I hesitated to post this, as per Don’s injunction regarding the focus of EW. However, this IS, certainly, apparent cause for obtaining Psychic Intel thereof and, moreover, targeting whatever is discovered for boosting.
If this is correct, then we are at the brink… The article claims GRU (Russian Military Intelligence Sources). We know there has been a lot of activity at FEMA Region III (DC Area). Preparations for “Martial Law”. Planned Power Grid “tests” (google GridX). And a number of other indicators.
Our own psychics have mentioned, on EW, that something is seriously afoot. Of course they, and we withour boosting in support, work to dissolve/disrupt these timelines… If this is true, then this “Epic Fail” for Obama is proof of our psychics (and others I’m sure) success.
Regardless, we must be vigilant as regards the Miscreant Elite’s next move…
http://www.eutimes.net/2013/10/obama-ou … harleston/
PS: I don’t want this to appear as “Fear Porn”… It is not. In fact, this is a victory, as the Miscreant Obama, and those who pull his strings, apparently have been thwarted…