A plan of gifting lake naivasha in rift valley provnce

Lake Naivasha is o0ne of the fresh water lakes in Kenya. The lake is situated in Rift Valley province, and is classified just as lake Victoria. On contrary, the lake is situated in an area where there are many i9ndustries, most ofwhich drains theis waste products into this lake. At the moment, the lake is highly polluted, and every other stakeholder is concerned with the situatiion.
I came to learn all these when a friend of mine in the face book, one of the Kenyan youths spreading the idea commented on our forum that Orgonite application can be a solution to the impurity in the lake. Many of course develope intrest to inquire fropm me about the trial. I therefore plan to brach to Lake Naivasha when from Lodwar to give some wellm tosted Orgonite for free to one of my classmate, the one who contacted me on the face book, to try on some part. If it will succeed, I will Orgonize with the Authority to take a good quantity for them to cleans the lake to boost the catch, which has gone too down. I expect to succeed in lake Turkana.

Yes! I was inspired by the gifting work by people tossing orgonite into Lake Geneva in Switzerland a few years back to gift the small spring fed lake where we have a cottage in Ontario Canada. The little lake in Canada is a land-locked spring-fed lake that is only 2 miles long by 1 mile wide. There are no rivers flowing in or out of it and thus the only source of fresh water for the lake is springs on the bottom. It takes 7 years for the water to “turn over and change” in the lake and so it is a very sensitive body of water to any contamination. Over the years I have tossed an estimated 150 TB’s into the lake and each time the water quality seems to improve and comments from the other people around the lake reflect that, especially from the fishermen. Although the fisherman do complain that there are so many small bait fish in the lake now that they have a more difficult time catching the big ones because the big fish are so well fed. The fishermen can see the schools of bait fish on their fish finders and they give me that feedback. Also each year my 87 year-old Dad comments that the water is getting clearer and clearer and is like it’s reverting back to more clarity like in the “old days” for him. I think there are other factors too, like the people of the lake becoming more aware of their septic systems etc. but definitely I’d say that orgonite has played an important role in re-vitalizing the lake and it’s aquatic life.

All the best…hkj

Go for it Benedict, I can personally testify to the fact that orgonite can very effectively clean bodies of water. I live near the shore of Lake Ontario, and the water quality is much much better than it was a few years ago. This is one of the biggest lakes in the world, and it used to literally stink and look terrible near the Toronto shoreline. Then Steve Baron and crew built a massive cloudbuster and lowered it into the lake, and I’m sure they must have used a lot of tb’s too. Now the lake water is so nice it sparkles a beautiful green and blue in the sunshine, just like the sea in parts of the Carribean, and the beaches are not only safe to swim in, but a real joy. Not too long ago the beaches were never open for swimming, and you ran quite a risk of getting sick if you tried.

Of course, no “authority” around here will even mention that the lake water IS clear and beautiful again, because if they did there would be questions as to how it happened. The Powers That Be sure don’t want to tell you orgonite did it. I find it always amusing to ask PJ people if they’ve noticed the lake is lovely now, and if they remember how truly awful it was just a few years ago. I usually wait a few seconds as they perform the mental gymnastics, and then with a quizzical look they exclaim: “hey yeah! it WAS dirty, what happened??” I try to tell them it was the power of orgonite, but that seems too long a bridge to cross for most just yet [Image Can Not Be Found];

I can also vouch for the cleanliness of Hong Kong John’s lake in Whitefish as I’ve seen how nice it is and enjoyed a swim in it myself. There were lots of little fish around the dock and even a colourful water snake that caused a bit of a stir. We drank the water straight out of the lake with no ill affect.

To belabour the point, there’s a small pond at the end of my street that used to be a festering, mosquito-ridden cess pool, but it turned quite nice after I lobbed some orgonite into it. Last year a family of beavers took up residence, and only a few days ago as I walked my dog to the pond we were greeted by a large and very healthy looking coyote. He checked us out for a little bit then took off over the hill and back down the tree-lined creek heading into the Rouge Valley. Not a stressfull encounter at all, it was quite peaceful and fun with no animosity.

Orgonite can definitely clean that lake Benedict, toss a lot of it!


I thought I’d mention that here even if it’s out of context, because I’ve known that for quite some time, but forgot to share it.
An easy way to prove orgonite cleans water (you need tap water that tastes bad, like full of chlorine etc.)! get 6 TBs put hem in a hexagonal shape and place a container of that water in the middle and wait about 2 hours [Image Can Not Be Found] Then taste the water I don’t know how, with chlorine the smell of chlorine still remains, but the taste goes away
Never tried that with swimming pool water, could be fun to test.

Anyway orgonite definitely cleans water!