Contributions in Africa

Unfortunately I can’t afford to support the kikundi anymore, but I hope others, both old and new, will keep the support going.
Mrs.O can be contacted at [email protected]. You can make out the payment to Florence Atieno (in Kenya), through either Western Union or Moneygram.

I mean, in what other situation is it possible to help so many people with relatively little cash,
especially in drought-stricken regions. What the kikundi is doing is pretty awesome.

Hello Frode,

I hope you will recover financially very fast , anyway I wish it for you !!! I send you the best boosting I am capable of;–) !

Thank you, Laurent…

**Tusen tak Frode for all the financial support you have given by helping our friends in Africa make and distribute orgonite

I will also like to thank you again for helping me fund and gift 100’s of Orgonite towerbusters in South Florida on the huge gifting run I made there
about 4 years ago.

May all your financial problems resolve themselves soon.

I would like to mail some crystals to Africa if anyone there would be interested in getting some.


Hi Frode, Laurent and Erick
I thank you very much for all your posts in the forum; I together with the kikundi are very happy and at the same time really appreciate your concern and adequate support.

Really Erick I thank you very much for the offer of sending to us good material for the production of the orgonite, the crystals. I would wish to give you our new address which the kikundi are using now not the one that you previously used. Now this is the current and the efficient one.

The name is Florence Atieno Po Box 107 Suna Migori Kenya code 40400.

Anyway we are doing well in Kisumu and the work is good I hope those materials will help us a lot in the manufacturing work I am very happy with you oll
Mrs O

Mrs. O please forward to Florence that I intend to send crystals shortly and she should expect them by the new year.


Hi Eric
Thank a lot very good for your concern, we are very happy with you, just send the crystals to Florence that’s the name she is using. Florence Atieno Po Box 207 Suna Migori Kenya Code 40400.
I will be very happy for that
Thanks Mrs. O

Mrs.O your crystals have been sent [Image Can Not Be Found]
Let us hope that they make it to you in one piece.

Frode, I’m sending you heart boosts each time I think of you. Thanks for letting us know that you’re having some difficulty. As I’ve said many times, your boundless generosity was what enabled the Kikundi to finally reach the stage, almost four years ago, where their orgonite sales to farmers and fishermen could provide good livlihoods for all involved.

Our rafiki (friends) in Africa are fortunate to have many kinds of support from the rafiki in the West and it really makes me proud to see this acknowledged on our forum!

I want all of the kikundi to be assured, by the way, that the orgonite they’re making is absolutely more than adequate for all of the important applications. They must never assume that they need special components from outside their locale in order to keep building on their phenomenal successes and expanding their territory.

One of the reasons I’m so grateful to our African friends, in fact, is that they repeatedly demonstrate the ability of the simplest orgonite to achieve routinely miraculous results. This is how I always make orgonite for our own field projects. The reason this is so important is that it’s one of the ‘inclusive’ features of this revolutionary work that we’re each engaged in around the planet. As soon as it becomes popularly assumed that only expensive components are desirable for field orgonite we can predict that the end of this movement is not far behind. Some of us remember when such a campaign came close to destroying this movement in 2002, in fact.

As you know, this forum is the only one on the internet in English where you can find reliable information about orgonite and field reports from reputable people about what’s being done with it in the field. EW is buried by the search engines under a dogpile of fakers, Pied Pipers and chest pounders whose mandate is evidently to confuse visitors and drive them away from the realization of what they can do with simple orgonite that can be made cheaply at home. This is sure not accidental and under the circumstances we have to marvel that this unorganized movement has expanded at all, let alone that it just about covers much of the globe by now–in spite of concerted and constant corporate efforts to suppress and divert it.

I encouraged Mrs Odondi, at least for now, to consider using the fancy items, donated from abroad, to make orgonie for sale internationally since this is a potent source of capital for the kikundi. Azti has offered to help them get their website into proper condition for easily making these transactions.

When Carol and I are finally able to return to East Africa she’s going to work with the kikundi to help them find ways to make fancy personal orgonite (for foreign sales; capitalization) with things that can be found locally, including the appropriate use of juju njema (good magic), if I may say so. Carol and some others of us certainly use that for some of our products. Many of us in the West shop for gems and other semi-precious items for personal orgonite that are easy to get in the West but are essentially impossible to find in Africa so it would be inappropriate to assume that the kikundi ‘need’ that stuff in order to make extraordinary interactive orgonite for the foreign market. I suspect that what they will be able to make from local components will be quite unique and in high demand, internationally. Africa is incredibly rich in every conceivable way except for cashflow at the moment [Image Can Not Be Found] and the latter is the least significant form of wealth in the long run, as the eager and bloodlusting corporate exploiters of that continent have known for a long time.

I predict that Thommy of is going to get his forum on the road for fancy orgonite (in a timely way) and then all those folks who are inclined to a passionate interest in fancy orgonite will finally have a place to come together. The energy sensitives among us who know that simple orgonite is a stand-alone miracle but that personal orgonite, made with the fancy stuff, can help us each develop in specific ways will help Thom keep that forum on course and productive instead of degenerating into a spectacle for chest pounders and idle speculators. After eleven years of forum work I feel sure that a single individual is not capable of keeping a public forum clean, these days. The enemy is vast and sleepless and they always prefer to send in moles rather than simply shut down a public forum, at least in the West. I think Ai Wei Wei in China, who uses Twitter for this purpose, has it a lot easier than we do because the Chinese communists never had to develop this form of insidious social control that’s become prevalent in the West.

I can tell you that without the conscious support people on EW who share my dream of keeping this site ‘clean,’ I’d probably have failed to keep this forum going in the face of occasional concerted and very clever attacks from within, which you won’t hear about in our posts. Thanks again, trenchmates!


By the way, Carol asked me to post a notice that when anyone, here, wants her feedback about something to tell her in an email as well as post it: [email protected]. Please CC to me since we get a lot of hacking by the NSA and MI6: [email protected]. She’s kind of a wallflower (in spite of her extraordinary gifts) so I want you to draw her out a bit, please.

You could just send her the URL of her posted request and I think that would be more productive, since she can answer in a post.

Mjomba Don

Thank you very much Eric for the materials which you have sent to us i know they are going to help us a lot in making orgonite.
Mrs O

Thanks a lot Laurent for sending us the support today, all the kikundi are very happy with that support. I m very sure that all that money is going to work well to enable the kikundi to go further.We again appreciating Don Croft for the good remark.
Mrs .O

Am happy to report here once again that the farmers whom we assisted with Ogonite are very much happy. Towards a harvesting period like this, they at least have something to smile at. They have gotten bumper harvest and they celebrate it. Thy all associate that success with the Kikundi’s contribution. Some of them have promoted the Kikundii financially and we are very happy.

The Malawi farmers whom Nicholas and Chris gave some Orgonite are equally very happy with the result that they have witnessed. That is the reason why they have advocated for the fact that Nicholas and Chris should go there to Malawi and get the enough Orgonite.
Mrs O

Hello Ms O,

I just made a good Chrismas sale to my big customer so I could’nt do without a little gifting back. It’s my new way of gifting in fact ;–).

Hello Laurent, Good for that determination, i know our team the kikundi will also make such effort and do something worthwhile. Thanks i wish you Amerry Chrismas and a prosperous happy New year. Otherwise be well. Chris

Hello Chris,

as I just said to Dancan a big B R A V O to you alll !!! I am sure the gifting you did will bear amazing fruits for the time to come!

Hi Laurent
We thank you very much for what you have said, we are doing so well with the work. The whole kikundi appreciate you for what you have been doing for us. We know that with time we will be much better in every good work that we do intend to pursue.

Hello Dancan,

I am sure that day will come. Let us all make it come as fast as possible;–)

Hi Laurent,
Good to have a burning desire for the kikundi, really even us we are praying and very sure that we will finally excel in effort of gifting both new and old regions with in the globe.
We highly thanks Eric for the crystal that he had send us that we will receive by January, i also thank you for your constant support and energy boosting.Be well for the hours of reality is approaching for next month 15th i will travel to Malawi,i .Some of our fellows whom we had previously gave the mbolea after getting a good result they pleaded with us to visit them with some more.So i will make an effort of visiting the region together with my brother Nicholas

We are very happy for our Brother Georg( Egoli) have connected us with some good guys there and now we know we shall have some good people to work with.

Hi Eric
I Thanked you a lot and I got the materials you sent to me they will help us to make some orgonite in a good way
Mrs O