Deliberatelyt Smashed Products in Customs and the US Mail

Yeah, some of us are ‘Specific Targets,’ again [Image Can Not Be Found]

Every few years, there’s a glut of physical sabotage of our various products, usually in Customs but also in the US Mail to certain cities, including Chattanooga, Tennessee & Houston, Texas.

Canada Customs has been the worst culprit for smashing our zappers sent, wholesale, to Alex at and to the physicians who are associated with North America’s premier homeopath, who lives in Ottawa.

I’ve posted about the worst of this, as have some of the other vendors who post on this forum. Many times, the damage is evidently done with sledge hammers.

There’s been a run of smashed zappers in Spain, the US and Malaysia in the past couple of weeks so I’m asking that each vendor, here, who has been subjected to this criminal treatment post in the thread so we can get these agency freaks to back away from our products that are in transit.

Be sure to tell about past atrocities, okay? Repetition really pays off. I think Georg Ritschl got the worst of it about seven years ago and in that case a high German customs official and the South AFrican postal system were key players. Andy Schwarm has shared pictures of his cloudbuster bases that were treated to repeated hammer blows in the US Mail, resulting in collapsed pipes. I think the sewer rats would have needed to use C4 to affect the orgonite base [Image Can Not Be Found]. Andy sent us photos of a couple of smashed zappers that a customer had received. These zapper cases are ABS plastic, almost indestructible unless one intentionally uses a huge amount of force. You could park your car on one and it wouldn’t collapse.

Opposing and discarding tyranny is best done this way, rather than throwing bombs or ‘writing to your [treasonous] Congressman.’ I often have to remind myself that most folks still don’t understand that WE are in charge, not hte corporate, parasitic world order.


Like this? Not sure if American or Australian Customs did this one.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

Thanks, Andy–that’s typical and the damage is obviously intentional, as we can see.

I got the following today from Craig in Macon, Georgia, who sells our Terminators on E-Bay. It’s the only exclusive arrangement we have with a distributor and it’s exclusivfe because a sewer rat started buying the Ts and selling them at cost, just t undermine Craig. I refused to send her more, then she got extremely abusive toward me and is now selling an expensive knockoff of Andy’s $35 zapper (not selling many, either). It takes capital to develop something like that. A similar move was made (and failed) last fall in another market. We’re flattered by the knockoffs and we saw this coming a long time ago, so decided to keep the hidden subtle energy components of our Terminator a secret. Georg’s knockoffs are the only ones we encourage.

We add delivery confirmation or signature confirmation slips to all our packages sent to US customers and we email the tracking numbers on the customs forms to all of our foreign customers. This has really cut down on the sabotage, especially in the worst-offender countries: UK and Canada. We’ve never failed to track a package with delivery or signature confirmation but one of Craig’s was stolen in his own post office, The photo of the delivery confirmation receipt shows that a clerk in the post office had stamped it. We’ve found the postal system in the US to be very reliable and if a package is left at the end of the day, unaccounted for, it’s a serious issue. He had tossed orgonite around that post office after some pretty heinous sabotage occurred to one of my packages to him. I suppose the sewer rats (CIA?) resent his success on E-Bay.

Hey Don, has this ever happened to you? I have enclosed a pic of the Delivery Confirmation Slip…I sent a customer a T and got a delivery confirmation slip from the Post Office…she didnt get the T and send me an email wondering where it was at…I entered the number on the USPS site and there is no record of it…that is very strange…I am going to pay a visit to the Post Office tomorrow…any suggestions?


I’ll just keep adding sabotage reports to this thread as I get them. This has been helpful for stopping sabotage campaigns in past years. Only chumps ‘write their Congressmen’ or tell the cops [Image Can Not Be Found]


Hi Don

This past month it has taken almost 3 weeks to get two boxes of crystals to Canada.
The hold up has been on this side with the usps routing them through two separate sorting facilities in NY and NJ before sending them on to Canadian customs.

The boxes had been sitting for what reason I don’t know a lot longer than what I would think is routine.

I hear the post office is laying off people and closing outposts, so it could all be a lack of labor that is slowing down the mail.

Once the boxes went through Canada customs they moved right along to their destinations.

I did have my first lost and non delivered box of Amethysts last week in over 6 years of shipping crystals and aluminum shavings.
That box didn’t make it to downtown Cincinnati. [Image Can Not Be Found]


Before six years ago, I had to spend 8-12 hours per day just on personal email, mostly to do with orgonite work. I did a whole lot of hand-holding in those days and quite a few of them ended up stabbing us in the back but now, people who succeed in plowing through all the fakers at the top of the search engine lists to find us usually just take the information on EW and get to work. These folks are mostly self-accountable, I’m happy to say. Now, I get through my daily inbox in an hour or so, most days. I really don’t mind that the less-stable curious people are evidently afraid to email me [Image Can Not Be Found] on account of tales of intimidation of the curious by the hackers of the CIA/NSA/FBI/MI6.

Many millions of people are now under direct surveillance, mainly in the US, Canada, Australia and UK . The corporate world order still fondly hopes to turn the entire planet into a slave labor camp, like they did in China in the 1950s and much of the sabotage of our packages to some of these folks who are under surveillance can be accounted for this, way. I learned of another case of sabotage in UK Customs, today, by the way.

I got the following email from someone who is evidently not being frightened away from reading EW:

AT&T is at it again! Yesterday your answer
was in my inbox, today it’s gone. Only my
note to you remains. Fortunately I had copied
your answer with pen and paper.

This is not the first time I lost emails, that may
be considered ‘sensitive’.

The last time I went to the etheric warriors
site, all my bookmarks disappeared without
a trace, so I thought I would wait to visit that
site, until I have all my newer bookmarks
copied, so I won’t lose them again.

AT&T was caught spying on customers, but
they are still doing it. Maybe the gov. pays
them and protects them.

Any comment on this?


Welcome to our world, ****.

On the positive side, we can’t discard this terrorist regime until enough people recognize its essentially criminal nature and this is coming to pass. I think that as soon as one American state secedes, most of the rest will quickly follow–a successful and bloodless revolution against the tyranny of excessive centralization.

Direct surveillance of millions of awakening people by these felons is just the tip of the iceberg; I’m patiently waiting for enough people to recognize that this terrorist regime also rape and slaughter children, wholesale. That seems to tug at people’s heartstrings more than this sort of oppression or their foreign massacres do. For me, the wrongful imprisonment of many millions of people of color, on account of the accident of birth, is enough justification to turn racist, murderous, dope-dealing Washington, DC, into a penal colony.

Thx for telling me about this. Why not use public computers for visiting EW, for now? I’m posting this, without your full name, so I expect they’ll back away from you a bit, now. You did good!

I had a similar experience in May, 2002, within an hour or two of posting simple instructions for ‘flipping’ the then-new, ubiquitous death towers. I posted it on the first cloudbuster forum, which I was administrating; an obscure Yahoo forum. I was immediately blocked from posting on my own forum, our business website was locked and I couldn’t access it and all of the addresses in my earthlink mailbox suddenly disappeared (our zapper customer data base).

For the next few days, all of my business-related email got hacked & I couldn’t receive it until I started using an online mail service.

Even with all that, and considering that the CIA owns and operates, those gifting instructions were not removed [Image Can Not Be Found] and this points to the simple truth that the corporate world order is merely parasitic and not more powerful than you and I are.

This unorganized healing movement grew even faster after I posted that, doubling, tripling and more every year since then.

We sorted out the other hacking problems within days and never missed a beat with our business, though the CIA and NSA have tried many times to ruin us, since then. I was later told that the NSA owns and that the West Coast hindquarters of the NSA shares a gated complex with Earthlink outside of LA. The compound has guard towers in the corners, heheh–workers are not happy? [Image Can Not Be Found]


I am having some very very weird things happen with all my electronic comm devices. I’ll be re-gifting the tower they just put up in the other village.

Actually Don from my research this already is a “slave camp”. From my understanding there are no countries on the planet only “corporations.” Thus if you have a valid birth certificate, passport etc from one of these corporations then you have agreed to be their property. A marriage cert is a business agreement between the two people and the corporation. When that couple has a baby and gets a birth cert, they have technically given all rights of ownership of that child to the corporation.

I feel with this knowledge and understanding of how the world is really set up, it will inspire others to get tossing orgonite in massive quantities and to flip the energy of this fraud. The fraud goes back a long long way. The birth certificate for example is just a re-inventing and re-packaging of the “slave number” that was used. It’s all the same, nothing has changed. From this solid footing of understanding I feel we can learn to “back ourselves out” of this slavery and set things right. But this could take time and thank goodness we have orgonite at our disposal.

All the best…hkj

PS I was saddened to hear that David Wolfe sold his company Sunfood to the “son of Monsanto”. Why did he do that ? For the fake Federal Reservwe notes created out of thin air? Anyway, we all make choices and decisions, but he could have passed it on to a more ethical party.

i am waiting for a batch of zappers and i am checking with post office today, see if the Spanish Customs behave themselves. lol

I may have spoken too soon [Image Can Not Be Found]
Seems the Canadian post office returned my tb’s because the address did not exist [Image Can Not Be Found]

That’s rather strange considering it does and the person receives mail there often.

This mail thing to Canada gets more bizarre everyday.


Thx, Eric, and your problem with Canada Customs, which is the absolute worst of all the world’s Customs/Postal Gestapo in our experience, is similar to a problem we’re having with the New York City Postmaster or some FBI schmucks whom this guy allowing to commit crimes under his purview, like the Houston and Chattanooga Postmasters (masonic/KKK good old boys?) have been allowing in our case for ten years. I’ve met and worked with a whole lot of postmasters and all but one whom I met are honorable and reliable. The dirty one I did some work for was in Klamath Falls. People who worked for him reminded me of the Russians under Stalin and it was like pulling teeth to get the guy to pay me–go figure. I don’t know if he’s still there; this was in 1997.

I can see how the sewer rats can dominate a Customs hierarchy but the postal systems in most countries are competitive businesses, especially now.

This time, an Arab in New York City (with ‘Muhammad’ as part of his name) who ordered a zapper from us has been unable to get the last three that we sent to him in December. Two of those were returned to us, over a month later, with ‘insufficient address’ on one and ‘notice was left but customer did not retrieve it’ on the other. The correct address is on both packages.

The third was express mailed and that one is just not being given to the customer, a month later. I’m posting this, also sending some energy to the zapper, to encourage the terrorists to let it get delivered.

Eric, if you have those photos of those very unhappy NSA terrorists that you took in the restaurant in Florida right after our naval orgonite-flinging raid at the back door of the big nuke plant in 2006, please email them to me, okay? I want folks to clearly see that feds are not patriots. A glance at the allegedly human sewer rats in these photos will show it better than words could [Image Can Not Be Found]

You really counted honors on the terrorists, that day, and I don’t want that to get lost in the shuffle. You posted it on EW, then, but the content was probably lost in the subsequent NSA raids on the site. Exposure is the best way to get rid of tyranny, now.

I now use the term, ‘counting honors,’ because Auntie Carol Two Eagle says it’s more accurate than ‘counting coup,’ which was the Europoids’ inadequate interpretation for how American Indians generally prefer to do battle.


National Security [Sphincter] Agency–the top-o’-the-dungheap assassin/spy/brainwash organization in the US, also a subsidiary of British Intelligence.


Johnny, the corporations rule as parasites, only. Most folks don’t realize that a very large percentage of Americans, including Carol and I, won’t pay federal taxes. The number is far too large for the feds to successfully intimidate, now. This wasn’t so in the 1950s, when the entire world was more afraid of parasites.

This puts them in a hard place. Carol and I reckon that the US Alleged Gov’t now need to either declare martial law and attempt to enforce all the new Hitler/Mao/Stalin legislation they generated or else people will ignore them at a rapidly increasing rate. The terrorist scam was supposed to get us all back in line, of course, and that failed early on. It worked all over the world in the 1940s and up until the 1980s.

Just like the alleged ‘national debts’ these alleged ‘contracts,’ such as a newborn infant ‘agreeing’ to receive a slave number, are only paper claims, not based in natural law, so not really enforceable. The ‘borrowed’ money didn’t even exist; it’s all just book keeping entries and the ‘lenders’ simply add more zeroes on the right side of their alleged ‘assets’ in order to lend money. The doomsayers strain themselves to ignore this, of course, but most of the more strident ones are gold merchants, after all.

Economics debates are not really the subject of this thread but a lot of the contributors to EW insist that world civilization will collapse tomorrow on the basis of paper debts being assumed to be real. Anyone who hopes for this collapse is welcome to post his/her concerns in a dedicated thread on EW and I won’t comment, there.

Parasites rule by deception and intimidation; a paper tiger. I think this does relate to the sabotage subject, since parasitic bureaucracies like Customs Houses derive power from the population’s complacency and in our case I think they want to make orgonite-tossers and healers look like terrorists to the Pajama People. Even the mainland Chinese are evidently losing their fear of Big Brother. I was told that more American cars are sold in China than in any other country in the world, for instance, and even ‘leisure’ aviation is a growing market, there. It’s worth knowing that most of the parts for those cars and airplanes were made in China, I suppose [Image Can Not Be Found]

Exposure is the key and it’s a numbers game. Some say that less than one percent of the population needs to become aware in order to sweep away this insanity. I think we’re close to whatever the critical number is and a whole lot of people say the same, now.


I did one better Don and made this video of the spooks from the still photos I took of them while we were at the Cracker Barrel in Stuart FlA for dinner on the day you, Carol, Jeff and I were out on the zodiac tossing orgonite into the intercoastal back in the winter of 2005/2006 . It’s a kind of weird anomaly in the photo of the one guy in black having a red heart shaped beam of light on his chest.

The chinese lady in the video is the spook/psychic that was sitting next to Jeff and I went we went out to dinner at Schooners in Jupiter one other night.
The grumpy guy spook in the pickup truck is the last spook I saw in the shopping plaza in Jupiter before I jumped on 95 to head back to MA. Doesn’t he look like a deer in headlights [Image Can Not Be Found]
The spook couple in the truck were scouting you and I out while we spud gunning tb’s into lake Okeechobee.
I wish I had the same spook attention out here on Martha’s Vineyard, because now I"m using my cell phone camera to catch pics and video and it is much faster and easier to handle than my old point and shoot digital, perfect for taking
photos of spooks and nsa pavement artists.

Eric [Image Can Not Be Found];

Thanks, Eric! Good work. A few of us, yourself included, remember when the feds were all over us like dog$#!+ on a shoe [Image Can Not Be Found] . Genghis Kilroy nicknamed you ‘Mr Magoo’ after he went on a orgonite-flinging sortie with you. He was watching the very angry federal sewer rats whose little paws you were stepping on. Kilroy also eloquently went to bat for me during the time when I was expelled from the second (CIA-sponsored) orgonite forum in August, 2003 . That was fun and it backfired on the fellow who owned the forum, who threw in the towel about a year and a half later, on April Fool’s Day, on account of lack of traffic on the site. By then, this forum was going strong. The faker forums are actually performing a useful role for us: screening the unstable and the self seekers by snaring them in the Tavistock behavior mod protocols that they use. Persistent, serious folks find EW in a timely way. I love the relative obscurity here, by the way–a congenial global effort among friends. is a fascinating website, full of his exquisite paintings (mostly portraits) and music. I tried to persuade him to put more of his music there–he’s a gifted composer and is skilled with several instruments.

Those sewer rats you photographed were obviously anxious about the Florida HAARPicane Prevention campaign for that year & one or two of the FBI thugs even poisoned our beloved dog, not long after a SWAT team surrounded our house at the FBI’s behest. I asked them why they were there and they just packed up and went away [Image Can Not Be Found] . There were a couple of FBI guys (looked like mercenaries) staring at Carol and I while pretending to have a job picking up doggy doo at a kennel next door to us, before the poison incident and one of these guys kept approaching our dog, even when we were home. After the poisoning, we never saw them again and the intimidation slacked off. That was toward the end of that eventful year. I wonder what the FBI pays field operatives to pick up dog $#i±-do they get humiliation pay, something like combat pay?

It’s fun to pick out who among the sewer rats within your purview out in the field are probably FBI, CIA or NSA. I think the attractive couple in the car/truck who were smiling at the camera were NSA, for instance–NSA field rats often have panache and some of them, like the ‘panhandler’ who was standing beside our car one day, dress in expensive, stylish clothing. CIA work so hard at being nondescript that they stand out in a crowd, like a black and white photo in among color photos. FBI generally just look like schoolyard bullies, often with a military demeanor. The MI6 fart hammers who tried to frighten my wife in Ireland and England were much more aggressive but she laughed in their faces. I don’t think that any of these corporate felons are prepared to do anything that will draw public attention to what all of us are doing, so why not have some fun at their expense?

I chronicled all of that surveillance and intimidation stuff when we were in Florida but most of those posts probably went away in subsequent hacker onslaughts… The site that was hosting my journal reports just about every month (PDF, here, as 'The Adventures of Don and Carol Croft), starting in June, 2001, abruptly stopped posting them the week that we moved to Florida in the fall of 2005… That site then increased its disinformaiton content and even featured one of our primary detractors at the same time but we saw it coming almost from the beginning, of course, when we met the fellow in person who owns the site. I rarely hear about that site, any more.

You’ll see a clear pattern of infiltration and sabotage in every progressive movement since the early 1900s and especially after WWII and I think it usually works because the vast majority of nice folks who commit to improving humanity’s lot in new ways just won’t face the reality of highly skilled and organized subterfuge. It’s time for all nice folks to get more streetsmart.

I’m still sort of nice and Carol’s nicer than ever [Image Can Not Be Found]

By the way, another customer in Spain is not getting his zapper after a month and a half. I intend to report each transgression until this international wave of sabotage finally stops. The sewer rat agencies do this to several of us a couple of times per year, usually coinciding with other slimy assaults. Anyone who’s paying attention knows that this is not a ‘national’ problem and that there are no more sovereign nations on our planet since before WWII. Every locality has the power to govern itself, though, when enough people decide, as Carol and I have, that it’s time to stop apologizing for corporate parasites.


When Eric arrived in Florida his car was hit with an energy weapon when he was waiting for a traffic light to change. His engine’s computer was melted [Image Can Not Be Found]

The same thing happened to Carol and I, three years later: Georg and family were visiting from Africa and we were on our way to meet them in Seattle to drop a load of earthpipes from our boat onto that underground/underwater navy base in Puget Sound. It happened as we were gassing up, here, on our way to Seattle. It only delayed us a day.

The coolest sabotage, though, was when the sewer rats pumped about thirty gallons of fresh water into the Zodiac’s fuel tank (holds sixty gallons) on the eve of a reef/underground-base gifting trip that took us 50 miles beyond KeyWest. Fortuntely, we made it all the way back and the engine only hiccupped a moment when we were out there, about the time that a US Navy gunboat started steaming in our direction (we were right on top of one of their rotten hives). We turned away, then it did, too. Thanks, Operators!


The hiccup with my car was that the electronics in the fuel pump were fried at the stop light, not
the engine’s computer. It was still sabotage none the less and still cost me $600. to replace and fix it.
There was one spook that got away from my camera lens on my last day in Florida.
I went to a gift shop in Tequesta and a male spook followed me into the store. He
was obviously stalking me, maybe to shoot me with an implant or something,
I don’t know. At this point in my trip my senses to spot them was very keen and
this knuckle head couldn’t look like a tourist if he tried. He wasn’t interested in any merchandise in the shop, just following me around and giving me dirty looks.
Most of the time they don’t want to be noticed, but this guy seemed to want me to
know he was there. I left that store and headed to the highway, but first got gas
at the plaze where I spotted the vietnam era looking marine in the video checking me out while sitting in his truck trying to not look out of place.
If looks could kill, I would have been dead in that parking lot [Image Can Not Be Found] .

some zappers have been retained at Argentinan customs. Let s see if they behave of we have to add another place to the list.