Drone visit - a drone came flying by at low altitude

Don asked me to post this here. About 10 days ago, I was outside the house and a drone came flying by at low altitude, slightly higher than roof level. I looked up at it and it stopped for a few seconds up in the air right in front of me, maybe above the road that is about 25 m away. And then it flew on in a straight path until it was out of sight. I went indoors, and thought ‘What was that?’, seemed just way too purposeful for recreational flying. In, fact, I felt strongly afterwards it was Norwegian intelligence and that maybe they were steering it from a gravel parking space or a dirt road some distance away. I promptly hit them back with the powerwand, because I’m not interested in them getting that close to me.

I actually had my camera with me, because I wanted to photograph the budding leaves now in spring, but didn’t take a photo of the drone. I’m typically too dumbfounded to take a picture when something like that happens. Last time I experienced overt intimidation was on a gifting trip last year into a valley near Oslo, and four green military helicopters flew by quite low. Never seen anything like it, and I do have regrets I don’t have a photo of that.

This drone visit came around after I had done some etheric work, which I don’t actually remember what it was, except that it was significant (so much has happened). On Sunday I did a gifting at a former military grounds further south of where I live , step by step I think this will be better.


Thanks for telling about that, Frode. Most of the drones that we see, now, are flown remotely through the cameras on them but the range is not great so the pilot needs to be fairly close, as you say.

You mentioned that the rules for drone flying are specific in Norway and they’re not to be flown below 150 meters above people. Over here there are also specific rules but they only seem to apply to people who want a license to use drones for commercial purposes.

I assume they use satellites and/or high-altitude drones to surveil you so this just looks like intimidation to me.

I’ve never been visited by low-flying helicopters since I posted a notice in 2002 that I keep a crossbow and a roll of surveyor tape at hand to shoot one down Cool --like our etheric warfare, this is a peaceful solution because the surveyor tape allegedly gets wound up in the rotor and forces the pilot to land nearby. I think DB told me about that.

This is evidently a similarly peaceful way to bring down a drone: http://tshirtgun.com/ and it occurred to me that I could use my paintball gun, too, if the opportunity arises. It has a longer, rifled barrel for increased accuracy Wink.

There was a helicopter visit near us in January but it didn’t fly over us. It was a very quiet but large and expensive one and it landed on the end of the runway, which is about 200 yards from our hangar. The neighbor whom I’ve always suspected of being a fed mole came out and escorted two fellows, carrying heavy toolbags, into his home which is the closest to the landing spot. I think the chopper would have landed on his property if there weren’t deep snow at the time. The runway had been plowed.

It’s no secret that only the federal predatory agencies and the military have quiet helicopters. It was a nice confirmation for me that the fellow is CIA and is in place to discourage personal aviation at this privately-owned airstrip condominium, where we rent a house and hangar. I gifted his property and the surrounding area soon after we got here, ten years ago, and at the time this airstrip had developed a reputation in the region for being socially poisonous. That fellow was a board member at the time, which is not surprising, and he actively campaigned to get me kicked out–no kidding. It’s taken a lot of years but now he’s a pariah here on account of his own poisonous behavior and the airport hosts fly-ins every year that are well-attended.

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