I gave a talk at a vegan raw food restaurant near Philadelphia a few days ago and an aggressive fellow in the audience held forth about chemtrails, quoting the currently most popular disinformation from the web. He wouldn’t shut up or discourse with me but I think I did manage to avoid losing the audience to hoplessness . While he was talking, I walked around and showed people a photo of a lively ‘rainbow Sylph’ beside a fresh chemtrail, which I’d taken in New Jersey earlier in the day. I suppose that was fast thinking on my part. After the talk, the fellow ‘apologized’ to me. He fit the profile of a professional disrupter.
Before the talk, Arnold, the proprietor, made the best ‘cheeseburger’ I’ve ever had. There are a lot of top chefs making tasty raw vegan food, now. There are even schools for it. I think it’s the wave of the future, even though I’m not vegan. The more of that stuff I eat; the healthier I get.
Before this fellow started stinking up the room I commented on the fact that when I do a search on any of the high profile ‘experts’ on fear porn sites I can’t find any information on them on the web but there’s plenty of information about most scientists who actually accomplish something. The fellow he was quoting allegedly worked for Bechtel, which is one of the main horrid companies that the Old Corporate Parasite uses to re-absorb most of the petrodollars from Saudi Arabia. They also build nuke plants and God-knows-what-else. I suspect that many or most of these fear porn artists are entirely made up characters.
I asked him if he personally knows the porn artist and he said, ‘No,’ but it was barely audible . A huge number of people in the early years who committed to the orgonite fieldwork effort contacted me, first, just to assure themselves that I’m not making all this up. The forum is more convincing for people in that quandary, apparently. I didn’t call the guy a porn artist in my question and before I could explain this essential accountability aspect to the audience he’d cut me off. I need to study how standup comedians deal with hecklers in the audience because that might hold a key for understanding how to deal effectively with the more skilled Delphi Protocols operatives in public talks.
One thing that this online chemtrail expert and many others on the web and lecture circuit insist is that everyone has high levels of aluminum and barium in our bodies due to repeated exposure to chemtrails, so I asked Dr von Peters to comment on it, based on the hair analyses of people in the affected countries that he’s been doing over the years. His hair lab is the most advanced in the world and the lab tests find even the most exotic metals and elements that no other labs will look for. He’s in Russia, teaching in a medical school but he told me the following:
Hello Don:
Most women will be high in calcium, but not super high, but that is due to the MDs pushing calcium supplementation to prevent osteoporosis. High calcium also causes osteoporosis, so a lot of it is coming from the high calcium intake.
Barium is not across the board. I do see some, but not in everyone. ChemBuster does detox barium from the system. Super high levels of barium are very uncommon. Usually there is a little in most people.
Ever since Griffith and his film on chemtrails I’ve heard about super high levels of aluminum -but I’ve never seen them. Most aluminum in the body seems to come from antiperspirants and is readily detoxed. I encourage everyone to use deodorants.
So to answer your question, no I’m not seeing really high levels of either.
I think the MDs (especially the so-called “natural” ones) and these hucksters are getting people to spend their money on pretty much worthless treatments, and it has hurt my practice; as most people find me after being bled white financially and want to be treated for free. I’m trying to come up with something to get my name out there more as a first resort, and ideas would be appreciated.
God bless,