Curious mail sabotage confirmation

There are many thousands of post offices in the US and only three where our packages to zapper distributors have been routinely sabotaged: Houston, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee and Macon, Georgia.

The Houston and Chattanooga problems were gradually solved after I repeatedly reported each abuse which was usually in the form of destroyed packages. In two cases the packages had been submerged in water long enough for the outer packages to completely dissolve and they were delivered that way to our customer. Very few zappers were ever damaged but here’s the latest round of sabotage in Macon, Georgia:

A week ago I mailed Craig Peachey another package of ten but forgot to send him the tracking number and he didn’t get the package. I had thrown away the receipt, unfortunately. So I immediately express-mailed him ten more and those arrived in a package that looked like someone had taken a hammer to it, then crammed it into his mailbox, damaging it some more. Fortunately, the zappers weren’t harmed. Thank grid for tough, ABS plastic [Image Can Not Be Found]

In this new case it’s evident that whoever molested the packages had been aware that I forgot to send him the tracking number. I’ve sent him packages at least twice per month for the past five years or so and we haven’t been sabotaged, there, in a couple of years.

Like with my very thorough preflight examinations each time I fly this has taught me that I just have to be more diligent with the tracking process. Carol’s impression is that those post offices in the Bible Belt are run by postmasters who are likely devoted freemasons/KKK and so are particularly friendly with the FBI, which also is mostly made up of masons, including KKK in some areas like the Bible Belt and Indian Reservations.

Speaking of Indians, Carol Two Eagle is the only other person I know in the US whose business packages are routinely interfered with in a post office. Her post office is in Washburn, North Dakota and the typical interference in her case is that the packages get sent back as soon as they arrive. She found a clever way around this, though I’ve asked her to also track the packages online since this alerts the criminals in the postal system that they’re not operating in secret. She asks people to use the street address of the post office and to then add her post office box. C2E has survived the FBI/KKK’s murder contract when she was an activist at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, which is where she lived. The FBI did kill her husband, though, who was a police official, and she then had to move away. I sometimes need to remind myself that most Americans (mainly Europoids) are grossly unaware of the extent of corruption, murder and mayhem that this federal gov’t commits every day, not to mention their Gulag Archipelago, which is the most extensive in human history and is essentially a free labor supply for the corporations that own and operate all of the politicians in this behemoth.

We blindered white people are supposed to assume that our prison system, mostly populated by people of color who have committed no real crimes, is so huge simply because only white people are not inherent criminals. How bizarre is that? Hopefully, enough people will wake up before long that a state will secede and the federal gov’t will then soon become a bad memory.

They go after our zappers just because they’re still our main livlihood. Andy Schwarm’s packages get treated to sledge hammers and other interference from time to time on account of the real threat to the corporate order that we all represent, which is orgonite. Andy is the biggest seller of orgonite in the US.

The sabotage of our zapper packages to distributors in Canada is probably more on account of the old War on Healers because the distributors who get the most damaged and destroyed packages from us have been physicians. Who would guess that nice Canada has the worst track record for the destruction of our packages in Customs? Britain is number two.
