Does Orgonite Emit 'Positive Ions?

Hi Don,
I am new to the orgonite movement and am excited to discover the energy method. I have read the posts in the EW forum a lot and learned a lot. I meant to register and post this following link I found confusing but apparently the forum is closed so I decided to contact you through your website.

The link seems to indicate all the orgonites are emitting positive ions and therefore harmful than their “orgonium products”. I did not know the term "orgonium’ until I read their page. What do you think about this? Just curious.
[she provided the link but I’m not sharing it because disinformants want to be attacked openly in order to create the illusion that integrity conflicts with deceit. ~Don]



Connie, there’s lots and lots of disinformation put out by the agencies about orgonite and this will probably increase exponentially as orgonite approaches mainstream awareness.

Anyone who will use a tri-field meter can see that orgonite seems to rather create a negative-charged static field for some distance around the object. This probably explains why orgonite clears and cleans polluted water and the atmosphere and suppresses parasites in gardens and farm fields while improving crop health and yield consistently.

Thanks for sharing the disinfo site, though. I find it useful to keep up with all that and to answer back to false and misleading data, when possible, but I don’t have the time to hunt for it.

I’m always watching out for people to post gifting reports, here, but as a courtesy to our readers and for the sake of the record I encourage people to rather send their questions, challenges, comments, etc., to individuals who post on EW.


I saw that same “orgonium” link and got an immediate chuckle out of it. Looked like a big gumdrop and made of light yellow colored resin with some kind of thin metal disk on the bottom. Felt “dead” to me. Definitely disinfo.

You also have to realize that anyone can say anything they want on the internet and most times don’t get called for it. Even things like testamonials. You going to call them and ask for their links to those making them to verify its not all a line of crap (a lot of times its just made up)? Be careful what you choose to believe. Run it through your heart and if it doesn’t feel right, TRUST your feelings!

Negative makes sense. The Earth is negatively charged. When lightening happens, clouds are positively charged and the charge “jumps”.

Thing is, most people don’t realize that lightening doesn’t “come down from the clouds”. It goes up from the Earth TO the clouds.

Old Ben Franklin got it backwards. Current doesn’t flow from positive to negative but instead from negative to positive which it would have to be for lightening to originate on Earth.

You can find videos on the web of slow motion photography during lightening hits. You will see the bolt originates on the ground, NOT in the clouds.

Since the Earth herself is good, it stands that orgonite would increase this good energy and that means negatively charged energy.

Think about this. IF orgonite were bad (its not), since its been around probably 10 years by now and probably in numbers of millions around the world, people would be dropping like flies do to its effect. Case is, they’re not and the skies and ground energy and waterways of the world are quickly heading to the good side of the wire because of it. Orgonite is about as good as it gets. Anyone who says otherwise is talking through their hat (wink).