Ever since Kelly did his initial research and concluded that distilled water is better at absorbing and ‘keeping’ orgone when in a closed container, I’ve been drinking cloudbustered distilled water daily. I even made a special CB that can hold a gallon of water between the pipes near the top. I can tell you from my experience that water like this tastes better and is more energizing than any water I’ve drunk before.
I can tell you that the talented and more energy sensitive among us use things like gold colloid, etc., productively but my hope, as always, is that we’ll all keep in mind the awesome power of unadorned orgonite and the simplicity of related approaches. It’s human nature to be drawn irrationally to the arcane and mysterious and what escapes many folks is that we still haven’t yet figured out how basic orgonite works, much less the more subtle workings of gems, colloids, etc. I really want to keep this in perspective but the responsibility is mainly on the readers, not on the aficionados like Kelly, Cesco, Carol, Ryan, etc., who certainly have a right to express and explore their more arcane findings.
I’m not much of a researcher, though I’ve got some basic inventions under my belt. Anyone can come up with inventions, by the way, and anyone’s welcome to promote them, confident of our support when they pan out.
Asking Kelly to rehash the months he spent before discovering the distilled water feature may be a little much to put on him and I hope his postings from that period on a previous board can be retrieved. At any rate, there should be something in public record about it, I agree.
For all the noise and horse$#!+ out there that presumes to be research I don’t know what to say to newcomers, other than, ‘Caveat emptor, and welcome to the world of discernment.’
It would be counterproductive to personally expose the poseurs because it would work as free advertising for them and, worse, would give them an excuse to say that we’re persecuting them (every genuine person roots for the underdog, after all). I rather believe that the power of attraction is better in the long run and that’s accomplished through earning good reputations and then posting our discoveries and considered insights.
YOu may have noticed, reader, that there are few, if any, chestpounders or Chicken Littles here and this is no accident. I simply won’t allow it and I’ve chosen substantive people to post, here, who have mostly convinced me that they’re not inclined to stink up the place, so you won’t likely see names disappearing here, though a mole now and then is inevitable.
As I’ve mentioned, a discredited site that represents this network but has been a garden plot for sabotage and sociopaths, so doesn’t have our personal support, will gradually expire and drop away. It’s much better if we don’t push them in that direction. As ever, I encourage unwitting substantive people who still post on boards like that (these few are no longer attacked by the saboteurs and their peanut gallery, of course, unless they bring up the subject of board integrity) to consider that they’re the ones who are keeping the breath of life in those decayed URLs and I also ask them to consider whether this is helping or hindering this unorganized movement.
I think it’s really enough to clearly identify and recognize the m.o. of poisonous boards, then avoid them. The Operators will take care things in their own time, not ours, don’t worry. The best way to learn how to avoid stepping in $#!+ is to take our cues from them and to keep our eyes on the path in the moment.