Computer sabotage and hacking
I had wrote to some friends and to Don Croft about my idea to make CB for Milan. By coincidence the next day when I downloaded the security upadates for the Linux operating system, the installation failed in the middle of the process and after that the hard drive had become damaged. it failed to boot caused by bad sectors. I did not have a loss of data only had the problem to start and get it to run normally. Sometimes it would run after many attempts, in that case it was slow in operating than after a while it would be almost normal.
After a few days of this misery, I made a backup and new installation using a free space on the disk without erasing the old partition.
This new installation seemed to have troubles too to start, after days and further dowanload of updates from Linux, now it seems is has ‘ajusted itsfelf’, or maybe simple there was something else outside that now has stopped to interfere.
In fact the last weird problem happened a couple of days ago with the internet, suddenly I could not access my personal email, the message was ‘wrong password’. I tried to call the helpdesk chat line available from the internet provider, but there was a problem too, the chat would not connet and I was unable to interact with them.
I had doubt that if someone had changed the password and I was going to set a new one then maybe they would read they keystrokes over the line and use it for their bad purpose. I think that they had hacked the access but did not have stealed the password or cracked the encrypted code.
I did nothing for a while, after a stall they must have let it go, I tried again and it worked.
Touch wood, it seems now the interferences and problems have finished.