A Trillion 'Lost' Pentagon Dollars Equals a few Million Deat

Mary Anne told me that the night before the feds demolished the World Trade Center a talking head announced on the What To Think Network that the Pentagon had lost over a trillion dollars–couldn’t account for it at all <img border

No mention was ever made again but if we can resurrect that discussion I think we can show a correlation to the sudden erection, right after the WTC terror event, of millions of death towers around the globe. As you know, in the developed countries there’s an average of one tower per two thousand people. That’s a lot of towers and the fact that their militarily fortified is another finger pointing at the Pentagon.

Another finger is the secret nature of the technology, which is powered off the commercial grid.

In Africa, where underground nukes and underground infrastructure is minimal, the death towers’ big diesel generators run all the time. The fortified concrete bunkers beside towers in the WEst apparently have generators in them but we don’t hear them running. We do see new, rectangular, gravel lined double ponds dotting the lanscape, though, and when we toss a towerbuster into one of those, the psychics see a couple dozen contiguous death towers suddenly shut down

Vandals must really envy us.

I’m posting this because when I tried to comment on it in an email to someone, hackers erased three attempts in a row. The NSA’s sh!+house hackers are excellent bellweathers for us to determine what needs to be discussed on the internet and with each other.


Wowza, Don. Watching the death towers go up, and the vile shift in energy, I had wondered how on earth they were crafted so quickly, and funded… just how exactly? Most excellent deduction.

I believe the figure was $2.3 Trillion, with a T. Donald Rumsfeld, (who strong-armed Aspartame onto the global market, while CEO of the corp which perped it), made the announcement re the missing trillions. The annoucement was made too late to appear on the evening news. By morning, when the towers imploded, it was yesterday’s news. The then comptroller of the Pentagon, was a dual citizenship neo-con (US/Israeli), who seems never to have been discomfited in any way by the disappearance of trillions on his watch.

If I recall correctly, this factoid is mentioned in “Loose Change, 2nd edition”, the DVD with free online download, put together by a couple patriot 20-somethings, who did it on their own nickle, and now are giving it away.