Cloudbusters and black lines

Hi Simon,

Really glad to have you onboard.

It was my mistake with the CBs, I made them with 2x xtals but ontop of LSCs, which when messing around worked just carefully touching the xtals pos/neg ontop of Little Secret Coils, but when trying to get the xtals to touch neg/pos in the pipes this is near impossible, again sorry for the failure, and unfortunately the xtals are fixed in with shavings/resin.

I’m busy this weekend, but if possible I will visit Johns next weekend and make some more CBs, these will almost certainly be standard single (charged) xtal ones, will do our best to get you a stronger POR partner ASAP!



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Hi Warriors!

Following on from this topic, I checked with Laozu what he thought of trying the 6 TB configuration on a layline, only using CBs instead of TBs. It was speculative in terms of ‘I wonder if a line can be really powered up positively to charge those it intersects’ etc.

Laozu, as ever the consumate pro Wink sent a lovely diagram of how to mark out 6CB’s and suggested we try with the cirlce 5yards in radius.

When mentioning this thought to John, he said he had just the same idea, and wanted to test this out, which was good, especially as I wanted to try it on his land! (6CBs in a studio flat might not have the same effect!)

So this weekend John and I poured 7CBs through the day on saturday, we had planned 6, but luckily I got a cheaper deal on 30x 3M lengths of 28mm pipe, so 7 it was. The lucky part (£ aside), was due to the fact that upon arriving back at Johns this AM I went into the shed to find the last CB we poured had nosedived and the resin was in an artistic mess all over the floor! This should be fairly easily recified, I hope!

Anyway, in typical english autumn weather, we loaded John’s truck with the 6 successful CBs and went up to the park where the first CB had previously been placed on a line (during Laozu and Cesco’s visit) to set them out. Some frustration and toil later;
(image missing)

Sorry for the darkness, but if you have been to england you will understand!

This was only for test purposes unfortunately, and, once thoroughly drenched, we removed these CBs and I loaded 3 into my car ready to disperse ASAP to their new homes in the coming days. John has homes for 2 others in mind, and one ready for sale (cleaned off after the test, of course), the final (7th) I will also decide on a home for hopefully in the next week, and will update the UK gifting thread accordingly once in place.

Hopefully, it will be a worthwhile test, we attempted to set the CBs so 2 of them ran through the line. Laozu had suggested started with a 5yard radius, then trying slightly bigger after, this part we didn’t do, largely due to my need to drive back down south (and our drowned rat demeanours!).

As I was leaving John’s, the sky had cleared, and there was a gaping hole above, at first I thought ‘what rotten timing’, then I recalled John still had the other three CBs on the back of his pickup;
(image missing)

I took some pictures of this also, as it was a lovely site. Unfortunately I left my Camera USB cable in Johns wagon when taking pictures (I hope it’s in there anyway, or my girlfriend will be spiting nails!), so cannot review mine (these are Johns pictures). If I have any other good ones I’ll post them whenever possible.

Best Regards


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Hi Rich and John,

Thanks for all the work in bad weather Exclamation

Unfortunately, the result does not seem too good. Each of the six looks excellent by itself, but in this case the whole is less than the sum of its parts. Could be due to the distance apart, but at this stage it looks like my idea was bum.

Sorry for the trouble I put you to. One just doesn’t get to experiment with as many as 6 CBs all at one time very often.


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The question is what the pros/cons are when there is more than one CB in the same general proximity. My memory seems to recall some dialogue from the old/defunct CB forum where this was discussed at one time, I don’t recall there being any consensus but I do recall there beign at least some discussion on the situation of having more than one CB in the same proximity. More recently, there has been some new dialogue on the WM forum here from people who are putting two CBs in the same general location. The basic question is, what are the general pros/cons of having more than one CB in the same proximity?

scenario: a new CB is placed into operation in a yard. 50 feet away rests an old CB base with the pipes removed while it awaits a new home. Is the older loitering CB-base going to detract from the operation of the new CB, or perhaps add to it’s beneficial effects?; would the answer be much different if the pipes were re-attached to the old CB-base?



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Thanks Laozu,

The weather actually added to the experience for me (perhaps more so in retrospect!). It is partially a shame in my mind, in that they do not act as a ‘gerstalt CB’! but, also good to have tested this as it was something no doubt other people have considered (and very cool they all look good individually, as John and I spent quite some time sourcing decent sized DT’s and a set of large ST crystals for this batch).

Drew, I asked Laozu about this, as I also recalled reading this somewhere (I thought from Laozu, but I’m not sure if my memory was muddled as he didn’t recall saying what I thought he had), it seems a couple or three in fairly close proximity work OK, or without hindering one another. Perhaps next time John and I make 6 again (or make a few and have enough already there to try again), we can try with a slighly wider circle etc.


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I don’t think you would have a problem in your scenario Drew. I have had two CBs at opposite ends of my lot (about a 100 feet apart) for some time now without any apparent interference. Without experimenting I cannot intelligently comment on the difference with or without the pipes.

What I may have told Rich was that there are three TBs on rural property of a friend of mine in Idaho, in a triangle with sides about a hundred yards each. And this works super. The effect in some respects seems to be similar to that of a natural vortex.


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