The orgonite manufacturing ladies in Kisumu, Kenya, have arranged with Dancan to take a lot of orgonite over to drought-stricken Turkana in Northern Kenya and he sends this initial report. I think the news is spreading pretty fast about orgonite in Kenya right now. The photo is of Dancan in his fishing boat on Lake Victoria. There’s a big lake in Turkana, too, and I think he’s talking with the commecial fishermen there. I’m going to ask him to get a photo of his boat under sail
The timing of his trip coincides with the planting of new crops, which is the perfect time to give orgonite to farmers, who will probably be even more appreciative of orgonite than most folks.
When Carol and I started offering orgonite for sale at shows where we sold our zappers from booths, years ago, we could barely give it away; now we sell gobs of it and I think the Africans are also at or near that happy stage, finally.
Hallo Don,
I am in Turkana and I am trying to take pictures for you to post .
Get the the attached my picture in the boat .
I wll send you more , Orgonite is in high demand alot in Turkana now because people have already seen its goodness and usefulness to them.
THanks alot ,
HI Don,
These are more pictures from Turkana .That is the Engine Baot that you sent me some money to buy,you can see it .I am distributing Orgonite to the people there .
The other picture from above :
The other picture is me on my boat riding it !
Lake Turkana , we are putting Orgonite in the water in the boat .
Other picture ,the lake shore of lake Turkana and the last picture is a wonderful harvest of the fish ,you can see the fish and the fishermen there .
Please put the pictures on the website,I am unable to put the pictures on the website .Put them for me.
Yesterday I went to visit some fishermen who owns some ponds with the Orgonite Mrs O send me some of Orgonite here in Turkana .
The Fishermen are very happy because the ponds dirty and the fish rearing was becoming expensive for them alot ,dying because of waste and dirt ,but after putting some orgonite in thier ponds they have seen the goodness and the ponds are attracting fish alot.
The Turkana people need alot of Orgonite and they have invited Mrs O to open a branch in Turkana because the demand is high.
I will met Christine in Lokichoogio to give her some Orgonite Mrs O gave me to pass to her .
Hello Don,
The Turkana people, farmers and fishermen are very happy with the Orgonite, which has made them realise great dreams, and they told me to take some to them, and so next month I will take some to them.
The Tanzanian farmers and the firshermen ave reported to me on how great they have achieved from the Orgonite. The fishermen told me that they get lots of new variety of fish that they never heve see.
My mother is very much delighted by the Orgonite power, which has enabled her send away farmine out of her midst.Receive their greetings.
Thnx Dancan.
Hi Readers
It’s in great record that all the achievement which i had incurred during my past years in Lake Turkana,all the photos above in a clear reflection of the greatest work which me together with my team had done.Its true that the whole areas of Turkanan previously had been a very dry region such that life with out fishing was a life without blood and water which was net to a complete perishing. Now when i introduce the orgonite to fishermen in this Lake the rate of fishing increased and also the production also doubled almost to cater for the high demand till some fishermen though i was playing some magics.
For the whole of my period in gifting especially to fishermen if i leave farmers for a while, i came to realized that fishing is a good business and can effectively improve human lives even in dry areas. People could easily survive due to the protein in fish,in fact when consuming fish even several kinds of diseases will not affect the human body and thus eating fish do stabilize human bodies lives.
When still on the positive aspect of orgonite in the water ,we found that areas where i had gifted almost two years ago,to date the waters around such places are still clean and pure for human consumption.In fact Lakes like Lake Turkana which does not even have an out let like Lake Victoria which do breath out through Rive Nile at Jinja through to Egypt, orgonite is the best purification agent ,and for sure we have done something quite remarkable in Lake Turkana
Eve though i have done much in this Lake ,it’s my obligation after coming from Moyale i will resume gifting in this Lake for every time impurities do come in to this Lake from the rain water when Rivers are flowing.So i will make sure that i reclaim this Lake back to it’s natural heritage
Thx Dancan
Gifting in Turkana
In Turkana life is now a bit promising for all the gifting which we had done has made the whole region to improve in terms of agricultural production. Last week I went and did most of the gifting on the mountainous regions along the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. On those regions formerly were mostly adopted by the pastoralist those who focus most of their attention on cattle rearing but nowadays after the introduction of the orgonite coupled together with consistence gifting now the region now many have resorted to farming which is the back bone of economy. I also managed to gift some death tower which had been too detrimental to that region.
Now I’ m very brave and bolt enough that the area will be recovered and be reclaimed to become fit for agricultural. On the sides of the Lake region In fact there things are now doing well and in fact life is quite promising for fishermen are getting their dues very well.
Now the place that I want to visit which is a bit sensitive in that place where oil had been discovered just for two reason. The attraction of many people there would bring many foreigners of which would come with different ideologies and other system of living, now despite the fact that my husband Dancan had gifted there some days back but I also need to visit the place again and at least also to add some orgonite for security purposes.
I hope all will be well
Lake Turkana among the regions which had suffered a lot for many years due to some environmental hazard like impurities due to lack of outlet rivers and draught, now after our gifting good things have been realize. The water is now very clean even frequent outbreak of diseases like diarrhea is no longer rampant. The water is now good for consumption and that is one of the achievements which the orgonite have ushered ion during these duration when our team resumed the work in the region.
The rains is also sufficient and not like before we launch our effort in that region, these also made us to have another development ,people now could do their farming without much difficulties. All the areas which rainfall was a dream to them now could smile for the rainfall is now good.
Thx Dancan