"Dropping Trust in Pharmaceuticals" from "Positive Changes That Are Occurring" by Jeff Miller


Great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012, and have been increasing in speed and magnitude. I began writing this series of articles, entitled “Positive Changes That Are Occurring”, in July of 2013.

These historically-unprecedented positive changes are being driven by many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices based on the work of Wilhelm Reich and Karl Hans Welz.

Since Don Croft first fabricated the first simple, inexpensive tactical Orgonite devices in 2000, their widespread, ongoing and ever-increasing distribution has been unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix built and expanded by our dark masters, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before. And, as a result, the Ether is returning to its natural state of health and vitality.

So, while it’s not the most positive time right now in a number of ways, there are still gigantic positive changes taking place on a societal level that dwarf the negativities we’re currently experiencing. And one of them is that the populace has recognized that Pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against it.

You know that popular sleeping pills such as Ambien and Restoril increase the risk of early death by 500%, right?

Western Pharmaceuticals are basically either ripoffs of naturally occurring cures, or out and out placebo scams.

For example, aspirin is derived from the bark of several varieties of willow trees, and was and is known as salicin. I only rarely take aspirin, and, in those cases, it works as advertised, because I don’t overuse it chronically. You know, like the Doctors say you should, “to prevent heart attack”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “surprised”. That’s why a Mayo Clinic article says “You might be surprised to learn that stopping daily aspirin therapy can have a rebound effect that may increase your risk of heart attack.”

The folks in charge are not your friends, and are lying to you about basically everything, including Aspirin.

You know that antidepressant use increases the risk for death from any cause by 33% and the risk for new cardiovascular events by 14%, right?

The populace is rediscovering that food is medicine, and that Pharma is basically quackery, here now 150 years on from the “snake oil salesmen” selling patent medicine. Awareness is inexorably rising because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the ether.

A 2012 study linked popular sleeping pills such as Ambien and Restoril with a nearly five-fold increased risk of early death.

Baxter BioPharma Solutions sales decreased 4% in the second quarter of 2014, year over year. Outsourcing Pharma.com said it was due to “a fall in demand for contract manufacturing services.”

Can you see how “fall” and “contract MANUFACTURING services” are both general? What is there less demand for? How much less demand is there? Why is there now ’less’ demand? And, by the way, “fall” is also a reference the fallen Lord Lucifer.

In September 2014, actuary.com said “Over the last few years, Medicare patients have been using fewer expensive medical services, particularly hospital care and prescription drugs.”

There’s no explanation in the article as to why some only-general number of Medicare patients has been using some unelaborated upon lower number of expensive medical services, including hospital care and prescription drugs. That’s to avoid saying that the populace has recognized that Western medicine has been weaponized against it.

Now, please understand, I’m not talking about surgery, which is an amazing art and science, which I’m proud to say that my wife practices. I’m talking about some Pharma bullshit.

The revenue of MedTech, a manufacturer and distributor of pharmaceutical products, dropped 26% from 2015 to 2016.

A Wall Street Journal story from February 2016, about decreasing Pharma sales at Teva, said “Sales fell across its generic and specialty segments.”

AstraZeneca’s pharmaceutical sales in the U.S. dropped 20% from 2016 to 2017.

Sun Pharma’s profit decreased 14% in the fourth quarter of 2016. Bloomberg said it was due to “lower sales in the US, its biggest market”.

In October 2016, the desperately-named fiercepharma.com truthfully said “Drugmakers prowl willing markets for animal antibiotics as U.S. sales fall”.

In December 2016, Bloomerg Gadfly said “Pharma’s Pricing Troubles Will Get Worse in 2017”.

“Pricing troubles” makes it seem like they forgot how to use the price tag gun, or something. It’s a smoke-screen for “catastrophically dropping demand will drop even more catastrophically in 2017.”

Remember, when cons collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

Valeant Pharmaceuticals revenue decreased 8% in 2017. Reuters said it was due to “drug price pressure and fewer prescriptions”.

The ruse that’s always played is “increased competition from generics”. Here, it’s revealed that people are simply filling some obfuscated fewer number of prescriptions, for an undisclosed reason.

That undisclosed reason being that the populace has recognized that Pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.

In January 2017, NCPA.org’s Health Policy Blog pretended to be excited by saying “PPI: Pharma Prices Are Dropping***!”***

In January 2017, LinkedIn bravely tried to prop up the already-collapsing pharmaceutical market with “Saudi Arabia - Does Pharma market in KSA really face a challenge in 2017***?***”

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals net sales decreased 9% in the second quarter of 2017, year-over-year. Biospace said it was “primarily due to inventory stocking in the second quarter of 2016”. That’s a half-truth, in that Jazz does, indeed have a bunch of unsold patent medicine and snake oil sitting unsold on the shelves from the previous year.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. Two of those variants are “special” and “interesting”. That’s why a PharmaLive article from February 2017 is headlined “Special Feature: Interesting times for pharma sales reps”.

The article goes on to say that “Also, cutting health spending budgets are causing a slowdown in pharmaceutical sales growth”.

Where “cutting health spending budgets” is a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward because the propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

“Slowdown in growth” is Mil-speak for “catastrophically dropping sales”. There are no specific figures, which is another example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

In February 2017, Reuters said “Sun Pharma’s profits drop as U.S. sales hit by pricing, supply issues”.

Where “drop” is general. You can’t get any idea of how much they dropped. “Pricing, supply issues” is also general. Those are both example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article continues: “Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India’s largest drugmaker, reported its first fall in quarterly profits in a year on Tuesday, as pricing issues and supply constraints affected sales in the United States, its largest market.

“Pricing issues and supply constraints” are, once again, general. As you may recall, generality is a hallmark of propaganda. They’re plausible-deniability excuses, put forward because the propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Prices are dropping because demand for pharmaceuticals is decreasing. The author described a “fall” in quarterly profits because it’s general. You can’t get any idea of the scope of the decrease. “Fall” was also used because it’s softer than “drop” and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

Since the article doesn’t say “makers of the name-brand drugs X and Y”, we may discern that Sun Pharma deals mainly in generics. This exposes the ruse the “competition from generics” is driving down Pharma sales.

Reuters is an Organ of the State, doing what it can to enforce the international news blackout that is in place on the wholesale collapse of the pharmaceutical market.

In February 2017, Newsweek brazenly claimed “Trump’s Plan for Lowering Big Pharma Drug Prices Comes at a High Price”.

With the pharmaceutical market in wholesale collapse due to generally increasing awareness of the deadly nature of the products, the folks in charge are pretending they’re cutting you a break. How they must laugh.

“We have to get prices down,” the president said in his public introduction. “We have no choice.

I live in a country where people believe this shit. But maybe that’s because no one ever explained what was going on to them, before. The great news is that fingering a con artist is not a magical power, and at least some subset of people get with it instantly once a swindler has been pointed out. While another significant but decreasing segment of the population is so heavily programmed and schizoid that they dissociate immediately upon taking in the information.

That’s because many or most are eager to grasp any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Newsweek is a Mouthpiece of the state, doing what it can to support the international news blackout that is in place on the collapse of the pharmaceuticals confidence game. You know that much of the positive that pharmaceuticals provide is due to the placebo effect, right?

A Trusted Authority Figure makes an impression on the subconscious. It’s at the heart of the Hawaiian Huna philosophy, and was used for good by a wide majority of Huna practitioners, but was twisted to the dark side by a small, deviant subset of Black Kahuna’s who brought the Death cult from Tahiti to Hawaii. Pa’ao, who brought the human sacrifice cult, was said to be “light skinned”.

A Financial Gazette article from April 2017 is headlined “MedTech suffers revenue decline”.

Where “decline” was used because it’s softer then drop or decrease, and even more importantly because it’s general. You can’t get any idea of the scope of the drop. It’s an example of the use of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

The article continues: “MedTech, a manufacturer and distributor of pharmaceutical products, also bemoaned falling demand for its wide range of pharmaceutical and beauty products. STRUGGLING pharmaceutical company, MedTech Holdings’s fortunes suffered after the company recorded a 26 percent revenue drop to US$9,8 million during the year to December 31, 2016, from US$13,2 million in the prior year.”

The going-out-of-business 26% year-over-year decrease in sales was described only-generally in the headline as a “revenue decline”.

Where demand was said to be “falling” because it’s softer than “decreasing” or “dropping”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

The Financial Gazette is a State propaganda outlet, doing what it can to support the international news blackout that is in place on the collapse of the pharmaceutical market.

In April 2017, AstraZeneca said “Qq1 2017 Results announcement”.

Where “results announcement” is completely general. That’s an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”. The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

The article is, in fact, about a going-out-of-business level drop in pharmaceutical sales. The article continues: “Sales in the US, falling by 20% to $8m, declined as a result of unfavourable pricing, despite an increase in volume demand.”

Where “falling” was used because it’s softer than “dropping” and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

And where “unfavourable pricing” is a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward to keep you from grasping that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

AstraZeneca is doing what it can to adhere to the international news blackout that is in place on this subject.

In May 2017, Reuters said “Sun Pharma says 2018 sales may fall as US market gets tougher”

The implication is that only the US market has gotten tougher. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The word “tougher” is general. It’s used to blunt any specific insight into the magnitude of the trend. The author has once again “compartmentalized” the phenomenon, as sixty to seventy readers only read the headlines, as the propagandist well knows.

The word “fall” was because it’s it’s softer than “drop”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer. But the main reason it was used is because it’s general. The international news blackout that is in place on this subject forbids the use of any statistics in headlines that would provide insight into the magnitude of the trend I’m documenting here.

In November 2017, shares of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals decreased 20%. They said it was due to “falling prices of generics in the U.S. market and weakening sales of its multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone, which fell 7 percent in the third quarter in the United States.”

“Falling” and “Fell” were used because they’re softer than “dropping” or “decreased”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

In May 2017, pfizer.com said “Pfizer’s first-quarter sales drop 2 percent, missing targets.”

Where “missing” is general. You can’t get any idea of how much they missed them by, or why it ‘missed’ them. That’s an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article continues: “CEO Ian Read commented “I was pleased with our first-quarter 2017 financial performance, which was in line with our expectations.” Where Ian is using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. He was not pleased, and the performance was not in line with expectations, but rather missed performance targets by some obfuscated degree for some equally obfuscated reason.

pfizer.com is a State propaganda outlet, trying their best to spin the news so that you don’t recognize the magnitude of the trend, or even that the trend exists, at all.

The trend that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.

In May 2017, Forbes said “Amid 'Rebuilding Year,’ CVS Drugstore Sales Drop”.

Where “drop” is general. You can’t get any idea of the scope of the drop, or why it occurred. It’s an example of the use of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

The article goes on to say “Sales fell across its generic and specialty segments.”

Can you see how they omitted the word “drug” under the false guise of familiarity? That’s to make the subject less searchable. It’s another example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The author used “fell” because it’s general. You can’t get any idea of the scope of the drop, or why it occurred. It’s an example of the use of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. “Fell” was also used because it’s softer than “decreased”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

A Wall Street Journal story from 2016, on dropping phamra sales at Teva, said “Sales fell across its generic and specialty segments.” It’s exactly the same verbiage. It’s how the international news blackout on the subject says you have to say it. And it’s proof that, yes, there is Some Big Conspiracy.

Both Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are State propaganda organs, using identical verbiage, techniques and tactics to blunt and defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why the article goes on to say “The number of parents questioning the safety of vaccines, the ingredients used, and the expanding 70-dose CDC schedule is growing, and medical organizations are trying to understand why”.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those variants is “uncertain”. That’s why an evaluate.com article from June 2017 said “Total Worldwide Drug Sales Forecast To Fall As Uncertainty Hits”.

They used “fall” because it’s general, and because it’s softer than decrease, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

They used “uncertainty” because it’s general, and a misdirection. Generally rising awareness leading to a growing public reluctance to buy deadly products is the driver of dropping drug sales, not “uncertainty”, as falsely alleged.

For the first time in a decade consensus forecasts for worldwide drug sales have fallen short of the previous year’s total. Prescription sales in 2022 are expected to hit $1.06trn, a drop from the $1.12trn predicted in 2016.”

They’ve provide the numbers, but carefully hedged by omitting the far more impactful percentage decrease between them. The general “fallen short” is used in place of a specific statistic. That’s an example of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. So I had to do the math. It’s a 6% decrease.

Evaluate is a State propaganda organ, doing what they can to blunt and defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.

In June 2017, the Atlantic said “Most doctors don’t trust drug company research”.

Where “MOST doctors” is general. The international news blackout that is in place on this subject forbids the use of statistics that would provide specific insight into the magnitude of the trend I’m documenting here.

Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, it goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” the phenomenon.

The article continues: “Even doctors don’t believe the drug companies. Around 80 per cent say medical research is skewed and can’t be trusted, a new survey has found.”

Can you see how the author walked it back from “don’t trust drug company research” in the headline to “don’t believe the drug companies” in the body text? In each case, the lack of trust is unspecified. Only at the last do they cough up the statistic, 80%. My guess is that 20% of M.D.’s are generational Satanists, and voted party line on the survey.

Trust is one thing, and belief is totally another. They walked it from the concrete to the abstract, taking the conversation to the area of the snake oil religion we’re discussing here.

The author put “a new SURVEY has found” on the end to give the subconscious of the Coincidence Theorist the green light to say “oh, but that was just one study!”

The propagandist knows that many or most readers are eager to grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Confidence games, or “cons”, for short, are swindles in which a self-described con “artist” first puts on fair guise and then proceeds to take advantage of some wholly-credulous, trusting “rube” who doesn’t know well enough to look past appearances. This huge drop in trust in Pharmaceuticals signals the end of the confidence game.

In June 2017, pharmaceuticalcommerce.com said “EvaluatePharma’s look ahead: 2022 global pharma sales will hit $1.06 trillion”.

That’s a broad, boring, general statement. The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

It’s a smoke-cloud to cover the collapsing pharmaceutical market.

Something of a sea change occurred between the annual forecast made by EvaluatePharma last year, and this year’s: then, the company predicted 2017 global sales to be $822 billion; now, it projects $774 billion, up only 0.8% from the year before.”

The propagandist at Pharmaceutical Commerce spun it as positively as they could, to gymnastically avoid saying “EvaluatePharma downgrades forecast by 9.4%”. And it’s a lie made up out of whole cloth - they picked the $774 billion number so that they wouldn’t have to predict a loss.

Pharmaceutical Commerce is a State-sponsored propaganda outlet, doing their part within the larger news blackout that is in place on the subject of the collapsing pharmaceutical market.

In July 2017, Bigtincan asked “Can AI Improve Sales Productivity in Pharma***?***”

That’s some “don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out” shit, right there. They probably mean they want it to make up numbers that pretend the sales drop isn’t happening.

In July 2017, thepharmaletter.com said “J&J jumps as earnings exceed forecasts, but pharma sales drop”.

They’ve done what they could to hedge by leading with the good news, and using the general “drop” to describe the decrease. The latter is an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”. The author knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

You have to read the article to learn that “Pharma, J&J’s largest business, dipped by 0.2% to $8.6 billion compared to a year ago. This has partly been blamed on a positive adjustment of US rebate accruals in the second quarter of 2016, which did not repeat in the second quarter of 2017.”

“A positive adjustment of US rebate accruals” is some fantastic Mil-speak. What does that even mean? It’s pure bullshit. It didn’t repeat in the second quarter because a gigantic whopper of a lie like that can’t be used serially. It’s a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward because the propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The Pharma Letter is a State-sponsored propaganda outlet, doing what they can to blunt and defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.

In August 2017, Fortune said “Pharma Giant Teva’s Stock Is Imploding As Generic Drugs Get Cheaper”.

Where “imploding”, while lurid, and accurate, is general. You can’t get any idea of the scope of the drop. It’s an example of the use of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”. The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

“Cheaper generic drugs” is a ruse, a half-truth, a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward because the propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility. The generics have gotten cheaper because of drastically dropping demand.

The article goes on to say “That gamble failed to pay off as generic drugmakers began seeing their profit margins squeezed due to a drop in prices.”

The only-generally described “drop” in prices is driven in part by increased competition. But the lion’s share of the drop is taking place because the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against it. The bottom has fallen out of the pharmaceutical market, and there’s an international news blackout in place on the subject.

The article goes on to say “The stock slumped the most in almost two decades”. It’s another only-general descriptor, put forward to keep you from discerning the scope of the decrease. That’s an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Fortune is a Mouthpiece of the State, doing what they can to blunt and defray awareness of the fact that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against it.

In September 2017, medscape said “Antidepressants Tied to a Significantly Increased Risk for Death”.

Where “SIGNIFICANTLY increased” is general. The international news blackout that is in place on this subject forbids the use of any statistics in headlines that would provide insight into the magnitude of the trend I’m documenting here.

Since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, it goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” the phenomenon.

“Increased risk FOR death” is a hedge, positive spin against the stronger “Increased risk OF death”.

“Antidepressants TIED TO” puts antidepressants in the position of the victim, unwillingly carried along or associated with the only-generally-described increased risk FOR death.

The article continues: “The investigators assessed the effects of antidepressants on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in general-population and cardiovascular-patient samples in a meta-analysis that included 17 relevant studies. In general-population samples, antidepressant use increased the risk for death from any cause by 33% (hazard ratio [HR], 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.14 - 1.55) and the risk for new cardiovascular events by 14% (HR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.08 - 1.21).”

We can now see that the headline used the general “SIGNIFICANTLY increased” as a hedge against the specific “Antidepressants increased death by a third”.

In October 2017, Bloomberg said “Biosims Drive Down Roche Sales in Europe”.

Where “competition from biosimilars” is a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward to keep you from grasping that the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them. The author says that sales have been “driven down”, and that sales “dropped”, but the article contains no information as to the scope. That’s an example of a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”.

Bloomberg is a Mouthpiece of the state, doing what it can to support the international news blackout that is in place on this subject.

In October 2017, merck.com published an article headlined “Merck Announces Third-Quarter 2017 Financial Results”.

Can you see how that headline is completely neutral? What, pray, did they announce?

The propagandist knows that sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines.

You have to read the article to learn that “Third-Quarter 2017 Worldwide Sales Were $10.3 Billion, a Decrease of 2 Percent”. Annualized, that would be an 8% drop, in just one year. That’s huge, a sea change, a going-out-of-business metric.

The article goes on to say that “the pharmaceutical sales decline was largely driven by the loss of U.S. market exclusivity for ZETIA (ezetimibe) in late 2016 and VYTORIN (ezetimibe/simvastatin) in April 2017, medicines for lowering LDL cholesterol.”

Where “loss of U.S. market exclusivity” is a ruse, a half-truth, a plausible-deniability excuse to keep your eyes off the larger trend I’m elucidating here. Oh, and by the way, it also shows that the public is rejecting the cholesterol lowering medications that make you die of heart disease more quickly than if you hadn’t taken them. People with high cholesterol levels live longer than people with low cholesterol levels.

A Medscape article from August 2017 is headlined “Doctors Say Info From Pharma Reps Is Stale”.

The article goes on to say that “According to the survey, 64% of physicians said they’d met with pharmaceutical sales reps over the past 6 months. This seems to represent a significant drop in the percentage of doctors who meet with these reps, Dr Abramson said.”

If you believe that the beautiful young women representing pharmaceutical firms are suddenly traveling around with outdated sales literature, there’s a bridge for sale here in Brooklyn that I think it would profit you to look at. The general “Doctors” described in the headline aren’t putting off the sales reps because of “stale product information”, as falsely alleged, but rather because the bottom has dropped out of the pharmaceutical market.

“Stale product information” is a plausible-deniability excuse, put forward because the propagandist knows that the subconscious of many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The drop in doctors who meet with Pharma reps was only-generally described as “significant”. Medscape’s refusal to provide data on the trend is an example of a propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”. They’ve spun it the way they have to avoid saying “almost 40% of physicians have not met with a Pharma rep in the last six months.”

“Medscape” is a State-sponsored propaganda outlet, trying their best to spin the news so that you don’t recognize the magnitude of the trend, or even that the trend exists, at all.

In November 2017, Barron’s did what little they could to hedge by saying “Why Teva Pharma Could Fall Another 50%”.

Their explanation as to why that catastrophic, historically-unprecedented, going-out-of-business drop was taking place did not include “the populace has recognized that pharmaceuticals have been weaponized against them.”

Sanofi’s 1st-qtr income dropped 10.7% in Q1 2018. Annualized, that would be a 40% decrease in revenue. That’s a gigantic change, a wholesale change, a sea change.

In January 2018, MarketWatch explained “Why 2018 is a make-or-break year for pharma”.

February 1, 2018, smarteranalyst.com said “Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (ADR) Is Under Siege; How Will Rising Competition Play Out in 2018?”

The author used the word “rising” because it’s general, and because it’s softer than “increasing”, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the Atonist Black-Sun cult that’s ruled things in all the nations, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

The tirelessly-utilized “increased competition” ruse is used to obscure the fact that the populace has figured out that the products don’t do much actual good, and are, rather harmful in many or most cases. Leading to exponentially decreasing demand for those products.

In February 2018, FirstWorld Pharma said “Sanofi signals return to growth in 2018”.

Where “Sanofi signals” is not only hypothetical, and general, but is also an alliterative repetition of the “S” rune of the Salamander bloodline.

Well, if Sanofi signaled a return to growth in 2018, what’s up with the pharmaletter.com article from April 2018 that reads “Sanofi’s 1st-qtr 2018 hit by falling sales – Business net income down 10.7%, EPS down 9.9%”?”

What’s up with it is that it proves that both smarteranalyst.com and Sanofi are lying pathologically. That’s what State-controlled Media organs do. They use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

The author used “falling” sales to position Sanofi as a victim, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

In July 2018, dtcperspectives.com said “Consumer Trust in Pharma Drops 13% Over Past Year”.

The article went on to say “The American public’s trust level in pharmaceutical companies fell 13%, dropping down to 38% in 2018 compared to 2017, accord to Edelman’s recently released Edelman Trust Barometer.”

Where the author used “fell” to position Sanofi as a victim, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

According to the report, the “pharma industry [is being] blamed for high cost of drugs and aggressive marketing of opioids as addiction reaches epidemic levels”.”

Read another way, American trust in pharmaceutical companies decreased from 51% in 2017 to 38% in 2018, a drop of 13%. A near supermajority of Americans distrusted pharmaceutical companies in 2018.

I think this latest round of weaponized gene therapy treatments purported to protect against the Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans will be the end of them. Coincidence Theorists may wish to insert the word “Covid vaccine” to preserve current programming levels.

The article continues: “Steve Weiss, Senior Vice President at Edelman, writes on Edelman’s website that “This makes pharma companies the least-trusted healthcare industry in the U.S., far lower than hospitals/clinics (70% trust), consumer health (56%), biotech/life sciences (55%) and insurance (46%).” One way to combat this, Weiss suggests, is by partnering with advocacy groups. Such partnerships will add to credibility, especially if the advocacy group is a member of the National Health Council, which has a stringent set of accountability and ethical standards.”

They’re going to straighten up and stop lacking ethics, they promise! What a grand time we live in.

In the future, elementary school children will be unable to conceive that such a farce could have been perpetrated. Indeed, at the present time, 38% of the populace still believe that pharmaceutical companies possess ethics, and, further, believe in the lifeless, mechanistic model that drives their treatment methods.

In August 2018, Bloomberg said “Teva Plunges as U.S. Sales Drop Amid Generic Price Erosion”

Where “plunges” was used because it’s general, and because it’s lurid, and lastly as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

The article says “Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. plummeted the most in six months… and that 2018 sales might decline as much as 18 percent from a year earlier.”

Where “plummeted” was used because it’s general, and because it’s lurid, and lastly as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

In 2020, Americans viewed drugmakers more negatively than more than 20 other industries polled, including oil, banking and the federal government, with pharma’s net favorability rating reaching an all-time low in the survey’s 19-year history.