I think the tubes are melted quartz, which recrystallizes during the final manufacturing process in which it’s heated to incandescence after
molding and forming. This is also how they make the quartz ‘singing’ bowls and all other ‘crystal ware.’ I use broken bits of quartz in each
TB. Whether that is suitable or not for gifting, Pedro, is still an open question, I think.
We already know that regular glass adds nothing to orgonite, of course, but you haven’t mentioned, Pedro, whether the tube was crystal or just
I don’t disagree with Kelly’s assessment of flat metal and Carol’s also seen that very finely ground metal is less suitable than optimal metal form
for personal orgonite but I have to say that when I was gifting the war-torn area of Northern Uganda with Dr Batiibwe, three years ago, we got
astonishingly good results with his orgonite, which was made from almost powdered metal that he gets in large quantity from a company in
Kampala that turns brake drums. I think there’s even a lot of asbestos in that metal.
It’s likely that what feels good or bad to a particular energy sensitive is sometimes, but certainly not always, no more significant than what
tastes bad or good to him or her. Can you imagine basing a judgement about the taste of olives or beer, for instance, on what an individual
says about that? All feelings are basically subjective, after all. This is why I always seek consensus among the psychics before I back
anyone’s specific claims or advance my own. Once in awhile they disagree, since they’re human, and maybe not all the facts are in play yet in
that case.
He’s the first Black African to have made a cloudbuster, which he did in June, 2003, and he produced such phenomenal atmospheric effects, then,
that they were reported in the media in Uganda, where there had been a HAARP-induced drought for a long time before that. As far as I know, he
used the same brake drum turnings for that cloudbuster that we used, a few months later in N Uganda.
My point is that for field work, any metal at all is more than adequate. Kelly’s a fine-tuned instrument and this has been invaluable in the research
he does and in his international-scale, very specific field work. He’s improved the quality of energy in major vortices where gifting, before, had at
least neutralized the death transmitters and basically restored the proper spin and vitality of the vortices. In that case, he used
charged-water-enhanced orgonite and I personally witnessed one of the dramatic, short term confirmations in the form of a very anomalous
Here, again, is seen the fine balance that has to be maintained between supporting virtuosi like Kelly but not delegating ‘final authority’ to any
individual, no matter how gifted he or she is. Orgonite that might feel repugnant to him, personally, is certainly more than adequate for gifting.
I don’t think much of what I make would be considered acceptable according to his standard but there’s no doubt, at least based on the results
we’ve seen, about what we’ve accomplished with that simple, crude orgonite.
Maybe the rule can be that we ought to use whatever metal for orgonite that we can conveniently find. We personally haven’t seen much
difference in terms of visual and other sensory confirmations between teh very nice aluminum turnings we get in Idaho, the funky stuff we got in
Namibia from a boatyard, the funkier stuff we got for our very first cloudbuster in Florida from a farm equipment machine shop or Doc Batiibwe’s drum
turnings. It may well be that how orgonite feels when it’s in our hand has not much bearing on what it can accomplish when it’s out in the field as long
as there’s enough metal and resin for it to be called, ‘orgonite.’
We established early on that the only function of crystals is to enable us to use less orgonite to accomplish a task. Due to the dynamics of human
nature, many assumed that crystals were the main component, perhaps because people werre already using crystals but nobody had heard of orgonite.
I stopped counting the number of times we had to put irrational claims to rest with substantive discussion after a few people started trumpeting
unsubstantiated claims among the network. In fact, Kelly was instrumental in stopping a lot of that before it did any major damage.
I know that the African gifters, who are consistently reporting the biggest confirmations, are getting it done with the least fancy components–they
mostly make field orgonite like I do, in fact, and this is also the stuff they hand out to villagers, etc., who immediately recognize the potential and
nature of the energy. That makes me wish that we Westerners were as practical. Can you see how much wheel spinning can be caused by an
innocent statement by a reputable energy sensitive? That’s sure not the sensitive’s responsibility. Then I"m in a position to look like a hard@$$ if
I offer these observations, which compounds the challenge to reach clarity in the discussion.
I hope this helps. It’s very hard not to create misunderstandings with the aficionados over this issue. DB and I used to go round and round about
this one. My point to him was that if everyone felt it was necessary to put as much fancy stuff in orgonite as he did not much gifting would get done.
He just didn’t care about this issue and I guess I can’t blame him or anyone who’s psychic for ignoring it. They just get a lot of personal pleasure
from making it that way, obviously. If I were energy sensitive I’d feel the same way, I"m sure, but I’d still repeat the simple truth that humble, even
crude orgonite is what consistently gets the big jobs done because it can be made cheaply and in large quantities at one sitting, therefore more
ground is covered, afterward. Doc Kayiwa initiates each of his gifting expeditions with at least a thousand towerbusters on hand, for instance, or ships
them to his destinations in other countries beforehand. I don’t think any of us–not even me-- have his international networking capability, yet.
More and more folks are recognizing that the arena in which the aficionados like Kelly, Carol, Ryan, DB, Cesco and a handful of others will always shine
is in designing, using and sharing customized personal orgonite. Now that more of us are spontaneously giving orgonite to our friends, family and
coworkers, the confirmations for adding fancy stuff to orgonite to achieve personal effects are probably going to come into play more and more.
Ryan McGginty has posted a lot of good advice for what stones to use for personal stuff and Cesco’s coil form has been a solid addition to the other
forms we’ve been using for this. Carol’s promised to post about some of the basic stone combinations anyone who is not sufficiently energy sensitive can
use to boost their personal orgonite, too.
Having restated all of that, I’m aware that there’s some ‘crossover’ going on. For instance, on our last visit to Yellowstone, two years ago, it seemed
appropriate to add Cesco’s coils to most of the earhpipes that we put around the huge caldera to prevent an eruption. The only fancy orgonite we
tossed in our HAARPicane busting efforts around the Florida peninsula, though, were the dolphin balls we tossed out when we met dolphins. That was
our personal gift to them. Sure, we tossed a few other fancy devices where it seemed appropriate but those were not typical. It’s the funky TBs that
Jeff and I made which accomplished the feat of stopping the HAARPicanes, in addition to whatever Dave Emmett was tossing in the sea from the other
end of the Caribbean at the time.
The few creepy people who have apparently intentionally made and sold orgonite that makes you feel a little crummy did it by specifically achieving
disharmony thru stone combinations. I’ve advised the few people who contacted me about having bought some of this stuff that Carol and I feel it’s
appropriate to toss it at death towers because the improper stone combos won’t be ‘activated’ by mixing their fields with people’s energy fields up close,
so the orgonite will just do what it’s supposed to do in the field. You might feel just as crummy if you had the stones in your
pocket, I think but it’s likely that orgonite simply enhances that energy dynamic a bit.
Remember, too, that psychics and energy sensitives feel these things more acutely, so have less tolerance for disruptivve energy than the rest of us do.
Carol and I have gifted in places that felt so horrendous to her that she couldn’t even drive the car but at the time I just felt a little ‘off,’ so we were able
to get it done. It’s been a few years since we encountered that level of DOR, though.
I think the danger of creating dogma or superstition around the claims of reputable, energy sensitive individuals, including Kelly, is almost past and
when Cesco starts posting about his latest creations, pretty soon, there will likely be another round of me posting the usual caveats but I accept the fact
that human nature includes some irrational urges such as treating individuals as though they had final authority and I hasten to repeat that these
wonderful aficionados are not responsible for those unfortunate responses to their candid statements. If/when DB starts posting here again there will
likely be another passionate round or two on this subject. If his strongly opined comments are received, here, in an irrational way I’ll celebrate our progress.
The person who urges balanced, critical thinking and dispassionate discernment has never gained favor for that in recorded history but I think that’s changing
now. I hope it is. In this new paradigm our specie have been experiencing for a few years, the entire definition of authority is undergoing a revolution and the
sudden expansion of this unorganized, global network is evidence of that. What you might not have considered is that you and I are each responsible for not
bending the knee when someone who has perceived authority makes a claim. Look at how the Depression Babies are experiencing suicide by installments at the
hands of the serial killers (MDs) just because those freaks wear white coats and have letters behind their names. We know better than to be anyone’s peanut gallery,
of course, and if I were seeking popularity I wouldn’t bring this touchy subject up in the first place.