Chritine Anyango's Present Adventure

I just learned from Mrs Odondi that Christine has been chosen as a delegate to represent her region in Sudan in the coming secession talks. Sudan is a huge country comprised of the moneyed Arabs in the far north and the agricultural African districts in the south, separated by a whole lot of empty desert.

She’ll be fairly incommunicado for the next month as she attends meetings to prepare with the other delegates in advance of the treaty discussions with the Arabs.

When we first started corresponding, Christine and her late husband, Salva, were refugees in Kenya on account of the savagery committed by agents of the CIA and MI6 during a corporate drive to remove the population from areas rich in minerals. Historically, the corporate world order have found it practical to simply slaughter and/or drive out entire populations rather than to negotiate with them for whatever is under their soil. This is partly why the CIA and other sewer rat agencies were created.

This conflict had been spread to Northern Uganda during the time Doc Batiibwe and I went there to flip some death towers and hand out orgonite. That was fun but I felt pretty bad for the people, there–worst poverty imaginable due to farmers’ inability to plant and harvest crops. Nancy of Eldoret, Kenya, has recently taken a load of orgonite there to help restore the economy and people’s hope.

Doc Kayiwa and Mr Kizira (my witch doctor buddy and an herbalist/ consultant of Dr Batiibwe’s) conducted an orgonite-tossing campaign in the region, later, and the slaughter ended. Typical of the CIA and MI6’s other campaigns around the world, it wasn’t actually a war (excepty in Uganda, wherte the army actually fought them). It was a terror campaign in which the sponsored butchers rounded up villagers and killed them. Christine and Salva had to witness some of their own family members’ murders, I’m sorry to say.

Doc K even managed to requisition a Ugandan Army helicopter to drop orgonite across Southern Sudan’s worst area. I think he was the most prolific Etheric Air Corps activist at the time [Image Can Not Be Found] Don’t you wish your country’s army would do that?

Christine was a school teacher by profession before she got into the Mbolea (orgonite–the Kiswahili term for it) biz. I think Nancy of Eldoret is also a teacher or a headmistress. The orgonite biz in East Africa, though, is being run by a regular person like me, though, who has no letters behind her name. Watch EW for reports about Mbolea’s advances in Ethiopia, by the way–courtesy of Christine.

Uncle Don

“it wasn’t actually a war (excepty in Uganda, wherte the army actually fought them). It was a terror campaign in which the sponsored butchers rounded up villagers and killed them.”

I’m sure a Matt Damon movie will be released momentarily where said butchers will be portrayed as ‘freedom fighters’ bringing ‘Democracy’ to the region.