Chat boosting anyone?

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I’m under heavy psychic attack all the time. I’ve been attacked my entire life. And always will. Because of this I’m looking for energy sensitives in similar situation to get together, search and boost each other attackers as well as doing some healing at least once per week. In my experience with Dooney sessions, when people boost together it hurts the enemy a lot more and makes further attacks less effective. It opens some breathing room for at least few days.

So if you are tired of fighting alone for years, have no fear of weirdness and is willing to go after some jesuits, triads, CIA, lizards, draconians, insect aliens et al, please GET IN TOUCH! I can boost them pretty hard from 13D but can’t see much most of the time. Be advised that the enemy is persistent and will fight back. This is a war effort and requires courage Cool


That’s the spirit, Edu! In fact we stopped doing the weekly forum group chats five years ago, after it became apparent that the Old Parasite was no longer capable of initiating WWIII. I hope you’ll develop a strong group and work on a regular basis. I assume one doesn’t need to be a contributor to this forum in order to participate in your effort.

We started those larger forum chats on July 3, 2002 when DB had advised us that he had seen some feds planting a nuclear ‘dirty’ bomb at the Chicago Waterfront and were planning to detonate it during the fireworks display that night when millions of people would be out in the open. He had already developed a good track record for getting such intel that was verified later on. He usually got his intel through astral travel, which he had been trained since childhood to do well. This was only a couple of months after people started busting the then-new death towers and it was during the year when thousands of orgonite cloudbusters were being home-built so the chemtrail agenda wasn’t quite neutralized, yet. The enemy seemed to still have a lot of ability to destroy civilization. It was also a couple of years before the Chinese finally overcame the genocide agenda.

The more psychics will participate in these sessions, the better because false psychic intel can be avoided through their consultation with each other. One of my favorite things to do during these chats is to witness the way the psychics who are separated by long distances find the same target and ‘battlefield’ intel in the same moment.

Groups of people were already doing what we do. I know that because I started hearing from people in some these groups, privately–there was even a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Northern California where the monks regularly assaulted the key criminals within the Bush regime after these felons arranged the destruction of the World Trade Center and a terrorism campaign abroad.

Even psychics who are shackled by theosophy brainwashing seem to be able to harm the enemy’s agenda. Most psychics are still shackled, that way; I think it’s just a basic human trait to agree to to conform/believe anything at all in order to have some social connections. Independent explorers of reality have always been painfully isolated until the advent of the internet, after all. The few psychics who aren’t brainwashed and dogmatized will generally get more comprehensive results because they don’t pull their etheric punches; they’ll more likely follow through until the job is done. The ‘other challenge’ is to find skilled psychics sans ‘irrationalism’ brainwashing who are not driven by personal anger because anger and hatred make them an unlikely candidate for any productive group effort. I know several highly skilled psychics, for instance, from oligarch families who were typically so abused as children that they carry a lot of inappropriate (for this work, at least) hatred along with them for the enemy.

I hope this helps. Best wishes for your success, Edu, and don’t give up because I think this may be timely.

I would love to see some folks join Edu to form another chat group to do weekly boosting on each other and larger targets. Edu is a committed gifter and energy worker, so I feel any chat group that he forms would be very productive. He knows how to use Love energy instead of anger and his sister is also quite energy-sensitive and aware.

It can indeed be daunting to boost the big targets because more often than not you will get some kind of reprisal but I can tell you that it’s worth it. Although we generally get in the chat to help each other out, we always ending up finding some big target that is going to affect a lot of folks on the planet, so it ends up being pretty cool service work. And, you are basically earning your PhD in Spiritual Mastery using your etheric skills.

~ Dooney :-)

We are currently boosting every Sunday, me, Cyclingflinger and Yu, with good results. It’s been very helpful for me to become aware of more targets around me. If any other energy sensitive under heavy attack and tired of fighting alone is willing to join us, please get in touch!

The new “chat boostings” have been around for three weeks and we’re already making some progressions;

With the first one, I’ve got full red light! So, we boosted the internet providers of little small naughty belgium and it is working, actually I learned a lot from my new friends!

Its a meriad of energies we do have to cover and blast, going from triads and shadowboxers sent from China to Singapore, to ex-military us combining with insectoïds, trying to get a hold on what Carol and Dooney gifted recently, boosting creates a dimensional shift eager to attract new love felt energies to be able to get rid of the old, parasite “passé”.

The biggest reward is to be able to continue your own grid/world gifting while being able to meet other soulminded gifters and fight back and hold the positive together.

Instead of keeping all the information silently for yourself, you actually share it and make big progressions on how mother earth is vibrating her own heart chakra to further accomplish what we are doing.

In other words, how more the merrier with simple orgonite!Cool


Great, great stuff, many thanks

Some external confirmations that we are on the right track is that everybody in the chat has experienced a small plane or helicopter fly over at least once. In my case it happens several times. Today it started right at the time of the chat. As if I really cared, what they are going to do anyway? Most of the time I just ignore them.

We also experience common internet blockages every chat. Only at chat time. The interference is undeniable hehe

I just saw the inbox message from January 27th. Please keep in touch so we work together!