A Few Questions from Javier, a Gifter in Spain

  1. How much Earth Pipes are needed approximately for gift the underground bases? And, how much distance must be between each placed Earth Pipe?

I think the only way to know that is to dowse for the number or to just guess and put one or two for every square mile that you feel the underground base occupies. If you’ve already busted all the death towes and weatyher weapons over a wide area the locations of the underground bases might be found by noting where the low, persistent smog banks are. All or almost all of the ten thousand towers in and around Los Angeles were busted, for instance, and when we drive around that metropolis we see distinct smog banks, here and there. There are LOTS of underround bases around the world, also underwater ones, and they all need to be gifted, I think, before we can know that the corporate world order has been entirely disabled. It’s kind of like dealing with cockroaches [Image Can Not Be Found]

  1. Is necessary to gift chemical industries? (sorry, i don’t know if it’s a stupid question, but that came to my mind, because i think chemical industries are a DOR source, isn’t it? If you don’t found this question appropiate, don’t post it)

We like to drop orgonite around polluting businesses. This causes their poisons to drop to the ground and I believe that it also ionizes those poisons, making them a lot less noxious. It’s great to put orgonite in the surrounding bodies of water, too, of course. This can produce some astonishing visual confirmations for you in terms of cleaning the water.

  1. About the orgone devides with a copper pipe stick in them. The copper pipe should be fullfiled with orgonite? The crystal should be stick in the orgonite inside of the pipe?

We stick the crystal in the orgonite but I’m no sure it matters if the pipe is in the orgonite. We rarely do this, by the way.

  1. Should the pipes of a cloudbuster touch the down part of the orgonite base?

Carol prefers to have some orgonite below the bottoms of the pipes–we leave a half inch or so in our cloudbuster base bottoms.

  1. What’s more powerful, a cloudbuster made with aluminium pipes, or with copper pipes?

I doubt that it matters which kind of metal is used.

  1. Can the Earth Pipes be made with aluminium pipes?

Sure–any metal works fine.

  1. The coil of the Holy Hand Grenades, Earth Pipes, or any orgone device, can be made with an aluminium wire? (I tell you this, because here in Spain, there are lots of fans of metal detectors who go to the countryside for find things with them, and aluminium can’t be detected by metal detectors, but i think there are fans of this type of things all over the world, so if aluminium have the same power than copper, i’d like to use aluminium)

Any wire works. Carol likes to srip the insulation off the wire, though. For personal HHgs she might prefer to use copper on account of the energy characteristics. One might like to experiment with silver and gold for personal orgonite device coils, too. We haven’t done that, yet.

  1. If some gifter throw Earth Pipes in the sea, apart of revitalize the water, it will have effects on the upper atmosphere, so weather modification can also be stopped, isn’t it? (If so, i find that important, because sea places are places where we can’t do nothing for stop violent weathers)

We like to drop earthpipes from our boat ovre underwater/underground bases but wer fashion them so that they’ll stick upright on the bottom, of course. Orgonite with bits of pipe sticking out of it has a little more range than tyhe orhgonite by itself, otherwise, but it takes much longer to make with the pipes and c osts more. We did the Florida/Bahamas waters almost entirely with simple towerbusters, rather. The smog clears away above the sea when orgonite is tossed in it, perhaps largely because dolphins evidentl;y take it to the underwater targets, including the death towers on the seabed, which many people have clearly seen trough side-viewing sonar and which one can discern with even teh simplest fishfinder.

  1. Can a Cloud Buster be placed inside of a house? (I haven’t outside part, so i can’t place it outside)

it’s less effective inside a building, the same way it’s less effective when teh ends of the pipes atre capped. One can aim it out through window glass, though. In a building with a metal roof the affected area is displaced. We saw a blue hole in the clouds about a mile distant from a CB that we’d put in a building with a metal roof, years ago [Image Can Not Be Found] and when we moved the CB
outside, the blue hole centered over us and got a lot bigger.

  1. About the Succor Punch. If someone uses GPS, there would be any problem with the working of the GPS carrying the Succor Punch in the car?

The SP doesn’t seem to block legitimate communication; only surveillance, sometimes even video cameras. This is something that needs to be experienced to be believed, I suppose. We used our SP in the boat when we were in the Bahamas, also had the cellphones & navigated with a GPS but the felonious feds didn’t find us until after we checked in with Bahamas Customs at the end of our gifting run. The Coast Guard then chased us and arrested us in international waters [Image Can Not Be Found] but that kind of aggressive intimidation rarely happens any more, thankfully, not even in America.

  1. How much closed to a base have i to go for Earth Pipe them or put towerbusters? (I think i know the answer, but i’m not sure. As closed as i can but without be seen, maybe?)

An earthpipe’s range is quite long. I would guess that you can put them all around the perimeter of one of those ratholes and within a mile of the perimeter, perhaps one per mile or two miles (dowse it!)

  1. What’s the range of an Earth Pipe?


  1. How can more power be added to the orgone devices? (Including the Earth Pipes, Tower Busters and Holy Hand Grenades)

They’re already incredibly powerful. I’m at a loss to answer that one, sorry.

  1. The gifting of 30-50 km around my house will take me a ver very long time, i think, so if i make a cloudbuster now, it will have any effect on violent weather?

Now that the chemtrail campaign is long ago defeated by many thousands of orgonite cloudbusters the main benefit of having one seems to be to stabilize the local weather; prevent floods, tornadoes, violent wind, nearby lightning strikes, etc., but the Sylphs evidently love to hang around over an orgonite cloudbuster, too. We like to please them.

  1. How much time after the gifting of a dirty river can i see results? I have to throw more tbs on that river yet, anyways.

It seems to generally take a week to see the change and it seems to happen quite suddenly, usually.

  1. Yesterday, we went another time to the base. When we went to gift one or two weeks ago, it was night, so we couldn’t see nothing, only lights… This time, i saw it better, but only from the car. I asked to my mother’s friend if the base have underground part, and he answered me that he think that it’s at least 5 km of radius, because the base is situated in the outside part of a town, and the underground part reaches the town. So, would be needed more earthpipes, or any other form for put them? I don’t know the range of the earthpipes, anyway, so i don’t know well hehehe.

I guess I’d put one earthpipe every mile or so around it but when we did the enormous underground base at Glacier Natinoal Park we put one earthpipe every nine miles around the perimeter and the psychics said it was sufficient, though someone in Canada really needs to take care of that northern part of the perimeter to be sure. There seems to be a wide margin of effectiveness. We dropped around 36 earthpipes on the base under Lake Pend Oreille before it finally felt ‘done’ and that one is perhaps smaller than the one you’re talking about. Maybe it’s parttly a function of how deep the bases go. Some are perhaps a hundred feet deep and some are miles from top to bottom. Some probablhy include alien bases that are unspeakably huge and perhaps millions of years old. Dowsing is a handy way to determine how many pipes to use but when the sky brightens up overhead we know that we’ve done well.

  1. Should i put some of those hexagon of earthpipes at any part? (no peacemakers) I want to be sure that the earthpiping is well done, so it doesn’t matter to me if i have to expend more money buying more pipes. I’ll wait to the answers of the list, anyways, because i don’t know if should i buy copper pipes or aluminium. Copper is more expensive and i don’t know if it can oxidize, and, aluminium is cheaper and i think it doesn’t oxidize. I don’t know sure if copper earthpipe will oxidize, so if don’t oxidize and copper have more power than aluminium, i’ll get it.

These hex arrangements might have special capabilities but when one is gifting in the field it’s probably prudent to spend as little time as possible putting devices in the ground, on account of surveillance. Otherwise, we’d probably have tried one of these Peacemakers long before now. Our attitude is that if a very simple approach already works well, then a more complicated one isn’t generally called for. Disinformants rather insist or strongly imply that what we all do is ineffective, so they want people to take a more complicated, arcane approach to gifting. That would essentially eliminate most gifting. I struggle to draw attention to the incredible power of simple, inexpensive orgonite. After all, nearly all the gifting in the world is done with this stuff. Why don’t you put a Peacemaker on your property and see what happens?

  1. I was thinking some days ago about grid gifting of my city, because as you know i haven’t car, so i’m a little limited. What do you think about it?

I don’t know how big your city is but some folks gift from a bicycle. Steve in Vancouver, Canada, travelled around the city that way and brought a small stepladder, which he used to drop earthpipe plugs in stop sign posts (hollow steel pipes) [Image Can Not Be Found]

  1. How can i know places which need earthpipes if it is situated in my city? (hospitals? i read something about creepy histories of hospitals at educateyourself.com)
    Places where i should put peacemakers?
    Places where i should put one-pipe cloudbusters?
    Places where to put any special HHG?

If one has doubts about what to do with special devices one can just do all the surface targets, also bodies of water, with simple towerbusters. I think that people who feel inspired to use special devices are following their intuition, generally, and that none of those efforts are wasted but since I’m not your intuition, I"m probably ill suited to give you such specific advice. Why not follow through with your hunches, like the rest of us do? Then watch for confirmations, which are sometimes subtle and sometimes very graphic but are always useful, I thnk. I doubt there’s a shortcut to confidence and cetainty, otherwise.

  1. Should i include any special gems or minerals into the TB for put them around a particular place, apart of the quartz? (schools, church, slum…)

I’m going to deal with this subject in some of your questions that are down the list.

  1. What’s more powerful, a basic 6-pipe Don Croft style Cloudbuster or a single but with a very wide pipe cloudbuster?

I don’t know of anyone attempting the single pipe idea. We’re happy with the six pipes, so will probably keep making them that way unless someone demonstrates that one pipe
is superior.

  1. Bigger orgonite base, better effect?

In the summer of 2001 I made a double-size cloudbuster but the range and effectiveness was certainly not doubled. I think it’s a lot better to make more cloudbusters and distribute them over a wide area.

  1. Longer pipes, better effects?

Lengthening the pipes extends but narrows the affected area. The CB, as configured, mainly affects the stratosphere for hundreds of miles around, though it also tends to prevent violent weather within 30 miles and lightnin within five or so miles.

  1. Large diameter, better effects?

Not necessarily.

  1. Adding gems to the base, better effects? (What gems?)

The personal effects seem to increase if one is near the cloudbuster. You’d need to read about gems or ask someone who knows about gems in order to get that information, of course.

  1. Adding special metals to the base, better effects? (what metals?)

Same answer as previous question.

  1. Adding some kind of coil to the orgonite base, the quartz or to the pipe, better effects? (What type of coil? and, can be put differents type of coils in the same cloudbuster?)

We like to add a Cesco coil in the base of our cloudbusters. They’re difficult to make but Cesco made a bunch for us during his visits. They’re not essential.

  1. Some special gems for the growing of plants or health of the wildlife of a place? (I’m planing to put a powerful CB in each province of Spain)

Same as above.

  1. Widest pipe, widest quartz would be needed? And what about the long of the quartz?

We haven’t found that increasing the length of the crystals produce a special effect but anyone is free to experiment, of course.

  1. The top of the pipes, can be close with some plastic material for stop the water going inside the CB and freezing?

The water has been freezing in our cloudbuster pipes for almost ten years with no bad effect. We never cover the tops. Some disinformants advise closing the tops but simple reasoning shows that the water arond the crystals freezes/expands upward, not inward. Crystals are plenty tough, though, so even if the water were in a sealed space it would break the seal, not the crystals.

  1. Painting the CB as a camouflage for the environment, would affect the working?

I don’t think it matters unless you’re hiding one somewhere. I’d camouflage it in that case.

  1. I’m planing to put a TB in each block of my city, can be put into the grid of the street?

When we grid gift we hunt for suitable hiding places. We’ve dropped a lot of towerbusters in storm drains and have tossed a lot of them onto flat roofs, in shrubbery, ponds and on flat awnings over storefronts. If you can’t hide some of them it’s okay.

  1. I want to add some gems for this TBs i’ll made, because as i read, that affect to people in a good form. I was planing to put a type of them for schools, other for churchs, but i think would be better a type of gem which can be as “multi-uses”. What gem can be that? (I was thinking in this before read your recent post where you mention a person called Olivier)

Oli has some skill for this already. You can trust your instincts and can pick up a lot from reading books about crystals, also from the tutotrials on EW & Carol’s blogsite, crystalinsights.com . We like to add gems to towerbusters that we toss around gov’t buildings and other satanic institutions [Image Can Not Be Found] but it’s VERY important to consider that gems for field orgonite are never essential, even for these targets.

  1. What benefit can i have for be energy sensitive during gifting? And what benefit appart from that?

Energy sensitive people can more easily determine if a death tower has already been busted by another gifter. There are an awful lot of us gifting, now, and many of us want to save our ammunition for ‘virgin’ targets.

  1. My mother is planning to gift me a cat. I’ve waiting it for years [Image Can Not Be Found] . I’ve read that cats are energy sensitive? If so, i want to put a big orgonite near his sleep place when i have it. Some special gems to add that have effects on cats?

I don’t know but maybe you can find something in a gem book. Whatever gems can do is greatly increased by putting them in orgonite and the orgonite guarantees that the gems will not absorb unhealthy energy. I like to keep the focus on very basic gifting materials and methods, since this is the vast bulk of how this gets done. If I encouraged dicussions of fancy additives that would entirely distract our readers from the simplicity and raw power that simple, basic orgonite embodies. One can make a thousand towerbusters for the cost of making a hundred fancy ones, too, and this war is all about numbers, not so much about the genius of combining subtle energy elements. I think that genius is best expressed in personal orgonite devices.

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