Carol's God Light pictures

Carol is visiting us this weekend (yay!) and on the way to dinner she took these pictures of the God light. There are a lot of forest fires in the area so we are totally smoked out. The only blue sky is over our property. :-) We have three CB’s on our property so no surprise there. Anyway, take a look at these pics.

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There’s a cloud or something coming out of the sun, there’s a green orb and there’s an oval shape which is not a reflection off the car window.

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She took this second picture a few seconds later and the green orb has moved past the oval shape. It sure would be nice to know what we’re looking at. What are your thoughts?


Oops, upon closer examination of Carol’s phone, the oval is actually the reflection of her camera in the window…doh! The green orb is interesting though.

Dooney :-)

That’s an interesting one…reminds me of orbs that Sharon and I see during and after our big giftings. I wish we had been able to get a photo of the drone/craft that buzzed us just a week ago on our way back from a big gifting in Northern California, but it was night-time. This light came up from behind us…we were driving back to LA, chucking TBs the whole way of course, and I guess they didn’t like us hammering another nail into the engineered drought coffin! Definitely wasn’t a helicopter (didn’t kick up any dust, and was mere feet off the ground), and it turned much sharper and had more maneuverability than any helicopter I’ve seen. Must’ve chucked about 300 TBs when all was said and done, and got a bunch of folks in NorCal interested in gifting. Piece by piece, it all comes together…

Whatever you’re doing Dooney…keep it up!


p.s. Sharon also got psychically attacked twice during this last trip (pineal gland headache-type thing), but we were able to banish them. Funny how all the intimidation tactics seem to promptly backfire…Cool

That might have been an Air Force antigrav saucer craft, Gabe, unless you got a good enough look to identify it. One of them we saw up close at night had halogen lights on the bottom. They’re more maneuverable than drones and silent, too. Drones are pretty quiet and come in all sizes. Nice confirmation that you did some good!

Carol showed me those pics on her phone when she got home. I recommend clicking on the attachments to see more resolution. A lot of the time, when UFOs show up in photographs the observer doesn’t notice them until after the photos are done and that was the case, this time. That craft might be enormous and beyond the atmosphere but it was evidently giving off its own light because if it was illuminated by sunlight it wouldn’t appear round. ‘Good guy’ antigrav craft usually produce observed light, as Dr Grebbenikov described regarding his ‘flyng paintbox.’ Maybe some of the bad ones do, too, because Reich was disabling them with his first cloudbuster when he found uncharacteristic ‘stars’ in the night sky. I’d never seen solar flares in a photo, before. Most of the bad-guy UFOs we’ve seen in the atmosphere don’t produce light and some of them periodically spewed dark energy that looked like smoke. DOR (deadly orgone radiation) is sometimes visible. The funniest one I’ve ever seen was above Phoenix in 2003 when I was on my way to the airport to pick up Carol. It was shaped a little like a 1930s Buck Rodgers rocket ship but moved in a way that wasn’t aerodynamic Wink . Carol’s impression was (after I told her) that this was a B Sirian craft. Al Bielek says that the B Sirians (humanoids; cannibals) are the ‘hardware merchants of the galaxy.’

I have another recent Carol story to share, by the way:

When I was back east in August she and a close friend (also a skilled psychic) had a booth together at a psychic fair on the Oregon coast. After that, they visited a friend who had moved into an area of Portland that was undergoing some reclamation (white liberals buy and restore homes in decrepit urban drug zones). They were in the backyard of a neighbor when they heard a few bursts of automatic weapon fire a few blocks away. They had to walk past that place (by then taped off as a crime scene by the cops, who responded quickly, perhaps on account of the whites in the neighorhood) and a deranged ghost ran toward Carol and her friend and actually went through them. He evidently didn’t yet realize that he’d been killed. There was a lot of power in that entity so Carol assumed he had been an ‘accomplished’ killer. Her psi friend was so terrified by the energy in the fellow’s shade that she started running away & Carol managed to stop her and help her calm down.

This made me appreciate our psychic warriors even more Wink

I looked out the window of the car and was really amazed by the God Light in the clouds… I’m so glad

that I was pressured to take 2 pictures, one right after the other… So you can definitely tell that the orb

is a ship. :)