This is kind of fun! The two contributors to EW who are getting the most severely hacked, this week, are Mrs Odondi and Joe Martin. Congratulations, wadugu!
Even though it’s currently beyond my capability as administrator to successfully enable them to post their reports I trust that by posting this congratulary message the NSA, MI6 or other sewer rat agencies who might be hacking their access will back away and let me re-register them.
At some point, Captain Azti may transfer EW to a more secure software setup that’s not so loaded with Bill gates (government terrorist agency hacker access portals) as EW currently is on this microsoft-based forum software, but meanwhile I rather enjoy exposing these fart hammers by telling you whose first hand reports they’re apparently terrified of letting you read. It’s sort of the way we earn medals in this silent war against humanity that these ancient parasitic families have evidently been waging against our species for millenia.
I just finished David Astle’s, The Babylonian Woe. There’s more good, suppressed archaeological data in his book than even in Sitchin’s and the good part of Astle’s is that he shares teh sources of this material; Sitchin evidently wants us to think that he came up with all of it in his books. Did you ever wonder why we are programmed to assume that plagiarism is okay? Astle had self-published this book in the 1960s and it wasn’t until the late 1990s that I began to suspect that the same bankster families who ruined civilizations in the dawn of recorded history are also the ones who are using the same methods to attempt to commit genocide to our entire race. Thank God they’re failing! Astle even predicted that China would overtake these families, which they fully did by 2004. Some of my pals in Europe are hoping that Peking will bail out the failing, bled-nearly-to-death European market very soon, as they did for North America in 2009 with debt free essential gift of three trillion dollars to the main thieves of the continent: the US Congress. I wonder if China’s letting Europe wallow some more in their misery in order to teach the Babylonian Banksters a final lesson. That’s the banksters’ current hive, after all. America was just a colony to them. London is their base of infection [Image Can Not Be Found] . I’ve always wondered at some people’s disinterest in the source of the current global woe that the banksters have painstakingly set up over thousands of years.
When it was in the prostituted media that Nathan Rothschild went begging to Peking for a few billion dollars to molest India some more with, about three years ago and China turned him down that was the first powerful confirmation, at least for me, that China’s hold on the reins of the world’s market is secure and that the Babylonians, as best personified by that wretched, inbred Rothschild clan, will never achieve (read: finance both sides and profit from) World War Three and genocide. Russia and China were supposed to go to war with the West but China blindsided these Babylonian freaks and fliipped them over, then post-Mao Peking eventually caused Russia to prosper so neither of those countries want to do anything but trade and prosper some more, by now. God willing, so will the US, Britain and Israel before long and then this failing, Fourth Reich, Muslim-terrorist scam that they’re running will be forgotten. China’s money, which is the only money on the planet that has any value, is debt free and is based on the productivity of the nation. I think they couldn’t care less who has gold or silver, both of which are still openly controlled by ancient, Rothschild-related Babylonian clans. They’ll always be fairly valuable, even when the parasites can no longer control supply and demand as they have done for millenia, but there’s no reason at all to base any currency on them, of course, any more than it’s necessary to base currency on diamonds or paintings. I’m stating the obvious and you have to wonder why more people aren’t saying these things but are rather spinning out into orbit from reading the disinformation of economic, alleged j’underground experts,’ all of whom ignore the elephant in the room, China.
I think Mrs Odondi’s hacking and the Africa-based email theft and impersonation assaults against her, Dancan Omollo and Christine Anyango (the three principles of the successful and expanding East African orgonite campaign) are the longest running, coordinated assault against any of us in this manner and she deserves a standing ovation from all of us on account of it. Well done, Mrs O-- Hongera (Congrats)! I’ll try again to enable her to post reports after this post has been up for a day or so, then I’ll report on my progress; same with Joe Martin, who is Joe M on EW.