After Dissolving Chemtrail Cloud

We have a discussion on our forum about the poisons, aluminum i barium nano-particles that are supposed to be in a chemtrail clouds [Image Can Not Be Found]

After the CB dissolves that kind of a cloud, what is happening with those elements?

Do they eventually fall to the ground, or do we simply ‘push’ them away for miles, to our neighbors??

Anyone have some kind of explanation, experience [Image Can Not Be Found]


Hey if they are dissolved they have been changed, aren´t they? Of course this question it sounds a bit strange if someone has understood what orgone really is. Someone sees the chemtrails disappearing. Well if there wouldn´t be a Chembuster they would be still there. There has been obvoiusly a transformation, in which chemicals I do not know, but we do not know officially also the chemicals tehy are spraying. If there is lot of life energy (Orgone), like in the case of a chembuster, they can only be changed in elements favourable to life. So I do not worry any how about what is happening! Of course for our mechanicistic minds we cannot or we do not want to understand.

Let´s take the bions experiment of Reich. He saw that life can start from a complete sterile medium just if it is filled with orgone energy ( precisely he took sand/clay exposed to sun energy = orgone). This is a completely no sense for the official science, even if it has been demonstrated many times. So generally the same happen to our body with disease or cancer. For example if a woman does not breath good, because of her character, caused by the repressive sexual moral and other emotional trauma, there will be a energy prana / chi / orgone blocakde there. It does not pulse , has no rhythm more. Breast cancer will come soon.
I can see theis with my mother and all the catholic bigot women living in my home town in Italy. They have 50% all breast cancer. Of course you can use alternative medicine or zapper to survive, but you will never heal yourself if you do not heal your armor, you do not change your repressive character. That is because you are taking like a pill the zapepr and all the other good alternative stuffs (homeopatics, vitamins, herbals etc…) . You do not focus on the problem.

Slowly life and consequentely all the cellular enviroment cannot thrive any more. It start putrefaction or decay and consequently virus, bacteria, fungi grow from nothing. You understand?! Same for cervical, stomach (gastritis) cancer.
In the end you do not need to get virus from the air, or food. They grow from the decomposition of the healthy matter in your body!!, due to the lack of energy. Our physical posture is a mirror of our character , our neurosis --> the armor that every one have, in order to mantein the contact between the primordial plasmatic energy flow inside us and the repressive society out of us. E.g. the energy pulse has to be blocked, otherwise we will be reproached from parents and so on. it forms the armor ~ character that absorbs this energy in the muscle of the body. It starts a blockage.

For example Reich could heal lots of cancer patients but for someone of them he could not. The ORAC could changed the Bacilli T ( decomposition of matter ~DOR)of the cancer matter in Bions (blu vesicle visible to the microscope which are orgone/life force energy carrier). But if the patient could not resolve the emotional blockade, he would not live still along.

All this speach just to say that if the nature starts to pulse again according to the cosmic orgone energy, that is itself, everything is healed. Of course the not living matter has not emotional blocks and it just need again positive orgon energ;, just need to toss some tbs in a pond and it will start to clear and pulse again. What is happening, where has gone the pollution? Nature knwos what to do, maybe it creates some bacteria the eat pollution and then the pond is clear. Or maybe it just starts cold fusion and matter is changed to other elementals. Who knows? One should make experimets. The same happen in the sky.

I can affirm that even if they are heavely sprayig here in Vienna, there is so much orgonite, that we do not know what smog is. And if the air is porurized slyghtly alkaline, no bacteria or vuruses can live in it. If they spray to hjgh it has also no sense because the stuff will be burned from O3 ozone.

Orgone is the “thing” that makes the matter, it is its counsciouness too. It is just life. Orgone after the cosmic superimposition is matter. See the two stream oof orgone energy in the galaxy arms, in the atmospheric cyclone. They coulple themselevs to create matter e.g. clouds. Our “fucking friends” always spray on the jet streams along which anticyclone and cyclone rise up. They block or change the streams. sometimes they destroy one arm so the energy is changed to death energy, it does not pulse anymore. And this happens in every instant around the earth. The cosmic energy is trasformed in the first elementals of our atmosphere (O2, H2 and N2). It means the earth is also growing.

Life is pulse, every thing that does not pulse has no value.

Michele, thx for Your quick answer and opinion…

Homeopathic pills, for example, can be of great help in recognizing, facing and dealing with supressed emotions, they are not vitamins for body, but rather etheric/vibrational informations…especially if they are in high potencies/dilutions [Image Can Not Be Found]

I’m a homeopathy therapist, so I have some experience with it also [Image Can Not Be Found]

So, about Orgone & chemtrails dissolving, does it mean that You would drink a water full of chemtrail poisons (chemtrails rain for example), after it’s been placed on orgonite TB for a while?

This is the way I rationalized the chemtrails, deathtowers, whiteout and atmospheric orgone. I guess this may help understand what happens with the chemtrails chemicals.

What we realy see on the sky is water. Water is mostly present in the atmosphere in gas state, as water vapour, and therefore invisible. This is what relative humidity means, how much water (%) is in the air before it starts precipitating into liquid water. Normal clouds are the result of water precipitating into tiny droplets that stay in suspesion, growing until they are too big, causing rain.

Steven J. Smith ( see had his own idea about orgone and atmospheric ions ( someone posted it somewhere on the etheric research forum but I can’t find it……index.html ). He tought that what we call POR (good orgone) and DOR (bad orgone) were the presence or surplus of different ions in the atmosphere. While I don’t think that DOR and POR are the ions themselves, as this doens’t explain all that is associated with orgone and etheric energies, it does makes sense to me that ions are the material outcome from the presence of DOR and POR. It’s said that H+ ions, positive ions, and therefore acid, are associated with DOR while OH- ions, negative ions,and therefore alcaline or basic, are associated with POR ( who exactly observed this? I don’t know the reference ).

What Steven J. Smith thought the death towers did was spliting atmospheric water vapour, H2O, invisible, into H+ and OH- ions, visible as the white haze we usually call “witheout”. This is very different from the normal puffy clouds as it apears as white hazy smears that drift horizontaly until they cover the entire sky, forming a white or grey layer of H+ and OH- ions in equilibrium. Water ions can’t precipitate and therefore rain is prevented and probably drifted away, therefore rationing rain and food production, mantaining the state of scarcity were the parasites can thrive. Dry days have little whiteout, while humid days, after the coming of a waether front, have the sky completly covered by it

This ionic equilibrium is unstable as its mantained artificialy with the pulsing of the death towers. This is confirmed by the fact that few minutes after gifting, and therefore, deactivating somehow the DOR field that kept the artificial equilibrium, probably with a surplus of H+ ions, the white haze quickly disapears, as the negative and positive ions neutralize themselves, forming water vapour again. If the amount of water held ionizated is more than enough to saturate the atmosphere, them rain quickly happens, as it is often reported after gifting runs.

The standard chemtrail, metals or whatever it is, is probably designed for weather modification by potentializing the towers hability to split water vapour into ionized whiteout. This is indicated by the spewplane fest that usually happens just after gifting runs. Therefore it’s probably designed for stay in suspension into atmosphere, drifting horizontaly until it’s too difuse to ionize water. Perhaps death towers hold this chemicals into the area, wich explains also why they disapear so quickly when spewn over well gifted areas, failing to ionize water and form chemtrails. My guess is that the standard chemtrail simply difuses and spreads over the atmosphere, until it no longer affects the water ionic equilibrium, staying into suspension moslty.

Another indicator that ionic equilibrium plays an important role here is the fact that an increse in free electrons is said to be detectable nearby orgonite (again, who observed this?). These are electrons that aren’t attached to atoms or molecules and therefore are free negative charges. If one consider that death tower create DOR, wich is associated with H+, a positive ion surplus, them it’s understandable that orgonite, wich generates POR wich is associated with OH- and/or free electrons, neutralizes the atmospherical positive surplus and returns water to its stable ground state, H2O, be it invisible vapour or visible liquid droplets that form clouds, depeding on how much water is present into the atmosphere.

Also, It’s also been reported, and I myself observed this for a little extent, that vinegar, boiled or sprayed, can quickly dispel the whiteout. This is also understandable, as acetic acid would act as buffer on the atmosphere, holding the H+ excess, and allowing water to form, putting it shortly. Again this show the importance of the ionic equilibrium into the formation and visualization of chemtrails and whiteouts.

At least this is how I partialy understand it.

That is a good question Neo,
If I have to chose between a glas of rain with chemtrails and one that has been for a while exposed to orgone field , I would chose the latter. And until now I can just see that the vegetables thrive after the rains in my region. If it would be poisonous I would have seen damage. Most likely they are still effective where there is not positive orgone energy.
These are just observasion of what I see. That is while I feel confident.

The fact is that if the nature would not heal by itself we would already dyed due to pollution since a very long time… [Image Can Not Be Found]
I am not polemic that does not worth it, but we are drinking water exposed to chemtrails since more than 10 years…every river, lake, water-bearing stratum and tap water!

I am persuaded that for long time we have been slowly poisoned, but after two years tossing orgonite, I have seen in my region that disease has decreased like in Vienna too, I mean the classical winter flu at least.

The best way is to make experiment as everyone of us have experienced with orgonite. That would empower us, the rest is just philosopy.

@Edu & @Michele

thx both of You for Your answers…

I’m aware of the benefits of using orgonites in our everyday life, but we still didn’t answered the question about what is happening with the poisons from chemtrails, when our CB’s dissolve the chem-clouds?

I drink orgonized water for a few years, but I’ still filter it before I put it on orgonite, because I’m not sure that the fluoride, chloride, heavy metals and such crap from the pipe water, can be eliminated and erased from that water, by simply putting it on the orgonite for a while…

Althought the etheric realm is the one that creates/give a life to the phyisical, I wouldn’t bet that I can erase the physical quality of, arsenic for example, if it’s in the water which is on the orgonite [Image Can Not Be Found]

Hehe I think nobody really knows for sure exactly what happens with it. They probaly drift and eventualy fall.

I agree with Michele that wathever happens to chemtrails, it’s probably not much harmfull, at least not enough to counter the positive healing effects of orgonite, no matter how much spew they throw over gifted areas. Otherwise we would see its poisonous efects over people and enviroment. As for public water fluoride, chloride, heavy metals and all the junk, surely one should worry about it, as orgonite alone won’t make it all disapear. But I guess the worst part doesn’t comes from chemtrails but from the water treatment itself, chlorine and fluoride from aluminium mining residues. Its poisoned with or without chemtrails. I wonder when I’m going to be able to distill my own water [Image Can Not Be Found]

see also this, about when chemtrails were really harmfull:……php?t=3589

Hey there is just a way. Make an experiment. It has been a long time that I want to buy a microscope to make experimente with orgone… but every time I have the money I make then orgonite…. [Image Can Not Be Found];

Really I do not think anyone of us knows what happen and the news in internet are just suppositions, as far we do not make an experiment.