I don’t mean to bum you out. I just think that the challenge of discernment has been heating up in recent years and the very last shackles to be broken will be the Theosophy programming, which has even boogered most of the really talented psychics. I don’t call this a handicap because that would imply that psychics are permanently disabled by the programming. Anyone who believes in falsehood can educate him/herself out of that trap, after all. I don’t call Pajama People ‘sheeple’ for the same reason.
In the chatroom things run smoothly and spontaneously until some Theosophy bomb is dropped into the mix, then the spirit suddenly dies for a little while and we have to get our momentum back. It doen’t happen often and I usually keep my mouth shut because I don’t want the energy to degrade even further. It’s not stopping us, fortunately. I might be the only one in the chatroom who notices it, strange to tell, which is doubly weird. I keep telling folks that what we do is not organized or personality based. I’m living proof that it’s not pesonality based because if you were present in the chats you’d see me challenging some of the psychics and my fellow chatters (the ones who came out of one or another newage-sewage orientation) unmercifully. That’s not a politically correct or prudent approach but I don’t seek a personal following and I don’t insult anyone’s character or offend their hearts, as far as I know. I want to be informed if I do that, of course, so I can apologize and ask for forgiveness. That Theosophy dragon is fair game, though, in my opinion
Until a very few years ago nobody with an independent mind had the courage to draw attention to insidious and debilitating Theosophy programming because when one does that publicly, it invites an avalanche of personal castigations from complete strangers (usually initiated by an agent provocateur–I call the newage wailers and lamenters who join the ensuing fray, a ‘Greek chorus’), which is part of the slick mind control protocol of Theosophy, after all.
My karma has always run over people’s dogmas and I wish more people would do this, though. It really is time to finally lift the lid on this atheistic mind control monstrosity. It really is time for us to get clear of all the old bondage and baggage if we want to successfully assimilate this explosion of new, creative energy/information. What you do to stay viable in this unorganized movement is your affair but I fully hope, by the grace of God, to keep up with it and I’m pretty sure that this is impossible if we cling to any of the old corporate-spewed dogmae, including Theosophy/Masonry and bornagain chumpism.
The London-directed mass murder campaign carried out by a minority of people in China after World War Two is surely more a function of the inertia of feudalism, rather than an indication that Chinese people, generally, are inclined to intolerance and murder, don’t forget. Stalin’s slightly less heinous London/Washington-directed/financed mass murder campaign was winding down by then and we know that the Russian people were also just starting to get clear of feudalism. Communism failed to get established in Europe because of the existence of a sizeable middle class, of course. Russians are not generally bloodthirsty or intolerant, any more than Americans, Germans, Japanese or anyone else who’s corporate goverments incited mass murder in the 20th century. I know some Old Believers from Russia who are extremely devout but still have fairly open minds and they’re a lot of fun to be around–positive spontaneity is a sign of relative psychological/character balance, I think.
I’m looking forward to a time when we will have more information about the origin and history of the Triads, by the way, which I believe is the most ancient and powerful of $#!+bird agencies. After Peking quietly bought most of the global assets of the Illuminati in October, 2004, I was struck with the notion that the dark masters in the Gobi, whom the more ‘devout’ (chumpish) Theosophists refer to as The Great White Brotherhood, always controlled the corporate world order, even when the Brits were flooding China with Indian opium in the 1700s and 1800s. I hope to see more corroborative evidence of this if I’m correct.
The Hopi elders say that the yellow race are the guardians of the air, which is perhaps why so many of the psychic disciplines originated there. Even Freud’s Tavistock brainwash protocols are based on ancient Chinese technology, as are the more recent and much more extensive CIA/NSA Monarch Programs, which have literally subjugated, to a varying extent, nearlyall of the people born in North America since the late 1950s. The older, cruder, clergy-based masonic/luciferic protocols that spawned most of the current bornagain chump cults (including Mormonism, which is only nominally Christian) in the mid-1800s pale in comparison to the old Chinese stuff, in my view.
When Didier, who was Hong Kong Johnny’s gifting predecessor there, dropped some orgonite from a tour boat in Hong Kong Harbor a few years ago, a bunch of yellow dolphins showed up and the mostly-Chinese passengers made such a joyous racket when it unexpectedly happened that these rare dolphins (nearly extinct) kind of fled, which disappointed Didier. I encouraged him to focus on the fact that they actually showed up right after he tossed some orgonite overboard, as though they were waiting for it . This fellow moved back to France, not long after that, but I think Johnny, who might be the only person who gifts in China-proper regularly, met him before he left. This is not the same Didier who lives & gifts on Reunion Island, near Africa, and runs a French orgonite forum.
The only time I ever got well acquainted with a Chinese person was when I traded some sign painting with a Kung Fu master in exchange for lessons. This wonderful man was generous with his time and wisdom and if I weren’t struggling to keep my sanity after the loss of my children in a gruesome, Babylonian divorce court I’d have been able to stick around and learn more from him. My best friend in high school (Guam, 1966-7) was a Japanese national, though, so I had a chance to observe oriental customs and expression over a longer term, then. This was a couple of decades after the Japanese had been defeated on Guam, by the way, and there were still some soldiers in the jungle who had not surrendered. That little juxtaposition of cultures really appealed to my Ace of Spades nature [Image Can Not Be Found] and I’ve missed my friend, Hiroshi, ever since we left the island in opposite directions.
Carol and I did kind of befriend a middle-aged Chinese couple who owned a restaurant in downtown Moscow (Idaho, not Russia) where we occasionally ate. In that case, I noticed that the husband was afflicted after a severe stroke and was having a hard time using one side of his body. I offered to trade a Terminator zapper for some meals if it ended up helping him. It did help him recover quite fast and he kept using it, after that. He’s the one who told me that zapping all night on the palm would not result in a hole in the skin [Image Can Not Be Found] so that bit of information was payment enough, in my view. The wife made really good curried tofu.
Tetsuzi in Hiroshima is the only full oriental who contributes to EW for now, and I’m hoping that Jamie, who posts on EW, gifts in and around Yokohama and has a foot in each culture (Japanese and American) will grace us with some translated reports from my brother, Tetsuzi-san, who has had to resort to Babelfish to talk to the rest of us. Those two finally met last week. Tetsuzi is a pioneer in this global effort and has been earning a livlihood with his orgonite creations in Japan. Eddie in Kyoto intends to help Tetsuzi maret his wares more efficiently to the West through his link in the vendors’ section on EW. Japan might look like a small country to some of us but I understand that it’s not particularly easy to travel, there, so when these gifters get together I think it’s momentous. Tetsuzi has been putting earthpipes in Japan’s major faultlines from the south islands all the way up to Hokkaido in recent years, I think with the help of a few other determined people. Here’s my earthquake prediction for Japan: there won’t be any more big ones, from now on [Image Can Not Be Found]
The unspeakably lovely and fragrant, ancient rose of human unity is probably only fully visible and certifiable to the seeker if one will first acknowledge the thorns [Image Can Not Be Found] otherwise one’s view will be a saccharine fable, poisoned with programmed doubt. Something to think about, right? When we’ve gotten enough orgonite out in the world, the corporate world order, with all of its attendant mayhem and horror, will be fully exposed, then discarded, just like any other parasitic orgsnism.
Can you imagine a world without corporate parasites? I can.