Bankster Murder Ritual in Denver Dec 21?

Someone sent me an article claiming that the top European/American banksters will have a satanic ritual under the Navarre Building in downtown Denver next Thursday night, Dec. 21 for the winter solstice and will kill a baby and drink the blood, then.

If you’re near Denver and can go gift around that building please do so before then, okay? There are LOTS of gifters in that part of Colorado but I’m not aware of anyone who has done a systematic job, yet. Grid-gifting downtown Denver is an essential part of that, of course. Lots of us have gifted and earthpiped around that gargantuan underground base that is the Denver Airport and one Airport Gestapo guy, there, is a pretty good psychic who has an orgonite cloudbuster (they stuck him underground with the luggage-checking line because he refuses to molest passengers).

Here’s the link for the building: … -building/

Some earthpipes will sweeten the deal but even some TBs around the block will probably prevent them from having a successful murder ritual and it’s important to stop these things whenever we can.

If you stick around for Thursday evening you might see the entourage arriving, as Carol, Don Bradley and Ryan McGinty I once did for one of the Illuminati rituals at Devil’s Punchbowl, right after we gifted the area in August, 2004 [Image Can Not Be Found] --what a ritzy freak show!

If you can manage the task, please tell me about it so I can post, okay? I might invite you to post it yourself and if you want to remain anonymous I’ll certainly honor that.

Mjomba Don

An intrepid gifter in Colorado responded to my request and hid a couple of towerbusters at the building site, also did some energy work there. I asked Carol to check on it and her impression was that this prevented mayhem on Dec 21.

We’ve known people over the years, not connected with this forum, who do energy work against the corporate world order and whenever Carol looked at their efforts she usually saw positive results, especially when it was done by a group. Most of these folks are hobbled by Theosophy but that doesn’t entirely prevent them from being effective in the etheric realm. They might feel that embracing that mind-destroying dogma is what’s responsible for their success, rather [Image Can Not Be Found] But what we eventually figured out during our group chats over the years was that it’s simply heartfelt, projected clean energy that really buggers these assassins and parasites; not ideologies or rituals.

That all just illustrates to me how easily the corporate world order can be undermined in the etheric realm, where they’re quite vulnerable. The only thing that protects them in the 3D realm is secrecy and deception, typified by what you see in their media, academia and ‘popular belief systems.’

Orgonite in the field constantly undermines the corporate world order because the corporate/occult ‘energy grid’ is the energy of decay, war, exploitation, terror, hopelessness, fake debt, poverty, illness and death.

As much as I detest Theosophy/masonry, Zionism and bornagain chumpism (the only real terrorism in the world and they’re tentacles of the same creature) in the moment I’m pretty confident that people who have embraced this crap will just start forgetting about it as soon as the rug is pulled out from under The Old Villain (the Venetian/Babylonian corporate order) who created and maintains it all. Pajama People, including these who think that their dream/fantasy state is their waking state, will then be too preoccupied with becoming happy, healthy and prosperous to put much juice into the terrorist agenda, any more.
