A Way Around The Hacking Sewer Rats?

Hello Don

with best Greetings from Hamburg

As eMail Reception is very unreliable…
this is to share an idea for better communication

On Jim Stone´s Site i liked his way of logging donations
Something similar could be set up for eMails

Among other, i use one page with an textbox that creates an eMail

Just next to such a form,
there could be a table with columns for example:
date, name, wordcount, entry number, total number of entries, etc

with these being generated automatically upon clicking send
this table being continuasly shown
only being partially editable be the owner

So when people are sending mails without getting replies
they can check the log, to see if their entry is shown
The Recipient can check the log and compare with his inbox

This would only leave what may be called “selective Caching“
where different IPs or areas are shown a different page

like the Recipient being shown an empty log
and the Senders one filled their entries
there should be ways to prevent such as well

Alles Gute


Wow, good work, Marc. I'll probably just stick to CC/forwarding when I get hacked and it also helps to post about the crimes since the corporate order can't abide any level of exposure. The more technical oriented will appreciate what you've done and I'm posting this on EW, thanks.
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