City Gifting: Santiago, Chile

We had always wondered why there aren’t many city gifting reports, at least one that is continuous and that follows the action from start to end. Now that we’ve been engaged for almost two years in the gifting of our capital city, Santiago, we understand why. It’s no fun! On the contrary, it can be very frustrating and discouraging some times. However, we have decided to finish what we’ve started, even if it takes another year or two.
This post serves as an introduction and resumes the desire to unify all the previous and future posts and observations about our efforts in this huge city of ours. I will first expose a summary of our gifting activity throughout this time, then add a few links to previous posts that are splattered all over the forum, and finally start adding new posts that tell you of our recent adventures.
We’ve had this urge to post for quite some time now, however, we tended to get discouraged because we could not show astounding effects. Only recently, we have been able to observe a persistent improvement. Whatever the case, we’ve decided to push forward and have understood that there is still A LOT of work to be done, so it’s not too rare that isolated bad smog days still appear.
Hopefully this post will also provide valuable information for city gifters around the world, and to encourage them to keep on working since the results, though maybe slowly in huge cities, do end up showing.

Yes, gifting huge cities is a huge job. I know there’s lots of targets here in Sao Paulo and sometimes I don’t know where to start. Should I gift a huge symbolic place downtown or somewhere in the periphery? They’re all important. I just go first where my heart and intuition tells me to go.

The reports of my first gifting trips are spread in emails, it would take me a lot of time to gather them all togheter. So I’m focusing from now on, and it would still make a lot of posts to read [Image Can Not Be Found] If I made a report everytime I gift towers and symbolic places in Sao Paulo, I’d bother everyone with lots of details. Or not, every experience adds up. I’ll keep you up with my progress, or even my delay, if the dark forces are preventing me to go out and gift, what happened to me in the last few weeks.



Andrea, a strategy that has worked for us is to start by the main arteries of the city; avenues, big streets, metro lines, speedways, circumvallation (ring streets). Doing this makes your efforts focused and systematic, and it provides with a first and big grid on the whole area. After that, you can start by gifting comunas or smaller areas within the city. In spread out comunas, such as suburbs, it’s convenient to gift the towers, but in more populated and condensed ones, such as downtown, we’ve come to understand that it is much simpler to just grid. Gifting symbolic places becomes a treat [Image Can Not Be Found]; .

Here goes the summary of our city gifting efforts so far (I hope my memory accompanies me, Ale can ratify later):

We first started gifting on January of 2007, after witnessing for the first time a chem spewing spectacle in Elqui Valley, about 600km to the north of Santiago. That summer (Jan-Feb) we concentrated on that zone, busting towers and building a CB. As vacations ended, we soon began to focus our efforts in the capital city, were we live. Having recently become members of EW and being motivated by being part of this grassroots effort, we decided we would gift the city until we got rid of the smog. We were happy and excited with our new goal, which affected our lives at all levels. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Now, the process has been longer than we thought and even discouraging at some points, however, we’ve managed to get past the difficulties and to regain motivation and keep on gifting, to the very date.

On this same note, I want to point out that when evaluating the work done in a city, your standards change, which can appear to be a bad thing but it is really a good one. It turns out that you become much more demanding of the atmospheric and smog conditions, so you get the idea that there is no improvement. After a month of better conditions you might get a bad day and it seems like the end of the world. Make sure you revise the smog levels and you keep track of this (hopefully you’ll have access to some government webpage that posts the smog levels on a daily basis). Oh, and developing higher standards for the atmosphere conditions doesn’t just happen to you, but also to the rest of the PJ citizens, that’s why you need to snap out of it and try to stay objective either by photographic or by scientific records (ideally you’ll have access to these in government ministry webpages?).

The following links are to old posts that contain more details of our efforts so far, as well as some pics that can serve as a comparison (we need to take more photos of the present conditions though, they will come soon):

April, 2007 [Mountain gifting/url:2dkp19wf

May, 2007 [Gifting NASA property/url:2dkp19wf

July, 2007 [On the way to the beach/url:2dkp19wf

August, 2007 [10 lungs for Santiago/url:2dkp19wf
(“10 lungs for Santiago” mission. Objective: set up 10 CB’s in the city)

This last link is pretty revealing, it actually even surprised me when I re read it. You can see a pretty detailed report on the effect that setting CB’s can have on a city, always accompanied by gifting the surrounding towers, of course. I would like to say a few things about this. Immediately after setting these first 5 CB’s in Santiago, we had amazing results in the city. However, they were soon dissolved and we went back to having pretty nasty days. This of course disappointed us a great deal; however, Ale soon found strength inside and explained me that we had to help the CB’s by totally busting the towers around them. We went ahead with this plan and have concentrated on ground work ever since. Ale will post more details about this intense “ground gifting” (tb’s and earth pipes) he and a fellow citizen did over late 2007 and early 2008. Just now, after that amazing effort these two guys did, we’ve completed the other 5 CB’s and are now in the process of distributing them.
Here are some pics taken this week:

[Image Can Not Be Found]

I think this pretty much resumes what we’ve done on a big scale… I am probably forgetting relevant details, but Ale will add on to this post. I hope city gifters can find some practical advice to carry on their efforts with more ease.
Happy gifting!

Yesterday my cousin and I set up another CB and a peacemaker. These are the final stages of the mission “10 lungs for Santiago”. When Ale returns from the States we’ll set up the remaining two.
Some pics of yesterday’s damage…

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covering the device
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who would tell
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and there’s the CB too!
[Image Can Not Be Found]

[Image Can Not Be Found]

It is so convenient to carry a camera with you… I should really get used to this and make it a habit.

In the middle of September of 2008 Juan Antonio and Herman, who live in Vicuña, 550 km to the north of Santiago, came to the capital to help us gift Santiago on a larger scale. They left Vicuña on a Friday night on an overnight bus after work and would return to the north on Sunday night to work again on Monday. They were both really exited with the prospect of gifting Santiago since they had seen, first hand, what extensive gifting had accomplished in their region.

Vicuña is located in an interior valley of the Andes mountains on the southern edge of the Atacama desert. The climate there is extremely arid and they sometimes go for a couple of years with no rain at all. That whole area had been getting progressively drier and more arid over the past 100 years, and that trend was predicted to continue and worsen with “global warming”. On our trip with Kelly in January of 2008, we gifted this whole region much more intensely than the rest of the places we visited, due to its extreme aridness. Since that time, and thanks to the efforts of Juan Antonio and Herman, that area has been steadily recovering from incessant chemtrail operations and becoming greener and greener. The last couple of years have seen more rain in that area than in many decades.

So in anticipation to Juan Antonio (Toño) and Hermans arrival, Javi and I made about 1,300 TBs and more than 100 HHGs, in the hope that we could distribute them all on that weekend. That was a bit too optimistic, as we would find out later. As soon as Toño and Herman arrived we began the gifting in earnest. We spent all Saturday and Sunday, with a 5 hour break to sleep in between, gifting non-stop. We managed to gift about 700 TBs, disabling some 300 towers and gridding most of downtown Santiago.
During most of this time we didn´t bother to look for confirmations, atmospheric or otherwise. On Sunday afternoon, however, after gifting an area called “Huechuraba” that has a hill on one side, we noticed that the wind started to pick up, and the air became “fresher”. We had a pretty good view of the city and you could tell that the density of the ever-present Santiago smog had diminished quite a bit. This effect was only temporary, as the next day, after Toño and Herman left, we were treated to a horrible spectacle of dense and suffocating smog. This dynamic would repeat itself many times after a large gifting session: immediate positive results, with a backlash of worsening atmospheric conditions on the following days. I am very grateful to Toño and Herman, since this weekend trip helped to create the momentum to continue the gifting of Santiago at a similar pace.

Soon after this weekend gifting excursion, I was contacted via Youtube by a fellow Santiaguian (or however you call an inhabitant of Santiago) who showed some interest in orgonite. We soon met in person after that, and we showed him how to make TBs. Eventually, we started gifting together and he rapidly got a taste for the “gifting rush”. In a few weeks we were getting together at least twice a week (usually every Sunday) early in the morning at about 5 am, before the sun came out, with two or tree buckets of TBs to distribute.
We decided that going after the towers individually was too exhausting and that we should instead focus on gridding. That way even if more towers were erected in the future, the grid of TBs would assure that they would be busted before they even started working. Our strategy for gridding was to place a TB every 300 or 400 meters along a strait road from one end of a comuna (the cities subdivisions, similar to “burroughs” ) to the other, then travel 300 or 400m to another parallel street and do the same until we covered the whole comuna. We could do some small comunas in about 4-6 hours of continuous gifting in one morning. Larger comunas could take a lot more time than that. Our typical gifting session lasted at least 4 hours and used at least 200 TBs. On Sundays we would usually spend 6 or more hours and distribute up to 400 TBs on a single day.
Once again we were more concerned about “doing the job” than gathering confirmations, but the improvement in the smog of the city was starting to be noticeable after about a month of this pace of gifting. After about 1500 more TBs distributed, plus the 600 we did with Toño and Herman, you could definitely notice the improvement. This was around mid-November 2008, more or less.

The most noticeable feature of the improving smog was the fact that before we started gifting in mass, the smog would build up day after day, worsening until some meteorological factor, such as a front of warm or cold air or a rain front would clean out the city. What we started to notice after all this gifting was that smog would clear out of the city every afternoon. Mornings were usually quite smoggy, but as the day progressed, it got cleaner and cleaner until the afternoons were spectacularly clean, as if right after a rain.

This was also evidenced by the fact that sunsets were more yellow and less red. In Santiago when there is a lot of smog, sunsets quite a spectacle, with a huge red glowing sun sinking below the mountains. On clean days the sun is much more yellow-orange and not dirty-red. People who live in Santiago always remark that the only good thing about the smog is the spectacular red sunsets. In 2007, we also noticed this phenomenon of the smog clearing in the afternoons, but only during the month September, when the arrival of spring improves the ventilation of the city. September is also called the month of the kites, because it is the only month that allows kids to fly kites with ease and compete in kite tournaments. However, we were pretty discouraged in 2007, when in November the city became smoggy as usual and we had a typically smoggy summer (this is the summer we were away with Kelly gifting the rest of the country and Argentina, opening vortices to get the canopy of Qi in the South America started).

With my new gifting companion, inspired by the results, we continued a grueling pace of gifting until December, when Javi and I left for the US to meet Don and Carol. Until that time, the city was quite clean almost every day, epecially afternoons, which was a very nice change from the previous year at that same date. My gifting buddy sent me reports from Santiago during January and most of febuary during the time we were in the US, and this condition of improved air quality kept up during the whole time. When we returned to Chile we resumed our gifting schedule, albeit at a slightly slower pace, the previous months had worn us out a bit, to tell you the truth. We continued to grid more and more of the city. It was very gratifying to see that the smog clearing in the afternoons kept up all autum as well, this was definite evidence to me that we were having a profound effect on the city.
I knew that the real test was winter, when smog is at its worst in Santiago. This is when the “emergency” levels of smog are reached and the hospitals are inundated with babies and the elderly, literally choking to death. The high smog season goes from mid April till early September. I was amazed to see april come and go, with the same smog clearing in the afternoons and smog levels considerably lower than the previous years at this time of the year. Also remarkable was the almost complete lack of rain during this time, which is typically the ONLY relief we get from the smog in the winter. In spite of the lack of rain, the smog was not reaching the typical horrible levels of this time a year. Durring mid May however we started to see the smog conditions worsen. This was a call to attention to start placing Earth Pipes.

Until this time we had focused exclusively on gridding and a little bit of mountain-top array busting. Starting in mid-June we distributed about 120 EPs in the most polluted areas of the city and also in the dowtown areas. When we were gifting the very heart of dowtown Santiago, a nosy and unfortunately energy sensitive neighbor saw us hammer the EP, so she approached the place where we had put the EP and felt “heat” radiating from the area, she got alarmed and called the police bomb squad, who after several hours of playing with expensive toys and blocking the the whole area, destroyed our EP with a robot. Here´s the video. … =robot.flv

It was all over the news, the police called it a “fake bomb”. Unfortunatley this episode spooked my gifting buddy, and from that day I felt something “odd” in our relationship, eventually he decided to stop his gifting activities permanently.

By this time we had distributed about 5500 or 6000 TBs, and about 400 HHGs, I stopped counting long ago so I don´t know the exact numbers. After those EPs went in we have had no more very bad smog days this winter, in spite of lower than average rains. This is quite remarkable, in a typical year there are at the very least 10 smog “preemergencies”, this year, with most of the bad smog season past and gone, we have only had one day of “preemergency” smog levels and that lasted only a few hours. Before, the smog would accumulate day after day, sometimes for a whole week, until the city was totally engulfed in a very think and dark smog blanket, only a rain would clear out this smog. Here are a few photos of previous year´s smog. [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]

Last week an article came out in the largest newspaper in Chile “El Mercurio” titled “Y donde están las preemergencias?” (so where are the (smog)pre-emergencies?) in which the lack of smog pre-emergencies this year is noted. … F1.htm?id={B85CCEE1-57BE-455D-A476-39F8F03C7FF1} An opposition lawmaker who presides the environmental commission in the Chilean house of representatives made the accusation that the only way to explain the improved smog levels that the official smog monitoring stations have been publishing is that the government is faking the numbers, in an election year. The people in charge of the smog monitoring system defended themselves saying that the ventilation in the city this year has been a lot better than last, that they perform a totally professional job and don´t fake the data. They also said that the infamous “inversion layer” that plagues Santiago every winter has been greatly diminished and mostly absent this year. I have observed that same phenomenon, that the inversion layer is mostly gone. This photo shows this quite eloquently:[Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] This was a bad smog day btw.

As you can see there is some smog, but not much on the city floor level but then there is a thick layer of smog about 2,500 (9000ft) above the city judging by the mountains in the back. You can see a distinct layer of clean air below the smog band, the outline of the mountains in the background is clearly defined. Its seems the “inversion layer” was inverted [Image Can Not Be Found] Compare to the photos of how the smog layer used to behave in the city, a thick layer of smog close to the ground trapped by a layer of warm air above. As you can see the city is totally surrounded by tall mountains, the valley is huge basin like a hole. Since gifting with orgonite, the ventilation of the city, especially the vertical ventilation has greatly improved, as the government meteorologists have observed, the inversion layers have not been present, or very week this year.

The improved smog is noticeable to any one who bothers to observe and many people I know have remarked on the surprisingly low smog levels on a very dry year with little rain. This year the government started a policy of declaring “preventitive environmental alerts” more often than before to supposedly curb the smog. What was very interesting for us to see was that these predictions of worsening air quality (based on a meteorological forcast of ventilation in Santiago as well as data from previous years) almost never became true this year, in previous years they were pretty accurate. Even though these type of measures have never worked in the past, the government will surely take credit for the improved smog an point to this flimsy measure as the reason why this has happened.

June 2009, from a glider -internet photo-
[Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found]

you can see some smog in the distance, that area still needs busting, btw.[Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]

Days like this have been typical this winter, the smog has never reached the very high levels we´ve become used to in Santiago.

The city is about 75% busted, but I´m sure there are many juicy targets remaining to be busted and still lots of unbusted towers. Most of the job is done, thank God! I never thought I´d be saying that! , but there is still more work to do. More EPs have to be planted that’s for sure. I am confident that we have reached the point of no return, so to speak, and that this city will be totally gifted by the end of this year. I am in the mood for some fun surgical gifting, now that most of the boring gridding is complete. A big thank you to everyone who has supported us, be it financially or with words of encouragement!

[Image Can Not Be Found]

Hmmm I think that we have a little more to go. I would say another 50%. It is just like when building a house, the details to make it perfect take a long time. There are several neighbourhoods to grid, more earthpiping, all the ritual places and fun targets, as well as HAARP facilities and weather balls at least 200 km to the south and to the north of the city. Water gifting should do a lot too. The 25% Ale is talking about refers only to towers, probably.

But it is so great that the walls and roof are standing up already! Finally, all the efforts we’ve made, that seemed so tiny when looking at them individually, have added up and are showing persistent effects now.

Dear friends, this news just made my day… I intend to translate it, but take a look at it in the meantime.

Headline: “2009 has shown to be one of the years will less smog of decade”.

They say the two main reasons are meteorologic and preventive by the programs of the Conama, the national evironmental comision [Image Can Not Be Found];

2009 cleanest air conditions of the decade

Here is another article from the news that follows the air condition story: clean air in the capital

[Image Can Not Be Found] … years.html

Friday, 14 August 2009

Geologists Attribute Decline To More Wind And Rain

Residents of the Metropolitan Region have been “blessed” with wind and rain this winter, according to Chile’s National Environment Agency (CONAMA), whose studies show the lowest pollution levels since 2005.

The capital city records alarmingly high levels of smog in winter as emissions accumulate and become trapped in the basin where the capital lies. Only wind and rain can disperse the high levels of particulate matter produced by the city’s bus network, industry emissions and citizen’s fossil fuel burning heaters. Experts claim that the decrease in emissions is due to climactic factors rather than the implementation of government measures or a change in habits from the regions’ inhabitants.

The study was based on the number of critical and pre-emergency alerts relating to air pollution and grouped according to the dangerous effects on human health. The perturbing pre-emergency status is reserved for days where saturation levels are so high that it is deemed dangerous to breathe the air and the capital’s residents are advised to stay indoors as much as possible.

CONAMA recorded ten days as critical and two days as pre-emergency so far this year. Since 2005, which saw four critical and two pre-emergency days, smog levels have increased exponentially. The increase has been put down to an increase in fossil fuel burners and lack of ventilation in the Santiago basin.

Metropolitan Region governor Igor Garafulic claims that this year’s success is due to a good year in meteorological terms, rather than any human attempt to curb emissions. He would like to see a drop in pollution levels thanks to preventative measures, namely the government’s Anti-Pollution Policy, which has yet to be implemented.

The current policy exempt industries from serious regulation, even though their fossil fuel emissions account for 80 percent of the particulate matter in the region. Instead of cracking down on the biggest culprits such as buses, car owners, and industry, the government has concerned itself with restricting residential use of wood and coal burning heaters.[/quote:25jt6z1m]

In fact it rained very little from april till the middle of july and inspite of this lack of rain the smog levels remained relatively low. 2008 by comparison had alot more rain but the smog was much, much worse. The year 2005 was the only year that the factories in Santiago operated almost completely on natural gas, which accounted for the low smog levels that year. Then the Argentinians cut most of the natural gas being exported to Chile due to increased internal consumption and the smog levels sky-rocketed. Even the authorities now admit that the improved air quality is due exclusively to “atmospheric conditions” and not to government policies. The ventilation of the Santiago Basin was much better this year and the infamous inversion layer shined by its absence. BTW those two pre-emergency days were before Earthpiping of the city began in earnest. After 120-plus earth-pipes went in the worst spots of the city, the improvement in air quality was very noticeable.


Well it didn´t take long for the authorities to manipulate the facts and try to get political advantage from the low smog levels this year. A few weeks ago the city’s governer Igor Garafulic admitted that the improved smog levels had nothing to do with government policies are were just a result of more favorable atmospheric conditions. Today an article apeared in one the main newspapers where Ana Lya Uriarte the “evironmental minister” said the improved smog levels were due exclusively to government measures and that the atmospheric conditions were actually worse than last year. I guess its to be expectedof politicians to be compulsive liars, especially in an election year.…..08_9.shtml

Few translated quotes from the recent article:

65% less pre-emergencies and 30% less alert days.
In 1997 the decontamination plan began. The next year there were 43 alert days and 23 pre-emergency days.

The good figures are similar to 2004 (actually its 2005, lazy journalists) , as Igor Garafulic explained. “It is the second best year historically, and we are satisfied” he added.

The reason for the good smog levels are is because of “better fuel quality, since Transantiago (horrible fiasco new transportation system) has better buses, the citizens are more invovled and have better behavior in terms of respecting the vehicle restrictions, industry has put their part since ENAP (national petrolium company) has cleaned up the fuels” said minister of the environment Ana Lya Uriarte. This inspite of the ventilation conditions being worse than in 2008 (39 days with bad ventilation versus 40 days in 2009)

They forget to mention the absence of the inversion layer (improved vertical ventilation), also that there were several days of “critical” ventilation in 2008 and none in 2009.

Compare that to this article two weeks ago, posted above from the “Santiago Times”:

Metropolitan Region governor Igor Garafulic claims that this year’s success is due to a good year in meteorological terms, rather than any human attempt to curb emissions. He would like to see a drop in pollution levels thanks to preventative measures, namely the government’s Anti-Pollution Policy, which has yet to be implemented.

The current policy exempt industries from serious regulation, even though their fossil fuel emissions account for 80 percent of the particulate matter in the region. Instead of cracking down on the biggest culprits such as buses, car owners, and industry, the government has concerned itself with restricting residential use of wood and coal burning heaters.

Polititians will always be compulsive liars and manipulators of facts. The truth of the matter is that there were a score of serious studies done in the begining of the year predicting that 2009 would be a horrible year in terms of smog, due mostly to the complete lack of government regulation of industry. I remember the environmentalist groups predicting a smog apocalypse in the beggining of the year. I don´t like the fact that the government can get political advantage of this, but its always nice to see the green nazis having to eat their words [Image Can Not Be Found]


[Image Can Not Be Found]

Particulate matter in Santiago reaches historic low levels.
Lowest levels in 13 years (since records began) . 2009 was another historic year of low smog levels [Image Can Not Be Found] but 2010 surpassed all other years.

New Government trying to take credit, although everyone knows that NOTHING has been done to stop the smog over the past years. Much less in the six months of this new government.
Journalists are really perplexed, some insinuate the manipulation of the numbers. Truth is, Santiago is as cleaner than ever! Anyone with eyes to see can realize that [Image Can Not Be Found];

This is the best confirmation I could ever wish for.
Gifting Santiago was not fun, many, many moments when desperation came in. “I’ll never do it all” “This city is too huge” etc. Sometimes it felt like taking a step forwards and two steps backwards. Thank you Don for all the encouragement over the years, especially during the difficult times.

This was only possible thanks to Guillermo Zúñiga aka Gaz-Man, my untiring gifting partner, may you rest in peace Compadre, I´m sure the Operators are treating you nicely [Image Can Not Be Found]
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Guillermo passed away in April this year. He did not live to see these headlines, but his conviction that he was doing good with the gifting never wavered. Este éxito te lo dedico a tí cumpa.

Andrea, keep at it Sao Paulo, you’ll get the results eventually.

If I get any more amazing confirmations this week, I´m going to need surgery to get the smile off my face [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]; [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]

More articles, for the record: … eg=1483237 “smog improves inspite of cold and low wind” … ew&id=6301 “Lowest smog in 13 years” … esde-1997/ “lowest smog levels since 1997”


Hello everyone.

September 11 is an important date for Chile, since it marks the date of the military coup that the CIA organized against socialist president Salvador Allende on september 11 1973, as an excuse to put their own puppet (Augusto Pinochet) in power. It could be argued that Allende was the Russian’s puppet, but we all know that those definitions become fuzzy at high levels of power. Allende was a high-level mason himself. Playing both sides of a contrived conflict is classic strategy for the DORKnobs. By any sensible standards, Allende made a mess of the country and promoted social instablility ala classic Marxist style. However presidential elections were to be held in 1974 and Allende was sure to lose. The CIA siezed the oportunity (many people were asking for the military to act) and helped the Chilean military carry out a very well orchestrated coup, including the aerial bombing of the presidencial palace. Funny how those Chilean pilots with 1960’s technology were alot more accurate than the US military in Iraq or Israel in Palestine with the latest “smart-bombs”, colateral damage my ass.


The political opposition had negociated with Pinochet that elections were to be held no later than 2 years after the coup. Instead, the outcome was 17 long years of state repression, torture, kidnappings, murder and the general undermining of the spirit of the Chilean people. It is a wound that we have yet to recover from fully.

When Pinochet’s regime started to weaken in the 80’s , people would flock to the street every september 11 as a sign of defiance of the government. Erruptions of violence were common place, in general the city was in a state of lock-down for the entire day, sometimes longer. Since democracy returned to Chile, this sort of “tradition” continued, but without a real legitimate purpose anymore. It became an excuse for gratuitus violence, ransacking and that favorite passtime of some, mock-battle with the police.

This year, 2010 we have had the most peaceful september 11 ever,
according to the chief of police in Santiago:
Según explicó el jefe metropolitano de la policía, general José Miguel Ortega, la jornada de ayer fue “bastante positiva”, ya que el balance oficial revela que se trató del “‘11’ de septiembre más tranquilo”.
“This has been the most calm september 11” “the balance of the day is positive”

“Las cifras son muy por debajo del año pasado”, agregó. “The figures (of violence) are much lower than last year”

Maybe all the orgonite had something to do with it? Time will tell…

sourced from: … cia=435739



Bien HEcho Alejando! una inspiración para todos. Thanks for sharing. I am at it in SPain. ;-d
un abrazo!