Hallo Don,
3. We were distributing Orgonite in Lake Chad and you can see how the colour of the water is !
4.We are in lake Chad
5.We are distributing Orgonite and approaching some fishermen who need them .
6.The fishermen whom we have given Orgonite and they have already put them in water where they will fisher overnight.
I am in Lake Turkana and next week i will go back to Kisumu to take more Orgonite .
I will send you more pictures Tomorrow .
Dancan .
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Wow that’s brilliant! Are they making their own orgonite?
Lake Chad can really use it. It has been shrinking for the last decades or so.
Probably in line with the strategy to foment “wars over water” and create more “failed states” a la Robert Kagan, the en vogue think tanker for the establishment at present.
A Kagan is a Kazar king by the way.
Also Lake Turkana is a part of the Great Rift Valley system, that many think is the energetic spine of Africa.
Right, Georg–Mrs Odondi is overseeing the production of orgonite, which Dancan is distributing internationally, including regularly taking some to Christine Anyango in Sudan, who is also spreading orgonite among farmers and fishermen. As far as I know, they’re using small crystals (translucent pebbles are all crystals, so are suitable for orgonite) from stream beds. I had that discussion with Larry Odhiambo in Kisumu, who is working at creating a demand for those little basic zappers that Doc Batiibwe in Uganda is in the process of producing. Thx, Georg, for connecting us with the Chinese manufacturer of the zapper assemblies, by the way.
Georg knows more about Africa than any other Europoid I’ve met. I wish he’d hold forth more in posts about all that.
Some of us are priming the pump, sending regular donations, which they turn into orgonite to distribute. They’re brilliantly and resourcefully extending their network, now, and as soon as the first har vest arrives, next month, I think that public demand for orgonite will take a big leap. They’re already selling some, by the way. Orgonite is being used, commercially, in Kenya, Sudan, Chad and Rwanda, soon in Tanzania.
Funny about ‘Kagan,’ and I’m tickled to see that even the media whores are starting to bite at the heels of these antisemitic., murderous, corporat/masonic Zionists. I saw a headline story, this morning online, about the Israeli military murdering ten activists who were taking food to Gaza. Lots of kind-hearted foreigners are trying to take food to the beleaguered Palestinians, now. I think they’re heroes.
Someone ought to toss orgonite into all of these corporate/foundation think (stink) tanks [Image Can Not Be Found] . It would be fun to watch all these Algores and neocons scramble, then. I love the way Mullins showed that American left wing are in the Stalinist paradigm and the conservatives (faux right wing) the Trotskyite paradigm. J Edgar Hoover was in the business of protecting communists and mafiosi, which is probably why he called Eustace Mullins, ‘The most dangerous man in America.’ How does a bird fly with two left wings? [Image Can Not Be Found] Pretty soon, the lierals and conservaties in America who actually use their brains and eyes a little bit are going to see that they’re propping up a house of cards.
Over here, the regime is threatening to round up all of the people who openly (including in small, private groups–Big Pedophile Brother sees/hears all) criticise the government. It’s a numbers game, though. We decent thinking folks probably outnumber the parasites, finally, and we’re armed in the US, so enforcement is problematic for the parasites. It’s not like it was in the 30s, 40s and 50s, when most Westerners stupidly licked Big Brother’s hand. America has always been the keystone of parasitic tyranny, so their defeat/failure here will spread throughout the planet pretty quick.
Attention, as you can see with the media whores, is steadily shifting away from imaginary foreign terrorists and now the baleful eye of this bloodthirsty, racist and unlawful federal corporation is moving from innocent but swarthy foreigners to people (like me? [Image Can Not Be Found] ) who openly object to their parasitic tyranny. Does that make me an insurgent?
I certainly prefer a peaceful solution to tyranny (state secessions?) and I can’t imagine using any of my guns, even in self defense, but one way or another the entire world is obviously preparing to move beyond tyranny in a constructive way.
Carol and I only bought guns, way back when, so that the cops wouldn’t be sent by the omnipresent (in those days) FBI to plant drugs in our house and haul us off. It worked. I don’t even like to shoot them and I sure dislike cleaning them, after. I mean the guns, not the cops. There are some gifting cops, by the way.
Note that the Russians discarded their previous corporate/parasitic regime with almost no bloodshed and that was even before the internet–they used fax machines to spread empowering information. Carol’ pretty sure that martial law will be declared in July or sometime in the fall. We ought to assume that the night before that declaration, Homeland Security murder squads will go around to hundreds of thousands of houses like mine and shoot families in their beds around 2AM. I asked the psychics to look for tentative dates, which I’ll post on EW. You may have noticed that when any date is posted, the feds are constrained to make other plans. That takes them time, even when there are several contingent plans in place [Image Can Not Be Found] . They always have redundant plans,especially now that their failure rate has skyrocketed. Our sucker punch is good; theirs is ruinous.
I’m an optimist, so I believe it’s possible to prevent mass murder in America this way. Wouldn’t that be nice? Thank God for the internet.
Lake Chad is a loooong way from Kenya. Dancan Omollo is quite the gifting gadfly, now. He keeps a fishing boat at Lake Turkana and another one at LakeVictoria. Also, Chad is a very hard country to live in. I had a friend, many years ago–a coreligionist who lived and worked (secretary to a European corporate executive) in Chad for 8 years. She was middle-aged when I knew her and it was right after she returned to the US from there. She told me her brother in the CIA couldn’t fathom how she could have spent 8 years in that place because the CIA only puts people there for a year on account of the brutal living conditions and the violent crime–lots and lots of house invasions. She was pretty determined to stay there
Hallo Don,
- I am with some fisherman in Lake Chad
2.A Fish which was caught in Lake Chad after fishing
3.Fishermen in Sudan who use Orgonite
4.In Sudan ,some fishermen who Christine give Orgonite
5.Fishermen in Lake Turkana
I am in Turkana right now ,next week in will go to Kisumu .
This is a little out of sequence, but Dancan describes the trip in more detail, also mentions gthat Christine Anyango went along with him from Sudan:
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Dancan Omollo <[email protected]> wrote:
Hallo Don,
It was a long and tiresome jouney, involving changing of buses since we traveled on road and across borders . We took two days from Sudan to Chad.
We arrived in Chad on third day.The waters of lake were calm, due to low tides and the aquatorial climate makes this very suitable for navigation and thus lake Chad becomes unique compared to East-Africa’s lakes.Fishing is also done both in day and in the night contrary to both Turkana and Victoria.
In Chad, farming involves special modern methods, the crop is cocoa which does well due to favorable equatorial climate.
On the start of our compaign, it was difficult to communicate since most people speak french and their local languages while we speak English and Kiswahili. We were therefore forced to find a translator.
Together with Christine through our Translator we convinced thew fishermen on the use of Orgonite. Orgonite was put to test and they were convinced by the result,the realized much fish than ever before.As at now they are really in need of Orgonite.
We gave farmers too, they used on their farms and soon to find out the results of which I’ll go back, to Chad to find out next month.
Mrs Odondi is a good job in Kisumu. She has made some Orgonite and tomorrow I’ll go pick some for preparation for journey to Chad next month.
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