Aerial Gifting Around Bitterroot Valley in Montana

Last weekend I had the most fun flying experience of my career, to date–about ten hours in the air, flying out of three airports around the perimeter of beautiful Bitteroot Valley in the Bitteroot and Sapphire Mountains of Western Montana, south of Missoula.

Meanwhile, after having taken the Kitfox (‘bomber’) on the road a couple of times it’s become fairly easy to load and unload it. Here’s a pic of the plane, ready to trailer and the 400 TBs that Miguel made for the valley are in the buckets on the dolly beside the plane:

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I can push it up onto the trailer with the use of the wheel ramps:

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After propping up the tail and attaching the wing braces (protects from side wind blasts) and strapping it down securely it’s ready to go anywhere:

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In this one you can see a rack with four gas ‘cans’ in it. Each holds six gallons plus the oil that I mix into the fuel. I used Amsoil for the first time, this trip, and the engine ran better than ever. Denny–the fellow who sold me my trike and trained me to fly it–told me about Amsoil. He’s able to go twice as long between engine overhauls since he started using it in his two-cycle motors and the exhaust is so clean that it doesn’t smudge his aircraft.

I spent a lot more time building the front section of that trailer than I did building my first plane, by the way. The amount of logistics that is needed in order to get an aircraft conveniently portable is daunting & it took me a couple of years to reach this stage. The trailer will eventually be enclosed with a combination of canvas stretched over parabolic-section frames. I chose the parabola to resist violent side winds, like you commonly find in the high plains states. It’s taller than it needs to be but when we’re camping in the trailer (aircraft tied down outside) we want it to feel spacious. I can achieve this and keep the weight down.

I did some filming on the last (most spectacular0 day of flying but forgot to switch it over to lower resolution, so I’m unable to edit it. The engine vibration/frequency also made the picture waver constantly so it was a little disappointing, though I did get to show Carol a few minutes of the most breathtaking bit, toward the summit of the huge mountain you can see from Dooney nd STevo’s property on the western edge of the valley. It’s just like the Swiss Alps there.

Carol and Dooney were doing readings at a psychic fair in Hamilton (south end of the Valley) all weekend and the store owners asked Carol to spend another day (Monday) to take care of the people who were unable to find a spot on the schedule in the previous three days. That was quite an honor for Carol and I was impressed by the professional and efficient way the fair was conducted. The store is not newager-friendly, which is also refreshing. Carol was invited back to do more readings, there, and I think Dooney (she assisted Carol, this time) will be, too.

Here’s the valley–click on the box to see the photos:

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I just spent an hour and a half writing more for this report and the hackers ate it–it’s gone forever. That hasn’t happened to me in a long time, so I got out of the habit of writing repots on my Word program and pasting them onto EW.

I’ll write it again as soon as I have time. It must have been good enough for your enjoyment and edification, otherwise why would the NSA/CIA terrorists destroy it? [Image Can Not Be Found]


I got out of the habit of writing repots on my Word program and pasting them onto EW.

If you’re using firefox or chrome there’s a great add-on that saves whatever you type at every letter, really useful whether hacking or just closing the window by mistake etc. next time you go back on the page, right-click on the place to write the text and recover-text [Image Can Not Be Found] … -recovery/ (firefox)
Chrome Web Store … dkppkifgno (chrome)

After Don gifted the north half of the valley with a mountain top orgonite necklace, we experienced a wonderful valley wide rain. Below is
the radar image of precipitation. Stevensville is our local town and was the base of operations friday, using the Stevensville airport. Hamilton,
17 miles to the south, was one of the other airport locations, located in the middle of the Bitterroot Valley. These are seen in the radar screen snapshot in the lower right hand corner.

It was uncanny how the rain was so perfectly circumscribed by the orgonite placement. Our sky has been so alive and vital, with an abundance of sylphs as confirmation of this shift in positive orgone (POR). After Sunday’s gifting of the southern half of the valley, a huge sylph (I estimate it was at least eight miles from end to end) parked itself in the sky over the Hamilton airport we were using as our base of operations that day.

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A big thank you to Miguel for making the orgonite for this massive gifting project (400 tbs) and of course Don for the application along
the Saphire and Bitterroot Mtn tops surrounding our beautiful valley.


Some interesting things happened after Don finished gifting our valley on Monday, June 4th. A couple of hours after he was done, there was a hailstorm with hail the size of small walnuts. It was a short, intense downpour of hail with hard rain following. Then, while driving back to our house from the psychic fair, Don and Carol spotted a funnel cloud. We haven’t had either of these things happen in about ten years, so I thought it was telling that both happened within hours of Don finishing the gifting of our valley.

Here’s a picture of the giant sylph that Stevo mentioned in his post.

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We had kind of wild weather for the first week after the gifting, including high winds, boiling clouds, thunder, lightening. None of this is really unusual for our area, but it all came at once, one right after another, which is definitely unusual. Now, we have settled into a gentle pattern of soaking rains, sunshine and mild winds. I could feel the effect of the mountain gifting immediately. It’s hard to explain but the energy here just feels different. Stevo and I agreed that the wild weather was an attempt to overcome the gifting with some intense HAARP energy.

Don gifted two old forest fire areas that don’t show any sign of pine trees growing back. This is not the norm…usually pine trees proliferate after a fire, such as the new growth you can see in Yellowstone after the huge fire there. We’re hoping that his gifting will help balance those areas to the point where trees will grow again.

I happened to be looking at Google Maps last week and found that there’s a strange spot in the mountains to the west of us, where the chemplanes and HAARP energy comes from, so we plan to do some more gifting in that area if we can get to it. I also found an interesting geological formation just about 12 miles into the mountains that looks like a dragon sleeping on the ground! I’ve got dragons on the brain since Klaus’ dragon buddy showed up in a group chat but this was too coincidental….it showed up after Don’s gifting. [Image Can Not Be Found]

The world is a strange and wonderful place. Thank you so much to both Don and Miguel for making this gifting possible!

~ Dooney

I just had to add that we had an incredible day of sylphs today…the most we’ve had since 2004, when we first started gifting. As I drove to Missoula today the sky was full of chemtrails and HAARP clouds, but it was also full of sylphs. It seems that for every nasty energy cloud they threw at us a sylph was there to destroy it. By the time I drove back home several hours later, the sky was totally clear except for some Lemurian clouds. This evening, Stevo and I sat on a bench in our pasture and marveled at the 360-degree view of sylphs over us. There were planes laying down chemtrails that wouldn’t stick, and every time a chem cloud would come up over the mountains west of us, a sylph would be there to neutralize it.

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As you can see, there’s a little bitty chemtrail trying to make a dent (circled area) in our sky.

But this is mostly what prevailed:

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It’s been a good day in Montana. [Image Can Not Be Found]

~ Dooney

Very cool!Looks like 400 tbs did the job! Don, if you could figure a way to launch earth pipes from your plane…

Location, Location, Location. Not just the mantra of real estate investing……also the basis of getting the most bang for your buck when deploying orgonite. I feel the mountain top gifting is what put our valley’s POR (postive orgone) level ‘over the top’, which is helping the sylphs hang here and help clear the wave after wave after wave of chemcrud white out ‘clouds’ that repeatedly come over the Bitterroot mountains, yesterday.

I don’t feel that the same 400 tb’s deployed around the valley floor, for example, would have had this overwhelmingly positive effect.

Again, muchas gracias Miguel, and Don, for the help with this project.


In our ongoing etheric cloud war, yesterday was a perfect blue sky with some puffy clouds, just like you used to see 40 years ago (if you’re an old fart like me). Today, whoo-ah! It was a battleground again. It started in the morning with a relatively clear sky that soon became clouded over with what might have been rain clouds except for the icky energy and the fact that it didn’t rain. I went to town in the afternoon, and looking back towards our mountains on the west side, I saw this:

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These holes were over all the west side mountains the whole 100-mile length of the valley! About 4pm I moved two of our CB’s to slightly different locations, pointing them away from where they had been pointed. Usually when I do this the energy field changes and whatever tech they have used to mitigate the effect of the CB’s is defeated. You should try this if your sky is clouded over with crud or rain clouds that don’t produce rain. Usually you will see a change within about 15 minutes. I went about my gardening, keeping an eye on the sky and about an hour later I saw this:

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Now, look up above the pine tree a few inches on the right side of the picture….doesn’t that look like an angel? Does to me. The chem crud and HAARP clouds started to break up and I started to see all kinds of different types of clouds. We haven’t seen this much activity in the sky in years. I think Don’s gifting has really stirred things up in our valley. I know this thread might be kind of boring if you don’t live in our vally, but I think it’s important to document what happens when you do the type of mountain-top gifting that can only be done from an airplane.

About 6:30pm I drove out to town again, and here’s what the sky looked like just east of the mountains closest to us:

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It’s a fleet of Lemurians coming to the rescue! (Cue the Star Wars music) These lemus (lenticulars) were still around as the sun was setting at 9:30…big ones parked over our house and over the south end of the valley. By that time, nearly all the HAARP and chem crud was gone. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this many lemu clouds in our valley, so they must have appreciated the gifting.

~ Dooney

Thanks a lot for the followup graphic documentation, Dooney and Stevo!

Bearclaw, I thnk that the extended gifting that you did from your boat along the shore in Lake Michigan is comparable to what I’ve been doing in mountain ranges. When Capt. Azti visited us three years ago he and I worked out the parameters for aerially deployed earthpipes. I ought to try to dig up those reports but am a little daunted by the task [Image Can Not Be Found] .

We had tons of fun, taking turns flying past each other at 500’ above the ground in my other airplane and dropping the devices and it only took a couple of mods to develop an earthpipe that can spin fast on its way down, keeping a properly vertical angle of orientation, and drill itself deep enough into the ground to remain there. I set up my bandsaw/pipecutter to cut the business ends of the pipes at a sharp angle. I’ve deployed them a few times from the air on nearby underground bases, since then, and am arranging to finally do it on a large scale at the notorious Hannaford underground nuke hive this summer, now that I’ve got a heavy-lifter trike and a suitable aircraft trailer. Logistics can be a bitch until they’re sorted out. I’ve been meaning to do those mountains around St and Dooney ever since I started flying, five years ago. Now I’m finally ready to do a lot of mountain ranges, hopefully through the American desert Southwest this year.

Anyone who can afford it is passionately encouraged to take up flying and since ultralights are the most affordable form of aviation, also the most suitable for most aerial gifting, it may be that before long there will be a lot more of us doing this. When I’m flying in the mountains I find that I could place TBs pretty precisely on the top of peaks and narrow ridges. That would be impossible to do with faster, heavier craft, I think.

It was the most breathtaking flying I’ve done, to date, and though I failed to catch it on film at least I won’t forget it [Image Can Not Be Found]
Flying while gifting is incredibly fun–almost a guilty pleasure if it weren’t for the fact that it’s so profoundly productive for the environment, as St. and Coach Dooney’s photos can tell you.

Meanwhle, the huge, singular ‘bare patch’ in the forested mountainsnear Lolo Pass that Dooney showed us on Google (she evidently didn’t post this but it was when she was looking at the dragon shape that she found it) may show the location of that concentration camp that the feds are running, there. It’s actually inaccessible from the air because the heavy forest and steep terrain all around make it impossible to find an emergency landing spot but Carol has determined that it’s reachable by horseback, so stay tuned for that [Image Can Not Be Found]

There are lots of areas in tha regoin that were clearcut but they don’t look like that reddish-brown spot, which is evidently absent of all vegetation. I wonder if the Google editors airbrushed/blurred it away by now, as they did the White Sands area after it came under

Has anyone ever loaded up a pack horse with eartpipes, before? When we gifted that area along the highway in 2002 we were accosted by a parade of feds with ugly countenances and big fedmobiles, even though we were surely not even close to their hidden Gulag. After the terrorists closed off all the mountain access roads with locked steel gates–it all happened right after they blew up the Reichstag, er, I mean the World Trade Center-- they also made it ‘unlawful’ to travel on those roads with motorized vehicles and they installed video surveillance. I bet they’ll wish they had also prohibited horses, haha.

Doing that huge, underground abattoir will also probably produce visible benefits over Bitterroot Valley, even though it’s not nearby. Carol Two Eagle told me that she once helped to get an Indian friend out of one of those underground Gulags to the east of Montana after she had prevailed on a lawyer to take the case. When the woman was freed, she told C2E that all the prisoners were dressed in white, that the walls were all white, very bright fluorescent light was on around the clock and the jailers were all dressed in white. That lawyer later told her, with some anxiety, that she will never again go to bat for anyone who is in one of those underground facilities. I suspect they’re mainly filled with people of color, for now, because the promised, overt war against Europoid ‘insurgents’ in America, like myself, failed to materialize, after all [Image Can Not Be Found]