BRASILIA - It all starts with a prayer

It all starts with a prayer. Please god place me were it needs. Them out of the blue came the opportunity to travel to Brasília, our country capital for watching the presidential inauguration with most expenses paid. Divinity really empowers those who are willingly to do commit.

It’s a fact that Brazil now has a delicate political situation. The current socialist government is literally skinning the sheep, with excessive public expenditures and blatant corruption. To counter balance this an opportunistic reactionary opposition is slowly making progress into power structure. Their goal is to clearly to install a dictatorship as solution to the outspread corruption. This last election clearly split the country in half bringing forward also much hatred and regional prejudices. Of course both sides are puppets of the world odour. This government has a pacifying role for the poor masses while silently indoctrinating the “Collective Soul” of their “Educating Fatherland”, but it discretely fears a coup.

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Brasilia was prophesied by the Jesuit priest Dom Bosco in 1882 and it was built in 1960, inspired in every detail in the ancient Egyptian city of Akhetaton, built by the pharaoh Akhenaton. It’s cut by infamous the parallel 15 south, known for it’s UFO activity and it’s very likely to be linked to a Reptilian Hive. It was built from nothing exactly in the geographical centre of Brasil, just like Akhetaton was built in the middle of the Egypt, and it’s architecture is full of pyramids and Illuminati symbols . The parallels are many and have been summarized by the book" The Secret Brasilia : Enigma of Ancient Egypt" by the Rosicrucian historian Iara Kern. The city was obviously built with occult purposes in mind.

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Gifting Brasilia during the morning of January 1st, 2015 was a great experience. The night before I was attacked at the hotel for discouraging me and making me think I wouldn’t be able to make any difference. When They can’t stop you they try to make you stop by hitting you with fears. But morning came and 63 TBs and 1 HHG were deployed around the Ministry Esplanade (Esplanada dos Ministérios), were the most important brazilian federal government buildings are, and around Brazilian government Central Bank (BACEN). The area between the Brasília bus station and the “Praça dos Três Poderes” (Square of the three powers) is overgifted, covering many important government and public business head offices, influencing decisions and disrupting black magick at a national level . Most orgonite contained Lapis Lazuli together with plain Quartz.This indigo blue energy makes people more insightful to lies an deception and plots by the parasites that puppeteer the politicians. Many towers were around the place, probably for keeping the leashes over the government officials and politicians.

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As soon as the gifting run started, sylphs showed themselves in number, quickly cleaning the sky, lifting the veil of sickening Deadly Orgone Radiation (DOR). They were very helpful, purposefully showing the boundaries of the gifted area and also the DOR hotspots. A huge blue hole quickly formed, surrounded by the usual white chemical haze. After that many chemtrail planes tried to cover the area again but in vain, for no matter how much they spewed, it quickly disappeared after planes.

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The afternoon had a beautiful sky with puffy clouds that remaining during all the time during the Presidential Inauguration. I’m really curious what effect it had, with all the media attention and juju for the nomination of many public officials by the president, that day. It couldn’t be a better day for gifting actually, for the streets were mostly empty, the entire city was empty for it was just after the new year celebration holiday.

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The Illuminati Luciferic torch

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The Brazilian Central Bank, gifted!



It looks like you staked the corporate heart nicely, Edu, congrats! Thanks for the confirming photos, which are typical of what any gifter can expect to see after a thorough day’s work is done. I think it’s particularly potent to throw a wrench into the occult machinery that you’ve noted is the basis for the construction of that city. The ancient parasite is desperately dependent on their stinking, gnostic/luciferic hidden agenda, after all. I bet that if most people knew that the hiding rulers throughout the world eat human excrement as part of their ‘highest’ rituals it would do more to destroy that organization than even general awareness of their ritual feasting on the flesh of children Wink.

A couple of days ago, January 4, Francisco and I similarly gifted Belize’s mostly unoccupied inland capital, Belmopan, but it already looked and felt pretty good, there. We noticed that people are a lot happier there than here in Belize City, too. We’re getting dramatic visual results gifting Belize City, which is half done. We got the most striking results, so far, by gifting the stuff around the airport, including a couple of weatherballs.

If not for the consistent, observable results in the atmosphere of effective orgonite distribution, as you recorded here, I think it would be hard for people not to consider all of us crackpots. These are strange times but what motivates many of us is the thrill of producing observable atmospheric effects and dramatically ‘cleaning’ and revitalizing the ambience. Some of us do it because the act of flinging orgonite into the maw of the behemoth is a kind of adrenaline rush. I’m sure there’s no shame in that. For me, a motivation is recognizing that the sewer rats are so STOO-pid that after we turn their death transmitters into healing instruments they just won’t turn down the power. That’ means they’re inadvertenly causing more general healing than would have been possible if they hadn’t erected millions of these hideous weapons.


Another distinctive feature of this fieldwork is the confirming appearance of Sylphs, of course. Thanks for recording that. Even though nobody has definitively told or discerned exactly who and what they are we all feel empowered when we see them. Francisco and I had been gifting three days here in Belize before they finally showed up, yesterday.

That always marks a turning point for Carol and I. We assume that their presence is the best indicator that the corporate order will no longer be able to devastate the atmosphere in that location. When the atmosphere below them is still hazy and the blue sky is partially obscured by the lower (water vapor) haze it’s simply indicating that one needs to bust more death towers to finish the job, I think. Distinct, bright cumulus clouds and blue sky all the way to the horizon are perhaps the best indicator of atmospheric health, otherwise.

Sometimes Sylphs show up in advance of that point, apparently… In Hiroshima, for instance, when Tetsuzi and Kelly were first gifting there, many years ago, they showed up before the still-poisoned atmosphere had noticeably transformed. I think that happened to encourage these fellows. Tetsuzi went on to become one of the most prolific and inventive gifters on the planet after that. He lives in Hiroshima.
