Don Croft YouTube: Don's Musings

Andy Schwarm
Today at 01:04
Subject: Don Croft YouTube: Don’s Musings….
I had a little video left-over from the DVD, here’s the bulk of it and it’s good! Well, doesn’t look that great, YouTube sucks. The DVD is very pretty. Also, I’m hearing that the DVD plays on any DVD player in the world so I encourage off-shore orders. Cheap, $25 including shipping. You can order them from my site If your disc gives you any grief, I’ll refund all your money,

Apparently the Gestapo has already been busy wiping it off.
That’s what I got to read when I clicked the link:

“The URL contained a malformed video ID.”

Meaning: it’s gone!

Happy New Year from Johannesburg, the small mining town in Africa.


George, it’s just the url that was bad.
