A couple of months ago I posted an appeal to send small sums to David, who lives in Western Kenya. I was gratified to get a note from him, last week, advising me that he’s got quite a store of orgonite made up and is waiting for a little more funds to take it to Northern Kenya, which is in pretty bad shape, as you probably know from Judy Lubulwa’s reports.
I wasn’t so pleased to hear that David had been visited by the CID, which is Kenya’s murderous version of our own murderous FBI/CIA. We went to work for him in yesterday’s chat session so I think he’ll remain safe, though the psychics saw that MI6 has paid some killers to do away with him on the road. I"m pretty sure we stopped them.
If you can send a small sum for his travel expenses, I suspect that we’ll be getting a gifting report on par with what our East AFrican cohorts accomplished in Mombassa with the dolphins, early this year. That time, as you may remember, David was poisoned but the others (Leonida Odondi, also from W Kenya, & Chistine and Salva Kirr from Southern Sudan) successfully carried out the project, anyway.
If you want to wire money to David, contact him at [email protected] . If your email gets hacked, contact me at [email protected] and we’ll bust through the MI666 hacker horde, don’t worry.