A New Disinfo Campaign to Discredit Aluminum

The previously high-profile fellow who tried to influence the Mozambique courts to sentence Georg, Carlos, Tino and Prophet to prison for dropping orgonite in the Zambezi River in 2009 has been ranting in public meetings, published writings and on the web against our use of aluminum in orgonite since 2001 and I’m pleased to say that he’s mainly just caused more people to commit to using aluminum in orgonite, this way. I’ve never had the impression that he works for the enemy but rather seems to be a frustrated academic who is jealous of orgonite’s attention.

The new campaign to discredit aluminum for orgonite, though, seems to originate from the same parasitic agencies that own the search engines which feature more skilled disinformants and suppress genuine information sources, including this forum.

A few years ago these agencies were promoting the use of plastic tubes in place of metal ones in orgonite cloudbusters and at one point they even claimed that dirt works as well as resin for orgonite. These more obviously irrational volleys don’t have much traction. A more enduring fakery is the promotion of expensive crystals and gems set in resin that has very little metal in it. These are often very attractive and cleverly constructed but everyone who commits to doing effective fieldwork, which is our forté on this international forum, will eventually find us and that’s our little target audience, after all. Single, committed orgonite flingers have done entire metropolitan areas and even entire countries. If the fakers will keep the idle, unaccountable ones hypnotized, then we won’t have to spend precious time corresponding with them. It’s sort of a win-win situation for us.

Without naming them, I can just say that they claim that only costly metals work for orgonite and that aluminum is particularly useless . I think it’s easy to see that if people took this to heart there would be very little field orgonite made in the world Cool. I’ve never name our detractors because that would help their cause. Since they lack accountability they would generally love to have an opportunity to play the wounded bird if I mentioned them personally in a criticism. I don’t understand why this obscure forum still sets the standard in this global, unorganized movement but I certainly exploit the opportunities to undermine disinformants’ agendae when I’m able.

The simple fact is that the vast bulk of orgonite that has been used around the world to improve climate, stop weather warfare agendae, disable the chemtrail agenda, lower crime rates dramatically, improve agriculture, especially in Africa, restore and vastly increase fish populations, end long droughts, reverse deserts, etc., has been made with only aluminum for the metal component. Aluminum is cheap and plentiful, lightweight, easy to work with and is usually easy to find.

Dr Reich was opposed to using aluminum in his orgone accumulators but he apparently never gave a reason for it. I think there’s only one, brief published mention from him. Later, Serge King started making orgone accumulators with aluminum foil. I chose King’s method in 97, when I started exploring and experimenting with orgone technology and it works extremely well. Dr Reich, I think, would be shocked to see that there are people who believe that his comments are above criticism because he advised everyone not to accept anyone’s pronouncements as unquestionable truths. If he saw what we are doing with aluminum I’m pretty sure he’d change his mind. The new disinfo campaign about aluminum doesn’t mention Reich’s statement so maybe we already buried that particular myth Wink.