BP Allowed To Dump MORE Poison Into Lake Michigan

This is just disgusting:
http://www.chicagotribune.com/services/ … 3234.story

Sean–Bearclaw dropped a whole lot of orgonite in Lake Michigan from his boat, last summer, and reported that the water cleaned right up, just like has happened in so many other bodies of water.

ONe of the most poisonous areas was Lake Ontario in the vicinity of Toronto. Steve Baron cleand that up with relatively few orgonite devices and the cleanliness and clarity was soon remarked on by the newspapers–ecstatic salvage divers were interviewed. I’m quite sure that the corporate world order continues to try to poison that water.

Lake Victoria, which is so big it’s got ships on it, was so toxic where our Kenyan orgonite producers live and fish that people didn’t dare swim in it. After gifting a hundred miles or so of shoreline there was a sudden overgrowth of water hyacinth that stopped the fishing industry, then a couple of weeks later it cleared away. I"m waiting for feedback from Dancan Omollo, the ‘Gifting Gadfly’ fisherman, about the relative clarity of the water, now. He and his colleagues began catching more fish immediately when they started dropping orgonite into the water along their routes.

I like for people to be aware of how rotten the corporate world order is and the crimes they commit but I also like to be sure to remind folks that solutions are always at hand. This is what separates us from the unintentional, kneejerk doomsayers and it’s why most people read the postings on EW.
