Doc Kayiwa's Southern Sudan Report


It has has been some time since I last visited Southern Sudan, and when I returned from there recently we were involved in general and presidential elections in Uganda, which kept me busy.

I’ve just now had a moment to write down some interesting things that happened since I was there.

Southern Sudan was a war zone for more than thirty years but peace has been made there after an agreement was signed by the government in Khartoum. Sudan is primarily Arab, as you may know, except the southern part.

A year ago life started coming back to normal in Southern Sudan and I took advantage of the peace to go there a few months ago and distribute orgonite in the region.

When I arrived there was a severe drought and most of the people I met looked quite sick and hopeless. I spent a week traveling around Southern Sudan, handing out orgonite gifts.

When I returned, three weeks ago, life had returned to normal and it had been raining a lot. The animals are healthy, business is coming up well and people are are happy.

Most of the Sudanese I met asked me a lot of questions about what I was doing on the second trip, so I told them about orgonite’s effect and that they would continue to keep their health. I can tell you that it’s better that these folks have no access to conventional medicine and if we can educate them more about how to use local herbs and things like zappers they can be much healthier than people are in America and Europe.

I learned today from reports that the area I gifted is more peaceful than it’s been in the past year.

By the way, Don, I can tell you that the lake [which the Doc and I gifted in December, ‘03]—it was like a sewer before. ~D] at Namugongo has remained clear and there are more fish there than ever.

Now, I’m planning to go to Congo, the northern part where there is still a war. I’m not worried and I can get around. I’m waiting to meet the President [of Uganda] so I think I’ll go at the end of next week.

I want to send my gratitude to our financial supporters! The work is much appreciated here and they are partners in this great work of healing Africa.

Have a nice time and I’ll tell you more when I have time.

I remain,

Your friend,

Dr Rushidie

The Doc flew to Khartoum last week and is on his way home now. While there, he met with the prime minister and several cabinet members and he said they were quite inteterested to hear about what orgonite can do for the environment; also interested to hear about the true nature of the new towers that proliferated throughout Sudan four years ago and what can be done to neutralize them.

HOw would it be if our own government leaders expressed any interest in these things?

He addressed the science conference and was also invited to address several university student audiences.

I gather that he was able to get a direct flight home to Uganda but he’ll meet our Kenyan comrades before long, one way or another.


Here’s the Doc’s report of the Khartoum visit:

Hi, Don:

On Sunday, April 9, I arrived in Khartoum, which is the capital of Sudan. I received a warm welcome from dignitaries, then booked in a hotel downtown. Khartoum is as hot as Mombassa.

On Monday I met with the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister. Over dinner, the Minister of Health and I discussed zapper technology and what zappers can do for the sick.

The Sudanese government is composed of Arabs, who are the main population of the north. The main population of the south is Black and the war that just ended was between the north and the south.

The Arabs in Sudan generally don’t believe in modern medicine and they enjoy better health and longer lives through herbal medicine. They were very happy to know about zappers, though, and wanted to try the ones that Don sent me, which I brought along.

I gave one Terminator Zapper, each, to the Minister of Health, the Vice President and several other Ministers whom I met.

Sudan is isolated from much information, like any other African country, and since the government are mostly Arabs they associate more with other Arab countries.

I educated them about the dangers of vaccines and chemtrails and they were open minded. I visited some of their hospitals to assess the number of cancer and HIV patients and it was not much different from Uganda but the cancer cases outnumbered the HIV cases in Khartoum.

They were very interested to learn of the importance of orgonite and they could see the connection between the new towers and the changed weather patterns. For the last twenty years [HAARP reached its current momentum in the 1980s, worldwide] there has been almost no rain, the wind blows continuously and shifting sand covers much of the landscape now.

My approach was simple and got their attention. Some of them have Western friends who are on our side and freelly help Africans improve our health and standard of living.

The Sudanese government officials were very happy to receive this information and they have a lot of supporters in the Arab world. They want me to regularly address Khartoum’s university student population. I visited the university’s medical school, this time, and the students and faculty were very happy to hear that there is a solution to the problems caused by chemtrails.

I have some contacts for you, which I’ll send a little later. Right now I need to go to Rwanda to finalize an agreement [gov’t business, related to the Doc’s work] and I feel a need to go to Kenya, too.

Greetings to Carol and Steve.

Your friend,

Dr Rushidie

It really brings joy to my heart reading these historical reports.
I hope I aint the only one recognizing the significance of both Don and Dr.Rushidies efforts, dedication and hard work.
Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us, I am proud to be a member of this board.


Thanks, Cesco–I’m honored that you participate here.

NSA hackers have been working around the clock to interfere with people who post on this board and they completely destroyed EW twice last fall and winter. Steeve Debellefuille and Jacques Lasselle rebuilt it and increased the security feature, also archived the large volume of previous posts, which are available here.

The site traffic is relatively slow but we’re building up a formidable amount of empirical evidence and public record now. It may be that EW will survive and even thrive, in spite of opposition and sabotage, and I have faith that when orgonite reaches mainstream awareness EW’s mere survival will be the strongest indicator that we represent a viable, grassroot network of genuine self-starters in the world and it will then expand exponentially, we believe, leaving the What To Think Network’s fakers, chest pounders, noisy sycophants, clever disinformants and backchannel poisonmongers (all of whom want dearly to take all attention away from the genuine network) in our dust, which is where they belong.

One of the marvellous things about gifting in Africa is that there is no formidable espionage/sabotage infrastructure, there, which compares with what we have to contend with in the West. I don’t think many Americans are old enough to remember when we had as much genuine freedom in this country, sad to say, but we’ll all surely prevail.

The Doc was in a hurry when he sent me the previous report and he sent the following to me yesterday, which fleshes it out more:

[Dr Rushidie Kayiwa continues:]

I realize that the Arab community want to dominate all of Sudan. They found it difficult to do that, but are eing helped by the Big Boys over there, as you know.

The economy is not that bad. The Khartoum government has easy access to the Arab world and they have done whatever they can with the help of the Big Boys to keep Southern Sudan behind.

I talked to students and professors in the University of Khartoum who are worried about the future of their nation. They said things in Sudan have gotten worse after 9/11. The Governor of Khartoum was impressed by my speech. He drew me aside, afterward, and told me that people like me are needed to shed some light on the hidden agenda of Big Brother toward Africa. His name is 'Abdu’l Halim.

I visited the university for women, in addition to the University of Science and Technology. There are Canadian women professors there and you can imagine what they are teaching. I want you to know that we have at least changed the minds of many people in Khartoum and the educated ones are coming on board quickly. It doesn’t take them long to see the truth in what we’re presenting.

My week-long visit was much appreciated by government officials, academics and the students of the three universities I visited. Khartoum is not a large city; the population, according to the census in 2000, is 474,029 and it’s obvious to visitors that they are mostly Arabs.

I made connections, while there, to visit Morocco and Libya and as soon as arrangements have been made I’ll let you know. It was quite an adventure for me to visit an Arab land again and I wish you were here to at least visit Southern Sudan with me. I’ve made up my mind to visit Kenya as soon as funds are available so that I can finish what I was prevented from doing last December.

Please give my greetings and love to Carol and Steve [Baron]

I remain,

Your friend,

Dr Rushidie