Dropping Internet/Social Media Use

I’ve decided I’m not going to send whole articles as attachments each time…let me know anytime if you want the latest version. I’ll publish them occasionally as I make progress.

The articles are going to get a lot better, later, in that they’ll have introductions, and pictures, and quotes.

These are what are referred to as the “bones” of the story.

I’m excited about the format, because I believe the articles already exhaustively prove their simple points. In this case, “internet and social media use is dropping, because the populace has recognized that Technology has been weaponized against it.” And “a corrupt, unified Establishment is denying and obfuscating this trend.”

Here’s “Dropping Internet/Social Media Use”


In February 2013, the Atlantic said “Quitters Never Win: The Costs of Leaving Social Media ”.

Where, just a year or so into the collapse of the great Ponzi scheme known as “Technology”, the Mouthpiece of the State “The Atlantic” has written a hit-piece to try to confine technology’s collapse merely to “ Social Media ”. It’s what propagandists refer to as a lightning-rod, also known since ancient times as a scapegoat.

In November 2013, thefederalist.com explained “Facebook Etiquette: Why Quitting Social Media Is a Losing Proposition”.

Where the Mouthpiece of the State “the Federalist” tries to “compartmentalize” technology’s collapse simply to “ social media ”. And perhaps even get you to not ditch any of it.

In August 2016, the U.K.’s The Sun asked “ANTI-SOCIAL Why did Justin Bieber quit Instagram ? Here are 6 other celebrities who left social media from Zayn Malik to Nicki Minaj”.

Celebrities, ah, mirth, is there anything they can’t do?

The Sun attributed the celebrity withdrawal to “ social media spats” and “ overwhelming negativity ”. Can you see how there’s pointedly no mention of any concern for their mental or physical health? And can you see how it’s social media, specifically, that’s being demonized?

In August 2015 Wired said “I’m Quitting Social Media to Learn What I Actually Like”. It’s a hit-piece, written to try to confine technology’s collapse merely to “ Social Media ”. It’s what propagandists refer to as a lightning-rod, also known since ancient times as a scapegoat.

You can see that the various Mouthpieces of the State are using the same message and technique, down through time, while pretending that they are not fellow conspirators.

In October 2015, BuzzFeed said “Every Day I Want To Quit Social Media ”. Not “the Internet”. Not “my Fox News Addiction”. As has been seen with all of the other State propaganda outlets, only the meme “ social media ” is mentioned.

In November 2016, CBS smiled ingratiatingly to soften up the rube, slapped the reader on the back and asked “ Good Question: Why Is It So Hard To Quit Social Media?

Where the Mouthpiece of the State “CBS” tries to “compartmentalize” technology’s collapse simply to “social media”.

The time that Millennials spent online dropped 2.3% from 2016 to 2017.

The number of U.S. Facebook users in the 12- to 17-year-old demographic dropped 9.9% from 2017 to 2018. That’s almost three times the decline expected.

In 2017, Google, Twitter and Facebook workers who helped make technology so addictive were disconnecting themselves from the internet.

In 2017, Israelis were “logging out of high-tech jobs for a life offline”.

Influencers were “turning away” from Snapchat in 2017.

An article from 2017 said “How Social Media is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect at Any Cost

They’re trying to posture as if the problem is sociological, vs. physical, nay, spiritual. If they turned off social media and kept their connection to the Internet live the Death energy would be delivered to them, just the same. This is a hit-piece, written five years into the collapse, trying to stop it from sweeping away every last bit of technology by specifically demonizing “ social media ”.

A SpiceUKOnline article from 2017 said “Quitting Social Media Isn’t Brave, It’s Narcissistic”.

Again, “ Social Media ”. It’s the scapegoat. Keep checking the weather and watching the news online, though.

In January 2017, harpersbazaar.com said “ More people want to quit social media than smoking in 2017.”

That same month, Harper’s asked “ Is 2017 the Year We All Quit Social Media ?”

Harper’s is Mouthpiece of the State, driving the herd to ditch one demonized sub-section of the overall-deadly Online Universe.

That same month, the U.K.’s The Independent asked “Is quitting social media the key to millennial happiness?”

You can see how the message is the same, in different nations, and how the propaganda campaign proceeds in lock step regardless of national boundary.

The Independent is a Mouthpiece of the State, driving the herd to ditch one demonized sub-section of the overall-deadly Online Universe.

In February 2017, fastcompany.com furrowed it’s brow earnestly, put it’s arm around your shoulder and explained “How To Quit Your Social Media Addiction (Even If It’s Part Of Your Job)”.

Wait, what about my Fantasy Football addiction? Or my shoe shopping addiction?

Fastcompany.com hasn’t mentioned those because it is an Organ of the State who has written a hit-piece to try to confine technology’s collapse merely to “ Social Media ”.

In March 2017, dariusforoux.com sneered “If Social Media Makes You Feel Bad, Quit Using It ”.

What, binge-watching Zombie shows doesn’t make you feel bad? Ruining your life because you’re addicted to online shopping doesn’t make you feel bad?

Darius Foroux is a Mouthpiece of the State. He was charged with writing this hit-piece five years into the collapse, trying to stop it from sweeping away every last bit of technology by specifically demonizing “ social media ”.

In May 2017, Tonic said “There Are Easier Ways to Feel Better Than Quitting Social Media”.

Strict compartmentalization. “Tonic” is a State propaganda outlet, parroting the party line, trying to confine technology’s collapse merely to “Social Media”.

In July 2017, yahoo.com said “Ed Sheeran Clarifies Comments About Quitting Social Media : 'I’m Just Not Reading Anything’.”

The Internet is deadly regardless of what you are doing on it.

In July 2017, pinterest.com asked “ Does quitting social media make you happier? Yes, here’s why.”

Where the Mouthpiece of the State “pinterest” has written a hit-piece to try to confine technology’s collapse merely to “ Social Media ”.

In July 2017, the Washington Post said “Rory McIlroy goes from Twitter feud to quitting social media altogether”.

Where the Mouthpiece of the State has stated that the celebrity withdrawal was because of “a Twitter feud”. No mention of Rory having any concern for physical or mental damage, and a strict compartmentalization of the withdrawal to “social media”. It’s “What To Think”.

Facebook, Netflix and Nvidia dropped 4.5% “or more” in September 2017.

In September 2017, the New York Post said “Facebook shares drop on worries about Russian ad s”.

Where the Mouthpiece of the State has put forward a false plausible-deniability excuse, “ worries about Russian ads ”, as a cover for the collapse of broader collapse of technology that I’m documenting here.

“68% of Americans either quit or took a break from social media in 2019”.

Wait, what about the Internet? Or online gambling? Or binge-watching Zombie shows?

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, July 24, 2020

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