"A Cooling Climate", from "Positive Changes That Are Occurring", by Jeff Miller

Just gotta call it out, here: the ludicrous suggestions that coal piles in Texas were too rock hard to chip apart, or that the collective power infrastructure of the state “froze solid” are baldly-obvious social engineering drivers to make Texans think “you’ll never survive if you secede!”

Which is why I worked on my chapter documenting a cooling climate, to refute the stupid, moronic, Punch-and-Judy-level propaganda that seems to work on a huge percentage of the populace.

But that’s because many or most will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.


Great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012, and have been increasing in speed and magnitude. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July of 2013.

These historically-unprecedented positive changes are being driven by many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices based on the work of Wilhelm Reich and Karl Hans Welz.

Since Don Croft first fabricated tactical Orgonite in 2000, its widespread, ongoing and ever-increasing distribution has been unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix built and expanded by our dark masters, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before. And, as a result, the Ether is returning to its natural state of health and vitality.

One of those changes is that the climate is cooling, despite ceaseless propaganda to the contrary.

The linear trend of the data show the warming rate in the Gulf of Maine was basically flat, at only 0.004 deg C/decade, from 1930 to 2014. In January 2015, NASA said “The year 2014 now ranks as the warmest on record since 1880”.

Essay: Without using the “because that’s THERE” defense, “El Nino”, or the word “extreme”, explain how the temperature of the Gulf of Maine remained basically flat from 1930 to 2014, when 2014 was the warmest year on record since 1880.

In 2016, nearly 75% of Americans did not trust that there was a large ‘scientific consensus’ amongst climate scientists on human behavior being the cause of climate change.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming had the most precipitation in history in 2016-2017, 11.85 inches, 28% above the previous record of 9.28 inches, set in 1964-65.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “astonishing”. That’s why Mountain Weather’s Jim Woodmency said “Water-wise: During the three months of the winter season 2016-17 Jackson had an astonishing 11.85 inches of precipitation, almost a foot of precipitation. That completely washed away the previous record from the wettest winter ever in Jackson. The old record was 9.28 inches of water from the winter of 1964-65.”

Where the dreary but deceitful “completely washed away” is a hedging generalization put forward to blunt any specific insight into the magnitude of the phenomenon I’m documenting here. So, I had to do the math. The new record is 28% above the old. An historically-unprecedented one-third more precipitation fell in Jackson Hole, Wyoming during the winter of 2016/2017.

In addition to hiding the quantum increase, he also doesn’t offer any insight into what’s driving it. Not El Nino, not Global Warming, not Carbon Forcing. Nothing. That’s an example of a propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

Here’s the guy doing the stonewalling:

(Jim Woodmency, of “Mountain Weather”)

It’s also more than possible that he was handed the copy and directed to publish it as his own.

I’ve included his picture so you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of moderate influence within a Great Big Conspiracy actually looks like. He’s using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

Remember, he’s obfuscated a sudden, quantum increase in precipitation without historical precedent, and he pretends he loves the weather like it’s his job. It is, in fact, his job, albeit as what is known in the trade as an “intelligence asset”.

You can’t recognize them by their appearance, beyond their almost-continuous use of supposedly “secret” hand signs.

You can only recognize them by the codified, highly-repetitive way in which they speak, and write.

They’re hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth, figuring the rubes would never notice.

You know them only-generally as “the One Percent”. They are the distinct and separate race that we know as “Neanderthal”. They’re all genetically related to one another. It’s a bloodline thing. As any middle schooler knows:

August 5, 2012 - 12 Year Old Girl Discovers All US Presidents Are Related to King John of England

They’re related through the maternal bloodline.

Here’s what you’re supposed to think a Neanderthal looks like:



While this is what a Neanderthal actually looks like:


(King John I of England, the guy all the US Presidents are related to through their maternal bloodlines)

Apr 17, 2001 — Research leader Dr Rosalind Harding said: ‘It is certainly possible that red hair comes from the Neanderthals.’

2020 - “ScotlandsDNA believes that everyone who carries one of 3 variants of the red-hair gene is a direct descendant of the first redhead ever to have it”

January 31, 2008 - Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor

It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

It’s why the ruling bloodlines of all the nations have the lightest skin.

We’re obviously going to have to recognize and come to terms with this if we’re going to make progress as a species. But they say that the hardest part of a problem is realizing that you have one.

In November 2016, the Washington Post said “Capital Weather Gang’s winter outlook for D.C.: Colder than last year”. Where “colder” while accurate, is general. The propagandist writing the article is using a hedging generality to try to blunt and defray the readers specific awareness of the larger trend I’m documenting here.

In December 2016, at the end of what is purported to be the hottest year in history, the mean temperature (the average of high and low temperatures) at Jackson Hole, Wyoming was six degrees below average.

In 2017, North Atlantic cooling dropped below 1950s (and 1800s) levels. In January 2018, yale.edu said “It’s Official: 2017 Was the Second-Hottest on Record”.

Essay: Without using the “Global warming buried the heat in the deep ocean” excuse, or the only-general propaganda meme “Cold Blob”, explain how the water temperature in the North Atlantic dropped to 1950’s levels in 2017, which is at this writing purported to be the third-hottest year in all history.

In January 2017, the Irish Times said “New Zealand hit by 'weather bomb’ bringing summer snow and flooding”.

Where “hit by weather bomb” is Mil-speak for New Zealand’s climate returning to balance and vitality”.

“Weather bomb” and “rex block” and “polar vortex” are new-school, Trumpian Mind-Fuck memes that I guess have Punch and Judy fans throwing themselves out of their folding chairs. They’re “You’re too stupid to know what they mean” faux-science terms that have a very comic book vibe about them. And that’s coming from a fan from way back. I mean of comic books, not generational Satanist faux-scientists.

In January 2017, Mother Jones knowingly sneered “Snow in Florida***?*** Maybe We Can Thank Global Warming”.

That’s an example of what George Orwell referred to as “Doublespeak”, and also of “Doublethink”.

In January 2017, climate depot said “Record cold and snow spread globally”.

Essay: Explain how and why record cold and snow could take place simultaneously in all the nations at the beginning of the third-hottest year in all history, coming off the hottest year in all history, and precisely when and where the record heat came into play to reverse the trend.

If you consume your propaganda as it is dispensed, in controlled, compartmentalized nuggets, it works like a charm. I’m afraid, however, that if you read it serially and in context, that the duplicity that it involves is quite obvious. But that’s why, to read my stuff, you have to sign up for my obscure mailing list, which currently comprises roughly just thirty sane individuals out of a human population of over seven billion souls.

Now, that’s something to get one’s head around. But, when the school of fish or the flock of birds turns, they do so apparently as one.

The snowfall season in Bismarck, North Dakota, from July 1, 2016 through January 2nd, 2017 set an all time record of 53.1 inches, 8% above the previous record of 49.3 inches from July 1 2016 through January 2, 2017.

Temperatures in North Dakota were 2.6 degrees below average during the winter of 2016-2017.

The North Dakota Climate Bulletin said that the winter of 2016-17 was the 55th warmest in history.

2017 has been officially ranked as the third hottest in history.

Essay: Describe how record high temperatures drove an exponential increase in snowfall in Bismarck, North Dakota in 2017. Then, without using the “yes, but that’s THERE” defense, or “El Nino”, Describe precisely how a winter 2.6 degrees colder than average could be ranked 55th-warmest in all history, and then describe how and why the winter temperature in North Dakota was 2.6 degrees below average during the third-hottest year in all history.

The settled snow depth in Rendezvous Bowl in Jackson Hole, Wyoming was at 151 inches in the winter of 2016-17, making it the deepest winter ever.

In January 2017, the mean temperature (the average of high and low temperatures) at Jackson Hole, Wyoming was eleven degrees below average.

Winter in Jackson Hole Wyoming was ten degrees colder than average in 2016/2017. The highest temperature of the winter of 2016-17 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming was 44 degrees on Feb. 16, 2017.

In 2017, NASA and NOAA said that 2016 was the hottest year in history, while 2017 is, at this writing, purported to be the third-hottest in history.

Essay: Without using “because that’s there”, or “El Nino”, explain the role of record heat world wide on temperatures ten degrees colder than average in Wyoming.

In February 2017, the water content of the snowpack at Jackson Hole, Wyoming was 37% above average. Precipitation in Jackson Hole Wyoming in February 2017 was 400% above average.

Precipitation in Jackson Hole Wyoming in February 2017 was an all-time high 5.75 inches, which was 500% above average and 103% above the previous record of 2.83 inches set in 1962.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. Two of those variants are “mind-blowing” and “wild”. That’s why Jim Woodmency of Mountain Weather said “Snow and water numbers in the mountains might be mind-blowing, but what happened in town this winter was nothing short of being one of the wildest weather winters on record. Snow, rain, cold, warm … we had it all. And we had it over and over and over again.”

Can you see how he threw “warm” in there at the end, so it was the last thought-form you gobbled up?

In March 2017, NBC Boston said “Cold Sticks Around, Snow This Weekend”.

This documents that it’s been cold in Boston to start the winter of 2017, during what is purported to be the third-hottest year in all history.

In March 2017, the New York Times said “Cold will keep half of D.C. cherry blossoms from blooming”.

Where “keep from blooming” is Mil-speak for “killed”. And the whole thing is a sham, with “half” a ruse to cover “Record cold kills D.C. cherry blossoms”.

And where “Cold” is a violent step back from “freezing”. We’re walking through one of the coldest years in history, redescribed by a controlled press and every Establishment on Earth as “the third-hottest year in history”.

Essay: Without using the word “extreme”, or saying “that’s there”, describe the role of record heat in the record cold that killed all the cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. in the spring of 2017.

In March 2017, Fox News said “This was the coldest winter in 32 years”. They inserted that important Illuminist number 32 to avoid having to say “the coldest year since recordkeeping began”.

Essay: Without using “because that’s there”, “El Nino”, or the word “extreme”, explain how the winter of 2017 was the coldest in the history, of the United States, within the context of 2016 as the hottest year in history and 2017 being the third-hottest year in history.

In March, 2017, Jackson Hole, Wyoming’s Rendezvous Bowl’s snow depth reached an all-time high 158 inches, .6% more snow than the previous depth record of 157 inches, set in late March 1997.

It’s instructive to note that the previous record was set in 1997, just before the literal forest of what is purported to be merely communication infrastructure was thrown up suddenly virtually overnight in all the nations.

In 1997, the ether was in the best shape it had ever been in, up until 2017.

August 2018 was the second-wettest August in recorded history in Norway, from 1900 to present. Precipitation was 160% above average.

September 2018 was the third-wettest September in recorded history in Norway, from 1900 to present. 24 measuring stations set new records, with several three to four hundred percent above average. In total, the average for the month was 150% above average across Norway.

In October 2018, Weather.com said “Over 17 Inches of Snow Fell in North Dakota and It’s Only October”.

In October 2018, the National Weather Service office in Grand Forks, North Dakota had a record 6.1 inches of snow, 103% above the previous record of 3 inches set in 1921.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “unbelievable”. That’s why Andrew Moore of the National Weather Service, Grand Forks said “It’s kind of unbelievable that this happened in October.”

That’s to give the subconscious of the reader the green light to say “I don’t believe it”. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The North Dakota Climate Bulletin ranked the winter of 2017/2018 as “the 25th driest on record since 1895 in North Dakota”.

Essay: Explain how the 25th-driest winter on record since 1895 in North Dakota and the third-hottest year in all history produced the most snowfall in the history of the state of North Dakota - with the new snowfall record more than doubling the old.

Here’s Andrew Moore’s picture:

(Andrew Moore, National Weather Service, Grand Forks, North Dakota)

I’ve included his picture so you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in position of marginal influence looks like.

In December 5, 2018, Los Angeles, California set a rainfall record for the date with 1.9 inches of rain, 88% above the previous record, set in 1997.

It’s instructive to note that the previous record was set in 1997, just before the literal forest of what is purported to be merely communication infrastructure was thrown up suddenly virtually overnight in all the nations.

On December 5, 2018, the capital island of the Maldives set a new rain record of 8.79 inches, 12% above the previous record of 7.87 inches set in 1998.

It’s instructive to note that the previous record was set in 1998, just before the literal forest of what is purported to be merely communication infrastructure was thrown up suddenly virtually overnight in all the nations.

On December 7, Lubbock, Texas received a record 10 inches of snow. The historical monthly record for the entire month of December is 11 inches. Lubbock City Manager Jarrett Atkinson said “That is significant”.

Here’s his picture, using purportedly-secret Illuminist hand signs:


(Jarrett Atkinson, City Manager, Lubbock, Texas)

I’ve included his photo so you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth, figuring the rubes would never notice.

You can’t recognize them by their appearance, that is beyond their almost-continuous use of supposedly “secret” hand signs. You can only recognize them by the codified, highly-repetitive way in which they speak, and write.

We’re obviously going to have to recognize and come to terms with this if we’re going to make progress as a species.

But they say that the hardest part of a problem is realizing that you have one.

And remember - when cons collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, February 22, 2021

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