Hi Don
I read many posts of yours on ethericwarriors and in the process was persuaded to give orgonite a try… my question (and one you’ve likely addressed somewhere ) is about using copper & aluminum when Reich specifically classes them as ‘toxic’ in his Handbook
Does the logic behind the use of these ‘toxic’ metals boil down to increased polarity or something to that effect?
Thanks for your time
Thanks, *****–I think you’ll be pleased with what happens after you get started but it’s always good to mention that our subjective impressions are important. We in the West tend to write all of that off as ‘overactive imagination.’ One reason I feel it’s important to have an international forum for this is that the subjective impressions are so consistent among people who do the work and we’re obviously fairly reputable and balanced people on that forum.
I never learned why Reich specifically claimed that aluminum was toxic for orgone tech and your mention is the first I’ve come across about a similar claim for copper. Carol and I use both in our orgonite products, along with titanium and brass for specific applications. People who see energy, which I think included Dr Reich, are able to more easily determine which subtle characeristics can be applied for certain purposes but none of that seems to matter in the case of field orgonite, which is the forum’s main concern. Most of us just use aluminum for that because it’s cheap, plentiful, lightweight and easy to work with.
A gifter in Topeka told me that she found a massive orgone accumulator, made with copper plates in ceiling, walls and floor. in an abandoned building at the Menninger Institute site. Since that facility was a cutting-edge, reputable psychiatric research place I sort of assume they worked with Reich, at least unofficially. LOTS of shrinks admired him but only a handful would admit it. It reminds me of greenboots’ closet fascination with orgonite.
Generally, people who find us after having been introduced to the surviving organization around Orgonon have to unlearn some biased assumptions. Reich wanted his protegés to be more than just blind imitators, of course. He craved dialogue and wanted people to intelligently question his findings, then find ways to improve on what he did.
This global movement has been expanding for 14 years and nobody who makes and tosses orgonite has caused any harm, obviously. Also, we’re hidden on the web under a dogpile of poseurs and frightmongers so only the more discerning are likely to even find us.