”. Can you see how the author put it “now the most likely Origin of Covid” into quotes, to call it into question?

From 2022 to 2023, confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest decreased by 5.2%, from 77% to 73%.

From 2022 to 2023, the .7% average monthly decrease in confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest was 40% greater than its .5% average monthly decrease from April 2020 to November 2020.

The decrease is getting exponentially larger, going forward in time, as public awareness of the fact that a Chinese bat virus was weaponized at U.S. taxpayer expense continues to grow.

From January 2022 to April 2022, the percentage of Covid deaths who where were vaccinated against the virus increased by 50%, from 40% to 60%.

From January to April 2022, the 16.6% average monthly increase in Covid deaths who were vaccinated was 101% greater or double the 7.5% average monthly increase from September 2021 to April 2022.

From January 2022 to April 2022, the percentage of Covid deaths who where were vaccinated against the virus increased by 50%, from 40% to 60%.

From January 2022 to April 2022, the monthly average increase in Covid deaths among those who were vaccinated against Covid was 16.6%.

In January 2022, healthy’s Catherine Chambers explained “Five reasons why COVID-19 cases are increasing when vaccination rates are going up.”

She’s a bald-fadedly lying Illuminist shill, in that none of the five reasons she provides includes “the vaccines are causing the infection they are falsely claimed to be preventing.”

In January 2022, said “Highly-cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths”.

Where “stunning” is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

Can you see how Leo Hohmann walked “vaccine-related” back to “injection-related”. Say what you will about our literally-blood-drinking Illuminist friends, there is simply no quit in them.

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”. That’s why a New York Post article from February 2022 is headlined “CDC withholding COVID data over fears of misinterpretation”.

On January 12, 2022, rolled its eyes and sneered “Leaked scientists’ emails claim Covid was created in a Wuhan lab”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, Wales Online carefully omitted the word “China”.

In January 2022, healthy’s Catherine Chambers explained “Five reasons why COVID-19 cases are increasing when vaccination rates are going up.”

On January 18, 2022, directly in the face of exponentially-increasing deaths among the vaccinated, the Atlantic explained "Why People Are Keeping Unvaccinated COVID Deaths Secret ".

Be of good cheer, in that this is the best the opposition has got in regard to deaths among the unvaccinated that are far lower than those among the vaccinated.

In February 2022, the CDC withheld data on vaccination status over the last year, along with information on the effectiveness of booster shots on those between 18 and 49. Kristen Nordlund, a CDC spokeswoman, said the reason for the slow release of data is “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.”

In February 2022,’s Laura Korpar explained “Why public health doesn’t disclose vaccination status for COVID deaths”.

That’s because the first rule of politics is “deny, deny ,deny”.

On February 27, 2022, the New York Times put this story on their front page: "New Research Points to Wuhan Market as Pandemic Origin.” Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the New York Times redacts “China”.

The article goes on to say “The Wuhan lab and the Manhattan non-profit “EcoHealth” were doing work - work funded by U.S. taxpayers - to find viruses and stop them before they become a pandemic.

To find viruses and stop them, ah, mirth. In the future, the general populace at this time will be considered the stupidest in human history, for reasons that include their buying this cover story.

To make the great Confidence game even more spectacular, they’ve gone on to say with straight faces that they need billions more tax dollars for this critical prevention. To this writing, in 2022, there is an active, ongoing National Institute of Health grant, which describes essentially the same research that was in the first grant. Different partners, WIV is not a partner now, but UNC is a partner and it is ongoing.

But they’re not having it all their own way, by any means. In July 2022, said “Fauci to retire before the end of Biden’s term”.

Wait, what? I thought Saint Fauci knew more about fighting evil virii than anyone, and was on the job to protect us, night and day?

The article goes on to say “When asked about the possibility of quitting during an interview last year, Fauci said he would “unequivocally” not quit in response to criticisms of him. “So because there are a lot of people who have ideas about conspiracies and changing minds and flip-flopping, that’s not a reason to step down. Not at all,” he said.”

The article goes on to say “The Hill has removed its comment section, as there are many other forums for readers to participate in the conversation. We invite you to join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter.” Where “removed its comment section” is Mil-speak for a propaganda terms known as “stonewalling”.

Remember: when Confidence games collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

On March 4, 2022, said “Mar 4, 2022 — Scotland has vaccinated 93% of those aged 12 and over with at least one dose, while England and Wales have hit 92%”.

Google currently lists the 2021 population of England as 55.98 million. At a vaccination rate of 92%, that means 51.5 million English are vaccinated. Which in turn means that 4.48 million English are not vaccinated.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the 1.22% Covid deaths-per-case ratio in England among those vaccinated against Covid was 197% greater, or three times greater than the .41% Covid death’s-per-case ratio among those not vaccinated against Covid.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the .01720% Covid death rate among the vaccinated in England was 167.9% greater, or heading toward three times greater than the .00642% death rate there among the unvaccinated.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 96.8% of Covid deaths in England were among the vaccinated, vs. 3.2% among the unvaccinated, in a population which was 92%-vaccinated (8,862 among the vaccinated vs. 288 among the vaccinated).

And that’s not even mentioning Dr. Charles Lieber’s injectable mesh neural implants, which were included with every dose of the vaccine. In an interview, he excitedly referred to them as “stealth technology”.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 96.8% of the 9,150 Covid deaths in England were among the vaccinated, vs. 3.2% among the unvaccinated, in a population which was 92%-vaccinated (8,862 among the vaccinated vs. 288 among the vaccinated).

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the 73% of Covid cases in England among those vaccinated against Covid produced 89% of the deaths from Covid during that time period.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 73% of the Covid cases in England were among those vaccinated against Covid.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 67% of England’s Covid deaths were among the vaccinated, while 37% were among the unvaccinated. I believe that means that the Covid-19 vaccine is 81% deadlier than placebo.

And that’s not even mentioning Dr. Charles Lieber’s injectable mesh neural implants, which were included with every dose of the vaccine. In an interview, he excitedly referred to them as “stealth technology”.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the Covid deaths-per-case ratio in England among those vaccinated against Covid was 89% to 73%, or 1.22%.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the 27% of all Covid cases in England which were among those not vaccinated against Covid produced 11% of the deaths from Covid during that time period.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 27% of the Covid cases in England were among those not vaccinated against Covid.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the ratio of Covid deaths-per-case ratio in England among those not vaccinated against Covid was 11% to 27%, or .41%.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the Covid death rate in England among those vaccinated against Covid was .01720% (8,862 out of 51.5 million).

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, the Covid death rate among the unvaccinated in England was .00642% (288 out of 4.48 million).

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, there were 9,150 Covid deaths in England.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, there were 8,862 Covid deaths in England among a vaccinated population of 51.5 million.

From April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, there were 288 Covid deaths in England among an unvaccinated population of 4.48 million.

On June 19, 2022, scoffed “WHO chief ‘does believe Covid was leaked from a lab’ “.

Where walked it all the way back to omit the words “Wuhan” and “China”. Can you see how they put ‘does believe Covid was leaked from a lab’ into quotes, to call it into question?

On July 20, 2022, said “Fact Check-Graph showing England’s COVID-19 death statistics misrepresents impact of vaccines”.

Where “impact of vaccines” is general. As a propagandist, the author knows that, since seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, it goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the exponential increase in vaccine-related deaths that the article actually documents.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s the picture, or more correctly the chart that accompanies the article:

Covid Deaths
(Covid-19 Deaths by vaccination status in England, 1st April to 31st May 2022 - Source: UK Office for National Statistics)

It shows, spectacularly, just 288 deaths among the unvaccinated, and 8,862 among the vaccinated.

Whomever created the chart did what little they could to hedge by separating vaccine deaths into two columns, 4,647 vaccinated and 4,215 triple vaccinated.

The uncredited author went on to say “Social media users are sharing a graph which shows the number of COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status in England between April 1 and May 31. It reveals that 94% of deaths in that period were among those who are vaccinated. However, this statistic on its own is misleading as it fails to acknowledge the nation’s vaccination rate . The graph also originates from a blog that has previously been found by Reuters Fact Check to have shared health misinformation .”

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

Whomever they are, I, er, fact-checked them, and the truth is that, from April 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022, 96.8% of Covid deaths in England were among the vaccinated, vs. 3.2% among the unvaccinated, in a population which was 92%-vaccinated (8,862 among the vaccinated vs. 288 among the vaccinated).

Here, the uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as understated the percentage of vaccinated covid deaths by 3%, walking the actual 96.8% back to a fraudulent 94%.

I have exposed Reuters’ duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Any Coincidence theorists lingering in the readership might want to check out right now, because it gets worse for the Blackguards from here.

Blackguard - noun - a man who behaves in a dishonourable or contemptible way.

The comment “the graph originates from a blog that previously been found to have shared health misinformation” is what is known in debate as an ad hominem personal attack. It’s what you do when you’ve got nothing to rebut the point the person is making.

argumentum ad hominem - a logical fallacy that is based on personal and irrelevant attacks against the source of an argument, instead of addressing the argument itself.

The only other rebuttal is "this statistic on its own is misleading as it fails to acknowledge the nation’s vaccination rate. A spokesperson for the Office for National Statistics told Reuters via email: “Looking at the proportion of deaths among the fully vaccinated without accounting for the vaccination rate is highly misleading. For instance, if everyone were vaccinated, 100% of people would die vaccinated.”

Where the statement "if everyone were vaccinated, 100% of people would die vaccinated” is an example of what I have termed a “Trumpian mind-f*ck”.

While it is a true statement, the truth is that 92% of the population of England is vaccinated, not the 100% the uncredited author fraudulently claimed.

On August 15, 2022, directly in the face of hard evidence proving Covid’s artificial origin, commanded “The COVID ‘lab leak theory’ is dead”. Where the author walked it all the way back to omit the words “Wuhan” and “China”. Can you see how they put ‘lab leak theory’ into quotes, to call it into question?

On August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci resigned, effective December 2022.

In September 2022, AUS federal court denied Charles Lieber’s request to overturn his conviction on charges of lying about his connections to China. It also refused to grant Lieber a new trial.

On September 2, 2022, said “Harvard chemist Charles Lieber loses initial appeal - Judge denies request to overturn his conviction or grant a new trial”. Where, hilariously, author Andrea Widener called Harvard’s Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology a “chemist”.

The article goes on to say “AUS federal court has denied Harvard University chemistry professor Charles Lieber’s request to overturn his conviction on charges of lying about his connections to China. In a written ruling issued Sept. 1, Judge Rya Zobel knocked down each of Lieber’s attorney’s arguments about why his conviction should be overturned. She also refused to grant Lieber a new trial. “The evidence supports the verdicts,” Zobel wrote in one section. She listed the evidence against Lieber, including videos in which he admitted wrongdoing.”

Where Andrea cagily upgraded him from “chemist” to “professor”, taking special care to omit “Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology”.

On October 4, 2022, the National Review” said “NIH Grants EcoHealth Alliance New Funding Despite History of Dangerous Coronavirus Research in China”.

The article goes on to say “On September 21, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by the soon-to-be-stepping down Anthony Fauci, approved a new five-year grant for EcoHealth. The nonprofit will receive $653,392 this year, and is in line to receive more than $3.25 million over the next five years. The grant is to analyze “the potential for future bat coronavirus emergence in Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam,” according to a description on the NIH RePORTER website.”

Until they are forcibly stopped from doing so, they’re going to continue to do “gain of function” research on another Coronavirus at U.S. taxpayer expense, and the controlled press will go right on covering it up for them. Since it’s always been a race war, here Homo Neanderthalensis is opening up another front against the people of Southeast Asia.

On November 27, 2022, trying to disperse the villagers gathering torches, tar and feathers, said “Fauci on Covid lab leak theory : ‘I have a completely open mind’ “. Where, under the false guise of familiarity, they’ve walked it all the way back to omit the words “Wuhan” and “China”.

On November 30, 2022, widened its eyes to simulate honesty and asked “Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now?

I’m guessing that you noticed that “most” is general.

Author Cynthia Cox goes on to say “the share of COVID-19 deaths among those who are vaccinated has risen. In fall 2021, about 3 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, as we showed in an analysis posted on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, about 4 in 10 deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data).”

Can you see how Cynthia provided the numbers, but carefully omitted the far more impactful percentages? That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The fact of the matter is that, from September 2021 to April 2022, the percentage of people who died from Covid who were vaccinated against the virus increased by 100%, or doubled, from 30% to 60%.

On December 3, 2022, the New York Post said “Scientist with NY non-profit tied to Wuhan lab says COVID a man-made virus.”

Author Isabel Vincent goes on to say “A scientist who worked for a New York-based non-profit with ties to a controversial research lab in China has claimed that COVID was a man-made virus that leaked from the facility, according to a report.”

Andrew Huff, who worked for Eco Health Alliance, a lab that studied viruses, said COVID leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China two-plus years ago and blamed authorities for the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11,” Britain’s the Sun reported Saturday.

Caught with their pants down, the U.S. points their finger at the Chinese. Manificently, the New York Post has redacted “EcoHealth” and “China”.

The article goes on to say “The lab has been at the center of fierce debates about the origins of COVID, with both Chinese government officials and lab personnel denying that the virus leaked from the facility. Huff, an epidemiologist, said in his new book, “The Truth About Wuhan,” that the pandemic was the result of the US government’s funding of coronaviruses in China.”

The article goes on to say “Some experts believe that the virus could have escaped through an infected scientist or the improper disposal of waste from the facility. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization, told a European politician that he feared that the virus escaped from the lab in “a catastrophic accident” in 2019, according to a report in the Daily Mail earlier this year.”

Can you see how three plausible-deniability excuses are profferred? That gives the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist a smorgasbord to choose from. It’s to keep you from recognizing that it was covertly released into the water supplies of all the nations.

“Huff is a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit that studies infectious diseases. The group has been studying different coronaviruses in bats for more than a decade with funding from the National Institutes of Health, and had forged close ties to the Wuhan lab."

Where “had forged close ties” is Mil-speak for “split the NIH’s $3.7 million grant to weaponize a bat coronavirus”

Huff, who worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014 to 2016, said the nonprofit helped the Wuhan lab put together the “best existing methods to engineer bat coronaviruses to attack other species” for many years."

To attack “other species”…that’s rich! He can’t bring himself to spit out “to attack humans”.

Hilariously, the article makes no mention of Harvard University’s Dr. Charles Lieber, whose current cover story is that the Chinese had been paying him fifty grand a month - for a decade - to develop batteries for electric cars.

In December 2022 68% of Americans believed that Covid was engineered to kill humans in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory at U.S. taxpayer expense.

In December 2022, 62% of Americans believed that Dr. Anthony Fauci was lying about the US government funding gain-of-function research.

In December 2022, 38% of Americans still trusted Dr. Anthony Fauci. Given that between twenty and thirty percent of the populace are bloodline-linked generational Satanists voting “party line”, this 38% statistic shows that we are at the very end of the great, ages-long Confidence game that the folks in charge have been running on humanity all the way back to Babylon, and before.

In December 21, 2022, directly in the face of concrete evidence proving Covid origin in a Chinese bioweapons laboratory, despaired “Will the World Ever Solve the Mystery of COVID-19’s Origin***?***”

On January 7, 2023, The Associated Press said “China suspends social media accounts of COVID policy critics

The article goes on to say “China has suspended or closed the social media accounts of more than 1,000 critics of the government’s policies on the COVID-19 outbreak, as the country moves to roll back harsh anti-virus restrictions. The popular Sina Weibo social media platform said it had addressed 12,854 violations including attacks on experts, scholars and medical workers and issued temporary or permanent bans on 1,120 accounts.”

It’s a Satanic inversion, in which it has been averred that the Chinese “policy critics” are pissed that China is rolling back harsh anti-virus restrictions”.

The truth of the matter is that China is walking back their “harsh anti-virus restrictions” in the face of a Chinese populace that is about to rise up in revolt against them.

Did you notice how the headline gently said “suspends social media accounts”, and that “suspended or closed” is “buried” in the body text below? That’s an example of what is known in the propaganda trade as “spin”.

As of January 2023, Dr. Charles Lieber was still on staff at Harvard. Spectacularly, he was on paid leave.

Here’s his picture from profile page at, where he’s trying to twist his horrible face into something approximating a smile:

Lieber Harvard
(Dr. Charles Lieber, former Chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.)

What do you think “Charlie” made at Harvard? In Chicago, an advertisement from January 2023 said “the base salary for University Department Chair ranges from $81,556 to $117,011 with the average base salary of $98,348.”

As of January 2023, three years after being caught, er, Red handed, he was still on paid leave at Harvard.

What do you think would happen to your University position if you lied to your employers about a lucrative (and highly-criminal!) side job, and they learned about it only when were Federally indited? Do you think you would still hold that position after you were convicted?

Harvard’s motto, adopted in 1643, is “Veritas” (Latin for “truth”).

The truth is that the folks in charge are not your friends, and are lying to you about basically everything.

On April 26, 2023, Dr. Charles Lieber, 64, was sentenced by U.S. Senior District Court Judge Rya W. Zobel to time served (two days) in prison; two years of supervised release with six months of home confinement; a fine of $50,000; and $33,600 in restitution to the IRS. The government recommended a sentence of 90 days in prison and a $150,000 fine.

The Chinese were paying him fifty grand a month - tax free! - and his first contract was in 2011. He was busted in 2020. Six hundred grand a year times 9 years is $5.4 million.

That means that Dr. Charles Lieber netted $5,311,400 for his efforts, with the $33,600 paid as restitution to the IRS representing a tax rate of .62%.

Did you notice how they threw the important Illuminist number 33 in there, to let you know who was doing the fixing?

On June 23, 2023, the New York Time said “U.S. Intelligence Report Finds No Clear Evidence of Covid Origins in Wuhan Lab”.

Don’t you think it’s time that we began doing things in a different way?

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, January 10, 2022

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