It’s been awhile since we discussed this but I learned via email from someone in Mainland China that he is unable to get to open because it’s being blocked. He intends to get busy with orgonite, there, so I advised him to tread carefully and let me know if he gets into any trouble in case we can help him.
Next time Carol and I get into Dooney’s chatroom I’m going to request some ‘bowlbusting’ to deal with these corporate parasites and I asked this fellow to provide feedback regularly, meanwhile.
Carol and I got some crystal singing bowls in Tucson last month and we’ve been using them during our little private sessions with Dooney and Stevo, who now also have one. We conduct these regularly to keep the sewer rats off our backs and out of our pocketbooks. We took the fight to the hiding parasites, finally, instead of just waiting for them to slam us again and we’re getting loads of good confirmations.
Magic and real science are fun! I’m going to write a long report about this pretty soon and maybe Coach Dooney will add her two bits.
This person in China wants to get involved and understands the risks so I offered to put him/her in touch with John Burchell in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, when the NSA destroyed my email address book on the day that Carol and I departed from home at the first of the year John’s email address was in there, so please email me at [email protected], John, if you want to network, okay?
I gave this person a list of websites, including the higher profile (than this one) NSA-sponsored disinformation websites and forums about orgonite, to see if those are also blocked in China. I’ll post about it but of course I won’t name the sites, since our sleepless detractors crave to be able to claim that I persecute them.
Here’s an update: The enquirer in China now tells me that this forum site opens since I posted about it. Some of the sites I shared are still not available to this person. This government hacking is evidently done on an individual and location basis, same as here.
In late 2004 it became evident to our psychic associates that the Chinese gov’t had taken control of the NSA, MI6 and all the other sewer rat agencies in the world.
When we first started tossing orgonite in the field in 2001 Carol was seeing uniformed Chinese and Russians at American underground bases and other facilities where we were doing this so we assume that by late 2004 the process of taking over the ancient corporate order was completed and that it didn’t happen all at once. I think the banksters were blindsided but that the ‘deeper’ military and the secret police agencies were voluntary participants. I’m going to enjoy learning about the International SS’s presumed role in all of this.
A bit of evidence that the banksters didn’t see it coming is that a high-profile economist and bank consultant, Dr David Lee (‘Lee’ or ‘Li’ has been a common family name among the Triads for several thousands of years), set a trap in Canada that the avaricious international banksters and stock traders all leapt into, not long before the crash which inevitably followed. Then Dr Lee was appointed to a very high position in the Chinese gov’t.
Not long after that, one of the Rothschild parasites travelled from London to Peking to beg for a loan to rape India with some more and he was flatly turned down.