Al Bielek's Dilemma

Al is in an ‘assisted living’ facility in South Florida and the front desk and mailroom are appaently blocking his friends from meeting him or sending him packages or mail.

Hawthorn tried to visit him earlier this year but was ejected, so we just assumed it’s a CIA-owned facility. The place is very close to the beach where a dolphin came to greet Hawthorn while she was pregnant with her younger child, a couple of years ago.

I’m happy to report that the facility has been gifted on the sly, this week, so I took that cue to attempt to send Al another zapper and an orgonite pendant. He really liked the zapper and orgonite that Carol and I gave him almost ten years ago when we visited him in Atlanta. That meeting provided a whole lot of usable intel for us and inspired a lot of our initial orgonite-flinging excursions, back before the millions of death towers were suddenly thrown up around the planet. We felt a lot of urgency about an imminent invasion at the time, though that had nothing to do with what Al shared with us. The world feels a lot happier, now.

When one needs to affect a CIA facility some strategy is usually called for. Hawthorn suggested that I furnish a USPS tracking number and to ask you to track it. Publicizing CIA interventions exposes the agency a little bit more and exposure is fatal to all parasites, so this is helpful. I think full exposure is on the menu for these felons and all the other alphabet-soup criminal syndicates sooner than later. I’m just happy to play my little part in this big process.

Susan the postal clerk kindly stamped the padded envelope, ‘Restricted Delivery’ and we added a certified mail receipt to ensure that only Al can accept delivery. This way, if the sewer rats interfere with the package you can determine that just by entering the tracking number on [Image Can Not Be Found] , which is something I’ll start doing today. The USPS has to send me his signed receipt of the package. I trust the USPS in general and the postal workers mostly resent the feds’ interference because they’re quite dedicated.

We’re going to work on Al’s situation in Sunday’s chat, too.

Here it is: 7009 0820 0001 0925 5543

A couple of weeks ago I suggested to our postmaster, Mariette, that it really is time for United States Postal Service to be employee-owned and I could tell she liked the idea. I wonder if the internet could be used to initiate a grassroot campaign to make this happen. Its obviously not a government agency because it’s very efficient and the employees are conscientioius. FedEx and UPS have a hard time competing with them, though of course those two are probably more closely connected to the corporate federal gov’t than the postal system is.

I wonder what the employees would name it, assuming that the postal system will outlast this horrific federal regime.

Some of us want Al to have more freedom. I worked in a nursing home when I was a college student and I can tell you that nearly all of them are Gulags, whether intentionally or not… The problem the federal gov’t’s sewer rat agencies have regarding Al, he told us, is that they’re not allowed to kill him, which I assume means that they can’t even poison him or use weaponry to stop his heart. They’re afraid of the consequences, due t his key role in Project Rainbow in 1943.

I won’t claim that he’s legitmate, nor that what he claims to have experienced is real but Carol and I and some other folks are confident that he’s genuine and truthful. I’d bet my life on it. That said, I think the only person associated with him who was legitimate was Phil Schneider. I don’t trust any of the other people who were thrown around him after 1988. I don’t know if any of them are not fakers but none of them inspire confidence in me, for what it’s worth. Some of them are obviously dirty. Several show up prominently on the CD you can buy from and he’s never gotten a nickel from those sales. All these other guys are riding on his coat tails. When we saw him in February, 2001, he hadn’t taken an interest in the internet. I hope he will, if he hasn’t by now.

Funny–not long after CArol and I started this movement, a whole lot of clever fakers were thrown at us, pretending to be our best friends. A lot of people fall for this and lose their momentum or get discredited by association. Some of those fakers are still on the periphery and the search engines will show you who they are [Image Can Not Be Found] . I call them, ‘camp followers.’ That’s a term used to describe the people who follow an army around on campaigns of conquest: whores, lawyers, pickpockets, loan sharks (bankers), ‘medical practitioners,’ time-share salesmen, telephone sanitizers, realtors, bible salesmen, etc. Apologies to the dozen or so lawyers on the planet who help people; one of those is a prodigious gifter and posts on this forum…

In those early days, our only reliable close associate was Don Bradley–we had tons of fun together in spite of all that. I remember that whenever 'gifting people got together at his house everyone but we three were CIA assets–mostly just witless Monarch drones. It wasn’t until much later that the self-accountable folks started to represent the majority in this effort. This unorganized movement is probably so healthy, by now, that it would do fine (maybe even better) if the felons rubbed Carol and/or I out. We saw the same process happen in East AFrica, though it’s very sad and unfortunate that David, Emmah and Salva were poisoned to death before this effort started to take off, there.

We were quite empowered by what Al told us in just four hours. This doesn’t happen for anyone who is sucking on the disinformation teat or frequents websites and road shows of the various paranoia-for-profit, charismatic plagiarists.

I won’t post about the other part of our helpful agenda regarding Al until after the fact [Image Can Not Be Found] . Maybe the CIA intends to induce him to expire through isolation? He told us that the only time the CIA came close t killing him was when they tossed him through a wormhole portal at one of their facilities in Maryland (?). The other end of that is on the homeworld of the B-Sirians, whom he calls,‘The hardware merchants of the galaxy.’ They eat people, so part of the deal the US Gov’t has with them, evidently, is to supply ‘food’ in exchange for hardware. He said they made the same deal with Hitler and that many of the cities in Europe had curfews just to keep people from being taken up in the B Sirians’ ships on their ‘grocery runs,’ which happened at night. Remember that Twilight Zone episode, titled ‘To Serve Humans?’ It was about a book brought byvisitng aliens. The PJ folks thought it was really nice until theylearned it was a cookbook. Truth is usually better and stranger than science fiction. We’re not supposed to know that.

After the B-Sirians questioned him on his arrival, they immediately tossed him back. The feds at the other end told him they were amazed because nobody had ever come back through that portal, before.

He told Carol and I that the Galactic Federation is mainly a trading agency and that a lot of planets won’t join it. He also said that the Draconians are entirely unable to harm the funny, wise little Andromedans, whom Carol and a copule other psychics (including DB) have interacted with. We believe they’re the ones who planted the idea of orgonite in humanity’s collective awareness.

I hope he’ll be willing to meet more of our psi associates in the future. He said that his time travel excursions caused him to become psychic. Carol had a great time talking with him and watching his energy. She said he has a very dense,purple aura that’s close to his body and figured that this had something to do with his previous consciousness being placed into his current body (at Montauk?) to keep him in the physical realm. I think the original body was born in 1917 or something; the current one in the 1930s.

Hawthorne’s psi specialty seems to have something to do with timelines and alternate realities (I think stuff lke this is what frightens so many talented people into embracing the Theosophical, regurgitated reincarnation dogma) so I hope to witness a meeting between her and Al.


Oops–it’s been awhile since I recited the boilerplate caveat: Absolutely anything I write needs to be filtered through your own discernment. I don’t guarantee that my understanding is accurate; only that I sincerely believe it and am exploring it. I have NO personal authority and we can only be certain about something through our own discernment, not through others’
