Hi Don,
Am back from Chad. Right now am in Sudan. The people of Chad are very happy with Orgonite. These pictures were taken in Chad and the fishermen are very happy since trying the orgonite. In fact they are yearning for more. The fishermen shown on the pictures who I had given the orgonite. At the moment they are fishing on the orgonite site. The picture with the boat off shore is the boat that belongs to the friend who hosted me in Chad.
Regards Christine
Hi Don,
This are the picture we took in Lakes in Chad. The boats above are all back on business after distributing orgonite and the owners are really getting good catch. Some of the beaches a way from places we distributed orgonite has experienced migration of fishermen to the areas which we covererd for good catch
When we arrived in Chad with Dancan this people really like Dancan becouse he really tought them how to use it well
The people of Chad are very greatful and happy about orgonite. I will leave for Kenya to see Mrs. O becouse she got an accident
Got this today from Christine–ties in the connections with Chad. I’m wondering if gifting farmers will start reversing the Sahara before long [Image Can Not Be Found] ~Don
Farmers in Ethiopia and Sudan must use Orgonite in their farms because those two countries are Semi Arid countries. Even farmers in Chad are moving well in their farms and produce because of the Orgonite. Some people from Chad will come to me in Sudan to take some Orgonite, then travel back to Kisumu.