This is the way I rationalized the chemtrails, deathtowers, whiteout and atmospheric orgone. I guess this may help understand what happens with the chemtrails chemicals.
What we realy see on the sky is water. Water is mostly present in the atmosphere in gas state, as water vapour, and therefore invisible. This is what relative humidity means, how much water (%) is in the air before it starts precipitating into liquid water. Normal clouds are the result of water precipitating into tiny droplets that stay in suspesion, growing until they are too big, causing rain.
Steven J. Smith ( see had his own idea about orgone and atmospheric ions ( someone posted it somewhere on the etheric research forum but I can’t find it……index.html ). He tought that what we call POR (good orgone) and DOR (bad orgone) were the presence or surplus of different ions in the atmosphere. While I don’t think that DOR and POR are the ions themselves, as this doens’t explain all that is associated with orgone and etheric energies, it does makes sense to me that ions are the material outcome from the presence of DOR and POR. It’s said that H+ ions, positive ions, and therefore acid, are associated with DOR while OH- ions, negative ions,and therefore alcaline or basic, are associated with POR ( who exactly observed this? I don’t know the reference ).
What Steven J. Smith thought the death towers did was spliting atmospheric water vapour, H2O, invisible, into H+ and OH- ions, visible as the white haze we usually call “witheout”. This is very different from the normal puffy clouds as it apears as white hazy smears that drift horizontaly until they cover the entire sky, forming a white or grey layer of H+ and OH- ions in equilibrium. Water ions can’t precipitate and therefore rain is prevented and probably drifted away, therefore rationing rain and food production, mantaining the state of scarcity were the parasites can thrive. Dry days have little whiteout, while humid days, after the coming of a waether front, have the sky completly covered by it
This ionic equilibrium is unstable as its mantained artificialy with the pulsing of the death towers. This is confirmed by the fact that few minutes after gifting, and therefore, deactivating somehow the DOR field that kept the artificial equilibrium, probably with a surplus of H+ ions, the white haze quickly disapears, as the negative and positive ions neutralize themselves, forming water vapour again. If the amount of water held ionizated is more than enough to saturate the atmosphere, them rain quickly happens, as it is often reported after gifting runs.
The standard chemtrail, metals or whatever it is, is probably designed for weather modification by potentializing the towers hability to split water vapour into ionized whiteout. This is indicated by the spewplane fest that usually happens just after gifting runs. Therefore it’s probably designed for stay in suspension into atmosphere, drifting horizontaly until it’s too difuse to ionize water. Perhaps death towers hold this chemicals into the area, wich explains also why they disapear so quickly when spewn over well gifted areas, failing to ionize water and form chemtrails. My guess is that the standard chemtrail simply difuses and spreads over the atmosphere, until it no longer affects the water ionic equilibrium, staying into suspension moslty.
Another indicator that ionic equilibrium plays an important role here is the fact that an increse in free electrons is said to be detectable nearby orgonite (again, who observed this?). These are electrons that aren’t attached to atoms or molecules and therefore are free negative charges. If one consider that death tower create DOR, wich is associated with H+, a positive ion surplus, them it’s understandable that orgonite, wich generates POR wich is associated with OH- and/or free electrons, neutralizes the atmospherical positive surplus and returns water to its stable ground state, H2O, be it invisible vapour or visible liquid droplets that form clouds, depeding on how much water is present into the atmosphere.
Also, It’s also been reported, and I myself observed this for a little extent, that vinegar, boiled or sprayed, can quickly dispel the whiteout. This is also understandable, as acetic acid would act as buffer on the atmosphere, holding the H+ excess, and allowing water to form, putting it shortly. Again this show the importance of the ionic equilibrium into the formation and visualization of chemtrails and whiteouts.
At least this is how I partialy understand it.