I forgot to answer your question about the square ponds, Carlos, but we assume they’re nuke-generator cooling/venting ponds because there’s no population in the area to warrant sewage facilities and because Carol saw the usual nasty energy around them. They’ve got orgonite in them, of course.
That reminds me that there are two, very tall water towers in the park and they’re all that’s left of the old navy base except for some ammunition bunkers where the shooting ranges used to be and, I think, a small jail.
I installed a paintball gun on my little yellow plane
(I can’t find the photo of the mounted gun; the trigger was on the joy stick) and I tested it on one of the water towers. I was going to test it on a billboard but decided it was too risky in terms of being reported, flying so close to a highway. My targeting was pretty good but I discovered that, since the plane is flying over half the speed of the projectiles I had to revisit the target to see whether I’d hit it, which I did. A state park vehicle arrived nearby and was observing me, so I ‘broke off the attack.’ 
A couple of days later, an enormous, portable crane arrived at the base of the water tower and the entire flat top of the tower was removed, presumably by a cutting torch, and set on the ground. I immediately few over it to see inside, of course. The water reservoir just under the roof was empty and bare. A few days later, they re-attached the top of the tower and the crane departed. I like to think that the entire operation was due to the troglodytes’ inherent paranoia 
I then decided to put the paintball gun on my powered paraglider trike because that aircraft flies much more slowly. I want to eventually get good film footage of ‘painting the target’ on a death/weatherball on a mountaintop. They’re usually white, so it will be a good YouTube film. I took up paraglider training a couple of years ago so I can get more confident launching and
flying my paramotor.
This is how the desert used to look (2013 photo); now the ground at airport looks more and more like the photos at the top of the thread.
Then I discovered that paragliding is my absolute favorite form of flying and it’s making me more intimately aware of the atmosphere’s nuances, which serves every sort of pilot.