9/11 and 11/11 Possible False Flag Attack Days

Since the pre-Chinese corporate world order are mainly masonic they love to play with numbers in an infantile way, so always chose their false flag attack days this way. Matthew kindly sent the following email and I told him I’d post a note, since any public prediction of a false flag attack evidently forces these sewer rats to abandon those specific mass murder plans [Image Can Not Be Found] . Thanks, Matthew!


Hi Don,

There’s at least 2 dates coming up in the next few months which are probably worth your psychic group looking at:

September 11th : You’re probably already well aware of this, but this September 11th (the Sunday after next) will be the 10th anniversary of the false flag attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. Obviously, there’s the possibility of the agencies planning a follow-up attack to ‘celebrate’ the anniversary.

November 11th : This day will be 11/11/11. If you add up those 11s, they make 33, the Freemasons’ favourite number. 11 already has some ritual significance as well (e.g. the ‘11:11 on clocks’ phenomenon). Given the terrorists’ love of ritual numbers, this is obviously a day when they might try something.

Best regards,

Many of you are probably aware of this:


Personally I’m not choosing to attend anything, but I will definitely keep this all in mind during this weekend’s boosting activities…

Love and hugzzzz…hkj

Abu Dhabi F1 race has all the makings for grand show.

i d like to report something that has been coming up in the news in Spain. In the Canary Islands there is this very little one called Hierro. Apparently they have been getting small shakings of 3 intensity supposedly out of volcano activity. What they are saying is that this volcano is ready to explode and the lavae under is ¨searching¨for a crack of some place to simply come out. SOme scientist are already there, government and Telefonica company seems to have double the panels on the island right now specially for ¨emergency¨ communication purposes. The epicenter is supposed to be 15km out in the sea. Since they are presenting it daily, ahead of time, the phone company and the panels and this assurance that something is going to happen , thought it was worth a mention.

Hi Francisco, I am Silvio from ew.
Do you know for sure that the panels on the island have been doubled?
Was just pondering, a period of continuos warm weather could expand the land and the gasses under the land. A rapid thermal cooling, could crack it open. You know like when you pour orgonite in a cold weather, or when the surface is much wide a gives out vapours at a faster speed than the core.
Question, do someone know if clouds over a quake risk area can be used to gauge extra vapours or something happening under the sea?
If the earth shrinked, also the content in lava would be squeezed out like when in winter one cames back inside and urgently the bladder calls for a release.
I have seen Dianetics advertisements on the busses in town this past week, you know , the vulcano.

HI Silvio
no, i do not have a way to know that they have actually have doubled the panels since the info i was passing along came from the news. Of course most of what they have to say is lies or throw messages to gauge people´s reactions.

i wish nothing more than Nature would be left alone to do its processes so i prefer the option than my comments may be an irrational fear than having parasites creating havoc here and there.

I agree with Fran that something is cooking in Canary Islands.

From Kerry Cassidy blog (Project Camelot) from a couple days ago:

“Most urgent is John Moore’s report from his contact that a volcano
on the Canary Islands is about to erupt in about seven to ten days.
Geologists agree that if the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts, its resulting
landslide will surely generate a tsunami that will kill many millions
of people along the East Coast of the Americas, from Canada, down
over the United States, the Caribbean Islands, and down through
Central and South America.”

She points also to youtube clip from BBC:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoYBAsHH … ure=relmfu

… and relevant Dr Bill Deagle’s radio show (really worth listening – what
they say there is a 200 cubic miles slab of rock hanging out of one of
Canary Islands and eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano would trigger tsunami):

“Scroll down to the rebroadcast of the third hour of September, 30th of the
Dr. Bill Deagle Nutrimedical report.”
http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/nutrime … chives.php

or listen directly:
http://archives2011.gcnlive.com/Archive … 930113.mp3

True anecdote.
Many years ago a loner in Milano, use to walk around the Castle and Garibaldi areas, pulling a cart and many dogs where with him.
Some small dog could sit on the kind of chariot, and he had painted slogans written on the wood of the chariot.
This mad mad was called C.T. he constatly shouted that “They kill us with the wave!” is most famous motto was “THE VATICAN KILLS US WITH THE WAvE”.
He use to write his ideas on the pavement with paint, around and near the castle area. Since the eighties he was quite known. After he must be gone, the writings become erased.
Anyway in the nineties a metal fence was erected around the castle by the City governenment of the Mayor Formentini of the North League party when they came in power. Cellular towers started to sprout like mushrooms. In todays world there would be no more room for a person different like him, because we are all programmed like marionettes.

Yes Silvio,
Programning…The TV runs programs, it can program you if you let it.
The other day i was searching the news on the Net, since i do not watch TV, because a neighbour, who knows i make orgonite, came to tell me he saw Orgonite portrayed on spanish mainstream news. This obviously caught my interest and i will post about it as soon as i find the link to that since it is the 2nd appearance in less than 2 weeks on mainstream TV.
Looking for hte proper news chapter i found that Volcano story repeated over and over ahead of the supposed happening time. Predictive programming and working the story ahead of any happening is part of the theater so watching news or reading them one can sometimes deduct, see thru the double speak or disinfo or have a intuitive feeling that somethings cooking. Last Quacke in Murcia in Spain was certainly abnormal and it seemed to me orchestrated. Of course i may be wrong.
Certainly you seem to disagree with my opinionbut i am not sure why you bring Dyanetics and the mad man story into this.

I felt your warning could be real, the whole room and I was agitated. The aggression on people never stops, and the parasites can try anything anytime.
I only disagree on the excusing part, when we are etheric warriors. We bring the problems and the energy here, to expose it and for transforming it.

So until the energy changes all I could do was do bump up the discussion and go out and obliterate death towers with orgonite.
If I had other powers perhaps I would go there in the island and the sea and gift it.

i understand what you said a bit better now. This is just what i did. Inform of some possible threat to avoid it or minimise it. Maybe they could check on the chats. I do not personally know a gifter in Canary islands. If it were possible for me i also would love to go there and gift it too.

There was no excuse on my part, it was a way of saying that i prefer to be wrong about it.

keep up the good work in italy, friend [Image Can Not Be Found];

mmmm… I had chatted with Davide (EW) some times ago and he told me anout someone (Italian) living in Canaria Island and interested in Orgonite. Maybe he could help us…

Hey Michele, Davide just contacted him with me but he hasnt answered back yet after the first e-mail