The response to Georg’s comments is a pretty good lead-in for a subject that relates to the heading of this part of the forum, which is General Psychic Intel.
The reason we’re calling it ‘intel’ is because it’s just information without any ideological baggage or mind control trigger words/phrases.
Yup, that implies discernment is a key to winnowing genuine intel from the fake kind.
I’m going to try to use the film, ZEITGEIST, as a sort of background for highlighting clever disinformation that is made to pass for intel.
Someone kindly sent me this link a couple of days ago:
I started watching it, then listening to it (was in the middle of email but the sountrack played in the background) and after about fifteen minutes I wondered why the subject matter, which was the exposure of the official lies around the demolition of the World Trade Center and Pentagon and the subsequent swan dive of our alleged federal government into overt fascism, hadn’t been mentioned. There was an intriguing presentation about the non-Christian origin of most of Christianity’s ideology, all of which I’d read before so it wasn’t completely rivetting. I assumed that this would somehow be tied into the subject of the film.
The next day, on account of a lot of hacker trouble while trying to download the film, I looked for it on other sites and found this one: … awodBSXQ7g
That site is for recruiting. There’s allegedly an organization set up, inspired by this film to ‘oppose the world order.’
The latter version is an hour and a half long and the former, which has the lecture about the utter repugnance of God, Christ and Christianity, is almost two hours and the ideology segment doesn’t seem to relate to the subject of the film, unless I’m missing something. Icke swears that he has proof that Jesus and Moses were reptiles but I haven’t seen that proof, either, though I’ve repeatedly watched all the Icke videos that people have mailed to me over the years. I enjoy them, actually.
I don’t know who made the film or whether the person/people who composed and added the clever diatribe against monotheism were connected to the first effort but I do know that whenever substantive offerings show up on the internet, in books or in the market the CIA and other parasitic agencies will spend a lot of effort to discredit or even take credit for it all. This is an old ploy, of course, and was first described in THE PRINCE, by Machiavelli–I consider that a handbook for bipedal parasites and maybe they do, too.
A good example of that in the market is the way Dennis Lee, in the late 1990s, stole one of Wilhelm Muller’s (demonstration model) magnet-powered engines in Washington State, slightly sabotaged it, took it on the road to show thousands of people, then collected millions of dollars on the promise that contributors would get their motors as soon as he figured out the ‘final glitch.’ Nobody heard from him after around the year 2000 and nobody got a refund but in 2003 the CIA murdered the real inventor. I always wondered about Lee but didn’t realize what a rat he is until I talked to Bill Muller’s daughter, Carmen, the day after he was killed. Look at the ‘push/pull’ effect of that CIA strategy: Dennis Lee effectively discredited a legitimate invention by association and then the inventor was murdered. Bill never liked publicity, by the way.
Ted Gunderson is another tragic example, I think. I might be sticking my neck out by sharing this but Ted has contacted us a few times for help when the CIA was gunning for him and Carol and I worked with him to get those gangsters off his back. He also followed her suggestion and moved out of the condo complex for retired law enforcement people in Vegas which was riddled with assassins. He uses a Succor Punch and can do a lot of what we do in the chats, by the way.
About four years ago he came out with some stuff that didn’t ring true with us, though it was harmless disinfo, regarding the alleged role of Arabs in the demolition of the WTC. He apparently received this from a CIA guy named Riconosciutto, who was in prison, at least during the time Ted visited him. Carol got the sense that Ted knew this wasn’t right but she also got the sense that the CIA had successfully extorted him into saying these things publicly. Of course the only Arabs involved with teh destruction of the World Trade Center were on the CIA payroll and have probably never set foot in a mosque. For the straight poop on 9/11 I recommend seeing ZEITGEIST. Scroll past the atheist diatribe if you want to.
This period was exactly when some typically deranged but well-aimed Monarch assets filed a lawsuit against Ted, charging him with stuff that we know he hadn’t done. See how the CIA works? Like any other parasite, they won’t go at their targets directly; they weaken the environment and support around their targets, then they move in with the poison. Right now, his reputation is just about destroyed by the incessant, frenetic bleating of litigious Monarch freaks, who probably don’t even know him personally, and also by Art Bell but Carol and I are sure that Ted is genuine and that his research into government pedophelia and the related CIA-sponsored satanic networks will remain solid.
Three years ago Carol and I were in the middle of an FBI operation to destroy our marriage and/or kill us with beryllium dust through the heating ducts. We were sitting ducks in MOscow, Idaho but we stayed proactive, at least [Image Can Not Be Found];
Since we moved back to Idaho they’ve only tried to kill us a few half-hearted times–came close a year ago but that was obviously a cleverly coordinated CIA exercise involving a lot of people and timing; FBI are blunt instruments, not tacticians or strategists.
Question: Why do all FBI agents have low foreheads and hunched shoulders?
Answer: Because when you ask them a question, they shrug their shoulders and when you tell them the answer, they slap their foreheads.
Aristotle allegedly carried a lit lantern around in the daytime because he was ‘looking for an honest man.’ I had been looking for honest psychics for several years after my introduction to metaphysics and in the beginning I was kind of discouraged because nearly all of them were so steeped in Theosophy that I could only ask them things that didn’t directly threaten their belief paradigm. There wasn’t much to talk about, in other words, even though I could appreciate that they genuinely had the gift in most cases.
It’s axiomatic that when one steps onto the path of search one gets guidance and that it increases as long as we stayon the path. My brief marriage to X2, who was psychic, had a healing gift and was a self-styled con artist (read: Monarch honeypot, assigned to stop me from eventually doing what I’m doing), at least taught me that I needed to associate with psychics in order to continue my education. After I got cuckolded and left New Hampshire I soon met Carol and became acquainted with her superior ability and personal integrity. It was refreshing, too, that she didn’t babble newage sewage, as every other psychic I’d met had done.
I only visited Carol twice, for readings, until three years later when I moved to my brother’s place in nearby Santa, Idaho (Carol lived in St Maries, 20 miles from there, and was my sister-in-law, Melody’s, friend) to get the engine in the Zapporium replaced.
In the interim I mostly lived in Ashland, Oregon, where I got to know two psychics, whom I adopted as teachers: Dorothy West, the old Druid witch and Indian Elder, and James Hughes, a renowned energy worker, educator, and healer who learned everything he knew in an instant in 1980 or so when he was struck by etheric lightning.
Both of them had personal integrity but distinctively different (but complemetary, I felt) approaches to psychism and spirituality. They didn’t have much interest in meeting each other, even though Ashland is a pretty small town, but after Dorothy told me some stories about her networking aroudn the world it didn’t feel like an issue to me any more.
Both were incredibly skilled in their own ways and I loved being around them, talking with them and observing them. What drew me to them, mainly, though, was their heart qualities. Here were a couple of very good, very smart and effective people and they were enriching my life and apparently getting me ready for this enterprise, though neither are particularly interested in participating.
James is apparently psychicly and cordially linked to Lemurian and perhaps Atlantean sources and Dorothy, thirty years or so ago, actually spent much of a day with a group of Lemurians on Mt Shasta, which isn’t far from Ashland.
Another fellow who got ‘initiated’ around the same time as James and was given the same information/energy is a guy named Alper but the two went different directions. James and the other fellow were specifically shown that they mustn’t form an organization around this new information and James stuck to that principle but the other fellow started a church (no kidding). James led a wonderful life after that and the other guy is holed up in Switzerland with a little cult following, having ‘lost his @$$ets’ in America and fled. He’s probably miserable. James told me that he told him so.
I encountered my first CIA-programmed/aimed Monarch mole when I was James’ student, by the way. The brilliant young man insinuated himself into my personal life after I paid him to set up my first zapper website in late 1997. A year later, he gratuitously hacked the site–destroyed it. By then I’d found a new webmaster who immediately set up a more secure site for me. I didn’t need to rely on that MKid pothead any more and things have only gotten better since then. After that, I’ve been reluctant to let potheads get close to me. My jaw dropped when I figured out that this MKid led two lives: a helpful, rational friend when he was sober and a resourceful, focused saboteur when he was stoned, which was part of each day. When you’ve run across enough of these MKids you begin to see a clear pattern/profile. Most of them are drug addicts, by the way.
I’m not going to recommend the atheist version of ZEITGEIST to any of my Christian or Jewish friends because most of them haven’t read enough about the roots of their religions to put the presentation in perspective. They probably can’t or won’t seprate the dross of artificial ideologies from the actual Message. The guy(s) who composed that atheist diatribe sure did their homework, though, and they only made a few dishonest assumptions along the way.
See how the same organizations used that grotesque slasher movie, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, to reinforce the neo-pagan programming of Christians and to further polarize them from more rational people?
I think Muslims can handle it because they never bought into the regurgitated (recycled?) patriarchic paganism that characterizes so much of Jewish and Christian ideology. The Qur’an is more pragmatic; the direct words of a Prophet rather than Divine teachings that had been filtered through generations of parasitic clergy. The narrator apparently presents the case that we ought to adopt the old Egyptian belief system, instead. If you meet this guy he’s not going to like it if you pick that notion apart rationally, of course.
Being psychic doesn’t guarantee discernment, by the way, though psychism is a powerful tool for examining reality. Most of the psychics I ever met viscerally resent the concept of an omnipotent God and they even think or even claim that they’re God, themselves, so being psychic also doesn’t guarantee intelligence, rationality or integrity. I don’t personally think that God needs to be defended, nor even that believing in God is an essential part of spiritual progress but I do think that hating God is self-destructive and leads to personal misery, which the hater will try his best to share with everyone else. It’s a form of proselytizing. When you watch the first half hour of the film you might notice that the narrator is in balls-to-the-wall ‘preacher’ mode, kind of like one of those fire and brimstone Southern preachers, intent on the audience’s collective jugular.
Have you ever known anyone who has genuine faith? If you’ve gotten to know people who have faith but profess different religions you’ve noticed that their main focus is the quality of their lives and a desire to serve others. They might believe in their respective ideologies but they seem to evince a single faith. This is apparently designed into all of the legitimate religions and even spills over into some of the orbitting cults.
Here’s another axiom, like ‘most smart people are not nice and most nice people are not smart:’ Most religious people don’t have faith and most faithful people aren’t particularly religious.
James told me categorically that right now the earth’s magnetic field is quite weak and when the earth’s magnetic field is weak, human institutions fall apart; when it’s strong, human institutions are strong. It was strong two thousand years ago because 2,000 years is half of the cycle.
The artificial ideologies which clergy and others have applied to religions like a stranglehold are disintegrating right now in the face of rising awareness. Nobody’s rebelling, per se (though some have told me that I’m revolting, at least); we’re just growing tired of things that are restrictive and misleading–why spend energy on that stuff any more, now that life is getting more interesting and we’re starting to experience real empowerment and responsibility?
It may be that Theosophy, which is a luciferic paradigm, was the very last gasp of the world odor. I say ‘luciferic,’ not because I think a devil is behind it but because arrogance in the face of our Creator can be characterized that way kind of economically. Whenever you come across someone who seems vested in obliterating the concept of personal faith you can bet that the root of his/her programming is Theosophy.
The Theosophy Society set up the Lucifer Trust in the late 1930s to publish all of the United Nations’ official literature. In 1947 enough people became aware of this odd setup that they surreptitiously changed the name to Lucis Trust. If they’re that fond of Lucifer I’m sure they won’t object to my characterization.
I had a new thought when I watched that narrator attempt to destroy religion in one swoop: Did the world odor set up the trappings around Judaism and Christianity in order to throw a sucker punch at all those religionists Right Now? The timing of this movie’s diatribe is interesting: the movie, THE DA VINCI CODE, came out last year and it was a softer sell than this film, a more tentative probe into the hearts and minds of unwitting religionists? If you know anything about the Priory of Sion you understand that the movie’s version is not the real one. Also, ‘Sauniere’ in real life was the French priest who stumbled onto or was directed to find the apparent proof that Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus and brought their child(ren) to Southern France at the behest of Jesus’ maternal uncle, Joseph of Aramathea. The claim in the movie that Mary Magdalene was equal in station to Jesus is another dig, by the way, and if anyone were to call that into question he (I?) would look like a jerk. If Mary M were a teacher and exemplar of Jesus’ stature there would probably be a legacy about her but maybe that will all come to light when the den of politicians, preachers, pedophiles and pimps that calls itself The Vatican is finally forced to turn the information and evidence loose [Image Can Not Be Found]; .
The ZEITGEIST non-sequitur-preface narrator claims that Jesus never even existed and that all the contemporary historians who mentioned him are liars or misinterpreted. I like Icke’s claim better–more interesting. Both of them are more interesting than that boring book, THE PASSOVER PLOT, which alleged that Jesus never existed but was just too dry and convoluted to hold anyone’s curiosity. I remember when wannabee scholars (pre-hippy days, so it was just raw, materialistic atheism then) used to wave that book around like the brownshirts waved MEIN KAMPF, though. At least the atheist (Isis cult devotee?) who narrated the alleged preface to ZEITGEIST is pointing to a less noxious belief paradigm.
If you read the Rennes le-Chateaux (the village where Fr Sauniere apparently found the evidence) related literature, though, or even read or watch THE DA VINCI CODE, you might see that not only was Jesus a historical figure but that His influence prevailed along some very interesting avenues in spite of the efforts of the cleverest, richest, most organized and most heartless of detractors’ (including the Roman Catholic Church, of course) efforts to subvert, misdirect or destroy that influence. Only the intellectually lazy will blame God or Jesus for the massive crimes that were committed in His name. Do you think it’s ironic that most of the ‘saints’ in that church had been murdered by order of various popes, by the way? What message does that send to little kids?
If you’re a devout Christain or Jew, consider that these guys are probably doing you a favor if they can induce you to dig deeper and find the divinity; the creative impulse that’s still in your own sacred texts. Maybe that unpleasant pressure to get better at discernment is kind of like how the new death tower forests and chemtrails have induced a lot of otherwise disinterested people to recognize that there actually is a world odor intent on destroying us.
I predict that this sucker punch that got stuck into the ZEITGEIST movie will backfire on whatever agency did that. I"m assuming it’s a disinfo ploy simply because it fits the profile so perfectly. Meanwhile, the more factual subject matter of the film (the 9/11 material) is really worth studying!
Maybe I’m giving some folks the impression that I get too exercised over stuff like the above but I’m hoping, at least, that I can convince others to take these intellectual/spiritual assaults head-on, then move past them. These movie presentations (the ZEITGEIST prologue, LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, DA VINCI CODE, etc.) are designed to stop or divert your curiosity and momentum, of course.