Best Practices For Using Orgonite For Gardening/farming

Hi all,

I have a project in mind for boosting the productivity of some farming/gardening over alot of acerage, but don’t have any experience with this aspect of orgonite yet.
I have done some searching and found alot of photos and success stories, but haven’t found alot of concrete info.

Can anyone recommend some best practices or observations on what has worked best for them? I am trying to find out best layout pattern and distance between devices, what type of orgonite device works best, depth it should be buried, or any other info would be appreciated.


Thats why I asked our African friends in another topic to explain to us how the African farmers are doing it. They’re a success story. Following the lead of someone who has figured it out already is always a better way to start. Hopefully the information will be forthcoming.


i can t help much giving specifics since we are on a testing phase. I gave just a few Tbs to a local organic farming cooperative and we are jut testing it so we put only Tbs in each corner of a different crop leaving out the rest of the field. We did put also in one tree which is not growing as nice as the others.
This was just 2 weeks ago so it is soon to see the results but we xpect the grotwh of the plants near the Tb to grow bigger and healhtier in a 3 to 5 meter radius.
This is my understanding. If it works good we just thught of surrounding the whole field in orgonite with 2 or 3 meters apart and also the idea of tossing orgonite in the water pond that is used so as to charge it as well.
i hope you can make a good farm! it is so good to eat your own produce.

We Africans do believe that Orgonite is something very powerful that cannot be placed on each crop.Depending on the Orgonite type and the type of the plant it is being used for, it is applied differently.For example, in case of maize sorghum or millet, that is widely grown using the Orgonite, We take the farm and measure.Using the type of Orgonite available, for example the one that my brother invented the other day, we take a cross-sectional measure of the farm and record. Using a cross and diagonal meassure, we measure a line of 60M and place the Orgonite in equidistant positions of 15M each.
That is applicable, especially wgen the type of harrowing is suitable as in the case of Africa, where bulls makes some very shallow trenches, around 1foot below the ground. We believe that as the water passes, it gets charged and spreads the power to the successive plants by flowing.
However, there are some plants which do not require the use of Orgonite, if the previous crop, in crop rotation the farmer used Orgonite. This is because the portion used is not yet fullly utilised.
In case of sugarcane which is a perenial crop, which takes around 18-24 months to mature, we use an equidistant of 10M apart from the successive one. It’s now around 8 months since we started applying this on the sugarcane crops. We esstimate that the crops will take a veryy short while to mature, because of the stages which we have seen it reach at this early stage from the time when it was planted.
From the look of things, we can appy again the same in future whwn the power goes down.
We can respond to any question regarding the application, especially when the kind of plant to be used in is actually specified. Generally, there is no standard meassure for all the plants.


Thanks for the information.

One more question. Are you placing the orgonite on top of the soil or burying it and if so how deep?

Hi Dancan,

Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate the help, as I am new to farming, so this should be an interesting experience.

The crops that are currently grown on the property that I will be using are primarily summer and winter wheat, corn possibly, and either maize or milo I think is used to condition the soil. Wheat and corn are almost the only crops grown in the particular area, do you have any experience with them?

So do you just lay the device on the ground in the pattern, or do you bury it? Can you describe the size and shape of the devices you have used and their results?

I’ll try to keep track of the progress next spring, photos etc.


That is applicable, especially wgen the type of harrowing is suitable as in the case of Africa, where bulls makes some very shallow trenches, around 1foot below the ground. We believe that as the water passes, it gets charged and spreads the power to the successive plants by flowing.
That is applicable when the Orgonite used can be the new design by my brother, which is cylindrical in shape and is either 120 cubic centimeter or 60.
Thx Dancan