The Sonora Desert 108 & The Campaign’s Last Mountaintiop Vortex
Carol and I spent eleven days in Tucson and we got the rest of our gemstone shopping done. I went with her a few times and I expected to get a little tired and bored but the ‘stoneboy magic,’ as the Lahkota call the effects of gemstones and crystals worked its wonders on me and at the end of each day I felt more energized and happy than when I started and I was even able to spot the dragons’ blood, which was probably only being sold by one vendor. There are thousands of vendors, there. I always enjoy being around people from many countries but I’ve done that lots of times and never felt those peculiar magical effects, before. Carol ‘sees’ these shows from a a long distance away as we’re traveling to them.
We spent the last weekend with our two gifting projects. On Saturday we set out with the airplane trailer to find a nearby airstrip for gifting the top of Keystone Peak ((6,000’). There are two private airstrips north of the peak and close enough for the job. We dowsed to try the farthest one but the man who could give me permission to fly from there wasn’t around. A neighbor noted to me that he was seeing a lot of dust devils, which play havoc with an airplane that’s attempting to take off or land. This isn’t a problem for pilots where we live in Idaho but it is in the deserts. By the time we reached the second airport, where I got permission to takeoff, it was late afternoon and the litle whirlwinds weren’t happening by then.
We reckon that the dowsing had been correct and that if I’d taken off anywhere near a dust devil it may have caused some damage to the plane. People who dowse a lot, as we do for personal stuff, often may recognize that a ‘no’ answer may involve protection or some other factor not considered in the moment, so we learn to trust the results and act on them. We’d never consider our own dowsing useful or reliable for anyone else because it’s just too subjective. We’d insist that the person do his/her own dowsing and follow through with that. When Carol’s not with me I do get better results on my own by pointing a Succor Punch into my left palm while pendulum dowsing with my right hand. If I were a gifted, balanced and experienced psychic like Carol I’m sure I wouldn’t need that. She helped me develop that technique when I was heading off to Southern Idaho in the summer of 2002 to test the parameters of the basic towerbusters in each city along the Snake River Valley–a month of systematic gifting and observations. The SP really helped me find the routes to the more remote death towers and weather weapons along the way. I think that was before GPSs became widely used for highways. My first GPS only gave coordinates that had to be charted as progressive dots on a paper map to determine progress at sea. I used that one to reach Yucatan from Texas in 1995 when sailed my little open boat through that hurricane.
The paved runway was quite long and there was a hundred foot elevation difference from one end to the other. I took off uphill and the altitude of the strip is 3,800’ so I thought it would be a quick climb to the 6,000’ peak, which was only about five miles away. Carol and the trailer were parked at the uphill end of the runway and she got a kick out of seeing me struggle to gain altitude by constantly hunting for rising, heated air to circle in. It took me an hour to get up to 6500’ and as I hunted for thermals to take me up I edged closer and closer to the peak. There was no safe landing area for me except the airstrip and, when I was high enough, a huge strip mine to the south a few miles. I could have glided to either from the peak. I took a few photos of the death tower array at the top and dropped the requisite number of towerbusters around it in spots where I was sure they wouldn’t roll down the steep mountainside, nor be discovered by the Nazis who operate these weapon arrays.
I had taken off directly into the sun and wasn’t able to see through my windscreen, so had to watch out to the side to determine my progress. A strong, sudden crosswind gust hit me while I was still on the ground and I had to do ‘happy feet’ with the rudder pedals to keep from being blown off the runway but I was grateful for the lesson. I was so high on my return leg and the sun was going to set before I landed if I didn’t go directly back, so I put the nose down and went pretty fast (80 mph is fast for that plane). The shadow of the peak had reached just beyond the end of the runway on which was going to land and the wind had died, too, so I was assured of a landing with good visibility and no gusty surprises.
The next morning we left the trailer at the RV campground (‘refugee camp’) and drove to the little town of Sonoita, southwest of Tucson and about two thousand feet higher. The little area around Sonoita is where Carol dowsed the location of the Sonora Desert 108. This desert extends into Mexico and a Mexican state there has the same name. I think it’s mainly characterized by saguaro cacti and has some rich and varied flora, even though it’s quite dry as deserts go. To all of that hard, rugged plantlife we can now add green grass and a variety of succulent plants, which we’ve never seen growing in this desert before this year. I don’t think anyone has seen that before or since 1954, when Dr Reich temporarily produced this result. Harold Lunt, a gifter from Duncan, Arizona, told me that the valley where Duncan now lies was rich and green when one of his ancestors settled there a century or so ago but that it turned to desert in more recent times. Duncan is a lot higher up, close to the New Mexico state line. Between Tucson/Phoenix and New Mexico is a high range of mountains where it rains a lot.
Flagstaff and some of the Grand Canyon lie on that belt of relative green but they’re at higher elevations than the surrounding area. Just outside of Las Vegas is Mount Charleston, which has rich pastures and old pine forests many thousands of feet up its slopes. That part of the desert all around the mountains still dry and dead for some reason. Las Vegas has been covered in brown smog, too, in recent years. Maybe it will be the last of the desert regions to get reversed. Salt Lake City is the other city in the US we regularly visit and it’s smoggy again, too. Both of those cities had become relatively clear of smog on account of extensive gifting.
East and north of Flagstaff are the Hopi and Navajo Reservations, which were all pasture when we were there a year ago. Before we started distributing orgonite I never saw grass in that region, though the area around Flagstaff has a lot of pastureland and forests. In the winter of 1967/8, during an early period of vagabondage, I worked on a cattle ranch in the Painted Desert, which is on the south edge of the Navajo Reservation, close to the Arizona / New Mexico line. There was no grass there, either, and remember riding a running horse through sage brush and being impressed by the way the horse could dart around each bush without losing speed.
Desert washes are dry riverbeds. There are very few actual rivers in the desert and no smaller brooks or streams to speak of. The rivers flow underground here, often in caves. Typically, they’re bone dry most of the time and the only plant life on them have deep roots which can retrieve the underground water. Those bushes and trees in the washes are surrounded by bare ground, at least they were until this year. Carol and I have been riding our bikes on a system of paved trails through Phoenix that go along a couple of these washes and I’d never seen water in them, before, but now one can see running streams along some sections and there is thick grass growing throughout, which means the water is no longer flowing as deeply underground and/or the water no longer drains out of the soil as before. Low spots in the desert are also covered with grass, now. If I weren’t so technically challenged I’d have posted more photos and done more filming but at least I can feel confident, now, that this trend will continue and perhaps accelerate and it will be self-evident even to the PJ folks. The landscapers here didn’t count on regular rainfall and a lot of the pretty gravel lawns and parks now have unsightly succulent weeds all over them. One of the effects of orgonite cloudbusters seems to be to soften the water in the atmosphere so that it soaks into the ground instead of running over the top of it. There have been a lot of orgonite cloudbusters throughout the desert for a long time but most of these changes have happened in the year after I tossed orgonite along the desert barrier in the California Sierras that Reich identified in 1954. It may be that if the orgonite and CBs weren’t distributed we might not be seeing as much new plantlife. The pattern of grass and succulent plant growth seems to clearly show that the ground is more efficiently ‘keeping’ the water from the occasional rain, now. The irrigated fields have always shown that this sandy soil is quite fertile.
Phoenix is a good test bed for aragonite’s weather/climate engineering capability and so is Tucson, where Reich did it in 1954. He noted that grass started appearing even before the rain came in that case. Now, Tucson has a lot more grass than Phoenix does, even though it’s typically much drier, there, and one sees a lot more cacti around Tucson–it’s very picturesque, that way… Tucson is a thousand feet higher than Phoenix is, though.
The plateau that now has the 108 is 1500’ higher than Tucson and it’s all a rich pasture. I’ve never been there, before, so I don’t know how it used to be but I didn’t see much sage brush or other desert flora. When grass appears it tends to cause the sage and other desert bushes to die, break off and blow away. We saw very little of the desert flora in Navajo/Hopi land a year ago but it was covered with the stuff, before, and there was no grass. Everything I’m describing is easy to confirm by visiting these places.
There’s still a lot to be done, of course, and we hope to return in the fall and do the next phase.
I had envisioned setting up a camera on a tripod to record how we bury a 108 but as we were hunting along the highway for a suitable place Carol started feeling a lot of urgency. She wasn’t in a panic but was insistent that we get it done and get out of there as fast as possible. I don’t second guess here when we’re in the field or in a boosting session. We eventually found a suitable spot, which I’m not going to describe in any way, and we laid out the tyvek sheet with the 108 holes suitably cut out. I’d even sewn a rope around the edge so it could be staked down, which is fortunate because it was pretty windy, there. I started to spray paint onto the ground through the holes, as intended, but the paint can kept clogging so we put the TBs in place, instead, and carefully lifted the pattern off and folded it. I had brought along a tall bulb planter, which you push down into the earth with the foot while holding a sort of brake handle at the top with one hand. When you pull the tool up it brings along a plug of earth that has a wider diameter than a towerbuster. Release the handle to put the plug on the ground and out of the way. The ground was too sandy to work it properly but it made a clean,round hole, at least, so I was sure to get the TBs in proper position. I thought it would save time and effort but Carol buried twice as many as I did and all she had was a little spade, operated like a pick axe. I’ve never seen her move so fast before.
Near the end, I heard a voice nearby but when I looked all around I didn’t see anyone. We were concealed well enough from the nearest road but if anyone were close enough for me to hear a voice that way we’d have seen him/her. It was a woman’s voice. I didn’t understand the words and it had a frantic edge to it. I asked Carol if she heard it and she just looked at me and went back to digging. She had to squat to dig because if she got on her knees she’d knock a TB out of place. 108s only work when all of the TBs are in position. We found this out with our first ones, which were just Carol’s unfinished pendants on a flat board, marked with circles in the 108 pattern. She had sore muscles for the next few days.
As we drove out of there she told me that the voice was in my head and was an indicator that the psi corps sewer rats had finally managed to find my mind, at least, though we were gone from the area well before they were able to actually locate us. She said she’d never seen such an effort by the NSA/etc., to find us. Apparently, she’d been pretty effective at blocking them on our way to the site, that morning. We only saw one or two fed spooks on the road, before, trying to track us. Constant, visible surveillance on our journeys fell off abruptly about six years ago, when we started putting a small orgonite cloudbuster in the car, pointing out the rear window. I think Vittorio in Italy is the only one among us, now, who is in box surveillance and we assume it’s on account of his very fine, informative and empowering website in that language. There are a lot of gifters in Italy but most of them don’t know English so this was really needed and the sewer rats apparently concur. His email is the only one that goes to my spam mailbox, which is another affirmation for him.
The last time we dodged surveillance this thoroughly was in November, 2002, when we did some strategic gifting in Washington State and New Mexico on our way from Seattle to Pasadena, California, to pick up a DVD copy of ‘Chemtrails: Clouds of Death,’ from Don Bradley to deliver to San Francisco. to be put on the internet. We did that because he was unable to send them through the mail or by courier successfully. I’ll never forget the looks on the sewer rats’ faces as Carol and I pulled into his driveway and they finally ‘found’ us. The way we killed their electronic surveillance was by having a Succor Punch with us and the way we prevented the psi corps from finding us was by crudely boosting them each time we felt them, which was several hundred times per day. We paid cash for everything along the way, of course. On that trip to San Francisco we experienced our first bit of vehicle sabotage: I surprised a guy after midnight who had cut our brakeline on the car or otherwise tampered with it. There was a puddle of brake fluid running along the pavement from under the engine, then. In the morning, the puddle was gone and the brakes worked fine but after we delivered the DVD and it was put online Jesse Zaloudek, who had met us at the location, crashed his truck on account of brake failure because someone had put dirt in his brakefluid reservoir while we were having dinner, nearby. He wasn’t hurt, fortunately. He was the first committed gifted in Northern California. He was also probably the first gifter in Jamaica, a year or so later, and was attacked and wounded by a crazy guy with a machete soon after he did some initial work, there–I think he had gifted a place where human sacrifice was regularly conducted. A few stitches fixed him up, fortunately, and a neighbor had chased the crazy guy off before he could finish the job. The police arrested the guy, if memory serves.
This time, I asked Carol who was angriest at us at the moment and she said, ‘Offworlders.’ I think they’re mainly draconian but I’ll double check with her, later. I get a lot of feedback from readers who tell me that the only par tof what I’m telling that they just can’t swallow is the stuff about aliens and reptilians. I don’t think it’s entirely necessary to ever mention this stuff but for us it’s such an integral part of our experience that it ought to be recorded and other people who have had similar experiences bur are afraid to consider them as more than imaginary have finally felt confirmed about them. I assure these concerned folks that nothing I say should be considered authoritative and that we’re just relating our subjective impressions, which is the best anyone can do. For me, this comment by Carol was a confirmation for Reich’s claim that the desert was created by aliens–the original ‘global warming agenda?’ Back in Reich’s day, there wasn’t much stigma around the subject of aliens and UFOs because the massive airforce/CIA disinformation and public brainwash agenda around all of this was just getting started, then. I suspect the Sonora Desert is the oldest part, since it’s got so many unique cacti species. The cacti don’t seem to be hurt by thick grass growing all around them, by the way. I’ve got some excellent photo examples of that.
The 108 is ‘downwind’ of a very high mountain, which has a strong vortex at the peak. We stopped along the road to take a picture of Carol with that peak in the background because she had mentioned that as soon as the 108 was in the ground the vortex got a lot bigger and brighter. Other psychics will probably see that energy in the photo, also my wife’s Big Energy
. About forty miles further ‘upwind’ is the peak that she dowsed as a primary target for this part of the campaign and I gifted that one the next day but the 108 had also brightened and strengthened that vortex, according to Carol, also all of the other vortices she was seeing in the area. We could see the main-target peak on the drive back to Tucson because we returned on the other side of the taller mountain, through Nogales, the Arizona city on Mexico’s border.
The last target on our trip will be the 108 for Carson Sink in the vicinity of Fallon, Nevada, which is an area where we distributed a lot of orgonite with Richard from Reno in 2003 on account of the apparent radiation poisoning of the population, there. When we were done, we no longer tasted metal in our mouths in that area. That’s when Carol discovered that her Harmonic Protector evidently blocks the poisonous effects of nuclear radiation. The end of the metal-tasteowas confirmation enough, at least for us, for the project’s success but a better form of evidence for the record would be to see whether the cancer rate has declined, since then–over ten years ago so there ought to be some data by now. I think that valley had the highest per capita cancer death rate in the country, before.
Richard is the guy who flipped a massive HAARP transmitter array at the north end of the San Joaquin Valley in California on the same day that we flipped an equally huge one at the south end, which essentially got rid of the incessant smog in the valley. We only found that out from him later on. There’s still very little smog in that vast desert agricultural valley but sometimes we see even, white haze, there, that doesn’t obscure visibility the way smog does. We’re seeing that in Phoenix, right now, but it’s been ‘trying’ to rain for about a week and the clouds are getting more and more dense so we’ll probably get a soaker, soon. This morning I intend to fly up and flip the huge array of towers on top of the White Tank Mountains just west of the city so maybe that will trigger a gentle downpour
It may be helpful to consider that white haze indicates a lot of water in the atmosphere; brownish yellow haze is smog. Flipping all the death towers in a smoggy city reliably gets rid of smog, so whatever patches of dense white haze (close to the ground–not like atmospheric moisture) are left can be assumed to show you where to put some earthpipes to disable predatory underground facilities. We can assume that all military bases now sit on top of underground bases, by the way. This shouldn’t be surprising if we consider that there are several times more secret police sewer rats than there are soldiers, right now. I think most of them are ex-military, though the CIA, etc., run a lot of small armies of mercenaries, including Al Qaeda. Maybe that’s one of several reasons that the US military is only a small fraction of the size they were before 1990, which is also when Old Bush boldly announced the ‘New [read: ancient; parasitic] World Order.’
When smog is gone and one sees very dense white haze, as is now happening in many spots throughout Los Angeles since the essential disappearance of smog by 2003 (thanks mainly to Don Bradley’s herculean effort, there), it likely indicates dense, deadly orgone radiation (DOR) underground, which is a visible telltale for the presence of an underground base. Fallon’s valley and the adjacent valley east of there are filled with underground bases and a year after we gifted those valleys we had learned how to use earthpipes. Carol and I had noticed a large column of ‘steam’ coming up from bare ground, north of Fallon along US Highway 95. We haven’t seen that anywhere else and the next time we drove through there we had some earthpipes and planted them through that area. We had to stop several times to force the (visibly frustrated) federal sewer rats behind us to move along so that was a nice confirmation that what we were doing was going to be effective. We never saw that ersatz steam phenomenon again, there, and we’ve driven that route many times since then. A sink is where rivers flow into a dessert and then disappear through evaporation and going underground. There was a huge swamp in Carson Sink that was made a state park and wildlife preserve. The signs are still there, or were the last time we visited. When we were gifting thise desert valleys in 2003 all the water had been drained from the swamp
. Even though the New World Order funds and operates the lockstep Green Movement they evidently had no concern for the vast wildlife population and water species that depended on that enormous, natural swamp. I wonder what these parasites needed all of that the water for.