A New Kind of Hacking of This Forum?

I got the following email from Good News Jeff (a master of details):

Don, good morning. You may already be on this, but I just logged on to EW and found just two registered users (you and me), and one guest. I always note who’s on, and the numbers. This seems low. Perhaps the psychics could look into it? I know in the past similar dynamics have played out with forum member businesses (including your own) – where bad juju is used to keep people from ‘seeing’ the business, as it were.


When we started in 2004 the clicker showed about 300 visitors, which I think is about the same as now. The NSA sh!+rats seem to be obsessed with sabotaging stats with hacking. YouTube is the best example of that, I think.

I registered a couple of new members, this morning, and I noticed that a small crowd of ‘new members’ had registered themselves but didn’t get to the stage of being able to post on the forum. Only hackers and perhaps A.I. creatures can register themselves, here. If the enemy were genuinely powerful and not just parasites we’d all be dead or in the Gulag, of course. They’re not even trying to kill Carol and I, any more–other than trying to run Carol off the road every few months when she’s alone in the car. These misogynists have it backward about which is ‘the weaker sex.’

I have no idea how many people are reading forum material but requests for membership are increasing quite fast, so that tells me that more and more people are reading the forum. Since it only takes a relative few committed people to destroy the Old Parasite I’m very pleased with our relative obscurity. As human awareness continues to expand it’s getting more and more difficult for the Old Parasite to maintain its mass mind control protocols and, especially, discernment and accountability seem to become fashionable, causing the dense fabric of lies and disinformation that covers the internet to be less of a barrier and more of a confirmation that this Big Problem exists but is not insurmountable. I’m glad that people have to actively dig through that surreal layer in order to find us. Wink

Most people can’t fathom the idea that the old corporate order relies on sorcery and other ancient, ‘non-technical’ means to maintain their control of the planet. When they first sabotaged our livelihood in August, 2011 we struggled for a couple of months to find some way to get out from under all that bad juju until it occurred to Carol to try burning black candles, then we stopped losing ground and ever since then we’ve been at least staying in business. At first, the candles were knocked over a few times during the night and when we were out of the house Cool and that was a nice confirmation.

The only thing that hurts me is that we can no longer afford to do as many large-scale orgonite campaigns and I can’t help the East Africans capitalize their effort, any more. Otherwise, we probably would have stopped that California drought a couple of years ago.

One of the Europeans who has done exemplary work in the field and even visited us was so upset about our use of black candles that he left the forum but I think one of the more clever detractors had gained his confidence and influenced him away from us. That’s only happened to a few of our associates over the years, fortunately.

I told Jeff I’d post his comments just to tweak the enemy a bit but I’ll also ask the psychics–maybe it will lead to new targets; that’s always fun.

I sent this to Don at around ten this morning, my time:

“Don, good morning. You may already be on this, but I just logged on to EW and found just two registered users (you and me), and one guest. I always note who’s on, and the numbers. This seems low. Perhaps the psychics could look into it? I know in the past similar dynamics have played out with forum member businesses (including your own) – where bad juju is used to keep people from ‘seeing’ the business, as it were.”

Don replied at 1:16 p.m., my time:

“When we started in 2004 the clicker showed about 300 visitors, which I think is about the same as now. The shitrats seem to be obsessed with sabotaging stats with hacking. YouTube is the best example of that, I think.”

I hadn’t considered the hacking angle!

Guess what the numbers are now? Still just me and Don logged in as registered users, but eighty eight guests .

The hacker response time is similarly blazing to that seen when I outed Google re: monkeying with EW positioning in their search results.

Parasites fear exposure above all else, after all, as a good friend of mine taught me some years ago, now.

Sstats as of right now:

Most Users Ever Online: 150

Currently Online: Jeff
18 Guest(s)

Currently Browsing this Page: Jeff
1 Guest(s)

18 visitors seems like a really low number to me. In that there were 150 viewers at once, at one point, and I have trouble imagining that the number would decrease over time.

When I called this out the other day, the number immediately jumped to 88 visitors, and then promptly dropped right back down to the 15-18 range, where it’s been, since. 88 is a number of occult significance, but that’s a sidebar.

I thought about an e-mail poll, where visitors would e-mail during a 24 hour period, to see if there were any difference between the poll number and the site counter, but that would be a major hassle for someone, probably Don.

I wonder, is there some other technical artifice we might employ?

I’ve been watching since the last post. 14, 15, 19, in that range.

It was 25 about ten minutes ago. Right now it’s

Currently Online: Jeff
8 Guest(s)

Currently Browsing this Page: Jeff

See All Online Activity

Wow. The ‘most users ever online’ just jumped to 208, from 150, where it’s been sitting since I started watching it.

And currently online is at a lowest-I’ve-seen 9.

I check it several times a day, so 208 is a question mark.

As is 9.

Most Users Ever Online: 208

Currently Online: Jeff
9 Guest(s)

Currently Browsing this Page: Jeff
1 Guest(s)

See All Online Activity