Hallo reders,
Today after lunch, I was strawling in the town.I met a friend, who is among those chating with us inthe facebook, and he told me a very nice story.He comes from a poor family though, and I am aware of that.He comes from a home where the majority have lost direction.Almost all are drankers and drug abusers.They do resort to war frequently when not sober, and chasing one another using very sharp pangas and maybe clubs and spears is something normal to those who had known them for quite sometime,and the life they live.
I informed my friend via our site about the magics of the Orgonite, something he littly believed.I gave him just a small portion of the orgonite to take home. My friend told me that he applied the portion in the gate of the home, where he was sure everybody would pass from the liquor dens.He swore that it is now three weeks since they last quarreled,before the application.He told me that he is soon coming to visit me for another portion. He put it to me that the portion has brought back sight to their home. I will know much when he visits me, he said.This brings me to this question to our experienced readers that:Can Orgonite and Zappers work together?